V3E4: Contingencies

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If it wouldn't have hurt so damned much, Hope would be punching a  wall at the current. It seemed that Oz had well and truly become a  complete dead end.

"To think he would give up on the mission his god gave him."

Hope paused, before remembering how much of a cunt his own god had been and the similarities in how useless both the God of Light and Adonai were.

Well, post-Old Testament Adonai anyway.

Hope sighed.

"No, it's not just about the gods..."

It's also about someone he once loved so much.

"Would I have given up as well?" He questioned himself. "Spending an eternity failing, only to get back up and try again?"

In his heart of hearts, he knew he probably wouldn't. If anything, he'd probably become a colossal asshole in Ozpin's shoes instead of a quitter. Well,  more of one anyways.

The otherwordly seer kept rolling down the halls of the student dorms, passing through the silhouette of some couple walking hand in hand. He opened the door to his dorm and went straight to his desk, leaving the door to slowly close behind him with a  click. On his desk was his sheathed blade, Shatterslash. Even encased in its leathery holdings, the cracks in the blade still glowed slightly as the soft hums of many fold voices whistled a disjointed note. Hope freed it of its leather holdings, its usual disjunction unifying into a  harmonious song. He laid in on the desk, just listening to Shatterslash's choir. Suddenly, it played a familiar tone. A triumphant shout of defiance against insurmountable odds before facing further dangers.

"Wait, I know that one." Hope hummed. "That's the one when I killed that one Alpha."

Hope felt his whole shoulder sting, the long fangs of the beast still a fresh memory in his mind and body.

"Glad I gutted the fucker..."

Lifting his blade to the light of the dark yellow sun peering through his window, Hope admired the work Muramasa put into his blade.

"It still bugs me how you just... Appeared, when I needed you."

The blade's song changed, this time turning into the determined whistle of a driven madman unwilling to stop his single-minded pursuit. Not born from any wicked intent, but of devotion. Of refusing to fail, sense be damned. Hope nodded, not quite getting what the song meant but somewhat understanding the emotion behind it. Stricken with curiosity, a question burgeoned in his mind.

"Do you..." He paused, rephrasing his thoughts. "Does a part of you, remember me? From before you took your current form."

The song stopped completely, the blade becoming unusually silent. The lights disappeared, save for one fragment of the shattered metal tapestry. A part of the core shined through the unnatural steel. The shard of the core sang dully a miserable, regretful drone. Hope gently rubbed the blade with a nearby oiled cloth as he shushed the blade.

"No more tears. I know you weren't thinking at the time." He reassured. "There's nothing you could have done."

The drone continued, its pathetic whine turning sorrowful at the knowledge that it was useless at the time.

"What's done is done." He smiled. "I know you won't ever fail me again."

The drone stopped, the blade silent for a scant moment, before singing back to life. Yes, never again shall it leave his side, never again will it let itself be used against him.

Never again shall it fail him.

A  knock at the door interrupted the blade, its lights along with its song falling to silence. Hope sighed through his nose, knowing who was on the other side of the door.

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