V2E13: The Morning After

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Ironwood stood over Opzin's desk, his head hung low. Ozpin sat at his desk, non-plussed that his fellow headmaster was still having his meltdown. Glynda busied herself by brewing coffee. Penny stood in the corner, nervously eyeing the irate general.

"They were here..." His voice shot up in volume as he slammed his fist on the table. "THEY WERE RIGHT BLOODY HERE!"

Penny winced at the older man's rage. She never did like seeing people upset, much less angry. Ozpin blinked impassively.

"I am aware of that, James. Thank you for the reminder."

"Fantastic! You're aware!" Ironwood yelled sarcastically before slamming his hands down on the desk, glaring at the old wizard. "Now, are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!"

The characteristic jingle of the arriving elevator interrupted the furious general's tirade. The doors parted, revealing Ruby and Anon. Ruby looked to her companion with concern and seeing as he looked like a damned zombie, I'm pretty sure it's warranted. Ruby looked to the assembled adult with an awkward smile.

"G-good morning..."

Anon made a guttural noise that resembled a greeting but sounded more like an ancient swear in practice. Ruby scratched the back of her scalp.

"Friend Ruby!" Penny exclaimed, happy that someone less tense had arrived.

Ruby waved cheerily before looking back at the adults.

"Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here." She paused, avoiding eye contact with the trio of teachers. "It wasn't me."

Ozpin and Glynda looked at Hope as he blinked one eye at a time. Penny approached and pocked his face, expecting a reaction that he wasn't currently able to act on. Glynda sighed before pouring her fellow sufferer a cup o' joe. Anon eyed the cup for a moment before weakly grabbing it and downing it. He was too slow in swallowing the content and the burning liquid overflowed unto his face. He reflexively threw the cup to the floor, screaming in pain.


He fanned his burning face rapidly with the artificial girl's help as Ozpin proceeded to chuckle at his expense.

"Hard night, mister Hope?"

Anon swished some water that Glynda gracefully brought him. He mentally thanked the kind goddess for her ice-cold gift. He swallowed his mouthful with a groan.

"Fuck off, old man." He held his temple. "Just because I have a hangover doesn't mean I'll take your shit lying down."

"Do you ever take what I say without complaining?"

"I know better." Hope scoffed.

Ozpin shook his head.

"Anyhow," He turned to Ruby. "Thank you for coming, miss Rose. How are you feeling?"

She shrugged dejectedly.

"Okay, I guess." She said non-committaly. "I'd feel better if my bad-guy-catching record wasn't zero-for-three."

The adults blinked, she sucked on her teeth in response.

"Ok, this is the mood we're going for."

A still very hungover Anon rested his head on top of his diminutive friend's own. He cradled her head like a comforter. He groaned painfully as his head ached and his stomach churned. He whined pitifully as he cuddled Ruby.

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