Apocrypha: Gin Cocktail

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Exam season is over at last. Now sat at their table, RWBY and JNPR breathed a sigh of relief at finally being done with exams after exams. They each opened their result sleaves and pulled out their grade note. Those who were expected to do well, namely Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Ren and Anon indeed succeeded. Those who were expected to fail, I.e everyone else, made it by the skin of their teeth. The sisters yelled in utter ecstasy at not being held back or having to redo their exams.

"YES!" Yang sobbed happily. "I did it!"

Ruby hugged her sister, just as moved as her older sibling.

"We made it! We made it!"

Weiss looked over at the girls with exasperation but let them have their celebration. 

They earned it... Still got a shitty score tho-

Anon snorted at the sisters' jubilance before looking over at JNPR. Ren patted Nora on the head for a job well done. Nora smiled stupidly, clearly loving the pleasing sensation of being praised by the person she loves most in the world.

Just fucking kiss already.

As if sensing the thought, Nora looked at him as if saying 'I'm working on it, ok?!'. Anon gave a devious smile.

I gotchu fam, leave it to me!

Nora matched Anon's wicked grin, an action that made Ren shudder for some reason. They gave each other an understanding nod before he changed target toward his favourite ship. Pyrrha and Jaune were talking like normal but it was clear that Pyrrha wasn't entirely listening. She had this smile on her face, you know the one, as she gazed lovingly at an oblivious Jaune. Anon slid next to the gladiatrix and gave her a knowing grin. Pyrrha blushed hard at being caught mirin'. She looked away, poking her fingers together sheepishly. Anon chuckled at the reaction.

"Well, you two seem close," Jaune commented.

Anon and Pyrrha looked at the blond squire.

"I mean... We are friends," Anon explained. "Right, P?"

"Yes?" Pyrrha looked confused. "How is that even a question?"

"I mean it's just..." Jaune tried to explain what he meant. "I have a feeling that you can, like, communicate. But without the whole speaking thing."

Looks were exchanged around the table. Anon decided to test that theory and gave Nora a specific look and thought. 

Bring me Boomer Juice.

Nora hopped to her feet, gave a salute and darted off. She came back with Anon's least favourite energy drink. He hummed in approval.

"I think you're on to something, Jaune," He said as he cracked open the can.

"Think it's your semblance?"

"I don't have an Aura." He pointed to his still-healing back. "Remember?"

"I know, it's just... What do you think it could be?"

Anon shrugged.

"Dunno. But then again, I don't understand a lot of things," He said thinking back at the Pumpkin Pete box back during the initiation.

Yang popped into view.

"Aren't you, like, neck and neck with Weiss for the smartest person here?" 

Anon sipped from the zero-calorie, zero-sugar can of raw sewage, spittling and sneering in understandable disgust.

"I said understand, Yang, not memorization and regurgitation of information," He said before sliding the can to a distracted Blake, who had a similar reaction upon sipping it.

An Anon's Journey: Remnant Act 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora