Apocrypha: Dark Dogs Days

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The day rolled on, the sun at its apex casting its light on the fair. Hope waited patiently as his order was being processed. He didn't know why, but he really wanted to eat cold soba. It wasn't a particularly hot day but perhaps he was simply nostalgic for the festivals held back home. Unfortunately, it seemed as though many others had the same idea. And thus, he waited.

Unfortunately, someone he really didn't want to be next to had the same idea he has had.

Mercury Black was a character that Hope found distasteful, more so personally than in the grand scheme of things. As a matter of fact, he quite enjoyed his blunt and honest attitude in canon.

However, considering his wish for Hope's demise, he couldn't say that he enjoyed his current incarnation.

Both men sat awkwardly next to one another, waiting for their noodles. Mercury kept bouncing his leg up and down anxiously while Hope kept a hand close to his dagger, eyeing the assassin with anticipation.

"Why are you here?"

Mercury looked away nervously.

"I got hungry while stalking you?"

Hope blinked blankly.

"That's Emerald's job, not yours."

"Wait, you know?!"

"Yes, now answer the question."

Mercury kept not looking at Hope.

"I uh... I uh..." he muttered.

Mercury ruffled his own hair in frustration.

"Oh fine!" he declared. "I'm skipping work because I'm tired of Cinder's bitching and I wanted some damned noodles! Sue me!"

Hope blinked again before relaxing his posture and taking his hand away from his blade.

"I won't."

Mercury glared suspiciously.

"You won't snitch?" he queried. "You know... Sow dissent in the ranks of the enemy or some such shit?"

Hope snorted.

"D'you find that line in a comic book?"

Mercury huffed.

"I graduated to graphic novels!"

Hope smirked.

"Do you read through properly?"

Mercury glanced away.

"I read graphic novels..."

"You skip over the dialogue and look for the fight scenes, don't you?"

"Oh, they're the best part anyways!" he paused. "And the sex scenes..."

Hope rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"Of course, you'd look out for those."

"Hey, a man's got needs. Especially since I live with three girls."

"Use a scroll, you pleb!"

The assassin blinked dumbly.

"I can do that?"

Hope swallowed down the urge to facepalm, as the pain of doing so would outweigh his aggravation.

"I knew you were dimwitted, but Jesus fucking Christ on a bike..."

Merc shrugged with a cocky smile.

"I may not be smart, but I am damned good at what I do!"

"Didn't Yang kick your ass the other day?" Hope taunted with an equally cocky smirk.

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