V3E3: Impaired Judgement

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The festive fair gave way to the main road to Beacon as Anon's multi-coloured goon squad marched, Blake having gone ahead on Weiss's ask. Green grass became clean stone, the massive passageway flanked by arches and columns of stone. Atop the columns were the most famous and greatest Huntsmen and Huntswomen the prestigious academy ever produced. Hope recognized a few of them, those he did were mostly from history class. One of which he stopped to stare at.

A hooded woman bearing a large axe on her hip.

He bowed his head in respect once he recognized who the statue was meant to represent. He felt his helper pick up the pace suddenly, causing him to glare at her in annoyance.

"You don't need to rush, you know." He scolded. "Blake did say that she didn't look to be in a hurry."

Weiss scoffed as she pushed his wheelchair forward, her quickened step undeterred by his reprimand.

"It's easy for you to say! My sister is within reach, like hell I'm gonna wait to see her after so long!"

Hope couldn't help but understand his diminutive, snow-coloured friend's feelings. If his sister was even in the same city as him, he would absolutely go see her as soon as possible. He turned back forward, sighing through his nose.

I miss you... I miss you every day.

Ruby casually walked backwards in front of the pair, her hands behind her head.

"Soooo. What kind of person is your sister?" She questioned, genuinely curious about her partner's family. "You kind of never really talked about her other than in passing comment."

"Oh, There is so much to say!" Weiss squealed uncharacteristically, sounding like an excited child. "She's strong-willed, disciplined, honourable, she's kind and wonderful! She's the best fencer in our family's history and even one of the best users of our family semblance! She's able to summon multiple Arma Gigas and- and dozens of Beowolves all at one! She's just-"

Weiss was cut off mid-sentence by Yang groaning behind her.

"Is she your sister or some celebrity crush of yours?"

"Let me answer your question with another question," Weiss said. "How much does your sister mean to you?"

"The world," Yang answered without delay or hesitation.

"Well, the same applies to me," Weiss explained, crossing her arms. "My sister means a lot to me and I love her above all others."

"Would it kill you to just... Take it down a notch?"

"No, but that won't stop me."

The crowd began tightening as its density increased around a single point. Hope had an idea of what the singularity point was. After all, Atlan specialists aren't an everyday thing. Blake waved from the crowd, guiding them towards her.

"Not too hard finding her?" Yang asked her partner.

"Even without my help, I doubt that you would have had much difficulty finding her," Blake noted.

Once regrouped, the five of them made their way toward the front of the crowd. People made way as a pair walked down the path to Beacon. One of them was a man wearing Atlas' renowned assisted body armour system, a marvel in combat protective gear. From head to toe, his armour covered his body in a white bullet-resistant carapace. The partially covered joints seemed like the only weakness of the armour. His helmeted head was covered entirely, save for a removable mouthguard. The endoskeleton covered by a thick bodysuit not only allowed the soldiers of Atlas to fight in deplorable arctic conditions for days on end but also allows soldiers to easily bear and wield much heavier, and much more powerful, weapon systems like Grenade Machine Guns, Heavy Rocket Launchers and Chain Guns. In his case, since he's on V.I.P guarding duty, a magnum calibre carbine was all he needed. If Anon didn't know any better, he might have confused him for one of the Imperium's finest.

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