V1E8: Cat Girl's Out The Bag

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This was the only word that could describe Anon this morning. He sat at the CVFY table with Coco and Velvet; hunched over and resting his forehead on the table. Coco periodically poked his cheek, eliciting a tired grunt.

"Could you kindly fuck off?" His speech was slurred.

"Why did you bother waking up if you're so tired?" she asked.

He straightened his back, revealing the full extent of the damage. His hair was an even worse mess than it usually is, his skin was pale and clammy to the touch and the circles under his eyes are worse than CVFY has ever witnessed. He cleared his throat.

"Cause I have my day set out for me and I can't afford to be lazy today." He managed to say coherently.

Velvet wasn't having any of his crap. She took a deep, patient breath.

"Anon." she rubbed her eyes exasperatedly. "You look like you haven't slept in days."

"It's only been two days," He revealed flippantly.

"Two days?!" Velvet shrieked indignantly. "What were you thinking?!"

He stared blankly at her, his empty stare telling a long story by itself.

"Too much." He simply said.

Anon grunted before leaving his seat.

"On that note, I have to go." He sighed in annoyance. "Weiss has been badgering me to help her take notes on the transferring students."

Velvet sat up and gripped his arm, desperately pleading for him to reconsider.

"Anon, Please! You need rest."

"You think I don't know that?!" He snapped back.

Velvet took a step back in shock. Realizing what he did, he hung his head and looked away in shame.

"Look, I know it's bad. I'm fully aware of that."

He looked back at Velvet, who looked down sadly.

"I'm worried about you."

"...I know."

He gripped her hand kindly.

"Look, will you let me off the hook if I sleep tonight?"

She looked up at him, hopeful.


He rolled his eyes, his lips curling up.

"Fine," he promised, holding his pinky out.

Velvet linked their pinky, sealing the promise. Coco whistled.

"Well now, isn't this sweet?" She grinned.

Anon flipped her off without looking.

"Suck my balls, Adel."

Coco gasped in mock offence.

"How could you?! Trying to cheat on Velvet like that! In front of her not less! Have you no shame?"

"COCO!" Velvet shrieked, red as a beet.

Coco laughed heartily at Velvet's expense.


The Vale docks were, as expected, smelly and unsightly. Luckily, the streets above were clean as a whistle. The buildings were being decorated for the upcoming Vytal festival, the usual hustle and bustle was twice as chaotic as people set up streamers, banners and welcome booths.

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