Another Day In Wakanda..

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***This is a completely new story from my previous one, different story line with some new characters but the same type of story writing (Y/N POV). Thought I would publish this first chapter and see how it goes! Hope you enjoy it***


  It's around 5am and the sun starts to peak through the bottom half of your window, you left your curtain open slightly last night so the sunrise finds the gap and your eyes, which causes you to wake up. You reach over and check your phone for the time, you know your alarm will be going off in the next few minutes so you groan and sit up, pulling back your blanket off your legs as you swing them off the side of your bed. You rub your eyes, trying to adjust to the lush, sunrise orange which fills your room, you stand up and walk over to your window and pull the curtains back, letting the colours fill your entire room. You soak up the view, never getting tired of it every since you arrived here all those years ago, thinking to yourself 'this country is so beautiful, I could never get used to these views'. You stare out your window for a few moments, allowing your body time to wake up slowly, but your phone starts to buzz away to itself, meaning it was time to get ready. You head back over to your bedside, sitting down as you turn off your alarm and checking your messages, you notice a notification from Shuri to stop by the lab before you head to the gym. So you head for a quick shower, get ready and head towards Shuri's lab a few floors down.

You exit the elevator, which opens up straight into the lab, you see Shuri infront of her computer screen. You head over and see her notice you in the reflection of the screen, "Ah there she is!" You smile as she turns and hugs you. "Well, good morning too you too Sis!" You hug her back before she pulls away and gestures for you to follow her to her work bench. You follow her, examining all of her latest projects, before she reaches a mannequin which is roughly your size and height. You stand infront of it, confused but at the same time intrigued, you look over to her as she stands next to it with a huge smug smile on her face. "So, what do you think?" She glances between you and the black outfit which is infront of you, "Erm yeah, it's.. Black?" You laugh as she gives you a disapproving look. "OMG you are so clueless! Take a closer look!" You step forward to examine the black pants, white shirt and black vest top combo before realising it has streaks of blue going through it. At even closer examination, you notice more and more before Shuri speaks up from behind you. "Well, this is your new uniform. I hope you like it, I designed it myself and it is laced with Vibranium which means 100% protection." You smile as you listen to her description, "It is bullet and knife proof as well as shock absorbent so will come in very useful." You nod and turn around to her, "This is AMAZING Sis! Thank you so much!"

"Well it needs a few more adjustments before you put it too use so give me a week or 2 and you can pick it up." You hug her again as you are overjoyed, you let her go and say your goodbyes, "Well thank you for starting my day off well but now I have to go train before work so I will catch you soon Sis!" You smile and head back to the elevator to head up to the gym. You wave as the doors close and they open back up at the entrance to the huge gym. You head out and straight towards the gym hall. You notice someone else in there as you open the doors, as you walk in you are welcomed by Prince T'Challa. "Hello Sister, how are we today?" You walk over and accept his hug as you see has been here a little while, "Hey T, wow your sweaty! How long have you been training for already?" You both share a laugh as you break apart, "Good morning too you too, I have been here for about an hour. I thought you would be here sooner?" He tilts his head, wondering where you had been. "I was summoned by Shuri this morning, she has made me a new uniform!" You smile in excitement, as you start to wrap your hands ready for training, "Ah well that is very good news, we need you safe out there. But for now, let's train! I need to be fighting fit at all times." You chuckle as you both enter the boxing ring and spar together for an hour or so, you always getting the better of your brother, the Prince!

You finish training with T'Challa and step out of the ring, you sit and unwrap your hands before drinking some water, as the Prince joins you. "How is it, no matter how much you train me, I still never get to beat you?" You chuckle as you finish unwrapping your hands and throw away the tape. "Well Brother, that I can't answer but for now, I have to go to work!" You give him a fist bump as you leave him to continue training as you head up to your room. As you enter your bedroom door, you drop your training bag and head for another shower. When your finish you get ready into your uniform, which is black pants with a white shirt and black and grey checked waist coat, as you lace up your dress shoes you grab your phone and see it's 8am so you put it in your pocket and head up to the top floor of the Citadel. As you exit the elevator, you see your boss sitting at his usual chair in the middle of the huge room. He is reading a newspaper as you enter the room, "Good Morning my King." You stand and wait for his attention before bowing your head. He nods for you to approach him as he folds his paper, "Morning to you too Y/N, how are you on this fine day?" You smile as you stand infront of him, "I am great this morning, thank you for asking, how are you this morning?" He nods and smiles at you, "Yes, I am very well. Now please, take a seat and relax, you are family I don't expect you to stand all day." You chuckle slightly as you take a seat near King T'Chaka, who you see as a Father figure. You share some time together, catching up and having general conversation before a message comes through his 'Kimoyo Beads'.

"My King, I hope you are well today. You have a meeting with your advisors in 15 minutes, they will be arriving at your office soon." You look over as you hear him reply, "Thank you Okoye, we are ready when they are." You nod as he gives you a look, you stand and move so you are stood slightly behind his chair, being the King's number one body guard you are needed to be with him at all times unless you are excused. You stand to attention as you hear the doors open and see the advisors fill the room and be seated. You notice the Queen arrive and you give her a small smile as she smiles back and greets you, "Good morning Y/N. So good to see you today." You don't break your stance as you smile and nod towards her, "God morning my Queen." You watch as T'Chaka addresses the room and begins the meeting. They all discuss the recent events in Africa and how some of the advisors want the King to set up out-reach projects to help the people. Before long the King looses his temper with certain advisors, "WAKANDA has always been an independent country! We do help but I will not put our people at risk." You are all startled as T'Chaka very rarely raises his voice, but you catch him calming himself before finishing the meeting, "So I have a meeting with the United Nations in Venice on Friday so I will not be here from Thursday evening, I will be leaving Zuri in charge until my return. My son T'Challa will be joining me in Venice which means that Y/N will be here on strict orders to look after Zuri in my absence." You are slightly shocked at this comment but you know the King will be in safe hands with Prince T'Challa, plus you have great respect and admiration for Zuri, who is the King's most loyal advisor.

The meeting is brought to a close and everyone leaves apart from King T'Chaka, Zuri and the Queen. You stand down as the door closes, the King gestures for you to join them by sitting opposite Zuri. "I'm sorry I didn't discuss this with you Y/N but I hope you understand that I want someone I trust to protect Zuri back here whilst I'm away with T'Challa." You nod and smile, letting you know you agree with this, "Of course My King, it will be my honour to stay and work with Zuri, and I know that T'Challa is the best person to protect you in my absence." They all agree with your comment as you all discuss the details of the trip with it only being a couple of days away. You sit as Zuri is excused to continue his work, as you sit with the King and Queen, which was a regular occurrence but they turned to you, looking quite serious. "Is everything okay my Queen?" She comes over to sit next to you, holding your hand in hers.

"Since you arrived in Wakanda when you were just 7 years old, we have made sure you have been safe and looked after. I know you went through a rough patch with school and college but once you applied yourself to the security guard protection course, you found yourself. Even though we did not give you this job on a plate, you were easily the most qualified. We couldn't think of anyone better to protect our King. I just want you to know that we think of you as our family, and no matter what you will always have a place here with you." You smile and try to hold back your tears as you look up at the women who you seen as a Mother, "That means so much to me my Queen, I will always protect you all with my life, as you have protected me. I couldn't think of a better way to pay you both back for what you all done for me. I have my family, and it is here in Wakanda." She hugs you as you notice T'Chaka wipe a tear away from his eye, "I will always be thankful for this life you gave me my King." He nods and smiles as the Queen excuses herself to go see her daughter, Shuri. You sit with the King as he fills out paperwork and makes his phone calls as you check your phone and share your lunchtime as you sit with him for the rest of the day.

It is 6pm and you leave the King as he heads off to his quarters, you head down to your room and pick up your gym bag and head straight back out towards the gym. You have a lesson at 6.30 as you have started training the new recruits who are going to be guards or soldiers. The King seen your skill set and how good you are as a fighter and decided to set up these sessions so you can pass on your talents. You enter the gym and see a big group of young recruits, who you have been training for the past 3 weeks now. You quickly change and start the session, you start with one on one combat and then carry onto core strength and finish with a few sparring teams. It's 8.30pm and you have plans for food with Shuri. You head up to your room and quickly change before heading down to the main doors of the Citadel. You spot your sister as she runs to you and hugs you, "You ready for dinner?" You nod as you both head out to your car and drive to a restaurant nearby. You open the door for Shuri and walk her to a table. You both sit and catch up, this was your weekly thing you have done for the last few years. You order drinks and food then talk for a while.

"So, are you heading to Vienna with Father when he leaves on Friday?" You look over as you see a slight sadness in her eyes, "I am not actually, he is taking T with him. I'm guessing as some sort of Prince/King training opportunity." She laughs as you say this with a hint of sarcasm, "Yes well he does need ALL the help he needs that Brother of ours!" You share her laugh as you both always tried to torture him whenever you get the chance. "Well, I did kick his ass again this morning!" You give her a cheeky smirk as she giggles at your smugness. "So if you are not going with Father then what will you be doing back here?" She raises her eyebrow in confusion as you notice your drinks arrive. "Well I will be protecting Zuri as he will be in-charge when Father is away." You clink your bottle against her wine glass as you both smile. "I'm glad your staying, I know it is only 3 days but it would be SO boring here without anyone here to torment!" You both laugh as you share a night of chatter and laughter, you loved spending quality time with your sister, you worked all day with the King so you had to share these moments with your family when you got the chance. You always made sure you spent a Monday night with Shuri for food and a catch up.

It's the next morning and you wake up to your phone ringing. You jump up and answer it straight away, without even checking the name of the caller, "Hello?" You rub your eyes as you sit up against your headboard, "Good Morning Y/N, I was wondering if you could join me in the gym this morning, I need to fit in as much training as possible before I leave on Thursday." You notice it is your Brother T'Challa and you let out a small sigh of relief, "T why didn't you just text me! I'll be down in 10." You put the phone down and look at the time and it's 4.35am, you think to yourself 'Damn I love you brother but this is early, even for me!' You throw on a tracksuit, grab your gym bag and head down to the gym to join your brother. You walk in and see him all ready to go, looking to awake for this time of the day, "So, what do I owe the pleasure of this VERY early wake up call T?" You sit down near him, wrapping your hands with your signature electric blue tape which you order in especially for your training session, "Well I leave for 2 days on Thursday so that is 3 days I need to make up too, plus I want to be fighting fit for my trip, you never know what might happen and I need to be on my game." You nod and notice a glimpse of worry in his eyes as you both enter the boxing ring. "T what's going on? You know you are more than capable of protecting Father right?" He looks down as you grab some boxing pads and slot them over your hands, "I hope so Y/N. I mean, you are so skilled and strong and just the perfect person to protect him, what if I..." You cut him off mid sentence as he is punching the pads on your hands, "No T! I am telling you, I would not trust anyone else to protect him over you! I trust you and I know you will be fine over there." He nods as a smile appears on his face, you both spar and train together for at least 2 hours.

You finish training and head out to the small café which is next door to the gym. You order some breakfast and sit with T'Challa, he sits down with you and hands you a bottle of water. "So brother, are you looking forward to your trip to the 'normal' world?" You smirk at him as he lets out a small laugh, "Now, now sis, just because you are missing out on this trip! No need to be bitter." You laugh and choke slightly on your water as he continues, "In all honesty Y/N, I am not. I don't like it when there are cameras and journalists, I just feel as though they report what they feel like reporting. They don't know us, or how we live, so they judge us. I don't agree with how the world out there works. I know they have good people out there, but there isn't many of them." You begin to feel slightly upset as you know you are not from here, but T'Challa notices and reassures you, "Don't look like that Sis, you know you are one of us, born here or not." You nod and smile up at him as your breakfast arrives. "I appreciate that Brother, I really do. Thank you. I wonder if anyone from S.H.E.I.L.D will be there?" You raise your eyebrows, trying to see if he knows anything, "I believe there will be. As far as I am aware Nick Fury will be present, as well as a representative from The Avengers.." You laugh as you see him be a little sarcastic at the notion. "Ooo aren't you oh so lucky. I met Fury a few times with my Birth-Father, he is a strange one I'll give him that. Plus that eye patch.." You gesture a pirate hook as you try and make him laugh, "ARRGGHH!" You both chuckle as you begin to eat your food. "I'm going to miss you for those couple of days Sis! Who will make me laugh over my breakfast..?" You smirk up at him as you both finish your food and coffee.

You leave your Brother and head back to your room. You grab a quick shower and get changed ready for work. You head out to work and reach the top floor and head towards the King as he is on a call. You bow your head and watch as T'Chaka nods and gestures for you to enter and sit with him. You sit silently as he finishes his call, you check your messages as you catch snippets of the phone call. You place your phone down as the phone call ends, "I do apologise for that Y/N. It was Director Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D. How are you this morning, I understand you had a very early morning?" You chuckle as he laughs at his own notion, "You would be right about that my King, but I would do anything for my Brother. If you don't mind me asking, what was the nature of your phone call?" You smile as the King comes to sit opposite you in his chair, "No need for asking Y/N, I trust my family, He just wanted to finalise details for the conference on Friday. He is organising our transport from the Hotel with extra security, just for good measure." He nods and smiles softly, "Are you sure you don't need me there my King? I can move my calendar around.." He reaches over and places his hand on your arm as he speaks to you, "Y/N, I know you worry, after what happened to your Birth-Father. But I will be in the best care over there, as will your Brother. You have no reason to worry." You nod and tap his hand, holding it for comfort. You let out a sigh as you know there are meetings scheduled for today, you stand and take your place by his side, waiting for his advisors.

It's been a busy couple of days but as you are woken up by your alarm, you realise what day it is. You jump up and grab your phone. It's Thursday morning, the day the King and T'Challa leave for Venice. You know you don't have to be on duty until after lunch today as the King wanted to spend his morning with the family, so you booked the gym for your a training session with the recruits at 10am. You get ready and head down, you meet the group and get the training session started. You teach grappling and defensive techniques until 12 before leaving for your lunch. You head to your room and get a shower before changing into your uniform, you head to your little kitchen and prepare some pasta. You sit infront of your TV in your living room, and watch the news. You watch the updates on the UN conference in Venice and see everyone who is due to attend. You then see an update on the Avengers, and their new recruits which were rescued for a HYDRA base in Sokovia. You listen to the annoying news broadcaster as you eat your meal, "Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are both the newest recruits to the group of Super heroes knows as the Avengers. They are under the influence of S.H.I.E.L.D and Mr Tony Stark but after the conference in Venice on Friday there may be a small committee as part of the UN which can also have influence over the team.." You turn over the TV to a music channel as you get up to clean your dishes and get ready for work.

You have been with King T'Chaka for a couple of hours now as he finalises all his documents and hands over his paperwork to Zuri ready for his departure in an hour or so. You sit as they discuss everything that needs done over the next couple of days whilst he is away. They stand and say there goodbyes before Zuri leaves to go back his work. T'Chaka turns to you and gives you a sympathetic smile, "Now Y/N, I want you to be on your best behaviour when I am gone!" You both share a laugh as he sits down with you, "But as my honest word, look after yourself and the family in my absence. I trust you to do that. Protect Zuri and watch over him like you do me. And I will be back before you know it." He smiles and holds your shoulder, "Just stay safe over there my King and don't give in to the 'normal' people! And I will see you Saturday on your return." He chuckles at your notion as he stands and shakes your hand. "Now, I need to take my bags down to the jet." You give him a shocked look, "I will get your bags my King, you just get yourself down to the jet." He nods as you both leave the room, you head to his room where his luggage is packed and ready. You take it down to the main entrance and out the huge glass doors where a jet is sitting waiting.

You carry the luggage onto the jet and come back down the ramp to see T'Chaka, the Queen, T'Challa and Shuri all saying there goodbyes. You join the group, standing next to Shuri as T'Chaka walks towards the jet after saying what he needed too. T'Challa walks towards you, his arms open wide as he brings you in for a hug. You hug him tight before you break apart, "Look after yourself Brother, and I will see you soon to kick your ass again!" He laughs as he places his hand on your shoulder, "I will be ready for you! Look after the family and I will see you soon Sister." You nod as he leaves you and walks up the ramp and onto the jet, followed by multiple guards. The jet takes off vertically and shoots out of sight in a matter of seconds. You accompany the Queen and Shuri back inside, you all go your seperate ways as you head back to your room. After a shower and change of clothes you get a message on your phone, 'Take out on you tonight. I'll be there in 20!' You scoff as you see Shuri's message on your phone. You put your hoodie on and sit on the sofa, waiting for your Sister to knock on your door. You barely have time to turn on your TV as you hear Shuri burst through your door with bags of sweets and chocolate in her hands. You laugh as she puts the bags down on your table and joins you on the sofa, "So food!" You chuckle as she orders food on her phone and you sit and watch s**t TV and eat a lot of food together.

You wake up the next morning, you hear Shuri making a coffee in your kitchen and you decide to join her before you both head off in your seperate ways. You throw on some clothes and head out to your living room, "Good morning Sister!" You hear her making food in the kitchen, "Morning loser! I'm making pancakes you want some?" You laugh as you fold the blanket Shuri used on your sofa last night after watching movies together all night, "Sure! You sleep okay?" She ignores your question as she destroys your kitchen looking for pans and utensils. You sit and turn on the news and see the coverage start for the conference. "It's the day of the United Nations conference today in Venice, Italy. We are excited to announce that King T'Chaka of the nation of Wakanda will be joining the other nations today as well as representatives from S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers will be there to give their verdict on a number of issues brought by 117 Nations.." You listen as the news reporter rambles on and on about different world-issues that will be discussed today. You hear Shuri come in with 2 plates and 2 coffees as you grab your plate and a coffee cup from her and you both sit on the sofa to eat. "There are A LOT of camera crew and journalists outside that building.." You feel Shuri nudge your arm, "They will both be fine! Stop worrying.." You flash her a smile as you enjoy your breakfast. "Good pancakes these Sis! You should stay over more often.." You both laugh as you clear away the dishes and tidy the kitchen. You say goodbye to Shuri as she leaves to head to her lab, you get ready for work and head up to the top floor to meet with Zuri.

You enter the room and see Zuri in his usual seat, you wait for him to gesture you in. "Come in Y/N, you don't have to wait for me to tell you to enter." You nod and enter the room to head to your usual chair, "Good morning Zuri." You sit and pull out your phone and place it on the table, "Yes it is, how are you today?" You smile and you watch Zuri read the King's newspaper, "I am very well thank you. How are you?" He folds the paper and lays it on the table, "I am good thank you. A little stressed but nothing I haven't dealt with before." He smiles and chuckles a little as he heads towards the table to start working on paperwork. You scan your messages before reading the newspaper. You sit in Zuri's company as he deals with the King's work. "I will go get lunch if that is okay with you Zuri?" He nods as you head down and collect both your lunches. You take the long way, as you usual do on slow days, stretching your legs after sitting for so long. You grab lunch and head back to the elevator. As you enter the top floor you head over and hand Zuri his lunch. You both sit and eat, sharing some small conversation, "So the conference will be starting soon." You nod and finish your drink before replying, "Yes. I hope all goes to plan, I think regarding the Avengers, they may need a little outside leadership. I believe everyone must answer to someone, regardless of your abilities." He nods and agrees with you, "I agree with that Y/N, I mean take yourself, one of our strongest fighters and you sit here with your King all day rather than out in the battlefield. I mean, you could be an Avenger but you choose to listen to your King and take orders. That shows more on character than anything else." You nod and smile, "I agree Zuri. With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. My Birth-Father believed in the Avengers but I share a slightly different view."

You both finish your meals and sit in almost silence as Zuri gets back to his work. You begin to plan out your training sessions for the next couple of days, keeping your mind busy as the room is quiet. You look at the clock and see it is 2.45pm. Just as you go to talk to Zuri you hear your phone buzz on the table. You pick it up and notice it's a 'Breaking News' notification. You open it up and see it's to do with the conference. "Zuri, something's happened in Venice!" He rushes over to you but before you can read anything else you hear the door burst open. You jump out of your seat and turn your attention to the door. You quickly realise it's Shuri but before you can react she runs to you and wraps her arms around you. You feel her breathing erratically as you hug her tight. You hold her infront of you and try to get her to calm down, "Hey Shuri it's okay, what's going on?" You feel her calm down slightly before struggling to talk to her but before she gets her sentence together and hear Zuri's voice on the phone. "Y/N, something went wrong at the conference." You get Shuri to sit down as you stand and open your phone to find out what is going on as Zuri is on the phone to someone. You panic, wanting to know what has happened but your shaking and can barely hold your phone still. Your start to think the worst as you re-open your news notification.                        

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now