Is This A Date..?

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**You take Natasha around the local markets and shops. Walking through the streets where everyone is so friendly and welcoming. You see many people you know, you stop to talk to everyone who approaches you, as you catch Natasha admire how you are with everyone. You notice no matter what you both do, Natasha never leaves your side and keeps your arm in her hands the same way she was when you both left the Citadel. You introduce her to everyone you talk too, you can't help but smile as she is just as friendly as you are. You stop and buy little things from most of the market stalls, making sure to not take any change as slowly fill a small bag with little items. You always did this when you went into the City, showing everyone you supported them all. You approach a small café where you decide to take Natasha for a coffee and sit down as you became slightly worn out, needing some pain meds to keep you going with the pain.**

You let Natasha order the drinks as you sit at a small table outside and take your medication. You sit and take a few deep breaths as you start to feel the pain now you are not distracted. Before you can get lost in your thoughts again you hear someone walking behind where you are sat. You instantly know it is not Natasha so you jolt upright and look behind you but before you can react you see it is a mother and her child, who you recognise vaguely. "Y/N? Do you remember us?" The women gestures to herself and her son, who was no older than 6 or 7 years old. You turn your body to face them both, as you try and remember where you know them from. "I'm so sorry I meet that many people I find it hard to keep up.." You see her laugh as you look down at her son. "And what is your name young man?" You speak softly as he walks towards you. "My name is T'Kobi." You remember that name as he says it, he stands right infront of you as he looks up at you, you speak softly as he looks nervous. "I wanted to come over and say Thank you. My mother told me it was you who saved me." You don't hear Natasha sit with you at the table as you are talking to the young boy, you look between him and his mother and then it clicks together in your head. "Wow is that really you T'Kobi!? I can't believe how much you have grown.. You will be bigger than me soon!" You see him laugh as you make a fuss of him. "Now, you don't have to thank me for that day, you see that is my job. My job is to protect people and save their lives." He smiles from ear to ear as he shows you his small burn scar he has on his arm, "I have this to remember that day, I will never forget you Y/N." Before you can say anything, he wraps his arms around you and hug you. You feel some pain in your chest but it's worth it. You feel him squeeze as you hug him back.

You break apart as you see tears fill his mother eyes. "Now, you be good for your Mother okay, look after her like I did you." He nods and reaches for his mother's hand. "Thank you Y/N." You stand as his Mother hugs you tight. You wince a little before breaking away from her, "Sorry.." You shake your head as you sit back down but before you can say anything her son looks over at Natasha, "What's your name?" You sit back down and laugh as Natasha talks to him, "My name is Natasha. Nice to meet you." You see her smile at you as he looks up at her, "Are you Y/N's girlfriend?" You all burst into laughter as the he looks confused back at you, "Unfortunately not T'Kobi, you see she is just visiting from New York, she is an Avenger!" You make a huge arm motion as you see his face light up, "DO YOU KNOW THOR!?" You look over and see Natasha giggle as he gets very excited. "I do he is a friend from work!" You laugh as the mother and her son leave you as your coffee arrives. "So.. You are popular with people of all ages miss Beattie.." Natasha teases at you as you add some sugar to your coffee. "What can I say, I'm a charmer." You wink and smirk as Natasha rolls her eyes playfully before questioning you about what happened with the boy. "So, you saved his life?" You take in a sharp breath as you think about that day. "I did, just." You glance up from your coffee cup as you see her studying your reaction. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" You take in a deep breath as you look over at Natasha, who gives you a soft smile. "Well I was with King T'Chaka, visiting some local stalls and businesses, as he would try to do as often as he could. We were talking with a few local people when we heard screaming. I instantly stood with the King as some guards left to investigate. One of them came running back to tell us there was an apartment on fire. We both made our way to the front of the building where we seen a women screaming as her son was trapped in their apartment, she had been carried out after passing out so she couldn't tell them her was there. Before anyone could stop me I just ran into the building, leaving the King with the guards. I kicked the door down and crawled through to his room where he was unconcious under the window. I carried him out, shielding his from the blast as the cooker exploded. We both made it out just as the stairs collapsed on themselves.."

You look up and see Natasha in shock as you finish telling her the story. You take a drink from your coffee as she tries to process what you just said. "If you hadn't went in when you did he would have been.." You glance up as you cut her off, "Trapped? Yeah. It was my split second decision which saved his life. I remember seeing his mothers face as I carried him to her. She just burst into tears, choking on her words which she never managed to get out." You look down at the table, not knowing what else to say. "That's amazing Y/N. Being so selfless, no wonder everyone here loves you. Your an incredible person." She reaches over and holds your hand in hers as you look up into her eyes. You snap out of your gaze quickly as you don't want any memories to creep in and spoil your good mood. "So.. How's about we finish up and get going? It's a big City!" You laugh off your moment as you still feel her hand holding yours. "Sounds good to me." You both finish your drinks and get ready to leave. You try to pay but she beats you too it, "My turn!" You both laugh as you put your wallet away and hold your arm out for her as you lead her down the street.

**You visit more stalls and shops as you just walk down every street you see. You get lost in conversation with Natasha as you just talk about random things as well you talking about the City and what you used to do whilst working with King T'Chaka. You point out some old buildings and talk about when they were built as you walk for hours. You get to the edge of the markets and streets and stop Natasha near a huge field. You press down on your Komoyo beads, and look down the street. You see Natasha look at you puzzled, you laugh at her as you gesture down the road. Within minutes your car arrives at the side of the curb where you are stood.**

You open the passenger side door for Natasha as she still looks puzzled, "Okay that was.. Well I don't even know anymore!" You chuckle as she gets in your car. You close her door and get in the drivers side. You start the engine and pull away from where you were both stood, "Okay so where are you taking me now?" You glance over as she gets comfy, leaning on her side to face you as you drive. "It's a surprise miss Romanoff.." You feel her roll your eyes at you as you chuckle to yourself. You feel her watching you the whole journey as you drive not too far from the City as it begins to get late in the day. "So, you glad you decided to let me show you around today Natasha?" You glance over as she is still watching you drive, "I am Y/N, and you can call me Nat if you prefer..?" You catch yourself grinning as you get the feeling only people she knows really well call her that as you heard the team calling her by that name. "If you'd prefer that.. Although I still prefer miss Romanoff.." You tease at her as she tries not to giggle but fails as you turn and pull up on a small patch of gravel. "And here we are.." You get out the car, walking around to open her door for her. "Why thank you Y/N." You smile as she climbs out the car. You close her door and head to the boot. You open it and take out the blanket, the boot shuts on it's own as you lock the car. "Let's go." You lead the way as you leave Nat confused. "Where are we going?" You don't say anything as you start climbing the hill just across from the car.

It doesn't take long before you are nearly reach the top as the hill starts to level off. You hear Nat getting a little out of breath as she walks beside you, you turn and laugh as she still looks puzzled. You slow down and stop her before you reach the top, "You ready?" She looks completely confused as you walk away and over the top of the hill, she runs to catch you. As she does you turn and see her reaction. You see her stop in her tracks, her jaw on the floor as she looks up and sees what you brought her too see. "Wow.." You see her eyes sparkle as the sunset catches her face. "Amazing isn't it?" You see her still frozen on the spot, "Yeah.." You walk back and lead her towards the other side. You reach the bottom of the statue, laying the blanket out as you see Nat's eyes now fixated on the incredible view out infront of you both. "Come on, your going too miss it!" You sit down on the blanket, waiting for Nat to slowly join you as she take in all of her surroundings. "Everyone who ever visits here always say that the sunsets are the most beautiful in the entire world. You can't find any better no matter how hard you look." You sit and watch as she nods, still god-smacked at the views from where you are both sat. You notice she has sat very close to you, but you don't think anything of it as you just lean back on your good arm. You sit in silence for a little while as you just watch over as the sun begins to lower towards the horizon.

**You are both sat at the foot of the huge Black Panther statue as you look over the fields which surround Wakanda. You haven't said much as you both just enjoy each others company as you see her just taking in the views. You lay back, still propped up slightly on your good arm as Nat is sat upright, you see her glancing over to you more and more often as the sun starts to reach the horizon and begins to set over the City.**

You feel Nat slowly lean back as she begins to relax with you. You catch her smiling as she looks over at you without saying anything. You chuckle to yourself as you feel your nerves creeping back, "So.. What do you think?" You watch as Nat leans right back to face you, only then do you realise how close she actually is too you. "It's true, the most beautiful sunset I have ever laid my eyes on and will ever witness.." You smile as she looks right at you, studying your face again as she did when you first met. "They are incredible, but it's not just the sunsets which are amazing from this view.." You see her furrow her brows as you let yourself fall back on the blanket so you are lying flat on your back. "Ouch.. That wasn't supposed to hurt.." You hear her giggle at you as she look down at you confused again, "Well are you going to join me so I can show you or not?" You turn to look her as she follows your lead, lying down with her head only inches away from yours as she lies down on a angle to be close to you. "Now.. Just look up." You watch her as she looks up at the sky, seeing all the stars clear as daylight filling the sky above you both. "Woah that is.. Wow.." You chuckle at her surprise. "Amazing?" She nudges you as you both just look up at the sky, lying close to each other as you take in every moment. "How did you find this spot?" She turns to face you, you don't look away from the stars as you answer her. "I used to run away to here when I felt stressed, I just found it by accident one night when I snuck out of my home, and I have come back ever since if I needed too." You feel yourself sigh loudly as you tell her this, not usual so open with anyone.

"Why do I get the feeling you don't tell many people that..?" You chuckle as you feel her watching you, "You'd be right. I find it hard to trust people." You feel your heart starting to race as you know there is more questions coming, "Do you trust me..?" You turn in surprise at her question, not knowing how to answer it. "I..I do Nat. I don't know what it is about you but I feel like I've known you for longer than a couple of days." You both laugh lightly as you look back up at the stars, "Do you trust me Miss Romanoff?" You feel her shuffle a little, moving slightly closer to you as she looks up at the sky above you both. "That's a difficult one for me to answer.." You turn and look at her, confused by her answer. She feels you looking at her, wanting her to explain so she does. "The way I was trained, I was taught to never trust anyone. It has took me years to trust the team, and that has mainly happened through missions together and them proving themselves to me that I can trust them.." You see her turn and face you, staring right into your eyes, "But with you, I feel like I could trust you with my life, and I only met you a few days ago. It's strange but I can't help it." You feel yourself smile slightly, trying not to be too smug but you let it slip. Nat shakes her head at you as she looks away. "Well, I'm glad you feel that way with me." You look back up at the sky, your butterflies filling your stomach as you feel Nat reach over and take your hand in hers, interlocking her fingers in yours as your hands rest on the blanket between you both. You lie and take in the mild night air, not saying anything for a short while as you can't help but smile.

After a little while, you suddenly feel your phone ringing in your pocket. You let go of Nat's hand, sitting yourself up before answering. "Nakia.. Is everything okay?" You start to worry as she sounds startled on the phone. "Sorry to ring you like this but I wanted you to know as soon as possible.." You feel your expression change which causes Nat to sit up, concerned about you. "It's okay Nakia, what's going on? Is everyone okay?" You can hear raised voices in the background as Nakia talks, "We found him. The shooter. We managed to track him down and caught him and his getaway drivers." You exhale in relief before saying anything, "That's good news Nakia. Thank you for letting me know. Do you need me to head back to assist with anything?" You hear her giggle a little as she must know where you are. "No it's all being dealt with by T'Challa and the guards now, we wouldn't want to ruin your date." You chuckle at her sarcasm. "Thanks Nakia. We won't be long okay. I will ring you when I am back." She giggles before hanging up the phone. You turn to Nat who looks concerned and amused at the same time, "So, this is a date huh?" You laugh as she is trying to tease you, "Only if you want it to be Miss Romanoff!" You wink as you both try and get one over each other, "But seriously Y/N is everything okay?" You turn with a relieved look on your face, "They tracked down the shooter and the getaway drivers, they have them at the Citadel."

Nat hugs you instantly, you feel her smile as she holds you tight. "That's really good news Y/N." You hug her back with your one good arm before she breaks away from you, not wanting to hurt you, "Yeah it is. We can finally find out the motive to avoid it happening again." She smiles as you both smile in relief, "The team can assist if you need us too. Whatever you need before we head back." Your smile quickly fades as you remember they are leaving tomorrow. "I'm sure my Brother will already be dealing with them, he's very protective!" You laugh a little before turning to look back out at the fields below, thinking about what will happen after tomorrow. Nat moves closer as she can tell there is something wrong. "Hey what's wrong?" You turn and look at her, not wanting to mention anything but you need to know, "When you leave tomorrow, where does that leave us? I have really enjoyed getting to know you. Will I see you again?" you see her look away from you, looking down at the floor infront of her. "Well that is up too you really, I mean you can come with us? The offer from Tony is still open?" You look down at your arm in your sling, "I don't think T and Shuri will want me going anywhere until my stitches have healed.." You look back over at Nat as she looks at you, "That is true.." She laughs as she knows your right. "What about when your all healed up? Will you come visit then..?" You see her eyes looking upset as she look over at you, "That could work.." You see her smile as you do. "Good. Something to look forward too when I get back.." You chuckle as she studies you again, "It can't be that bad in New York.."

You chuckle as she gives you a stern look, "Come on, it's getting late we should head back." You get up and offer out your hand for Nat. You help her up as she grabs the blanket and carries it in one hand, with the other she reaches down and grabs yours. Interlocking her fingers with yours as you walk back down the hill together. You keep her close, wanting to keep her safe as it has become quite dark. She stays close as you walk together, you see her smile as you lead her to your car. You both reach the car, putting the blanket in the boot before opening the door for Nat and then jumping in the drivers seat yourself. You begin to drive back to the Citadel, you feel Nat watching you again as you drive. She reaches over as you stop for some traffic lights, she starts to gently trace along the back of your neck and shoulders as you pull away. It sends shivers down your spine as she does this the whole way back.

You pull up at the Citadel, you pull up and get out the car, walking around to open the door for Nat. She climbs out and you both walk up through the entrance. It's quiet, so you head straight for the elevator to Nat's room. You head up and walk to her door, you stop as she gets out her key from her leather jacket pocket. You lean against the wall, feeling the pain again as you need some more pain medication. "You okay?" You nod as Nat looks over after opening her door, "Just need some more meds that's all." You smile softly as you see her smile fade, "Are you okay?" She nods and looks up at you, "I have had a really nice day today, thank you Y/N. I hope we have more like this.." You nod and smile, "I'm sure we will." You see her hesitate slightly before hugging you, wrapping her arms up around your neck. You wrap you good arm around her waist as she buries her head in your neck. You hold her for a little while before she leans back away from you. "Go get some medication, will I see you tomorrow before we leave?" You look up at her in surprise, "Of course you will, I wouldn't let you leave without seeing you." A small smile creeps across her face before she turns away to enter her room, "Good night Nat." You see her turn back as you start to walk down the hall, "Good night Y/N." You smile as you head to your room. You walk slowly, not wanting to agitate your stitches.

You finally get to your room, you open the door quietly before heading straight to your bedroom. You struggle but manage to change into some shorts and a clean top. You put your sling back on before grabbing a bottle of water and some pain meds from your kitchen. You head straight to bed, you climb in and check your phone before putting it on charge. You see a load of message from T'Challa, Nakia and Shuri all joking about your 'date' so you decide to read them tomorrow. You place your phone on charge then take your meds before getting comfy in bed. You stare at your ceiling, remembering the day you just had. You find yourself smiling as you go through every detail, every smile and laugh, every little touch from her. You feel the butterflies come back as you think about what Shuri said, 'You are allowed to be happy, and if she makes you happy then hold onto her.. No matter what it takes..' and you realise that Nat does make you happy, happier than you have felt with anyone else. But can you let someone get close to you again..?

You felt yourself get lost in your thoughts, thinking about the past and then think about how much has happened in the last week or so. Your pain meds start to kick in as the pain from your stitches have calmed down, so you shuffle down the bed to try and sleep. Just as you start to drift off you hear a quiet knock on your door. You jump up, worrying in case it is T'Challa or Shuri. You launch yourself out of bed and walk to your front door. As rush to open it you are slightly surprised by who you see. "Oh.. Hey Nat. Are you okay?" You freeze on the spot, not knowing what has happened. "Hey sorry to come by so late but I just.. I don't know.. I couldn't sleep. And I.. Wanted to.. Erm, check on you.. And.." You feel a smile creep across your face as you see her stumbling over her own words, "Did you miss my comfy bed Miss Romanoff..?" You see her smile behind her hands as she tries to hide her face. "Come on.." You gesture for her to come in as you hold the door open for her. She comes in as you close your door, you see her acting shy as she stands and waits for you, then you realise she is back in your tracksuit from yesterday. "How is it that my tracksuit looks better on you than it does on me..?" You chuckle as you see her giggle at you, "Well it's no longer your tracksuit.." You give her shocked look as she turns towards your bedroom. "Is that so.." You laugh as you follow her to your bedroom where she is already climbing into bed.

You climb into your side as Nat wraps herself in your blanket. You lie down, sighing as you are already sick of having one arm in a sling. "You okay..?" Nat peeks over your blanket, lying on her side to face you. You turn your head to see her looking at you, "Yeah just annoying this whole sling and stitches thing.." You laugh a little as you see her snuggled up next to you. "Did you take some medication?" You nod as you look back at the ceiling, "So.. I hope this doesn't hurt.." You take a second to realise what she has said but before you can react you feel Nat move closer to you, resting her head on you good shoulder, near your collar bone. She puts her arm over you and gently strokes over where your stitches are under some gauzes. You can feel her heart racing as she gets comfortable. You wrap your good arm around her body, pulling her close to you. "Is this okay..?" You nod and smile, you can feel little pain but it's worth it to have her close to you. "Are you okay Nat?" She nods, cuddling into you. "I'm really good.. Being here with you has just been the perfect ending to an amazing day.. Part of me doesn't want too leave." You can't help but smile as you feel her smiling as she relaxes on your chest. You start to feel yourself drifting off to sleep, "Sweet dreams Nat.." You kiss her head without even realising but you feel her snuggle in closer after you did. "Good night Y/N. Wake me if you need me for anything." You nod in agreement, "I will.." You hold her close as you both fall asleep almost straight away, finally allowing yourself to be happy.

You feel Nat moving from your chest which wakes you up from your deep sleep. You started to think yesterday was all a dream before you flicker your eyes open and see her standing in your tracksuit. You feel a smile grow on your face as she closes the bathroom door. You lie there, waiting for her to come back out as you let yourself wake up properly. You lean over and check the time, seeing you had both slept until 8.30am which was late for you. You sit up just as she comes back into your bedroom, you catch her smile as she sees that you are awake. "Good morning miss Romanoff.." You watch her as she sits back down next to you on your bed, "Morning, how you feeling?" You smile as you see her smile growing with every second that goes by, "A little better, did you sleep okay?" You rest your head back on your headboard as your eyes catch the sun shining through your curtains, "I did. I've never slept so well than when I've been here.." You chuckle as you see her cheeks flush red a little, "It's a shame you can't stay a little while longer Natasha.." You see her smile fade as she looks down at the bed, "It is. I would if I could Y/N but I have a job to do back in New York.." You feel your happiness fading away realising she is actually leaving.

You get up and have some coffee together before she has to leave to pack her things together. You are siting at the kitchen table before she stands up, putting her cup on bench in the kitchen, "Well.. I suppose I better get going, I have to pack." You watch her as she doesn't turn to face you as she talks to you. "I will come visit you Nat. As soon as my stitches are healed.." She turns on her heels as you stand up from your seat. You walk over to her as she leans her back against the kitchen bench behind her. You stand infront of her, gazing right into her eyes. "You promise me?" You nod and smile as you see her smile come back, "Natasha Romanoff, I promise you I will come see you in New York!" You see her eyes study your face as you talk, trying to see any sign of you not being truthful. "Good. Now I must go pack and change.." You chuckle as neither of you move, "Come on or else you will be late." You walk towards your main door, you hear her reluctantly follow you as she slips her shoes on before joining you at the door. You open the door and stand with it resting against your back, you look down at the floor, knowing this was the last time you would be alone together before she leaves. She met you in the doorway, facing you as she lifted your head up with her hand. "Don't look like that, you'll start me off.."

You see her eyes brim with tears as she looks up at you. You feel a lump forming in your throat, you flicker between her eyes as you don't want her to leave. "Stay safe when you get back to New York. No jumping infront of bullets or anything.." You both laugh a little as you see her smile fade quickly. "Thank you for making my time here special. I never expected to meet someone like you when we got here, but I am so glad I did." You can't help but smile as Nat wraps her arms around your neck, closing the space between you both and you wrap you good arm around her waist, lifting her slightly as you hold her tight. You could feel her head tucked into your neck as you rested yours on her shoulder. Her muffled voice was just enough to catch your attention as she spoke, "Please don't break your promise.. I need to see you again." You nod lightly as she grips your neck and back in her hands, stopping herself from crying. "I never break my promises Nat." You keep her close for a little while, not saying anything as you feel her body relax a little before she slowly pulls away, her hands still on the back of your neck. "I'll see you soon." You nod as she pulls her hands away from you as you let go off her waist, "I'll see you soon Miss Romanoff.." You see her smile as she makes her way towards the elevator. She presses the button, within a few seconds the doors open, she presses another inside as she finally looks back once more. You see a tear roll down her cheek as the doors close on you both.

You shut your door, turning back into your now empty living room. You already missed her. You shake yourself back to reality, knowing you had to get ready and head down to see the rest of the team off as the jet would be leaving soon. You went and got changed slowly, making sure not to aggravate your stitches, finding something more formal before heading down the main entrance. You exited the elevator to see the rest of the Avengers waiting with their bags. You noticed your Brother and Nakia already with them. Nakia excused herself to come and give you a huge cuddle followed closely by her Brother. You all turned your attention back to the team as they were all ready to leave. "Well on behalf of all of us, we would just like to thank you all for giving us a very special few days here, and I speak for everyone when we say we would happily come back again." The team all joined in agreement with Steve as he shook all your hands. You seen Nat standing with Clint as she could hardly bring herself too look for your eyes. "Well can I just say that it has been amazing meeting you all, and getting to know you better. And I hope to see you all again very soon."

You search for Nat's gaze but you are interupted by Wanda approaching you from the group. "Hi Y/N, I just wanted to say thank you for the past few days and how you welcomed us all. I hope you take Tony up on his offer and come visit once your feeling better.. I would like to get to know you better." You smile as Wanda hugs you quickly, "Thank you very much Wanda, yes I am going to take care of a few things here and rest up some more before I am hoping to visit you all." She smiles before re-joining her team as their jet arrives. You escort them out the main doors along with your Brother and Nakia. You head down the stairs as the ramp of the jet lowers and Steve, Clint and Sam start taking all the bags onto the back of the jet. Wanda and Pietro wave as they enter the jet, you stand with Nakia as Nat comes to say goodbye to you all. She starts with T'Challa, then Nakia next to you. They hug before she thanks her for what she did for you when you got shot. You smile as Nakia nudges you before leaving you alone with Nat, "Let me know when you get back to New York okay?" You see her smile as you try and act professional infront of everyone. "I will don't worry. You rest that shoulder!" You chuckle as she pushes your good arm playfully before clearing her throat, remembering her team are watching. "I'll see very you soon Natasha Romanoff.." She smiles subtly before shaking your hand, "I better.."

You stand back next to Nakia as you all watch the Avengers leave in their jet. You wave them off, watching the jet fly across the City towards the barrier, as it disappears out of sight you let out a heavy sigh. Nakia notices as she puts her arm around you, "You'll see her again Y/N. I know you will.." You smile at her as she leads you back inside, following behind your Brother. You all stand in the entrance of the Citadel together, "Now, you need to go rest Sister, the doctor will come by and check your stitches later. But for now go and rest okay?" You nod and head back to your room. As you enter you feel a sudden wave of emptiness as you sit on your bed to get changed back into something more comfortable. After you do you decide to text Nat, so she has your number. "Miss Romanoff you seem to have left with my tracksuit in your bag.." It's not long before your phones beeps with a reply. "You mean my tracksuit Miss Beattie..?" You chuckle lightly to yourself as you fall back on your bed, falling asleep as your pain medication starts to ware off again. 

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now