Trust Issues

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  A roar of cheers comes from the group sitting around the coffee table as all the Avengers have found their way to the chairs and sofa. They see you and Nat walk back in together, she goes to get you both a drink as you head straight to them as they all shout and cheer your name. "Ah there she is!" Tony shouts from across the other side of the coffee table, his arms in the air as he seems a little drunk already. "Now the party can really get started!" Thor erupts from his seat as he hugs you, lifting you off the floor before dropping you back down. "Now you're here, lets play a game!" You walk over and see Wanda looking you up and down as you kneel beside her, leaning over to her ear. "Sorry I've been so long, what have I missed?" You see her smile instantly as you give her a apologetic smile. "Nothing much, just Thor and Sam showing off!" You both laugh as Nat walks over and sits next to Wanda, handing you your drink as she kisses Wanda on the cheek. "There's my girl!" You see them smile to each other, knowing they are close as you sit between them on the floor, leaning back against the sofa. You can hear them whispering between each other and laugh as see Peter flash you a beaming smile. "Okay all you small humans, let's see if any of you are worthy!" You see Thor lift his hammer onto the coffee table, challenging everyone to try and lift it.

The group erupts as one by one everyone tied to lift it off the table whilst the rest of the group teased and made fun of them in different ways. Tony even went to get his Ironman hand to try and help him lift it. You all laughed hard as his hand started sparking and cutting out, his ego being bruised as Clint shouted across to him, "It's okay Stark it's been a long week it's no wonder you can't get it up!" Everyone burst into fits of laughter, Steve nearly spraying his drink out of his mouth as Peter sat confused at the joke, which gave you a chance to tease him as you have all week. "It's okay Peter, I'll explain that joke to you when your older!" Everyone erupts again and clink their drinks with you as you were fitting in so well. You felt Nat slyly stroke the back of your neck as she leant forward on the sofa. You felt your hairs stand on end as she giggled behind you. She stopped suddenly as Tony challenged her to lift the hammer before she gave him a quick response, "Oh no, that's not a question I need answered Stark!" Everyone chuckled as she began to trace under your short collar again causing you to smile to yourself. "So Y/n? your turn!?"

You chuckle as you are never the type to turn down a challenge, "Okay I'll give in, I can't do any worse than you Tony!" You point over as he nods and chuckles sarcastically at you. "Yeah, yeah I get it!" Everyone laughs at your comment as you walk over to the hammer at the end of the coffee table. You unbutton your suit jacket, slipping it off and placing it behind you, causing some teasing from Sam. "If we were going to get a strip show I would have brought some dollar bills!" You hear everyone laugh as you pull your shirt sleeves up your forearm a little, looking over at Sam before you try and lift the hammer, "Oh did you not know Sam.. They pay with $10 bills when I put on a show, not ones!" The group bursts into laughter as you shut his comment down almost immediately. He stands and bows towards you, accepting his defeat. You smile and nod your head as you try not to laugh yourself, you glance at Nat who is beaming with pride at how you are fitting in with the people she calls her family.

You give her a cheeky wink before looking back at the group. You see Steve and Clint teasing Sam as he sits back down before you stand with you feet apart, ready to try and lift Thor's hammer. You grip the handle tight before pulling with all your strength back towards you. You feel it budge a tiny bit before you stop pulling, you glance up and see Thor's eyes widen in shock before you let go off the handle, nobody else seemed to notice as Thor scans the room before looking at you, giving you a subtle wink before joining in with everyone teasing you for not being able to lift it. You hold your hands up in defeat before putting your suit jacket back on and sitting back between Nat and Wanda's legs infront of the sofa and taking another drink as Steve was last to try. He was also unsuccessful, he sat back down as Thor stood and lifted the hammer, flipping it in the air before showing off his ego. "Your just all not worthy!" Everyone boos and hisses at him as he sits back down to continue drinking.

The compound begins to empty as it starts to get late, the team didn't seem to notice as everyone joked and teased each other. Then Tony decided to stand infront of everyone, seeing the room nearly empty. "Okay team, I think it's time to call it a night. As much fun as it has been some of us still having training to do tomorrow. So I will take care of the clean up, and thank you all for being on your best behaviour!" You all laugh as everyone claps sarcastically as he heads off to see out the rest of the guests. You all share glances as the team begin to leave and head to their rooms. You push yourself up from the floor as Peter comes over to say goodnight. He hugs you before he says goodnight to Nat and Wanda then runs off to bed. You all laugh as you watch him run off before Wanda turns to you both. "Goodnight you two, see you in the morning." You give Wanda a hug before she gives one too Nat, whispering something in her ear before they both giggle as she leaves. "Goodnight Maximoff!" You shout as she heads to bed. You wish everyone else a goodnight before turning to Nat as she grabs your attention. "Do you mind coming with me to the kitchen?" You chuckle as you begin to follow her lead towards the kitchen, "Sure I need a bottle of water anyways." She giggles as you almost leave the living room without any comments but then you both hear Clint shout over before he heads to bed, "You two not heading to bed yet..?" You see Nat give him the finger as he chuckles and walks to his room. You can't help but laugh as you follow her to the kitchen, catching her as she stumbles in her heels.

You make it to the kitchen before she slips again. You catch her by her waist before you lift her up onto the kitchen bench. You laughed as she started taking her heels off so you turned to the fridge to get two bottles of water. You catch her watching you as you turn back around to face her, you chuckle as you see her heels in her hand. "Now how does it feel to survive your first Stark party Miss Beattie?" You walk back over to her as she watches your every move. "It feels good. Exhausted but it was a really good night.." You wink as you see her blush at your comment. "Now lets get you to bed shall we?" You see the confusion on her face before you hand her the two bottles of water. As she takes them you wrap your hand around her back, pulling her off the bench as your other hand scoops her up under her legs. You hear her gasp in shock as you carry her out the kitchen and towards your room. You feel her relax in your arms as you carry her up too your room. You drop her onto her feet carefully as you get outside your door, you open it and turn to face her. "So.. You coming in or would you like me to walk you to your room?" She laughs at you as she pushes you into your room, she follows before turning back and shutting your door. You get your balance back before taking off your suit jacket and hanging it back in your wardrobe. You turn back and start to undo your bowtie before sitting on your bed and placing it in your draw.

You look back up and see Nat looking through your wardrobe. You chuckle at her as she grabs something and walks into the bathroom. You take off your shoes and go to your draws, finding some shorts and a t-shirt. As you pull them out you glance over as you see Nat come out the bathroom in just one of your t-shirts. You go weak at the knees as she leans against the bathroom door, biting her lip subtly as your mouth opens wide at her sudden confidence. "You okay there Y/n?" You snap out of it as she says your name, shaking your head slightly as you laugh at yourself before looking back at her. "I'm not sure right now.. I mean look you.. I certainly am." You see her blush as you just look her up and down as she stands and allows you too. You walk over to her, your clothes in your hand as she didn't flicker as you stopped a few inches from where she is stood. You meet her gaze as she looks at your lips, she closes the gap between you both, her lips millimeters from yours as she says something to you. "Need a hand..?" You smirk as she begins to unbutton your shirt slowly without breaking away from your gaze. You feel her hands graze your bare skin as she undoes your last button, you feel your heart start to race as she opens your shirt. She finally breaks her gaze as she looks at where you were shot, her fingers trace over your fresh scar.

"Does it still hurt..?" You hear her soft voice as she runs her fingers back and fourth across the newly healed stitches. You shake your head in response, "Only a little.." You see her glance back up and meet your eyes as she traces her fingers along your collar bone and back again. She smiles softly at you before pushing gently against your chest, sending you a couple of steps backwards. She walks past you, whispering in your ear first, "Hurry up and come join me.." You catch your breath as she walks past you and heads to your bed. You go into the bathroom, getting changed into your shorts and t-shirt before glancing in to mirror before you opened the door again. You take a deep breath before carrying your clothes out and throwing them in your basket in the corner, you turn and face your bed and see Nat under your blanket watching you. You smile as you walk over to join her, she lifts the blanket as you climb in beside her. She instantly pulls your arm under her as she rests her head on your chest.

You feel her body instantly relax as you wrap your arm around her body, pulling her closer into your side as her other hand searched for yours. Her fingers intertwining into yours as if they were perfect puzzle pieces slotting together. Your felt her thumb grazing across yours as you rubbed her back gently. Her breathing deep and her heart beating against your skin. "Is this for real?" You are taken back a little at her question but answer it regardless. "As in us.. Then yes. I couldn't be anymore serious about us Nat." You feel her smile a little, "Promise..?" You look down as she lifts her head to look up at you. "I promise you Natasha Romanoff, I won't let you down." She kisses you before lying back on your chest. You feel as though this was all meant to be. You feel her breathing become heavy as her body goes still. You smile as you feel her asleep on you, you kiss her head before staring up at the ceiling, wondering how you got so lucky to be here right now. You get lost in your thoughts before falling asleep yourself.

You wake up as you feel Nat moving slowly out of your bed. You squint your eyes towards her as you see her walk over to your bathroom. You rub your eyes as you roll over and check the time. '09:35am really..' You groan as you roll onto your back, closing your eyes again as you hear Nat open the bathroom door. Before you have chance to open your eyes again you feel her crawl on top of you, kissing you softly before lying back down next to you. You finally look over at her as she pulls the blanket back over her, "Good morning beautiful.." You see her smile behind the blanket as she lifts it over her face up to her eyes as she looks across at you. "Don't go shy on me now Romanoff!" You feel her giggle as you turn to look back at the ceiling. She cuddles back into you as you pull her close. You hear her soft, sleepy voice in your ear as she rests her chin on your shoulder to face you. "Good morning to you too.." You turn and kiss her forehead, smiling as your eyes meet. But before you can say anything a familiar knock at your door makes you both laugh. "Morning Peter! Hold on I'll be right there."

You shuffle out of bed, Nat pulling you back a little as you go to answer the door. You open it a little as you see Peter's beaming smile. You peek your head around, not letting him see in your room. "Morning Y/n! just wondered if you wanted some breakfast? Me and Steve are driving to the nice café in the City!" You see his excitement as you take a second to think, you chuckle as you hear Nat whisper what she wants across the room. You go to give Peter your order but decide to text him instead. "Tell you what Peter, I'll text you. Then you won't forget anything!" He laughs as he runs off to meet with Steve. "See you soon!" You shut the door as he runs out of view, you walk back and climb back into bed. You lean over and grab your phone as Nat cuddles you in her arms. "That's a cute picture.." Nat comment on your home screen, which is a picture of you and Shuri from your 25th Birthday party. "Thanks.. Good hair day!" You feel her nudge you playfully as you text Peter yours and Nat's breakfast order. You see a message from Shuri from last night, you reply to her before putting your phone away. "You and Shuri are close huh?" You nod in agreement. "Always have been since I started working with the family, we just clicked." She smiles as you both make the most of the time you have before going down to breakfast with everyone else.

You get a message from Peter to let you know he is back with breakfast. You groan as you don't want to spoil the moment. "Come on.. Let's go get some food. Don't worry, this isn't the last time we will have time like this." You smile as Nat gets out of bed. She walks over and grabs her dress and heels. "I am going to put some appropriate clothes on. I'll meet you downstairs okay?" You nod as you sit on the edge of your bed, Nat walks back and you grab the backs of her legs and pull her close. She looks down and kisses you. Your hold her tight, not wanting her to leave but she pulls away after a minute or so. "I'll see you downstairs." You nod as she kisses you once more before leaving. You watch her leave, peeking out the door before rushing to her room. You chuckle to yourself before you get up, grabbing a hoodie from your wardrobe and heading to the kitchen. As you walk through the compound, you can hear Peter and Wanda talking from the living room which makes you smile even more than you were before.

You sit at the kitchen table next to Peter as Wanda passes out everyone's food. You thank her as she hands you your coffee and sandwich. You get into conversation with Peter before glancing over to see Nat walk into the kitchen, still wearing your t-shirt she slept in. you smirk as she winks at you before making herself a coffee. You begin to eat as Nat sits beside you as Wanda sits next to Peter. You all laugh and catch up as Steve, Sam and Tony join you all. "New t-shirt Nat?" You hear Wanda ask across the table, you cough in surprise as Nat gives her a glare before giggling at her. "Yeah it's new, thanks for noticing!" You hear them both laugh as you glance between them trying to hide your smirk as the rest of the table notices but don't say anything. "So Y/n? Up for some training today with Peter and Steve?" You nod as Tony asks you across the kitchen as he makes himself a coffee. "Sure if that's alright with them?" Steve and Peter smile and nod in agreement. "Sure thing. Nothing too intense with your arm but if you feel up too it please join." Steve flashes a smile as you look over at Nat who squeezes your thigh to grab your attention, "I might come watch you in action.." You chuckle with nerves as you all finish eating before heading back to your room to change before heading to the gym.

You end up training for a few of hours with Steve, Peter and Tony in the gym as you go through hand-to-hand combat, disarming and take-down techniques. You take it easy on your arm but you realise how much you have missed teaching and training. You teach Steve and Peter some of your techniques and they pass some of theirs onto you. Tony watches you all as you do some light sparring between the three of you. Wanda and Nat came in to watch as well as Sam, Clint and Thor. You noticed Tony approaching them all one by one, but you didn't think much of it. You got the better of Peter most times he didn't use his webs, knowing how strong he is everyone was very impressed. Steve was a bigger challenge, but you still gave as good as you got from him as well. You noticed Nat beaming with pride as she watched your every move. You finally call it a day before heading up to shower and change.

Avengers POV
As most of the team came to see how Peter was getting on with his training, as well as seeing how good you were, Tony stood back and watched your every move. He seen something in you, which everyone else seemed to see as well. He decided to ask everyone what they thought about you being offered a spot on the team. Everyone agreed that you would make a good asset as you had skills not many had, especially in hand to hand combat. Your motives were good too, you wanted to protect people, no matter what. Tony then pulled Steve and Nat aside to ask them if he should propose you to Fury, which they both agreed on. Once you were finished, Tony headed off to his office to do some background research on you. After what Steve told him and Nat at the party, he wanted to run all checks on you. After a little while, and some persuasion to gain some Top Secret S.H.I.E.L.D documents, he confirmed their suspicions that your were Agent Coulson's daughter, the man who was the motivation for the Avengers forming in the first place. He had died fighting Loki many years ago, which is why you were moved to Wakanda for your own safety. Tony made some calls to Fury before deciding that you should be given the chance to join the team. He called in Steve before making his final decision, but Steve agreed even before knowing your past you should be offered the job.

You were just finished getting changed as you heard a knock at your door, before you could say anything you heard it creep open. You looked up and seen Nat enter your room, shutting the door behind her as you were sitting on the edge of your bed. "Come in Romanoff.." You chuckle as she rolls her eyes at you. "Would you really turn me away..?" You shake your head as she walked over and sat on your lap, wrapping her arms around your neck. "Nice work in the gym today, you really impressed everyone." You see her proud smile as you look up at her. "Thanks. Feeling it now, my shoulder is a little sore but it felt good to be back doing what I enjoy." She kisses you suddenly before standing back up. "Why don't we head down and get you some pain meds? Take the edge off?" You nod and stand up, chasing behind her to your door. You caught her before she could pull open your door, picking her up and holding her tight as you spun her round. "PUT ME DOWN!" You laugh at her screaming out as she laughs. You spin her a couple of times in the air before you let her back on the floor. She turns and gives you a serious look whilst shaking her head before laughing at you. "Don't look at me like that Agent Romanoff! I'm not scared of you.." You kiss her forehead then rush to open your door, not letting her see you are a little scared of her. "Come on, I'm in pain I need medication!" She laughs at you obviousness as she follows you down to the kitchen, laughing and play fighting the whole way down.

Nat left you in the kitchen to make some coffee as she got you some medication from the med bay. She got back to the kitchen as you were just finishing your coffee, she stood beside you, leaning back against the kitchen bench looking over at you stirring sugar into your coffee. "Did nobody tell you it's rude to stare Romanoff..?" You catch her smiling at your comment as you slide over her coffee towards her. "I wasn't staring.. Much!" You chuckle as she holds out some medication for you, as you go to take them off her she pulls them back to her. "Promise me you will NEVER lift me up off my feet again first...!" You try not to laugh but you can't help yourself. "I'm sorry but that is a promise I can't keep.. It's too funny hearing you scream like that!" You burst into laughter as she just watches you wince in pain as you laugh. "Come on.. Don't leave me in pain.. What can I do instead..?" You smirk as you see Nat quickly glance around before grabbing you jumper collar. She pulled you towards her, kissing you hard before pulling her lips away but holding you close, staring right into your eyes. "I suppose that will make up for it.." You chuckle nervously as she places the pills into your mouth, rubbing her thumb down your bottom lip. You hold the pills between your teeth, just staring back into her piercing emerald eyes before you both hear footsteps, causing you to jump back a little and break the moment.

You both lean back against the kitchen benches as you take a sip of coffee to help swallow your medication. You look across at Nat who is still watching you, "They are quite strong so they should help, you need to take it easy you have had a sling on for a while now your shoulder needs to build muscle again.." You just stare as you see the caring side of her come out. "You really do have a soft side don't you.." You see her blush slightly as she looks away from you. "Hey it's okay.. It can be our secret." You wink as she looks back at you. "Good keep it that way!" You hear a stern tone to her voice which makes you chuckle before you both look towards the door as Steve and Tony enter the kitchen. "Hey you two, everything okay?" You smile and nod as Steve talks first. "Yeah just taking some pain meds, as much as I loved training earlier, my shoulder didn't!" Everyone joins in with you laughter as Nat keeps glancing across at you. "Well everyone was impressed, especially myself and Steve so we want to talk to you about a possible job offer..?" You look up as Tony has some files in his hands as he walks over to the kitchen table. "Come sit, let's have a chat."

You nod and smile as Nat grabs your arm, "Come see me after to let me know what happens okay?" You stare into her eyes as she pulls her arm away from you. "Okay I'll see you soon." You see her wink subtly before leaving the kitchen as you walk over and join Steve and Tony at the table. You feel your nerves kick in as Tony puts the files down infront of him. There's an awkward silence before you decide to break it, "Sooo.. What's this about? I feel like I'm in a interview.." You let out a nervous laugh before Tony looks across at you, "You could say that.." He grins as you look to Steve as he shakes his head at Tony. "Ignore him Y/n. This is not an interview!" You smile as you look back at Tony as he takes off his glasses and looks right at you, leaning on his pile of paperwork. "Right so I'm just going to come out and say it, I've done some research on you. Your qualifications, training and job history. Just the usual stuff and I found some... Interesting stuff." You try not to let him see your reaction as you know what is coming, "I just have to ask, how did you manage to get into the Police and Security Academy with 0 grades to your name?" You scratch the back of your head as you think about what your going to say.

"Okay I'll be honest with you, I forged the paperwork. I had a rough time at school so I didn't even turn up for my exams. Hence why I have no grades, but I knew I needed to do something with my life so I needed to get in so I did what I needed to do." You see them grin as you explain everything. "So how did King T'Chaka not find out?" You chuckle a little before clearing your throat to answer Steve's question. "Well when he came to visit the academy, he was with his son T'Challa. They saw me and what I could do and my ranking, nobody knew he was looking for a Personal Bodyguard until he offered me the job the next day. When I left the gym the day they visited T'Challa was waiting for me. He took me to a nearby food place where we talked and he explained he knew about my grades. After I explained why I did it he agreed to help cover it up before anyone found out at the Citadel so I could get the job. He said they both seen something special in me." You see their shocked expressions as you are completely honest with them. "Well, they weren't wrong Y/n. We can all see why they did it. But there is one more thing I need to discuss with you.." You look right at Tony, noticing him become nervous which was strange for him, he always seemed so confident and egotistical. This made you become slightly nervous as well.

You looked between Steve and Tony, wondering what was going on before Tony cleared his throat to talk again, a worried look on his face. "We know who your Birth-Father is Y/n.. I looked into secure S.H.I.E.L.D documents which talked about you and your movement to Wakanda. You Birth name is Y/n Coulson isn't it?" Your blood instantly boiled with upset and anger, you felt betrayed. You had gotten to know these people, and they had went behind your back and looked into your very personal past which you still struggled with. You never thought Tony would do this as you ignored what you had heard about him and gave him a chance but he just threw it back in your face by doing this. You poke through gritted teeth as you tried to stay calm. "Why didn't you just come and ask me about my past..?" You see Tony become even more nervous as Steve stood up slowly. "Y/n let him explain.." You jump up from your chair, sending it flying back as you look at Steve, "Why should I? This is wrong! I never gave you any reason not to trust my word, you could have just come asked me! Any of you!" You begin to raise your voice as Tony stood up across from you, his hand out-stretched towards you, "Look I'm sorry your right, but I needed to do this check for a reason.." You cut him off as you speak with venom in your voice from how angry you felt.

"NO TONY! I don't care what the reason is! You betrayed my trust! You went behind my back and invaded my very private past! You don't have any reason for that.. If you had asked I would have told you everything I know!" You clench your hands into fists as your heart starts pounding out of your chest, "Okay your right, I should have but I always do background checks on potential team members to make sure they are safe to be.." You slam your fist down on the table in anger at the word 'safe' coming from his mouth. "NO! Don't you dare!" You shout right at Tony as you cut him off. He steps back from the table as Steve tries to calm you down, "Y/n calm down, your right this was wrong but just hear us out. We want you on the team, as an Avenger.." You look across as Steve edges towards where you are stood. "No Steve! How can I trust any of you when you pull a stunt like this!" Tony leans back on the table and sighs, "He's right, that's why I did this. To ask you to be on the team.." You shake your head as you can't shake the anger. "No your just like everyone else, want to know everything about me because of my Dad.." You stop yourself from saying anything else. "It's not like that Y/n.. Just sit back down and we will.." You look up as Steve as you cut him off, "No Steve, I have to go!" You storm out before they can stop you, running through the doors towards your room.

As I left her in the kitchen with Tony and Steve, I couldn't help but smile. I noticed the paperwork in Tony's hands and knew he was going to talk to her about being part of the team. I know Tony well, he would have done a simple background check on her grades and qualifications before offering her name to Fury. Just the thought of having her on the team made me happy, I have never felt so close to anyone before she came along. I wanted her around. I wanted her to stay. She made me want to be a better version of myself. She brought out a side to me nobody knew, a part I never show but I can't help it with her. I couldn't hold my excitement so I decided to sit outside the kitchen and listen for her answer. I made sure they didn't know I was there as I got comfortable with my coffee and listened to the discussion. I was shocked at her confessions, she must really trust us all but it was something Tony and Steve would admire. We had all done very similar things. Then I heard Tony's confession, the shock took over as I tensed. This was not going to end well I could feel the tension in the room and I wasn't in it. Then I was snapped away by Peter's voice down the hall. "Hey Nat what..?" I put my finger to my mouth to tell him to shut up. Wanda followed as she seen me, they both crept towards where I was as they heard the raised voices. As they got to me, Wanda whispered as she questioned what was happening, "What's going on Nat?" I nodded towards the kitchen as the voices got louder, "Tony and Steve are asking Y/n to be on the team but Tony has put his foot in it as per usual.." We all froze down from the kitchen doors as we heard Y/n's voice get louder and angrier at what was being discussed. "What has Mr Stark done?" Before I could answer Peter's question we heard someone burst through the kitchen doors and run towards the stairs.

You rushed up to your room, you pace the floor as you text Nakia. "I need a jet, any jet, to come get me a.s.a.p. I will explain when I get back, I'm okay don't worry." You throw your phone on the bed before grabbing your gym bag off the floor. You grab some of your clothes and personal stuff. You go to the bathroom to grab some stuff as you hear someone knock on your door. You freeze and take a deep breath before shouting for them to come in. You continue to grab your stuff as you hear your door open then close. You breath in deep again before walking back to bed, as you leave the bathroom your eyes meet with Wanda's. You let out a sigh as you see it's not Nat, you give her a soft smile before zipping up you gym bag shut. You turn back and see a tear fall down her cheek as she looks down at the bag on your bed. Her eyes flicker red, you know she's reading your mind to confirm her suspicions. You see her try not to let her emotions out as your phone buzzes. "Please don't go Y/n.." You choke back your tears as you see her try and do the same. "I'm sorry Wanda.." You turn and grab your phone and see the message on your screen from Nakia, "On it's way. What is going on Y/n? I will be waiting for you landing."

You put your phone in your pocket as Wanda steps towards you. "I don't know what happened with Tony but you can't leave, we all just got you in our lives. It's too soon too let you go.." You shake your head as you feel your tears forming in your eyes. "I can't Wanda.. I need to calm down. I need to go home.." She jumps into your arms as she hugs you tight. You hug her back just as tight as you feel her sob into your neck. "Please don't go.." You shake your head as you hear her muffled voice. "I'm sorry Wanda.." You break away from her as you see her tear stained cheeks you feel so guilty, you didn't realise how strong she felt about you being here. "I'll miss you.." You smile as you turn and grab your bag off your bed. "Walk me down?" She nods as you both leave your room. You both walk through the compound and out to the field outside the compound but as you place your bag down you hear another voice shouting your name. You look up and see Peter running out the compound. "Y/N WAIT!" You chuckle to yourself as he runs into your arms, knocking you back a few steps and you hug him. He steps back after a few seconds and looks up at you. "You can't go! We don't want you too go!" You put your arm on his shoulder as he tries not to cry. "I'm sorry Peter but I need to go home, I can't stay here.." You see him shake his head as he turns to Wanda as she hugs him into her.

You feel your heart sink, you had really bonded with everyone and you didn't want to leave deep down but you had to go and calm down after what happened with Tony. You hear the jet approaching as you look away from Peter and Wanda you see someone at the doors to the compound which makes your heart break. The jet starts to land behind you but you walk over to see her, as you do she just shakes her head. "Nat I'm sorry.." You can hardly get your words out as you see her eyes filling with tears. "Please don't hate me." You take her into your arms as she grabs the back of your neck, digging her nails in as she forces herself not to cry. "Please come back.." You hear her but you don't know what to say so you just cuddle her tighter. "Promise me.. Like last time?" You pull away slowly as you shake your head slightly, "I can't.." You finally see a tear leave her eyes as you don't want to make a promise you might break. You take your hand into hers, staring into her eyes as you do. "I promise I will see you again.." A tear falls from your eye as you watch her nod. You slowly let go as you turn and walk to the jet, as the ramp lowers you turn back and see Nat with her hands on both Wanda and Peter's shoulders for comfort. You battle with yourself before turning and getting on the jet. You feel your heart shatter as you sit down and pilot the jet back to Wakanda, thinking to yourself..

     "Could I really become an Avenger after this..?" 

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now