Our Only Hope..?

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Avengers POV

The team had been working none stop to try and get a location after seeing how badly you were being treat. They couldn't waste any time getting you back as your body was already weak. They all knew you needed urgent treatment. They had some small leads but nothing concrete enough to plan a mission. Tony and Bruce were in the lab as Steve was sitting with Nat and Wanda in the meeting room whilst the rest of the team rested. They were sat in silence as they studied satellites and security footage. Then without warning, Steve suddenly jumps. "I think I have found something!" Steve's voice is hopeful as Nat and Wanda quickly join him at his laptop. He points out an old building on a hillside and explains what he has found. "So this is one of the three locations we had narrowed it down too, but this building in particular stood out for it's enhanced security and also constant subtle movements. There are trucks in and out at certain times of the day." Nat and Wanda shared a glance of hope as they all began to look into the building. Nat quickly learnt that it was an old base used during world war 2 which all added u if it was being used for HYDRA. Wanda then followed by locating a Truck very similar, if not the same, as the one you were taken in driving nearby the base. "That's got to be it. We should tell Tony and the team." Steve speaks up as he quickly calls for Tony to join them so they can relay all the information.

Tony quickly joins us in the meeting room. I let Steve explain everything that we found as I sit beside Wanda. I could tell Wanda was just as worried as me, she had become close to Y/n, they were best friends. I know how much she liked spending time with her when I've been on missions or busy with work. She was fidgeting with her rings so I grabbed her hand and kept it in mine for comfort. She gave me a soft smile as Tony and Steve talked. "You okay Nat?" I heard Wanda's soft whisper, which caught my attention instantly. "Yeah I just need her back safe. Seeing what state she is in, we need to find her." Wanda nodded in agreement. "We all need her back. She's become part of the family. I miss her and I just want her to be safe." I gave Wanda a smile as I could tell she genuinely cared for her. Then suddenly Tony's voice spoke to everyone in the room. "Okay guys good work. Let's get the team in and discuss this together whilst Bruce does some more digging." Tony's voice was stern and urgent. He must think this is our location. We quickly took our seats and waited for the team to arrive and get this meeting started. Wanda sat beside me, her hand back in mine as she always hated these meetings, and this one would be worse being about someone she cared about.

You were still strapped to the table. Your body going through waves of pain and immense heat as medical tubes were still connected through your hands and arms. You had been injected a few times that you can remember, you couldn't see what it was but you noticed it was some sort of thick yellow liquid. You were constantly surrounded by men in white coats, as well as hearing the familiar voice of Strucker from time to time. You had no idea what was happening, all you could feel was pain in between passing out. You knew your body was weak, and the injections were not helping. You were beginning to loose hope that the Avengers, or even Nat would be able to find you in time. You tried to focus on the conversations happening around you but it was no use, your mind was over-run with pain and weakness from the lack of food and water.

The constant chatter around you kept you from completely loosing conciousness. You could see people constantly in and out in the distance from various doors. You looked around as much as you could, taking in whatever you can. You seen a repeat of the red logo from the truck all around the room. You also seen the S.H.I.E.L.D logo on some files and paperwork nearby, they looked old and worn away slightly. You could see empty vials from the yellow liquid being pumped into your body as well as full ones. You couldn't make out what it was or what it was going to do, all you knew that it was causing you a lot of pain and was changing your body somehow.

Avengers POV
"Okay everyone listen in. We have a good lead. Bruce is just doing some final checks but it looks promising. We need to be ready to move out as soon as we can. We can't wait around on this one, we all seen Y/n's state in that video." The team all listened close to Tony's words as they all waited on Bruce confirming anything he could. "So my thinking is we cause a distraction at the main gates. Draw out everyone we can then send in two people through a side or back door to quickly locate and rescue Y/n. Getting her out and onto an awaiting jet." The team all nods in agreement. Simple enough plan. And as if on que, Bruce made his way into the meeting room with his tablet in hand. He rushed to Tony as they spoke in a hushed tone before Tony turned back to the team, projecting a video infront of them. "As you can all see, Bruce has found some footage of a hooded figure being escorted into the base from a familiar looking truck." The team stare intently at the footage, all agreeing it is who they wanted to see. "So this is enough for me. Suit up. We move out in 20. Bruce is going to stay behind on comms and also to prepare the med bay. Peter you can stay behind and help him with anything he needs. As for everyone else, I want you all ready for this. More information to come on route. Let's go." The team all jump up and head off to get ready as Tony shouts of Nat before she can leave. "Nat, can you call Nakia and let her know what is happening please?" Nat nods and calls her straight away after leaving the meeting room.

**Phone Call with Nat & Nakia**
Nakia - "Hey Nat, everything okay?"
Nat - "Hi Nakia. Yeah you could say that, is this a good time?"
Nakia - "Yes of course. I have you on speaker with Shuri and Okoye."
Nat - "No problem, I just wanted to let you all know we have a possible location on Y/n. I will send you over all the details but we are moving out right away."
Nakia - "That is good news Nat. Where are you headed?"
Nat - "Sokovia. An old army base we believe is being used for HYDRA."
Nakia - "Thank you for letting us know. Keep us updated please. Do you need any assistance?"
Nat - "We should be okay. We have the whole team on this. Bruce and Peter are setting up the med bay for her return. Keep your phone close. I will be in touch."
Nakia - "Thank you Nat. Be safe. Talk soon."
Nat - "I will."

I head straight to my room after my phone call with Nakia and put on my black widow suit. As I'm putting on my boots I hear a knock at my bedroom door. "Come in.." I notice Wanda being followed by Peter. Wanda was already suited up as Peter was still in his jeans and top. "You ready Nat?" I give her a confident nod as I can hear Peter's breathing heavier than usual. I look over at him as he leans against my door. "You okay kid?" Peter shakes his head subtly as I stand up from my bed. "What is it Peter?" I see his eyes become slightly glossed over with tears. "I want to help bring her home. What help am I here?" I notice his frustration as Wanda holds him close. "I know it's hard Peter but at least here you can be prepared for her in the med bay with Bruce. We don't know the extent of her injuries. You are just as important here as you would be out there. Once your set up in the med bay. Go to the meeting room and get on the headsets to help us out that way too. It's always good to have eyes in the sky. Especially for those heading in to that building blind." I see him nod and smile slightly, not realising he could actually be a huge help back here at the compound. "I will Nat. Just bring her home safe okay?" I nod and grip his shoulder for comfort before heading to the armoury with Wanda. We quickly grab our gear and rush off to join the team at the jet.

You were eventually back in your cell, alone. You had been left for a while now. You had eaten a little and drank some water but no where near what your body needed. Nobody had been to check on you, which was strange as there was always someone walking past usually. You could still feel the waves of heat radiating through your body, as if they had pumped hot water through your veins. It made your skin irritated but the pain had stopped.. for now. Your body was still very weak as you dangled from your chains once more. Your wrists were sore from the friction of the metal but you had become used to it at this point. You were dozing in and out of conciousness, trying to concentrate on your memories of Nat, your family and the team but your mind was so tired you could barely remember their voices at this point.

You had been woken up by footsteps, but couldn't see anyone through your blurred vision. You must have passed out again as your legs were weaker than ever. You were leaning on your tip toes as you dangled helplessly from your chains. Then suddenly, a voice comes from the shadows. A voice you hadn't heard before. It was deep but soft almost. "Just give them what they want and you can go back to your precious Avengers.." You search the room but still can't see anyone. You force the yourself to talk back to the mystery voice. "I don't know what they want from me.." You head a footstep getting closer but still no figure comes into view. "Your Father took something from me all those years ago. Which is why I had to kill him. And now you have it. And I will get it back. No matter what it takes.." You hear a rush of air and the voice disappears. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!?" You scream in anguish. You pass out again before you can think about what just happened.

Avengers POV
"Okay Team listen up. So plan of action is as follows.." The team all stand and join Tony in the centre of the jet around a small table. A projection of the base appears infront of them all. "So the main gate is located on the North side of the building. Sam, Steve and Thor will attack there. Causing a huge distraction. I will fly over the building scanning for heat signatures before joining you at the gates. As soon as we see enough guards being drawn out, I will give Nat a signal. As soon as you hear it Nat, take Wanda and head in through the side doors located on the south side of the building. You both need to get in and out as fast as possible. We will hold the guards as long as we can. Locate Y/n and get her out no matter what it takes. Everyone comes back on this one. Constant comms. Oh and we need to make a quick stop on route. Now everyone get ready, it won't take long to get there." The team all nod and take their seats. Tony joining Sam at the control panel as Steve and Thor sit not too far from them. Nat and Wanda sit a little way from the table. Everyone was quieter than usual. Nobody knew what they were heading into. Tony headed around to the team, handing them ear-pieces to connect up. As he got to Nat and Wanda he stood infront of them. "You two okay with the plan? I know I can trust you both to do this. But I want to make sure it's not too personal.." Tony's words were soft and sympathetic towards them. But Nat was quick to react. "I know what your worried about Tony but trust me, we've got this." Tony nods and smiles at them both, "Keep each other safe in there okay." Nat and Wanda both nod towards Tony before he heads back to Steve and Thor.

You were woken up again, but this time you weren't in your cell. You were back on the table. Strapped down with those bright white lights in your face. You were slightly confused with a fuzzy head, it felt like you had been hit over the head, hard. Your vision was blurry as you tried to focus on the voices echoing around the room. "RUN THE TESTS AGAIN!" You suddenly noticed a familiar voice, it was Strucker. "But Sir, we have ran the tests 3 times over and.." You can hear the fear in the other man's voice as he tries to explain something to Strucker, but he is not happy with what he is saying. "Well run them AGAIN! We should have full control of her by now!" You can hear everything as you keep your eyes closed so they don't suspect you being awake. You try not to react as they start sticking needles in your arms and hands again. 'I'm starting to feel like a pin cushion with all these holes in my skin... Where are you Nat.. I need you'.

I had to get in the zone for this. Nothing could go wrong or I could loose Y/n for good. I could sense Wanda was nervous but I also knew she had my back. With her by my side we would be okay. Her powers were incredible. We both connected up our ear-pieces, giving them a test. "You read us okay Peter?" A little static buzzed before we heard his soft voice. "Yeah I can hear you Nat, Wanda?" His voice had a sense of worry but I could tell he just wanted to help. "I can hear you Peter. All good." I can't help but smile as Wanda does at the sound of his voice. But before we can say anything the jet lands. As the ramp opens, my face lights up at a familiar face joining us. "Hey Nat." I rush to the top of the ramp and greet Clint with a huge hug. He drops his bag as he wraps his arms around me before the team all join us. "Hey guys. Thanks for the invite. What's the plan?" Clint quickly greeted everyone before Sam got us back into the air as Tony spoke up, shaking Clint's hand. "Simple rescue mission. Your with the ground team. Nat, fill him in on the mission plan please." I nod as everyone takes their seats again. Clint joined me and Wanda as I got him up too speed on the mission. "Simple enough, we'll get her out of there Nat." I nod and smile a little at Clint's words. He always seen right through me but he could always calm my nerves. "So everything good back at the compound? You take my advice with her...?" I heard Wanda giggle a little at Clint's question. I shook my head as my cheeks flushed slightly. "I did. Now let's talk about this later. We have a mission to do." Clint and Wanda share a look before we all head over and get our equipment ready.

And just like that, you are back in your cell again. You longed for some fresh air and sunlight, but the thought of getting out was slowly slipping away. You had no indication of how long you had been here or if anyone was even looking for you. As you were dangling from your chains again, you started to feel tears fall down your cheeks as they stung when they reached the cuts on your face. You started to wonder whether it was a good choice leaving Wakanda. If following your chance at a new job and the possibility of finding your soul mate was worth this. Your body was numb from pain, as well as your emotions.

  When you began to think about Nat, you could suddenly feel your heart race slightly. Hearing her voice in your head as you close your eyes. 'Hey babe. You okay? I'm right here with you, don't give up!'.  You start to loose yourself in your thoughts, thinking about Wanda and the rest of the team, as well as Nat. You then started to notice little flickers of yellow energy bouncing around your body. You look up and notice they are coming from your own hands. You shake your head, not believing what you are seeing, as you close your eyes once again.

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