Hydra Finally Found You..

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**It's been 3 months since Tony officially made you an Avenger. You have settled in better than you ever thought you would. You and Tony have made progress after your altercation. Wanda is your best friend, she looks after you and keeps your mind busy if Nat has meetings or missions. Peter is like the little Brother you never had, you both make it your mission to prank everyone when you aren't training together or helping out with the workload. Steve, Sam, Thor and Bruce all love you being around, they get you to help out whenever they need it and you train with them all too. You and Nat were closer than you ever imagined. She is your everything, you had never felt anything like this before she came into your life. You had been on a couple of lunch dates and had a lot of movie nights in between working hard and training even harder. You had both spent a lot of time talking about each of your pasts, you had told her almost everything from your Birth Parents too your troubled teenage years at school right up until you met her. She knew almost everything she could about you and you knew just as much about her. She had never told anyone some of the things she told you but it just made you appreciate her even more.**

You had been in the lab with Bruce and Tony since you finished training working on some new technology. Tony knew you had been working with Shuri so he got you in for some ideas. You had helped Tony design some new parts for his Ironman suit as well as some new weapon designs for the team. They were both really impressed with your work, you all worked late into the evening as you just lost track of time. You were stood infront of the screen with Tony, not even noticing someone enter the lab. "Well you three look hard at work.. You know what time it is?" Nat walked over and sat on the edge of Tony's desk as she admired you at work. "Oh hey you. Sorry we just got stuck on these designs for Tin Can's armour!" You nod over at Tony as she shakes his head and chuckles at your comment. You walk over and kiss Nat on the forehead as she giggles at you. "Give me 10 minutes and I'll be right with you okay?" She nods and just sits watching you dragging designs across and merging them, even baffling Tony how you made it work.

"Impressive! I like it.. But we need to work out a cooling system. How about we get back too it tomorrow? If I work late again Pepper will kill me!" You laugh as you agree. "She certainly will Stark. That works for me I will come by after training." Tony nods and smiles as he closes up everything at his computer. "She's all yours Romanoff!" Tony shouts over at Nat who is still sitting watching you. "Thanks Stark, it's about time!" You chuckle as you walk over to her. "So.. Plans for tonight?" You hold your hand out as she takes it in hers, leading her out the lab. "How about Pizza and a movie?" You nod and smile as you head to the kitchen for a drink. You jump up on the bench as she pours you both one. "That sounds great baby. Stark has literally tried to fry my brain today." She giggles as she passes you a drink. "He seems to have that effect on everyone don't worry!" You jump down as she puts a bag of popcorn in your teeth to carry before grabbing your hand and leading you up to your room.

You open the door for her as she spends a lot of nights in your room with you now, especially with your nightmares coming and going still. They are getting better but they still happen so she doesn't like the idea of you being alone if one happens. As you kick your trainers off you put your drink on the bedside table and sit on your bed. "I'm going to have a quick shower, you want to order the pizza and pick a movie?" You see her looking for one of your tops to sleep in as she nods in agreement. "Yeah sure babe. Don't be too long, I've missed you today!" You chuckle as you kiss her cheek before getting into the bathroom and showering. You let the shower run for a while, the water running down your back as you just take a moment for yourself. You take some deep breathes before washing and getting out. You head out into your room and get a top and some shorts to sleep in. You chuck them on under your towel before putting it in the bathroom and heading over to your bed.

You climb in next to Nat as she checks her messages. You sneak under her arms as she holds her phone out infront of her, getting to her neck as you cover her in small, gentle kisses. You feel her squirm a little as kiss along her jawline, trying to put her off what she is doing. You can feel her chest jumping as she giggles at you, trying not to let you stop her sending a message. "Your so annoying!" You finally get to her as she throws her phone down on the bed and gives in to you. She pulls you up to face her as she kisses you back, finding your lips straight away. You pull away eventually, finding her eyes as she looks down at you. "I really have missed you today." You see her eyes flickering between yours as you roll over and lie beside her. "I know baby I missed you too. It's strange, working in the lab with Tony and Bruce makes me feel closer to home as well as being here with all of you. It's the best of both worlds." You feel her find your hand as she leans on her side to face you as you lie on your back and turn your head to her. "I get that, as long as you enjoy it I support you completely. Plus.. I never knew how much of a nerd you were! I like it.." She winks as you chuckle and shake your head at her. "Smooth Romanoff!" She hides in your neck and blushes at what she just said as you just laugh and tease at her before starting the movie.

You and Nat were onto your second movie, you had ate Pizza and you were now just cuddled up watching your TV. She was lying on your chest as your arm was wrapped around her. You other hand was interlocked with hers on your stomach as your legs were intertwined under the blanket. You felt safe with Nat, knowing she wasn't going to hurt you like you had been in the past. But fears started to creep in the more you got lost in your thoughts and before you could stop yourself you blurt out a question to Nat. "You are all mine aren't you Nat.. There's no one else?" You suddenly realise what you said and instantly regret it. 'Why did I just say that..' You think to yourself as Nat sits up and turns to you. "Sorry I just got caught up in my thoughts. You don't have too.." She cuts you off, shaking her head as she giggles lightly at you. "Yes, I'm all yours. You never have to worry about anything like that. I know my past isn't the best but with you it's all real. I want this to work out so no, there is no one I would rather be with like this than you. And there never will be. I'm not going anywhere, no matter what. You can trust me Y/n." You nod and smile as you didn't expect that kind of answer so your stuck on what to say. "I promise you. I'm yours and your mine. That's it. Okay?" You nod and smile as she leans over and kisses you. "I will never hurt you Natasha Romanoff. I promise you." She smiles as you kiss her forehead before she kisses your lips and goes back to lying on your chest. "Now, stop overthinking and watch the movie with me!" You chuckle as she takes your hand back in hers and you just relax with her before eventually falling asleep together.

***HYDRA Base, Sokovia**

"We have finally located her Sir, and you will never guess where?" A small, timid man approached Strucker as he stood at one of his computers in the main room. "Well get on with it!" The small man looked down at his clipboard again before answering to Strucker. "With the Avengers Sir.." The room went quiet before an evil smirk grew across Strucker's face as the timid man scurried out of the room. Strucker pulled out his phone and made a call.
**Phone Call**
??? - Yes?
Strucker - We have found her.
??? - Are you sure it's her?
Strucker - Yes. 100% match.
??? - After all this time...
Strucker - It appears she has finally come out of hiding.
??? - Move in. Find her. Get it done.
Strucker - Yes Sir.

The phone line went dead as Strucker barked his orders to his goons around the room. They all rushed off to carry out his work. "AND DO NOT COME BACK WITHOUT HER!" He screamed as the men left the room to prepare. He stared out the huge open windows at the top level of his base, looking out at the men boarding the trucks. He smirked, knowing he might finally find what he has been looking for all these years..

**Back to you..**

"Mr Stark has requested everyone in the meeting room immediately." F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echoed through the kitchen as you were sat eating breakfast with Nat, Wanda, Peter and Steve. "We best get moving, looks like we have a mission." Steve jumped up in anticipation as he left the room before anyone could even move with him. You looked across to Nat as you instantly became anxious. You hadn't been on a proper mission yet as there was no major missions that had came up for you. "You okay babe?" You snapped out of it as Nat stood up out of her chair, gently placing her hand on the back of your neck. "Yeah just nerves kicking in. I'll be okay baby don't worry." You smiled up as you stood up and followed Wanda and Peer to the meeting room, where everyone was sat waiting. You took a seat between Wanda and Nat as Tony joined the table, standing leaning on his hands on the edge of the table. "Everyone here? Good let's get started!"

Tony clapped his hands together as he swung the computer screen around to face everyone sat at the table. "So we have had an urgent request to join some S.H.I.E.L.D agents who have been holding down a large group of, what we have been told, are terrorists. They have stormed a facility up state so I agreed to help out as we are close by." He scanned the room as everyone listened closely. "Going first are myself, Romanoff, Steve, Sam and Y/n." You caught your breathe slightly hearing your name, finally it was time to prove yourself in a mission. "Everyone else is on standby back here. It shouldn't take a lot to get this back under control but be ready regardless guys. Full comms and suits. Jet leaves in 15 so go suit up." You caught Tony's eyeline as you didn't have a suit yet, and the one Shuri made you was still in Wakanda. "Tony.. I don't have a suit?" You spoke up as the team all looked towards you. "Ah well that's where your wrong, follow me." You looked in shock as he walked out the room, letting everyone else out before him. You felt Nat grab your wrist before she left, "See you upstairs in 5 okay?" You nodded before she left to grab her gear.

You followed Tony down to the lab where there was a suitcase on the desk. You stopped as he stood beside it and looked back at you. "Well come on, we have a mission to get too." You walked over and opened the case, in it was something you never expected. "What do you think?" You look down and see a jacket and pant set. It looked like a leather-type material, similar to the suit Captain America wears but it was black with electric blue details (he noticed your other suit and accessories from Wakanda - it was kind of your colour). The jacket was lightweight, but strong with a zip up the front. The pants were quiet tight and also lightweight, perfect for your fighting style. It had some straps and pockets for you to be able to carry weapons. It was almost too good to be true, but to anyone looking you wouldn't think it was a protective suit, which was good for undercover missions. You looked up at Tony in disbelief. "You made this for me?" he smiled as he put his hand on your shoulder. "I need you to represent the team! Got a reputation to uphold, plus your not a God so you need to protect yourself.." You both chuckle at his last comment. "Now go get ready, weapons are downstairs, take what you need and I'll see you on the jet."

You nodded and smiled at Tony, "Thanks Tony. This means a lot. I won't let you down." He nodded before ushering you out to get ready. You rushed to your room, putting your suit on top of a plain white t-shirt. You zipped up the jacket and put on some black trainers before turning to the mirror. You smiled as it fit perfectly, leaving you lots of mobility so you can fight. You went to leave but someone knocked before you got to the door. "Come in.." You waited as Nat came in and stood in shock at the sight of you. "Woah.. Tony did not disappoint.." You laughed as you seen her studying every part of the new suit on you. "When your done staring, we have a mission to get too!" You seen her close the door behind her and walk over to you, "Nat..?" Before you could finish she grabbed the front of your new jacket and pulled you into her lips as she kissed you passionately, catching you completely off guard. You kiss her back before she pulled away slightly. "I don't know how I'm going to stay focussed with you wearing that!" You chuckle slightly before seeing her face turn serious as she pulled away a little more from you.

"Promise me something?" You nodded at her question, "Of course, anything Nat..?" You see her breathing become different to normal as she looked right in to your eyes, not allowing you to look away. "Come back to me, no matter what. I can't loose you.." You nodded and smiled, grabbing her hand in yours. "Your not loosing me today Romanoff, your not that lucky!" You chuckled as she punched your arm playfully. "I'm serious, don't do anything stupid and stay alive!" You nod and try to act serious. "I won't I promise, now let's go get some weapons and get to they jet." She nods as you both rush down to the armoury and load up on weapons. You catch her glancing as you find your way around your new suit. She comes over and helps you zip up your jacket, having a moment between just the two of you, before you both head to the jet and meet the rest of the team. As you get to the ramp Wanda and Peter are waiting for you. "Good luck you two. Stay safe out their okay. I'm not loosing my two best friends today okay!" You nod as Wanda cuddles you then turns to say goodbye to Nat. You feel Peter run into your arms, nearly knocking you off your feet.

"Don't die okay!" You hear Peter getting a little upset as you hug him tight. "Don't worry Peter, I won't die! Look after Wanda until we get back okay?" He nods as he jumps back to Wanda's side. "See you both soon okay?" You smile as you follow Nat onto the jet as the ramp shuts behind you and it takes to the skies. "Okay guys listen in!" Tony calls everyone to the middle of the jet as the jet flies itself. "So let's split into teams, Sam and Romanoff you take the left of the street, Steve and Y/n take the right. I will take the skies and give support from above. Everyone clear?" The team nods as we all glance around to each other. "Okay we should be landing soon so don't get comfy, oh and Y/n.. Suit looks great!" You smile as Tony nods towards you. "Yeah looking good Y/n!" Steve speaks up as he nudges Nat's arm. "What do you think Nat? Looks good right?"

You see Nat punch him back as you all laugh at them fighting. "Shut up Rogers. Before I say something to make you blush!" You all burst into laughter before you all feel the jet slowing down to land. "Okay guys get ready. Split off as soon as you get off the ramp okay?" Everyone agrees as they turn to the back of the jet. As you walk to follow Steve you feel Nat pull your arm back as your body spins to face her. "I meant what I said before, come back to me." You nod as you kiss her quickly, "I will Nat. You too okay. Stay safe." She nods as you get into position on opposite sides of the ramp. You join Steve as he turns back to look at you over his shoulder. "Stay close and we'll be good Y/n. I've got you." You nod and smile as you both feel the jet hit the tarmac. You take in a deep breathe before hearing the ramp lower down. Your ears are instantly filled with the sound of gunfire but you continue to breathe as Tony leads you all of the jet, speaking into your ear piece. "Avengers, let's work for a living."

You all follow him down the ramp as he quickly takes to the skies. You follow Steve as you head right and down the street, taking cover straight away. You crouch behind a jeep parked on the side of the road as Steve peeks his head out to assess what is happening. You watch as Nat and Sam take cover on the opposite side of the street. Suddenly comms become active between you all. "Okay guys I've got eyes on at least 30 targets outside the building, they don't seem to be making an entrance so let's keep it this way!" You listen closely before turning to Steve. "Okay you heard Tony, remember your training and let's move." You nod as you follow behind him, glancing over at Nat as you all move. "Sam you take that group at the back, we will take the group infront of us okay?" Steve gives his orders over comms as Sam replies. "Got you Cap let's move!" You catch up with Steve as he grabs the back of your jacket, holding you infront of him as he holds his shield out for cover. "Okay on three, move right and start taking them down." You nod as you wait for him to move his shield. "On my mark Y/n, 1.. 2.. 3!"

You use the force of Steve throwing you away from where you both were to launch yourself up on some stairs, you land on your feet as you draw your guns a fire at the men in all black surrounding the area. You manage to hit all 4 targets in front of you before moving around behind pillar on the outside of the building. "Everyone good down there?" You hear everyone answer Tony before you do. "Yep all good." You reload your gun before spotting 3 more targets across to your right. You breathe deep before moving towards them, kneeling behind a wall before opening fire. You take them down easily before sitting with your back against the wall to catch your breathe quickly. You catch Nat's eyes across the street as she stops to reload. You see her smile at you but as you give her a cheeky wink back you see someone creeping behind the car she is behind. "Shit, Nat on your left! Behind the car!" You scream down your ear piece as she quickly jumps up and takes him out. "Thanks babe!" You see her shake her head at what she said, knowing everyone heard her. "I hope that's not the sound of Natasha Romanoff going soft now she has a girlfriend!" You hear Tony try and tease her as you can't help but laugh.

You take out another two guards as you hear them arguing still through your ear piece. "I swear Tony wait until we get back to that jet!" Nat's voice slightly angry as she continues to bite back at Tony. "I'm gonna take a rain check on the jet, I'll fly home and meet you there!" You all laugh at Tony's fear of Nat and you can't help say something to back her up. "Your not scared are you Tin Man?" You hear Steve laugh behind you as he approaches your position, crouching beside you behind the wall you have been pinned down at for a few minutes. "Good one Y/n. You good?" You nod as he sees your out of breathe. "How many?" You quickly look over the wall as more of them appear. "10 maybe more? I don't know where they are coming from? But what's there play? They aren't moving to take the building?" You see Steve's confusion as he realises your right. "Tony what's the play? We don't think they are here for the facility.. They could have got in by now but they haven't..?" Before Tony can say anything Nat agrees. "I agree Tony, we are just fighting a loosing battle if they have another agenda?" You continue to shoot down targets as Steve takes a breathe beside you. "I will try and see if I can see anything from up here, Steve move into the building and see what you can find."

You look across at Steve who looks right back at you. "You good here?" You nod and smile. "Yeah I'm good Steve, I'll cover you as you move!" He nods and wait for you to move down the wall to distract them as Steve enters the facility. You take out a few more targets before realising your out of ammo. You put your guns away and get ready to use your hands. You scan the area before running out and start fighting. You throw punch after punch, connecting most of them as you go through another 3 guards relying on your take down techniques, that have never failed you yet. You suddenly notice an armoured truck pull up down the street. "Tony you see the truck that has just arrived? left side of the building!" You speak into your ear piece before taking down another target. "Yep got it. No one inside it. One armed driver. Go check it out Y/n." You scan around and two targets on your left. "Sam a little help?" He moves around and lays down some covering fire for you to move on the truck. "Thanks Sam!" You run towards the truck before seeing 4 men come out the shadows and surround you. You quickly press your ear piece, "Guys.."

You don't have chance to finish your sentence before they attack you one by one. You defend yourself very well, kicking and punching your way out of every hold they try before taking down two of them. The you hear one of them talk into a radio. "We have her boss!" You freeze which gives a chance for you to take a hit to your head. You smash into the floor, your shoulder taking the brunt of it as you hear it pop out of place. "ARRGGHH!" You scream out as you receive kick after kick to your ribs as you cover your head and face. "Has anyone got eyes on Y/n!? I lost her heading towards the truck!" You hear Tony in your ear piece as more targets join the beating. You feel every kick to your body as they don't hold back. "Y/N COME IN!? WHERE ARE YOU?" You don't attempt to move as you suddenly feel 3 or 4 hands grab your clothes and drag you towards the truck. You lift your head and see the doors at the back of the truck open up as they lift you onto the back. You turn your head to see Sam and Nat running towards where you were beaten on the floor. "Tony's I've got blood and Y/n's guns on the floor, do you have eyes on at all?" You hear Nat through the ear piece before she turns and sees you in the truck.

"Romanoff anything I can't find her, Steve where you at?" Tony starts to panic as you see Nat point to your in the truck. "TONY THE TRUCK!" Nat screams as her and Sam start to run to you but before they reach you the doors shut and you loose any sight of them. "NO! Y/N!" You hear Nat again as she sounds out of breathe. No one is with you in the back of the truck so you try and reach your ear piece as your vision starts to blur. "Nat.." You voice is weak as you start coughing and losing your breathe from the amount of kicks to your ribs and chest. "Y/n!? Hang on we will get to you. Talk to me!" You look around and try to see anything that could help them. You spot a symbol on a jacket which could help. "Nat listen to me, there is a symbol, a rad circle with a black skull on it. With some arms or tentacles? I'm not sure. But listen to me Nat. I'll be okay. Get back to the compound safely!" You hear her voice crack as she replies to you. "Y/n don't do that! You promised.." You feel a tear run down your cheek as you listen to her voice. "I will keep my promise Nat. I'll come back to you. Whatever it takes." You loose connection as you start to hear static rather than voices. You pull out the ear piece and place it in your pocket before lying back and falling unconcious.

Avengers POV
The team all returned to the jet after they lost connection with you. They knew they had to come up with a plan before coming after you. Everyone was silent as the flew home as Tony alerted the team back at the compound to a meeting. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, call the rest of the team to the meeting room. We will join them on arrival." The jet doesn't take long to land as the team quickly head straight to the meeting room where Wanda, Peter, Thor and Bruce are all sitting waiting. Steve, Sam and Nat all sit down across from them looking tired, battered and bruised as Tony is last to join the team after getting out of his suit. Everyone is silent as Tony enters, not knowing what to expect. Tony stands and gathers his composure before speaking, "Okay guys listen up..." Before he can go on Peter interrupts him. "Hold on Mr Stark, where's Y/n? Shouldn't we wait for her?" Everyone goes silent as Nat holds her hands up to her face to hide her emotions from the group. "Well this is what we are here to talk about Kid.." Tony struggles to find his words as everyone starts to realise something must have gone wrong. Nat lowers her hands as every notices her eyes becoming red and puffy, Steve puts his hand on her shoulder for comfort as Tony continues. "Okay so there was something not right with today and we need to work out what. But for now we need to track down where Y/n has been taken too. There is a tracker in her suit so Bruce can you try and trace that. I will work with Bruce. Steve and Sam once you have sorted the jet can you start looking into known HYDRA bases." The team all look in shock at Tony's statement. "Why HYDRA Tony?" Bruce spoke up as the team all shared worried glances. "Before we lost contact with Y/n she described a logo in the truck which she was took in. She described the HYDRA symbol. So that's where we are starting. Everyone else I want you on CCTV from Y/n's last knows location." The team all agree as everyone moves out the meeting room. Wanda and Peter quickly went to follow Nat as she rushed to her room as everyone else got on with their tasks from Tony.

I zoned out in the meeting room, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I should have been by her side not that far from her. I should have done more. I heard Tony mention HYDRA and my stomach went into knots. I know what they are capable of but what do they want with her? Before I could get lost in my thoughts I left the meeting room as quick as I could. I wanted to be away from everyone. I got to my room quickly before collapsing on my floor next to my bed. I felt the tears stream down my face as someone knocked on the door. "Nat.. It's Wanda.." I knew I could trust her and she didn't judge me so I got up to let her in. She jumped at me as she hugged me tight. I fell backwards before she held me up. Another body was behind her, they shut the door as I cried on Wanda's shoulder. She sat me on my bed, as she pulled away I seen the other person was Peter. I knew he would be struggling too. He came over and hugged me tight before sitting on the end of my bed behind me. "Why don't you go have a shower, then we can talk or just sit whatever you want Nat." I nodded as I grabbed some clean clothes, took a quick shower and re-joined them on m bed. I saw Wanda looking at me worried as I sat back down and drank the coffee she brought me. I sat and told them what happened, their faces shocked as they tried not to get upset infront of me. "Nat she'll be okay, she's strong. We just need to find her." I nodded as I knew Wanda was trying to stop me worrying but it wasn't going to happen. "Why don't we set up some laptops and help search through the CCTV?" Peter was being so sweet as we all agreed with him. He went to grab some laptops from Tony as Wanda hugged me again. "Talk to me Nat.. Don't bottle it up." I cried a little more before pulling away slightly. "I can't loose her Wanda. I finally found my person.. Someone I could be happy with. I was finally letting myself open up to someone and be close to her, I can't loose her." I felt my chest tighten as I spoke, Wanda's eyes filling with tears at my words. I went to say something else but Peter cut me off. We all sat and started linking up to various CCTV cameras from where we just were to see what we could find out.

Avengers POV
The team all sat and searched where they could to try and get any indication of where you had been taken too. Tony and Bruce both tracked your suit too Europe so far but were working on pin pointing your location. Steve, Sam and Thor were all researching some known HYDRA Bases but so far they had only found one in Russia, which was believed to be inactive. Wanda, Nat and Peter were all watching through CCTV but so far couldn't follow the truck far enough out of the state. The team studied and tracked you for hours before Tony got a message from F.R.I.D.A.Y. "Mr Stark. A voice message has been sent through to the compound Sir." Tony froze as he knew this was never good. "Okay F.R.I.D.A.Y call everyone to the meeting room now please." F.R.I.D.A.Y sent out the message and everyone rushed to meet Tony. They all took a seat as Tony look flustered before finally saying something. "Sorry to call you all in here so soon but I have received as message. I don't know what it is or where it's from but we have to play it in order to track it. If everyone is ready?" Tony scanned the room as everyone nodded slightly. "F.R.I.D.A.Y play the message please.."

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