Training Session

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  **You take your recruits and the Avengers through a lengthy training session, going from intense circuits too light sparring. You also re-capped on what you were teaching some of the recruits on submission holds and restraining techniques. You moved on too defensive techniques to finish off with, teaching the recruits how to protect yourself against some threatening you with a weapon or loaded gun. You were teaching them valuable, lifesaving techniques which were priority doing the job you do. You finished the lesson with a sparring match between Steve and a few of the recruits for a bit of light hearted fun, it was not everyday you could put them up against a Super-Soldier. The recruits loved training alongside the Avengers, it gave them something new to aspire up too. You finished the class at 08.00pm and dismissed the recruits, giving them tomorrow off as your would be at your Brother's party.**

"Okay recruits, before you head off just a reminder, there will be no training tomorrow as I am needed at the party tomorrow night. Yes, before you say you are all invited as you already know so this is my way of saying, Enjoy your night off! You have all earned it. Thank you for today, and a special thank you to the Avengers for stopping by and giving you some motivation!" The class all cheered and chanted as they knew they had a night off, you laughed as they all filtered out of the gym leaving you with the Avengers again. "Wow I have to say Y/N, we are all very impressed with your work. No wonder they chose you for the job!" Steve comes over to pat you on the back as you stand and unwrap your hands at the benches. "Yeah, these recruits are in good hands with you Y/N." Clint shouts over, as he gulps down a bottle of water. "Thank you, I just trained hard and worked my way up to where I am today, a lot of experience always helps too." They share a small laugh with you as they begin to head back to their rooms. "Well thank you for that Y/N, we will see you tomorrow at the party." You nod in agreement at Steve as he heads off with Sam and Clint. "That was defiantly, different to what we are used to back in New York, but I enjoyed it so thank you Y/N. Not very often my brother is out of breathe." You laugh with Wanda as she points over at her brother Pietro as he waits for her to leave, "Anytime Wanda, see you tomorrow." She waves as she leaves with her twin brother.

You quickly tidy up the gym, as you realise Natasha is still sat on the benches, "So, how did the famous Black Widow find my little master class then?" You look up, trying to tease at her, you know she is the famous Russian spy from the Avengers. "Well.. I have to admit, I enjoyed it Y/N, you are very talented and have obviously worked hard." You smile as she looks at the ground when you look over at her, "No tips for a trainee?" You smirk as she stands up from the benches, "Well now you ask, come here.." You are caught by surprise but you walk over and join her anyways. "Where do you want me Miss Romanoff?" You can't help but chuckle at her annoyance at you calling her that, "Really? You know I could kick your ass right here, right now? Right?" You try and hide your laugh as you see her trying to act serious. "Okay Natasha, pass on your wisdom.." She hands you a dummy gun and places your arms as if you are pointing it at her, "Now, rather than doing this the hard way like you showed, there is a easier way, let me show you. Ready?" You don't have time to react before she swipes your legs and grabs the gun all in one swift move, putting you on your back, empty handed. You just lie there in shock, "Well.. I was not expecting that!" You laugh as she helps you off the floor, "Simple yet effective." She walks away all smug as you finish off clearing the gym.

You put away the last boxing bag, you head over to the benches and sit to unwrap your hands. "So, a party tomorrow eh? You have a busy week this week?" You turn as Natasha sits next to you. "Yeah, I had no idea all this happened so soon after a King dies but in this culture, death is not the end. It's more of a.. Stepping off point as they say. So you don't mourn the usual way. Plus a country without a King can end up in chaos so I suppose it needs to happen." You hang your head a little, thinking about him, "Were you close to King T'Chaka?" You look up, as you unwrap your second hand. "To be honest with you, I seen his as a Father figure. I even called him my Father. He treat me like I was his own child, which is why T'Challa and Shuri call me their Sister. I still feel guilty at not being there with him in Vienna.." You start to choke on your words a little and she notices so she moves along, sitting right next to you. "Hey you can't blame yourself for these things Y/N, trust me, it will eat away at you. You were following orders, you did the right thing." You nod as you choke back your emotions. "I'm just not sure what to do now, I don't have a place right now without him. I mean I know I teach still and work with the family but I worked by his side all day, everyday. I am finding it hard to adjust." She places her hand on your knee as you sit and talk to her, "I know how you feel, but everything will fall into place. They all adore you here, you can see that straight away. For you to wear their traditional robes today sent enough of a message. Trust me, you will find your way soon." She grips your leg, you flinch a little as you weren't expecting it but you laugh a little at the same time.

"Now, how about we go for that coffee or would you rather get some food?" You look over at her as she is staring right at you with those piercing emerald eyes, "You know, food sounds good!" You both laugh as you lead her from the gym and out into the main entrance, now I know a nice little place not too far away if you fancy it?" She nods as you press one of your komoyo beads, calling for your car to be brought to the entrance. You lead her out the main doors and stop at the bottom of the stairs, "Ah Y/N, your car is ready for you." You gesture for Natasha to join you as your car doors open automatically. "Everything is so futuristic here, I can't get used too it!" You laugh as you climb in your car and drive too the little restaurant where you and Shuri usually go. You don't talk much as you notice Natasha staring out of the window, almost mesmerised by the streets you call home. "Do you like it here Natasha?" You start up a conversation as she turns to face you, "I do, I love it here. It's so different." You nod and laugh in agreement, "It really is, I still feel so lucky to be here everyday. It's crazy." She giggles at you as your eyes are fixed on the road, "Ah here we are." You catch her gasp as you pull up to the bright lights of the building.

You get out and walk around to open her car door, "Miss Romanoff.." You hold your hand out for her as you help her out of the car. She gives you a disapproving look as you just laugh at her. "Shall we?" You hold your arm out, not knowing where this new found confidence is as you hardly knew her but it just flowed from you naturally. "Why thank you." She teases at you but links your arm regardless, you lead her in through the bright doors. As you enter the whole room erupts with your entrance, "Ah Miss Beattie, what a surprise to see you tonight! And who are we with tonight?" You laugh as the waiters make a fuss off you, "Hello guys, this is Natasha Romanoff, she is staying for a few days as a special guest of T'Challa. So be nice!" You all erupt in laughter as you tease at them all, "Now would you like your usual table?" You nod as they lead you to the window seat you sit at with Shuri usually. You let go of Natasha's arm and pull her chair out. She graciously sits as you tuck her chair in before sitting down yourself. "Drinks?" The waiter stands at your table, "Usual for me please, Natasha?" She scans the menu before ordering. "Just a beer for me please?" The waiter leaves as you look at the food menu. "So, you come here often then?" She giggles after the obvious reception you received, "What gave you that idea? Ha! Yeah myself and Shuri come here every week for our weekly Sister-date. Sometimes if we are free we make it more than once but the food is amazing and the staff are just class so we love to come here. It's been like that for the last 4 or 5 years!" She gasps in shock, "wow no wonder they know you so well!" You share a laugh as your drinks arrive. You both order some food as you sit and relax. "So Miss Beattie, that is an unusual last name?"

You can feel her prying at you but you give in as something in you is intrigued by her and wants to get to know her better. "Well, my mother was actually Scottish, so that's where that name come from." She gives you a confused look, "So you left Queens after you lost your Father, but your mother is Scottish? Now I'm really confused!" You chuckle as you begin to explain, "Well, my Birth-Father was working in the UK at the time he met my Birth-Mother, she lived in Glasgow. They met and spent some time together once he was finished with work, they ended up staying together, even though he worked all over the world constantly, but before he went back to work she ended up pregnant with me. He ended up being stuck in New York for 18months, so I was actually born in Scotland." She looks even more confused at this point, "Okay.. I'm getting the idea there is more to this story.." You take a deep breath before continuing, "My birth-mother died when I was 4 years old. We had stayed in Glasgow up until that point, I had only met my Birth-Father a handful of times but when she died I moved to Queens with him." You see her sympathetic expression as she listens to you so intensely. "Then when I was 7 my birth-father was killed in a work-related accident. Which is when I was moved here." You don't notice until now that she had reached over the table and placed her hand on top of yous and was grazing your hand with her thumb. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I had no idea.. You have been through a lot.." You look up at her, getting lost slightly in her eyes, "You have no reason to apologise, I have learnt to live with it. It's made me who I am."

You smile softly as you notice your food arriving. "So, Natasha, enough about me. Tell me about you." You notice she tenses a little before answering, "Well, as you know I had a rough childhood, I was raised to be a top Russian spy. I became mixed with the wrong people until my good friend Clint and S.H.I.E.L.D took me in and gave me the chance to do something good with my skill set. And from then on I have been an Avenger." You look over the table and smile, "So nothing special huh?" You tease at her as she tries to hide her giggle, "Not at all!" You both chuckle as you enjoy your meal. You sit and talk about the party tomorrow and the rest of her stay here before finishing off your food. "Well I am really glad we decided to go for food, this was amazing Y/N." You chuckle as you finish your drink and get ready to leave. "Are you ready to head back?" You see her nod as you extend your arm for her again, "Hold on, what about the bill?" You chuckle as you lead her out the doors, "Thank you for another amazing meals guys! See you all on Monday!" You laugh as they all tease you on the way out, "Have fun Y/N!" "Drive safe, no distractions!" You feel Natasha try and hide her laugh but she doesn't do it very well, "So seriously, the bill?" You open the car door for her as she still asks about paying the bill. You enter the drivers side and chuckle at her, "If you hadn't caught on by now, I get everything added to my royal bill. Which I pay at the end of every month. It's just how it works around here." You see her furrow her eyebrows at you, "So how am I supposed to pay for anything when I'm with you?" You laugh as you drive back towards the Citadel. "Well Miss Romanoff, you don't! You are a special guest of my Brother's and therefore a guest of mine, so I would never expect you to pay for anything when you are in my company." You see a slight smile and flushed cheeks as she turns away to look out the window again on your drive back.

You arrive back at the Citadel, you pull up outside and head around to open her door for her again. "Thank you Miss Beattie!" You scowl a little as you see her playing you at your own game, "Oh is that how it is Miss Romanoff!" You both laugh as you hand over your car to one of the guards and walk up to the stairs. You walk with Natasha as you enter through the huge main doors back into the main entrance. You stand with her as there is hardly anyone around the usually busy entrance, "So which room are you staying in Natasha?" She turns and looks up at you, "I'm in room 104." You gesture towards the elevator opposite to yours, "Ah, very nice rooms up that way. Shall we?" You press the button and enter the elevator together. You arrive at her floor as you walk her to her room. "This is me." She stops outside her door as you lean against the wall beside it. "Well thank you for your company tonight Natasha. It was has been a really nice change from my usual early nights." She looks up from looking down at her feet, "Well I'm glad I could give you some company. I have had a really nice night Y/N. So thank you for making my time here a little more special." You feel your cheeks flush a little as you get trapped in her gaze, "Well, I will leave you to get some sleep, another long day tomorrow and I have a party to prepare for. But I am looking forward to seeing you there Miss Romanoff." You see her try and hide her smile but she fails and giggles at you. She unlocks her door but before you turn to leave she pulls you in towards her by your waistcoat and leans forward towards you, kissing your cheek softly before opening her door. "Goodnight Y/N." You are caught completely by surprise, you cough nervously before replying. "Goodnight Natasha." You turn and walk down the hall back your room as you hear her door close, eventually after watching you walk away.

You reach your room, fumbling to open your door. You walk in and dump your gym bag on the floor next to your sofa as you head into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. You head straight to your room, you sit and check your phone and see a message from Shuri. "Lab, tomorrow morning. See you there." You chuckle to yourself as you see a message from your Brother underneath, "Catch up with you tomorrow Sis. We have A LOT to talk about!" You jump in the shower with your music turned up high, you feel yourself smiling again, even after everything that has happened. You catch yourself in the mirror with a stupid smug grin spread across your face but for once you don't care. 'Was that a date.. With the famous Black Widow..?' You laugh at yourself before climbing into bed and getting some well deserved sleep, another long day ahead of you tomorrow.

Avengers POV
It was the day after the ceremony, everyone was staying in separate rooms courtesy of King T'Challa. He was treating the team like royalty whilst staying in Wakanda. It was a shame Tony and Peter couldn't join everyone but they had prior engagements. Steve was always up early, he was awake and decided to head to Nat's room to check on her from last night. Steve knocked on her door, she was quick to answer, as he entered he noticed a slight spring in her step. "Morning Nat, you okay?" They both sat at the small table in her room as she offered him a cup of coffee. "I'm good Rogers, what about you?" He nodded and smiled as she handed him a coffee mug, "So that training session last night, she is really skilled isn't she?" Steve spotted the smile spread across Nat's face at talking about her but he didn't say anything about it. "Yeah she is. No wonder she was trusted with protecting the King's life. She is a really nice person too.." She tried to disguise her smile but she couldn't. "Did you get chance to speak with her after the session yesterday?" Steve was prying as he knew something was different about Nat today, "I did. We actually ended up going for some food. She took me to a restaurant not too far from here.." Steve started to realise what her smile was for but didn't want to push Nat as he knew what she was like when it came to getting along with people. "Ah that was really nice of her. She is very professional at her job, I actually talked with Stark last night, I mentioned her and he joked that we should bring her back to meet the rest of the team and offer her a job.." Nat looked over at Steve in shock at Tony's proposal, "Do you think he was serious? We could use some new blood in the team.." They talked for a little while, before joining the rest of the team for breakfast down in the café next to the gym.

It was the next morning and you were heading down to the gym for a light training session before you went to see Shuri in the lab. You were at the boxing bags, keeping up with your usual daily routine. You knew you didn't have a lesson tonight so you decided to go all out this morning, knowing you had a night off. You trained for a couple of hours, playing music through your headphones as you usual did when you were on your own, before finishing off by stretching out. You unwrapped your hands and drank from your water bottle before packing up your gym bag and heading off for coffee for you and Shuri. As you entered the café you still had your headphones in, you didn't notice the Avengers all sat at the table too your right. As you got to the counter you took out your headphones and ordered two coffees to go for you and Shuri, as you finished ordering you heard your name from behind you. You turned your head to see the team sitting trying to get your attention. You walked straight over to see how they all were, you couldn't see Nat as you got to the table.

"Good morning, nice to see you all, how is everyone?" You are greeted by Steve standing to shake your hand as he always did, "Morning Y/N. I think most of us are a little sore from your training session yesterday! But other than that we are all good." Steve sat back down as you scanned the table, chuckling at Steve's comment, "Good to hear! I hope you are all ready for the party tonight?" They all nod and smile at you, "We are always happy when a party is involved!" You laugh at Clint along with the team, but before you can say anything you see Natasha walking towards the table. "Good morning Y/N, nice to see you again." You can't help but smirk as she stands behind where Steve is sat near you, "Morning Natasha, likewise, I mean it's good to see you too.." You struggle a little to find your words as her smile grow across her face. "Y/N, your coffee." You hear from the counter as you turn and nod your head, "Well I best get this coffee too Shuri before she murders someone! I will see you all tonight." You nod and smile as you turn to leave the team and collect your coffee. You hear Steve tease at Nat about something but you don't think anything from it as you leave the café.

You get to Shuri's lab and see her at her computer. "IF YOU DO NOT HAVE MY COFFEE, DO NOT EVEN BOTHER COMING NEAR ME!" You laugh out loud as you creep behind her chair on your hands and knees, you slide her coffee cup over your head and onto the bench next to her. You hide under the bench as she takes a mouthful, you try not to laugh as you see her frown turn into a smile as she pushes her chair back. "Is it safe to come out now..?" You hear her giggle as you get up and she hugs you. "Thank you Y/N." You break apart as she goes back to her computer. You stand beside her and lean on the bench behind you as she types away. "So party tonight! You ready for it?" You look down as you see Shuri already excited for it, "Sure am. Speaking of party and such, do you know what T'Challa wants to talk with me about? I have a feeling what it is but has he mentioned anything to you?" You notice her trying not to laugh as you take a drink of your coffee. "I have no idea Sister.." You looked at her puzzled before taking a seat next to Shuri. "So what did you want to see me about?" She turns to you as she finishes her work, "Ah yes so tonight, Mother wants us there on time with no excuses. And we must be on our best behavior!"

You and Shuri both erupt in laughter as you know you are as bad as each other, "Well I'm off to shower then find T before tonight, I will see you later Sis!" As you enter the elevator you see her turn to shout something at you before the doors close on you, "Oh and say Hi to Natasha for me!" You go to say something back but the doors close infront of you as the sound of Shuri's laughter fills the lab. You shake your head to yourself as you notice that smug smile on your face again in the mirror of the elevator. You get back to your room and go straight for a shower. You change into some causal clothes before grabbing some food, you go to message your brother but before you send it you hear a knock at the door. You get up to answer but before you get there the door opens and you see T'Challa come in. "Come in why don't you Brother!?" He laughs as he brings you in for a hug, picking you up off your feet.

You let go of your brother as he puts you back down on the floor, "My King!" You bow your head slightly as he chuckles at you, "No need for that Sister, you are family.." You laugh as he joins you at your kitchen table where you finish your food. "So what brings you here T?" You look over at his mysterious grin appears, "Well I wanted to see you as I did not get chance to see you after the ceremony yesterday." You smile with pride as you remember his performance, "You were brilliant Brother, we were all so proud of you." He smiles as he helps himself to coffee, "Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you training me all this time. Speaking of training, how did your session with the Avengers go yesterday? I heard they all joined in with your recruits." You chuckle slightly as you can tell where he is taking this conversation, nothing gets past him. "Really well actually, they gave the recruits some new targets! Especially Steve, he was like a huge punching bag yesterday they couldn't get enough of him." You both laugh as he sits back with you at the table, "Anyone else.. I don't know.. Stand out to you..? Maybe a Russian Assassin type person..? Who you ended up taking out for a meal..? Maybe.."

You give him a stern look as he can't help but laugh at himself, "Come on really T? That is the real reason you're here so early isn't it!?" You bite your tongue, not to give in to his laughter as he stares right at you, "Well come on! I want to know e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!" You give in a laugh lightly at his not so subtle excitement, "We just ended u going for some food after my lesson, we were meant to have coffee anyways but.." T'Challa cuts you off before you can finish your sentence, "Hold up! You already made a coffee-date BEFORE your lesson!?" You grit your teeth as you know you dropped yourself in it, "Well.. Kind of yeah.. We got to talking when we were travelling to the ceremony in the jet so when we got back to the Citadel I asked her if she wanted to grab a coffee and continue the conversation we were having.." You stop talking as you notice him smiling more and more and you feel your cheeks flush. "You got game Sis! I really did not see this coming but I am loving it! So what happened at your meal..?" You shake your head as you tell him about your meal with Natasha.

You and T'Challa have been chatting for a while now, he has been teasing you about Natasha but you don't care as you love spending time with him like this. "So party time tonight! Finally a chance to relax and enjoy ourselves!" You nod in agreement, "I can't wait. Is everything set up and ready for it?" Your brother nods and smiles, "Yeah all set. Party starts at 06.00pm. We are not to be late!" He points at you making sure you listen but you just laugh at him, "Yes boss!" You both chuckle as his phone rings, "I best go take this, I will see you tonight Sis!" You wave him off as he leaves, answering the phone. You decide to chill on the sofa and watch some TV, as you get comfortable you end up falling asleep for a little while, before getting woken up by your phone ringing. You look at your phone and you don't recognize the number, "Hello?" You don't know who to expect to be on the other end of the phone, "Hello is this Y/N Beattie, who is this?" A man speaks down the phone with a slightly cocky tone, "Tony Stark. I believe you have met my team over in Wakanda. I have been on the phone with Steve and he couldn't stop talking about you and your 'mad skills' I think he said or Clint did, anyways I wanted to offer you to come back with my team when they leave on Saturday and visit the Avengers compound and meet the rest of the team." You sit in slight shock as you did not expect this in the slightest but he speaks again before you get chance to answer him, "Well think it over and let Steve know your answer. I have to go but I look forward to meeting you Y/N. Thank you for your time and enjoy your Party." He hangs up before you can find any words.. 'What the hell just happened..'

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now