Anything For Family..

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**You are taken to Shuri's lab by Steve and Natasha as Shuri leads them there. Nat is putting pressure on the bleeding as your rush through the corridors of the Citadel before reaching the lab. Shuri clears the bench in the middle of the lab as Steve lays you down, Natasha supports your head up as Steve takes off his jacket to use as a pillow. He folds it up and places it under your head as Natasha rests your head down on it, Steve holds the pile of napkins down on your wound as Shuri searches for her Komoyo beads on her workbench. Natasha checks your pulse as she leans forwards and listens to your breathing.**

Natasha POV
"Her breathing is really shallow and her pulse is weak we need to do something.." I watch as Shuri rushes back to Y/N's side holding some black beads and tweezers in her hands. "Okay Steve I need you to remove your hands and napkins on the count of 3, Natasha hold her still please and then I will stop the bleeding for now." Shuri's voice was so calm as she handed Steve a syringe needle. "When you remove the napkins, take the top off this needle and inject it into her neck slowly and remove it after 5 seconds okay?" Steve nodded as he waited for her signal. I glanced between Steve and Shuri as she counted Steve down, "Okay, Ready? 3.. 2.. 1.. Now!" Steve moved everything away from the bullet wound, wiping away any excess blood. I held her head completely still as Steve injected the fluid into her neck, I heard him quietly count too 5 before removing it from her neck. I put my thumb over where the needle had went into her neck as Steve got rid of the needle. "Okay last part then she will be out of pain.." I see Shuri's hands shake a little before she pushed a black and blue bead into the open wound. It flashed a little as I felt Y/N's whole body jump and then relax completely. "What is that?" Shuri looked up at me, "A Komoyo bead, they can do a lot of different things, but this certain bead is specifically for this type of injury. I designed them to stop the bleeding from a bullet or stab wound, they use Vibranium and other materials to instantly stop the inside of the wound bleeding or becoming infected before a doctor can come to remove the bullet and stitch the wound medically for it to heal on it's own. I looked up in shock as Shuri explains the beads before looking over at Steve who is exhaling in relief.

**Shuri contacted a doctor who was making their way to her lab, then rang T'Challa to find out what was happening in the hall. He explained that everyone had been escorted home and T'Challa was still with Mother and Okoye. There was no sign of the shooter yet but they were still searching. T'Challa was shaken up as Shuri calmed him down by reassuring him his Sister was going to be okay. She re-joined Natasha who was sat with Y/N, stroking the side of her head, near her temple, as Steve had stepped away to take a phone call. Shuri smiled as she could see Natasha's affections were genuine. Shuri slowly joined them both as she stood on the other side of the bench and scanned her Sisters body with her tablet to check her vitals.**

Avengers POV
"Hey Steve, how is she doing?" Steve was on the phone to Sam who was out searching for the shooter with the King's guards and Nakia. "She will pull through, any sign of the shooter?" Sam sounded disappointed as he explained the situation to Steve, "The guards believe they had a get away car on standby before they got in to the Citadel." Steve hangs his head as he felt defeated, "Okay guys well if there is nothing else to be done yet just head back to your rooms if it is safe to do so, I will call soon okay?" He hangs up as the team fall back to their rooms. "Okay so no sign of the shooter, looks like it was well planned out and they had a get away car waiting." Steve explained to Natasha and Shuri as they sat with Y/N. "The guards will look over the CCTV and go from there when they get back, they searched the Citadel so its safe for everyone to return to their rooms." Shuri continued to check Y/N's vitals as she spoke to Steve and Natasha. "Okay Nat, I'm going to check in with the team are you okay here?" Nat nods her head and she looks up at Steve, "Yeah go ahead Steve, go get some rest I will stay here." Steve nods and leaves the lab to go check on the team as Shuri turns to Nat, "You know, you don't have too stay Natasha?" Nat looked over at Shuri as she took note of her vitals, "I don't mind Shuri, I just want to make sure she is okay that's all but if you want to go see your family or get some rest, I can stay with her..?" Shuri finishes her notes and agrees to go check on T'Challa. "I will be back soon, the lab is on complete lock down so you will be safe in here, if you need anything there is a phone connected to the computer, I will be back soon." Nat nods as Shuri leaves the lab, "Thank you Natasha, it means a lot to have someone here for her." Shuri smiles and leaves Nat with Y/N.

Natasha POV
I watched Shuri leave and the room went quiet as it was just the two of us. I turned my attention back to the hazel eyed bodyguard who was lying there so peacefully, I felt myself reaching over and holding her hand, I wasn't sure at this point if it was for my comfort or hers. I couldn't help watch her as she lay there. I lent forward and started to gently rest my head on her arm as I started to feel tired. I must have drifted off for a little while before I heard someone enter the room, I lifted my head up and looked at the door as I waited to see who it was. "Natasha?" I heard T'Challa as he walked over to the other side of the bench, "Your Highness.. Are you okay?" He sat down where Shuri had sat earlier as he rested his hand on her stomach. "I am okay Natasha, thank you. I just can't believe she did that for me, you know. She could have died.. And it would have been because of me.." I looked over and seen how upset T'Challa was getting, "You know T'Challa, this is her job and she just did what her instincts told her to do. She speaks so highly of you all, she would do anything for her family. She is going to be fine." T'Challa looked over as he took a few deep breathes. "You know, this is really good of you, staying with her so Shuri could rest. I sent her off for some sleep, she was exhausted, she always bottles her feelings at times like this. But you sitting here with her means so much to all of us." I smiled up at T'Challa as he stared at his Sister, breathing so gently on the bench, "She really has took a liking to you Natasha, and she never gets close to people.. After.. Well never mind that for now.. Sorry can I get you anything?" I looked over at T'Challa a little curious as too what he meant but he looked so tired I didn't want to question him on it. "The only things are a new shirt for your Sister, there blood on this one that's all. And some bottled water maybe?" I watched T'Challa nod and stand up. "I will get someone to get what you need, the doctor will be here soon so I will be back.." I looked up at T'Challa, "With all respect T'Challa, I can stay and wait for the doctor, please go rest. You need it. I will call you with any updates." T'Challa nodded and turned to leave, "Thank you again Natasha, and your team. I will see you in the morning." I smiled as he left, it's back to just the two of us.

**Nat sat with you all night, waiting for the doctor to arrive and not wanting to leave you alone. One of T'Challa's guards came and dropped off some water, food, a spare shirt for you and some blankets. Nat sat and ate some food as she wrapped a blanket around herself and draped one over you. The doctor came in around 02.00am and removed the bead so she could remove the bullet, clean the wound and stitch you up. The doctor cleaned herself up as Nat took your dirty shirt off carefully and put the clean shirt back over you and buttoned it up. The doctor then asked her to help sit you up as she put a sling around your right arm and strapped it around your next, she then explained to Nat that this had to be worn for at least 2 weeks, so you did not rip your stitches. They then laid you back down and checked your heartrate and breathing, the Doctor said they have stabilized from earlier so she was fine to leave you to rest. She left the lab, Nat then laid a blanket back over you and then feel asleep in the chair next to you for a little while, but whilst she was asleep you woke up.**

Your eyes flickered open slowly as you winced in pain trying to move your body too look around at where you were lying. You looked over to your left and noticed someone asleep, you focused your vision and realised it was Natasha, "Natasha..?" You see her jump at the sound of your voice as you notice your hand is in hers. "Hey, you okay?" You see the relief in her face as she stands up from the chair. "A little sore, can't seem to move my right arm and I have a huge anesthetic headache but other than that I'm good.. Better for seeing you here.." You smirk a little before coughing, she shakes her head at you then turns away to get you a bottle of water. "Any excuse to flirt with me Miss Beattie.. do you want help sitting up?" You nod as you can only use your left hand so she comes around to your right and helps you sit up on the bench before opening a bottle of water for you. "Here, take little drinks okay? Don't want you being sick on your clean shirt!" She sniggers as you look down and realise it is actually a clean one.

"Hold on, did you undress me whilst I was knocked out..?" You can't keep your straight face for long before bursting into laughter at Natasha's embarrassment, "Well.. Your other one was covered in blood... the doctor told me to change it!" She pushes your good arm playfully before she sits back down next to you. You swivel and swing your legs off the side of the bench to face her as you talk. "So, did they get them?" You notice Natasha put her head down as she replies, "No they got away in a pre-planned get away car, the guards are looking into it as we speak." You nod and smile slightly, "They'll find them. By the way, thank you for staying with me.." You see her smile reappear as she looks up at you. "Well, instructions off the doctor, you need to wear that sling for at least two weeks okay, so you don't rip your stitches!" You chuckle as Natasha points at your right arm. "It's a bit tight around my neck to be honest.." You say to Natasha as you rub the back of your neck, "Do you want me to adjust it for you?" You take another drink of water before she stands behind you to adjust it in place, you can feel her breathing on the back of your neck which sends goosebumps all around your body as she talks to you, "Does that feel okay?" You nod and grin slightly as she walks back around to your front. "Thank you Natasha.. Not just for that but for everything." She nods and smiles shyly before helping you to your feet as you try and get off the bench. "Take it easy okay.. One step at a time."

You look at her and laugh, "Not my first gunshot wound Miss Romanoff!" She giggles at you as you still manage to topple a little getting off the bench, "Yeah well I don't care, you still need to take it easy, you lost a lot of blood." You shake your head as you lean back against the bench behind you. "So, bad timing but are we still on for today?" You see Natasha shake her head in disbelief, "Really? You nearly die and all you can think of is showing me around the City?" You cheekily wink and smirk at her, "What can I say, we made plans that I don't want to break!" You both burst out laughing before you wince in pain, "Okay no laughing for now, but seriously? Why don't you go get some sleep and we can head out later?" You give her some sort of sad 'puppy-dog-eyes' look and she just stands there staring at you, "Really? Sad eyes? You think that is going to work with me?" You try not to laugh as you keep the look going, "How can you say no? I nearly died.." You break character and you both laugh as she gives in to you. "Okay fine but that's the one time you get to use that as an excuse!" She giggles as she comes over and grabs your water, dirty shirt and your suit jacket from the bench, "Okay so if you let me help you to your room, then we both get some sleep, then we can head out into the City later, deal?" You nod as you head towards the elevator in the lab as Natasha rests her hand on your back.

You make it to your door with Natasha's help, you open it and turn to face her. "Well this is me, I will text you when I am set to go and I'll meet you down in the main entrance okay?" You notice her try to nod and agree but a huge yawn takes over as she hides her face, a thought coms to you and before you can stop yourself and think about what your going to say the words escape your mouth. "Unless you want to just stay here? I can take the sofa..?" You see the slight shock in her reaction but before you think about it, more words escape as your a part of you wants her to stay, "It saves you getting lost trying to find your room?" You chuckle as she thinks for a few seconds before nodding and agreeing. "Well that is a good point Miss Beattie.." You roll your eyes a little before you open the door to your room, she follows you in and shuts the door behind you both as you head towards your bedroom door, turning to face her before you keep walking. "I'll go get you some clothes to sleep in, make yourself at home." You walk into your room and grab one of your tracksuits for Natasha, lying it on your bed. You get some joggers for yourself but you scream out in pain as you try and use your right arm to unbuckle your belt on your trousers, forgetting about your stitches, Natasha runs in to your room to check on you. "Y/N Are you okay?!" You laugh as she jumps through your bedroom door. "I'm good, just trying to get changed. Your clothes are on the bed, you can use the bathroom to change, it's just that door to your left." She nods and takes the clothes and goes to get changed. You manage to change into some tracksuit bottoms as you sit on the bed out of breath. You sit back against your headboard and begin to doze off but you get startled by Natasha coming out the bathroom which wakes you back up.

"I can take the sofa if you'd like?" You look over at Natasha who is looking cute in your tracksuit bottoms and hoodie, leaning against the door frame looking almost shy, "Well thing is, I don't have any spare blankets, plus my bed is way more comfortable than that sofa.." You see her shake her head at you and laugh as the effects of the pain meds the doctor pumped into you start to take effect, you suddenly feel spaced out and tired. You pull over the blanket and climb into bed, holding the other side open for Natasha to join you. "Come on, we need some sleep.." You hear her giggle at you as you feel her warmth as she climbs in your bed, you lie on your back facing the ceiling as you notice Natasha turns to face you. "If you need me for anything, just wake me up okay?" You nod as you turn your head to look back at her, "I will. Sweet dreams Miss Romanoff." She giggles and buries her head in your pillow as you chuckle at her shyness around you, "You too Y/N, try not to rip those stitches!" She faces you again and you watch her eyes close slowly, she must have been exhausted. You can't help but smile as she breathes heavily, drifting off to sleep. You look back up at your ceiling, feeling yourself drift off too sleep yourself. Just before you do, you feel her arm reach over and hold your good arm. You let her pull it towards her as she nuzzles her forehead into the top of your arm below your shoulder. You feel a sudden wave of butterflies hit your stomach as you shuffle a little closer to her for comfort. She pulls you close to her, feeling both of her hands hold your arm softly, as you fall asleep as well.

You wince in pain as you feel your stitches being stretched from you slightly moving in your sleep. You look over and see the sunrise through your curtains, the pain lingers as you go to get up out of bed, then you remember your not alone. A smile creeps across your face as you look over and see the Russian Assassin still sound asleep lying next to you, still holding your arm in her hands as you feel her breath just above your elbow. You forget the pain as your stomach fills with butterflies, you start to smile like an idiot before you are startled by a knock at your front door. You can't get up on your own so your stuck, you don't want to disturb Natasha but before you have too you hear your front door opening. "Y/N you awake?" Shuri's voice is soft but loud enough for you to hear, you stay quiet, waiting for her to come into your room. You watch your bedroom door as it slowly creeps open and you are met by Shuri's smile as she sees you are okay. "Hey Sis, come in but be quiet.." You nod your head towards where Natasha is still asleep as you smile at Shuri as she sneaks in your room. "How are you feeling?" You look down at your arm before looking back at your Sister as she perches on the side of your bed next to where you are lying. "I'm okay.. Still sore but I'll be fine." A smile grows on her face as she sees you are feeling better, "Thank you for what you did last night, you saved my life, I owe you one!" You both laugh quietly as she looks over at Natasha, "I had some help.. But you know I would do anything for you!" You both sit for a few moments before you see her glancing between you and your guest.

"So.. How did this happen?" She smirks as she sees your cheeks redden slightly, "Long story.." You look over at Natasha, letting a smug smile take over your face, "She makes you happy doesn't she?" You quickly look back at Shuri, trying not to give anything away but she knows you so well. "There is something about her which has got a hold of me.. I couldn't shake it, even if I wanted too but I don't want too.." You see Shuri's smile grow as you talk to her, looking back at Natasha as you talk about her, "I don't want her to leave Shuri.. I need to get to know her. I need to know what it is about her drawing me in. I never feel like this about anyone.. Except.. Well.. You know." Your smile starts to fade before Shuri speaks up again, "Y/N, stop doing that to yourself! You are allowed to be happy, and if she makes you happy then hold onto her.. No matter what it takes." You nod as Shuri gets up off your bed, "Well I am going to check on Mother and T'Challa, I'll text you soon okay. Just take it easy today, rest as much as you can!" You nod in agreement and smile as Shuri starts to leave, "I'm going to take Natasha on a little tour of the City today, but if anyone needs me just ring okay?" You see her grin as she looks back at you, "Will do Sister, have fun! We will all be okay here, just please be careful of your stitches!" You both laugh as she leaves your room. You sigh as you try and move but it's no use. You watch out your window as the sun rises and the light fills your room.

You get lost in your thoughts before feeling movement from beside you, "Morning you.." You look over and see Natasha's eyes flickering open as she focuses on you. "Good morning miss Romanoff.." You chuckle as you see her slightly shake her head at you, "Are you feeling any better?" You lean over slightly to face her properly before answering, wincing a little as you move, "A little, still sore but my headache is almost gone. How did you sleep?" She smiles as she props herself up against your headboard. "I did thank you, you are right your bed is very comfortable.." You see her cheeks flush a little before she starts to get out of your bed. "How about I make us a coffee?" You smile as you try and sit yourself up but fail miserably, falling back on the bed, "Ouch.. I think I'm going to need that coffee! And a hand if you don't mind?" You laugh as she walks around your bed to the other side, "Of course, come on let's get you up." Natasha helps you to sit on the edge of your bed before helping you stand. You get to your feet and follow her through to your kitchen, she searches for cups and a spoon as you find some pain medication in a box on your fridge, "Where do you keep your coffee?" You chuckle as you help her find everything she needs to make coffee for you both. You sit at the kitchen table, grabbing a bottle of water to take your tablets with. You sit back and rest your head on the chair as you try and take a deep breath but your stitches don't let you. You let out a frustrated sound before Natasha joins you with two cups of coffee. "You need to be careful, it will heal soon as long as you take care of yourself and don't push it. Now drink this and we can go out and get some fresh air, you will forget all about it." You smile as you drink your coffee and talk about the night before with Natasha.

You finish your coffee just as you hear another knock at your door, you turn to get up but before you can your door opens and you see a familiar face peek around from behind it as they enter. "Hello Brother! What a surprise.." A hint of sarcasm in your voice instantly puts a smile on his face as he knows you must be feeling better, you notice Natasha stand up at seeing T'Challa enter but he quickly tells her to relax, "No need for that Miss Romanoff, we don't do formalities when we are here. Please just think of me as a friend or even a bro.." You jump up suddenly and give T'Challa a death stare as he stops mid sentence, "What's up T? Hold on let me guess, you spoke too Shuri?" He points right at you with a smug grin on his face as you catch him out on his intentions, "Well.. Yes.. But.." You laugh as you watch him struggle to find his words, you sit back at the table with Natasha, giving her a subtle wink as you see her trying to laugh at the two of you. "Spit it out Brother, come on.." He tries not to laugh at you as he joins you both. "I just wanted to see how you were doing after last night.. How are you feeling?" You look over and see him still concerned even though you both joke around. "I'm okay Brother, honestly you all need to stop worrying and fussing around me.." You glance between T'Challa and Natasha as they shake their heads at you. "Well when your both finished giving me those looks! I am going to get ready, since your here Brother would you be so kind as too escort Natasha back to her room so she does not get lost.." You smile and chuckle as Natasha rolls her eyes laughing at you, "Of course I can, don't want you too loose anymore daylight for your day out touring the City.. This way Miss Romanoff. I will see you later Sister." You get up to hug him tight before he leaves, you turn to face Natasha before she follows T'Challa out to the hall. "I will meet you down at the entrance in an hour?" She smiles and nods in agreement, "I will see you then Miss Beattie.." You get locked in a trance, staring right into her eyes before you clear your throat, breaking the moment as she follows T'Challa and the door closes behind them. 'Well that was.. Different..'

You manage to have a shower before getting changed, you look through your wardrobe, finding some deep blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. You slowly get ready, trying not to aggravate your stitches as you style your hair and put your sling back around your neck. You spray on your favourite cologne, grab your phone and take a bottle of water from you fridge before heading towards your door. The nerves hit you like a brick wall as you opened your door, you froze with your hand pressed against the wall, struggling to breath slightly. You start breathing heavily, trying to keep your body standing with a million thoughts rushing through your head. 'Your going to get hurt again!' 'What if the shooter comes back?' 'What if you can't save anyone now your injured?' 'What if she doesn't like you?' 'What if it happens again..?' The last thought knocks you back, sending your legs into a wobble. You lean against your sofa as you try and regain control of your mind. You sit on the floor, back against the sofa as your vision goes blurry. You get lost in your own mind, trying to fight against the memories and panic causing your chest to tighten. You start to fall into a panic attack but you are snapped out of it by someone knocking on your door. You try and get up off the floor but you scream out in pain, forgetting about your stitches as you rushed to get up. You look up as the door opens with some force but your are instantly relieved at who it is on the other side, "Y/N? You okay!?" You look up at see her just smile and shake her head at you as you are still sitting on the floor, "What happened...?"

You hear trying not to laugh as she walks over to where you are, "Long story..?" You shrug and chuckle at yourself, trying not to sound too out of breath as she kneels down infront of you. "You didn't pass out did you?" You shake your head, getting lost in her eyes again you watch her scanning your body to make sure your okay. "I'm okay, I just lost my balance that's all, pushed myself to get ready on time.. Didn't want to be late." You wink to make her smile as you see her worrying about you, "Come on charmer, let's get you back on your feet. The City awaits.." You chuckle as you take her hand and pull yourself up with her help. You brush yourself down before re-adjusting your sling ready to leave. "So, should we get going?" You turn and face her, finally having a chance to see her properly. "Woah.." You catch yourself admiring her as she turns back to look at you, "What is it?" You see her raise her brow at you as she sees you staring, "You just look.. I mean wow you look gorgeous.." You realise what you have just said and glance away before seeing her become a little embarrassed before she shakes it off. "You sure you didn't hit your head?" You both laugh as you start following her out of your door. You turn and lock your door, as you do she leans over, whispering in your ear. "You don't look too bad yourself.." You drop your key as she pulls away, you hear her giggle as you press your head against the door knowing she succeeded. "I'll get it for you.." You chuckle as she passes you your key, you lock your door and turn back to her, "Let's get going.." You both head towards the elevator, heading down to the main entrance. As you get to the huge main doors you can't help but smile as you head out into the streets of Wakanda. You look over as you see Natasha's eyes widen as she takes in all her surroundings. "Shall we?" You hold out your arm as you reach the bottom of the stairs, you feel Natasha take your good arm, holding your forearm in both her hands as you lead her away from the Citadel and into the City.              

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now