King T'Challa

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  You have sat with the Avengers in the café for a little while, you just finish your coffee as you receive a notification from your Komoyo beads. You press one of the beads down as you lay your arm out on the table in front of you. "Your jet is ready Y/N." You notice the Avengers around you look down, amazed and shocked at the beads. "What was that?" You hear Pietro say from across the table, "Oh these? Shuri, my sister, designed them for communication purposes really. Most of us have a set to wear everyday. They work like a mobile phone basically. But much more advanced.." You give them a cheeky wink as you stand up and face the team in front of you, "Okay so the jet will be waiting at the main entrance, would you all like to follow me." The team stands and waits for you to lead the way. You walk out to the main entrance, with Steve walking beside you. "This place is huge, how do you find your way around Y/N?" You chuckle at him looking around above his head in the main entrance, "Ah well Steve, it takes years of experience and getting lost a lot!" You share a laugh as he walks along side you out of the main doors. You walk down the stairs towards the jet in front of you all. You stop at the bottom of the ramp as you turn to face the team behind you, "This is us guys. If you would all join me?" You gesture for Steve to lead the way, there is a large step to at the bottom of the ramp, so you stand there to make sure nobody trips. You smile and reach your hand out to assist Wanda as she approaches you, "Watch your step there Miss Maximoff!" She looks down shyly before glancing up at you as she steps up on to the ramp, "Thank you Y/N." You smile as she joins her brother on the jet.

You watch the team step up onto the jet before spotting Natasha, "Ah last but not least Natasha.." You offer out your hand infront of her, she accepts and grips your hand tight as she steps up onto the ramp. "Thank you Y/N." You smile and join her on the ramp, pressing one of your beads down as you walk up the ramp beside her. "Those do come in handy don't they?" The hint of surprise in her voice makes you chuckle as the ramp closes behind you both. "They make my job a lot easier Miss Rom.. Sorry, Natasha." She laughs at your mistake. You both walk up to the middle of the jet, there is a table in the middle of the floor, surrounded by various seating areas in a semi circle shape. You walk up to the front of the jet where there is a control panel, you link up your beads to the jet before turning back to the group. "Please feel free to take your seats, we will be setting off in a few minutes so get yourselves comfortable." You start programming the jet to your location, you hear everyone break into conversation as you concentrate on the control panel. Then suddenly the 3 huge screens appear around the jet and everyone goes silent, "Don't worry, that is supposed to happen!" Everyone breaks into laughter as you are joined by Steve again, "So Y/N anything I can help you with?" You chuckle as you type into the computer, "I'm afraid not Steve, everything is all computer based and pretty much set to go for us today. But thank you for your offer, please just relax and enjoy yourself. Your off duty after all whilst here!" He laughs and joins his team as you finish off.

You turn your attention to everyone as you are ready to set off, "Okay we are all set. Is everyone ready?" You hear a mixture of answers as you scan the jet, everyone takes there seats and buckles themselves in. You stay stood at the controls as you push forward the lever to your left. You hear a anxious silence fill the jet as you start guiding the jet into the air. The screens all open up your images of outside the jet as you look up and steer the jet towards the falls. You stand and guide the jet to it's needed altitude before you set the auto pilot into action. As you turn you feel the jet level out, "There is no need to stay buckled in or seated, feel free to stretch your legs, this jet is one of our best and one of the smoothest flyers we have." They all unbuckle their seats and split off into groups. You turn back to the screens as you watch the trees brush by but before you go into a daze you feel someone walk behind you. "This place just keeps surprising me." You turn your head and see Natasha walk up and join you, "If you think you are surprised now just wait until we get to the Falls, I am still yet to believe they are real!" You both laugh as you gesture for her to join you in the seats behind you. You both sit at the control panel, since you are going to be with the team all day you might as well get to know them better.

"So tell me about being an Avenger Natasha.." You lean back in the chair as you turn your chair to face her slightly, "Well it's not as exciting as this place that's for sure." You chuckle as you see her become slightly nervous as she talks to you, "Now come on, saving the world can't be that boring!" She smiles as she looks around the screens, "There is no where in New York with views like that." She points up at the fields on the screen, "Well they are pretty special. I have to admit, after all these years I am still not used to the views you get here." You smile as you see her studying you again before questioning you, "So, how long have you been here? Presuming you were not born here?" You chuckle at her slightly confused facial expression, "No I was not born here, I was moved here when I was 7 years old. I have been here ever since." She gives your a furrowed expression before asking you, "That's quite young, if you don't mind me asking, what happened for you to move here?" You hesitate for a second, before answering. "Well.. I lived with my Dad in Queens before he was involved in a accident at his work and died because of his injuries. I was then moved here and a family adopted me." She looks at you sympathetically before saying anything, "Oh I'm so sorry Y/N." You glance down at your hands as you notice you are fidgeting before looking back up at her, "Hey it's okay, you have nothing to be sorry for Natasha, it was a long time ago and to be honest with you I have had the best life living here." You smile as you continue to fidget, you don't notice that Natasha realises but doesn't say anything about it.

"So if you don't mind me prying, what is your job here in Wakanda?" You smile as you notice she is trying to change the subject, "Ah well that is a tricky one right now, I was King T'Chaka's personal bodyguard, but after his passing I am now just serving his family until after the Ceremony today and all the after-events this week." She stares right into your eyes as you talk, "That is some job, but I didn't see you in Vienna..?" You wince a little as you realise what she means, "Yes I was here on orders from King T'Chaka. He took my brother Prince T'Challa for royal duties so I was asked to stay and take care of the family whilst they were away." You start to feel uncomfortable and Natasha notices, "I'm sorry I know it still much be a sensitive topic for you all.." You shake your head, "No you have nothing to apologise for Natasha, I just regret not being there with him. But orders are orders." You smile as you look right back into her emerald green eyes. You both get stuck in a gaze before you hear Clint shout of Natasha, "I best go see him, it was nice talking with you again Y/N." You both stand as she turns to join Clint. "Yes, we will have to carry this on soon." She nods and smiles as she walks across to Clint. You turn back to the control panel, zoning out a little before getting an alert on your beads.

"You are entering the Falls. Please slow down your jet and be ready to join the assembly line." You jump, slightly shocked at the alert. You press down your bead, before pulling back the lever on the control panel. The jet slows down and hovers above the ground below. You turn to the team as you explain what happens now, "Okay so we have arrived at the Falls. What happens now is that we will join the other jets in an assembly line as we all enter the ceremony together. We all are suggested to stand as we all land above the Falls. The jet doesn't travel very fast, and too top it off the roof is lowered so you all get to the see the Falls first hand and not on a huge computer screen. Is everyone okay with that?" They all nod in agreement as they stand out of their seats. You turn to the control panel as you flick a switch and you turn and see everyone's shocked faces as the whole roof of the jet disappears, letting a warm rush of fresh air fill the jet. The table and seats lower below the floor, as long bars appear along the jet. "Now if you would all like to take a place behind the bars, they give you something to hold onto too as it can become a little windy with the roof down as we are quite high at the Falls." You watch as everyone lines along the first bar, all looking a little nervous as you get ready to steer the jet manually. "You all look so nervous, don't worry it is completely safe. Plus, once we join everyone you will be too pre-occupied to notice we are even moving." the jet fills with laughter as you turn to steer the jet. You push forward and join the assemble of jets ahead of you, you notice T'Challa and your family up ahead, you notice Shuri wave and give you a not-so-subtle middle finger. You can't help but chuckle before noticing everyone behind you in awe of their surroundings.

You begin to follow the jets ahead as the whole of the Falls is filled with the sound of traditional drumming and singing. You drift between rocks as you glide along the river, feeling the water splash little by little into the jet. You hear everyone behind you in excitement as they point out drummers and dancers. You beam with pride as you pull over to the side of the Falls, ready to land. As the jet lands softly you hear everyone's excitement behind you. You shut down the jet and turn to the team, "So here we are Avengers. We all ready?" They all nod and head to the back of the jet, you lower the ramp and everyone starts to leave. You follow the team, walking alongside Steve as you join them all at the bottom. "If you would all like to follow me, watch your steps as we head down, the rocks can be slack." You lead the way, following groups of tribe members down to the waters edge. You lead them down a side walk which eventually leads to the stairs down behind the waterfall. You manage to lead everyone down safely, constantly checking back on the team as you made your way to the bottom of the waterfall.

You wait at the bottom and make sure everyone makes it down okay, once everyone is on the flat you lead them to the stands. You walk along the pool of water at the bottom of the waterfall, you get to your part of the stand and gesture for everyone too stay put. "Okay this is our spot. Make yourselves as comfortable as you can be, I know it's not ideal but it's tradition we all stand and watch." They all nod as they stand and watch as tribes take their places around the waterfall. You are stood watching the waterfall as someone comes behind you and hugs you in surprise. "Y/N!" You turn and are greeted by Shuri as she wraps her arms around you. "Hey Sis!" You hug her tight before breaking apart and introducing her to everyone, "Everyone this is Shuri, mine and T'Challa's younger Sister, Shuri this is the Avengers; Steve, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Pietro and Sam!" They all greet Shuri before you are all interupted by Nakia, "Nakia!" You hug her tight before she interrupts everyone, "Sorry everyone but I have to steal Shuri away as we are ready to start." You say goodbye to them both before you all turn your attention too Zuri standing in the pool of Water infront of everyone.

"WELCOME EVERYONE. This Ceremony is to determine who will become the King of Wakanda. First in line for the throne, and rightful heir is Prince T'Challa!" You all cheer as your Brother appears from under the water fall and stands next too Zuri. You are stood next to Steve and Natasha as Zuri speaks about Wakanda and it's past King's. "Now after this speech, there will be a chance for any tribe to challenge for the mantel of King. This has not happened for many generations, but you never know what could happen." You look between Steve and Natasha as they listen to you carefully. "So what happens if there is a challenge Y/N?" You turn to Steve to answer his question, "Well there will be a duel to determine who is made King, the duel is only won through submission or death." They both looked at you in shock, "Seriously?" Natasha asks you, "Yeah seriously. You either tap out or one of the competitors is killed." You laugh at their expressions on their faces, "You have nothing to worry about, T'Challa has had the best training for the last 5 years. He is more than ready for any challenge.." Steve raises his eyebrows at you but Natasha asks the question first, "Who trained him?" You chuckle to yourself as they both look at you for an answer, "Me." You give them a cheeky wink before turning your attention back to Zuri and T'Challa.

"Is there any tribe who will be challenging for the mantel of King today..!?" Zuri announces to the tribes infront of him, they all decline his offer. But before the mantel is handed T'Challa, there is a subtle chant coming from behind the waterfall. Everyone turns their attention to the tunnel as everyone is shocked at what they see. "Who is that?" Steve questions you, you snap out of your shock to answer him, "The Jabari Tribe, they live high in the mountains and never usually even bother to come to the ceremonies. What are they doing.." You step forward, getting Nakia and Okoye's attention. Nakia rushes over to you as you lean over the ridge to speak to her, "What is going on Nakia?" She looks up at you in shock herself, "I have no idea Y/N, just be ready for anything. I have the family safe okay?" You hold her arm, before she rushes back to be with your family for protection. You return to the Avengers, who all seem anxious. "Is everything okay Y/N?" Natasha comes over and holds your arm for comfort, noticing your on edge. "Yeah, this was just unexpected. Nakia wanted to let me know she is going to stay with my family in case something else is going on." She grips your arm tight, "We are here if you need us." You stare right into her eyes, "It's my job to keep you all safe. And that is what I will do. Whatever it takes." You smile as she rubs your arm gently before you re-join the rest of the team. "This should be good."

You watch as the man with a white gorilla mask appears infront of Zuri and T'Challa. "I M'BAKU OF THE JABARI TRIBE will be challenging Prince T'Challa today!" Everyone gasps as there is an actual challenge to be had. "I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE M'BAKU!" T'Challa announces to everyone as the tribes begin to cheer for him. "Come on brother! Show them what you can do!" You shout down as Shuri flashes you a smug smile, you nod over at her as the two warriors prepare to fight. "You sure he's ready?" Steve and Natasha join you by your sides again. "No offence Rogers but I personally trained my brother for the last 5 years, he is more than ready for this!" You see Natasha smirk as you have all your attention on T'Challa as he places his Blank Panther mask over this head and prepares to fight.

The duel begins as everyone in attendance starts chanting and cheering. Okoye and the rest of T'Challa's guards surround the two warriors as they begin to fight. You tense as you see M'Baku go in with some big hits straight away. You start to sweat a little as you notice T'Challa waiting for an opportunity to go for the submission, but you know he needs to knock him down first, being a bigger competitor. You start to fidget a lot as the duel goes on and M'Baku seems to be getting the better of T'Challa. "COME ON T'CHALLA!" You scream down as you notice him losing concentration. Then all of a sudden M'Baku cracks his stone mask open, and you see T'Challa's nose start to bleed. You step forward, wanting to scream instruction but you know you can't. You catch Nakia who is looking as nervous as you feel. Then you hear T'Challa's scream as M'Baku sticks the sharp end of his weapon into your brother's shoulder, right above his collar bone. You all wince as you see your brother being punched over and over again. You turn away for a second as you see him being thrown towards the edge of the second waterfall. The guards edge in closer, closing the space around the warriors. Then you hear the scream of the Queen, "SHOW THEM WHO YOU ARE T'CHALLA!" You see something awaken in your brother as he jumps and slams M'Baku down on his back. He repeatedly elbows his mask and smashes through it. He delivers a huge kick to the chest, which sends M'Baku back on his back at the edge of the waterfall, he then locks his legs around his neck and you see M'Baku struggle to breath instantly. "YES T'CHALLA! HOLD HIM THERE!" You shout down as you see T'Challa squeeze his grip before shouting at M'Baku, "Yield man! Don't make me kill you, your people need you!"

You see M'Baku raise his hand and tap out on your brothers leg as he releases his grip. Everyone starts to chant and cheer as T'Challa is victorious! You see the Avengers all cheer for your brother, Steve grabs your shoulder and grips it tight. "That was amazing, you trained him well!" You laugh as you look over and flash Shuri a huge smile. The celebrations continue as the mantel is handed to T'Challa and he is named King infront of all the tribes. Zuri places the royal necklace around his neck and your brother points over to you and has a beaming smile on his face. You can't help but feel emotional as you point up to the skies, showing him his Father would be proud of him right now. You don't realise Natasha is behind you and as you turn to you end up face to face, "You should be proud of your Brother Y/N." You step back a little as you answer, "Yes I am, Thank you Natasha." You hear the chants continue as T'Challa is escorted back to his jet. You start to see people leaving the waterfalls, you hang on a little while before escorting the Avengers back to the jet. "Okay you will all be glad to know we can head back to the jet and sit down, now follow me." You lead the way back up the side of the waterfall as you all head back to the jet.

You get to the top of the waterfall and walk over to the jet, you guide the team back onto the jet as you help them all onto the ramp again. As you close the ramp behind you, you close the roof and the seats and tables reappear in the middle of the jet. You sit down and start programming in the jet's co-ordinates back to the citadel and wait for the go ahead to launch. You sit at the control panel and have short flashbacks of the duel. You get lost in your thoughts before Natasha breaks you out of them, "Hey you okay?" You jump as she startled you, "Sorry, yeah just been a crazy day, how is everyone?" She laughs as she takes a seat next to you, "Everyone is good and safe don't worry. A little tired but we have all really enjoyed today. It's been very different to our normal days back at home. So thank you for taking your time to look after us." You smile and feel your cheeks flush a little, "It's my pleasure Natasha. I am glad you all enjoyed it, now we just have the party on Friday to look forward too, you are all staying for the party aren't you?" She giggles and looks right at you, "This is the Avengers your talking too, of course we are staying or the party!" You share a laugh as you get a notification to launch the jet. "Okay everyone, time to head back. Get comfortable." You turn and push the lever forward, sending the jet into forward motion, you hear the team talking between themselves and you fly them back to the Citadel.

You arrive back at the Citadel, you land the jet and escort the team down the ramp. You hand over the jet to another guard as they fly it back to the landing strip. You guide the team back through to main doors of the Citadel. You stop in the main entrance, "Well I would just like to thank you all on behalf of my Brother and our family for your attendance today. I know he will come and see you all later today or tomorrow to thank you himself but I know it means a lot to all of us you were here today. Oh and one more thing before I leave you to enjoy the rest of the day, I know you all like to keep up with your regular training so I am extending an offer to you all to join me in the gym later today, I teach a group of recruits daily and if you would like some training while your here, feel free to join us. It's at 06.00pm in the gym, which is next to the café." Steve comes over to shake your hand, "Thank you for today Y/N, it has been our pleasure being apart of T'Challa's big day. And I'm sure a few of us will take you up on that offer of a training session later." You shake his hand as they all head off to their rooms.

You were feeling brave and slightly confident after today so before she leaves the main entrance, you catch up with Natasha, "Hey, Natasha, so I was wondering if you wanted to maybe continue our talk from earlier at some point?" You caught her off guard as she froze for a second before giving you an answer, "Yes, I would really like that, when were you thinking?" Your surprised by her answer so you had to think about what you had planned, "Well I have my gym session at 6 so how about after then?" She nods and smiles, "Sounds good to me, See you then Y/N, I'll buy the coffees this time." You nod and walk away, trying to hold back the slightly smug look on your face as you head back to your room. You catch her smiling as she glances back at you, waiting for the elevator. You hopped in as it arrived, feeling almost giddy about the day you have had. You head up to your room, hang up your dress robe and then make some pasta, ready for your big training session tonight in the gym. You put some music on and turn on the news channel to catch up on the days news as you have some food and relax before training.

You wake up from a short nap you had on the sofa after your lunch, you look at your phone and it is 05.00pm. You get up and grab a bottle of water, just as you sit back down your phone rings on the coffee table, you look at who it is before answering. "Hello brother? How are you feeling?" You instantly hear the excitement in his voice as he pretty much shouts down the phone at you, "Hey Sis! I can't believe what has happened today! It felt amazing doing that well infront of everyone.. And I have only one person to thank and that is you! So I want to say thank you! I will over sometime tomorrow to see you okay?" You agree and let him get back to his duties. You smile from ear to ear as you know you did him proud, and done T'Chaka proud too today. You pack your bag for the gym before heading down to set up. You leave your uniform on but change into some trainers to teach in, as you have some special guests tonight and you want to make a good impression for T'Challa as well as yourself. You arrive at the gym and start setting up. You hang up some boxing bags, set out some cones and kettlebells, and finally set out some mats for sparring. You don't want to over do it but you have started pushing some of the recruits already as you can see potential in them, as T'Chaka and T'Challa did in you.

You check the time and see it's 05.45pm so you sit and wrap your hands, ready to get stuck in to your lesson today. As your sitting wrapping your hands you hear a commotion of loud voices enter the gym, as you look up you see the whole of the Avengers team enter the gym ready to train. "Hey Y/N!" You hear Steve's loud voice echo through the hall as they walk over to you on the benches. You stand up, a little surprised at the turn out. "Well this is a nice surprise, I only expected a couple of you to join! Nice to see you all again." You catch Natasha flash you a smile as they all sit and get ready to train. "So, what are these lessons for Y/N?" You hear Steve as he is wrapping his hands, "Well Steve, as I was telling Natasha earlier, my main job role in Wakanda was being King T'Chaka's personal bodyguard." You catch everyone look up at you, "And as the King's bodyguard I was also given the job as training any recruits. So this is what this class is, I train them in everything they need to be able to do as a personal bodyguard." You see Steve slightly impressed already, "So how long did you work for King T'Chaka?" Clint asks you as he changes his trainers, "Well I worked for him from the age of 19 right up until he passed away, so 8 years." You catch the team looking more and more impressed at your title, "19, that is young to be trusted with a job like that." Steve says a little sarcastically, "Well Rogers, I was top of my class and the King and his son T'Challa chose me personally from the academy!" You smirk and give a cheeky wink, making the rest of the team laugh with you. "Very impressive, can't wait to see what you've got." He teases as they all start warming up as the recruits filter in for their session.

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