Conflicted Emotions

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**You arrived back in Wakanda within a couple of hours. Nakia was waiting for you as you landed. You went straight up to your room and told her about what had happened. You were clearly upset as you talked with her but she just sat and listened. You talked for an hour or so before Shuri and T'Challa came to see you. Nakia left you all too it as you explained it again for them. They were angry but tried not to show it as they just wanted to be there for you. T'Challa was called away before he could give his opinion on the matter, but Shuri stayed with you. Nakia also returned so they decided they would stay with you and order food to your room so you could catch them up on your time with the Avengers. You told them about most of the team before getting too who you got on best with.**

You sat around your table to eat, Nakia and Shuri had got some beers sent to your room as they both wanted to see you happy again after what had happened with Tony. They sat and listened as you told them about the team, "Peter is hilarious! He was like a little Brother.. He made me laugh so much. It scared me how alike we were but it made sense how much we got on even though I didn't know him long." You laugh remembering his laugh, you notice Shuri and Nakia watching your reaction so you just carry on talking before they see you upset. "And Wanda, the Maximoff twin, she is just so sweet. She looked after me the entire time. We became really close, she was so shy here but once I was there she came out of here shell a lot. We spent a lot of time together." You see Shuri raise her eyebrows as she tried not to laugh. "What is that look for Shuri?" You see her crack and laugh as she looks over at Nakia. "I thought you liked Natasha?"

You were confused at her statement as you looked between them both. "What do you mean?" Shuri looks right at you, hiding her laugh from you. "You like Wanda as well!?" You are taken back by what Shuri says, "No! We are just friends.." You see Shuri's brows raise in suspicion again as you shake your head. "We are! I mean, I was a little surprised at the way she reacted when I left but.." Shuri points at you as you pick up your beer. "See!! I bet she cried! And didn't want you too leave!" You shake your head and let a smile slip, "You do don't you!?" Nakia nudges you playfully as you try and take a bite of your food. "No okay.. We just became really close that's all.." You glance between them as you even start to doubt yourself a little before Nakia changes the subject. "Speaking of the famous Black Widow.. You haven't even mentioned her yet.. Has anything happened between you two..?" You stay quiet, not even looking up from your food as you hear them itching for a response, but you feel your cheeks do the talking as they start to burn up. "Oh Sh*t it did! No way! I knew it!" You hear Shuri shout in excitement as she bangs the table with her hands.

"Come on Y/n, tell us!" You look up and see them both with huge grins as you clear your throat to speak. "Nothing much really.." You see them not believing a word you say as you take another drink from your bottle. "Liar!" You spray some beer as Shuri calls you out. "Okay, okay.. So at Stark's Party.." you tell them about what has happened between you and Nat during your stay. As they tease you, you hear your phone ringing in your bedroom. You excuse yourself to go answer it. You feel a little tipsy as you stumble through your bedroom door. You sit on your bed and see it's Nat ringing you. You debate answering but give in, wanting to hear her voice.
**Phone call**
You - Hey Romanoff.
Nat - Hey you..
You - Everything okay?
Nat - Yeah.. well actually not really. The compound is still up a height after you know..
You - Really?
Nat - Yeah I mean there has been a few arguments and choice words towards Tony from most of us.. Then dinner was awkward. I was going to ring earlier but Peter wanted me and Wanda to watch some TV with him, it's hit him hard you leaving, he really misses you.. So does Wanda.
You - Aww.. I miss them too. I miss watching GoT with them both.
Nat - They aren't the only people who miss you..
You - Really?
Nat - I really miss you Y/n. I understand why you left but I wish you hadn't.
You - I know.. I'm sorry.
Nat - Well I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I have to go. I'll text you.
You - Okay, talk soon.

You hung your head as she hung up the phone. Hearing her voice made all this so much worse as well as knowing Peter and Wanda were still upset. You took a deep breathe before returning too Nakia and Shuri, trying to hide how you felt. As you sat back down you seen them watching you, "Was it Natasha?" You nodded as you didn't know what to say. "Do you miss them?" You look up at Shuri's question, not expecting it from her. "I miss them all Sis. They were really good to me.." Nakia puts her arm on your shoulder for comfort. "Maybe you should really consider Tony's offer. I know what he did was wrong but you would make an amazing Avenger. Just think about it okay?" You nod and smile as you see Shuri nodding in agreement. "Right let's just not talk about it anymore tonight okay!" They nod and laugh as you just enjoy being back with your family, you drink and laugh all night as they successfully cheered you up from the day you had.

It was the following day. You woke up with a bad head but you were still awake early. You got a quick shower before joining Nakia and Shuri for some breakfast in the cafe downstairs. Shuri went off to the lab as you and Nakia were called to see T'Challa. You both headed up in the elevator, still with bad heads as you laughed at Nakia's groans. You knocked on his door before being told to enter, as you did you seen Okoye instantly smile seeing you. You ran over and hugged her tight as she did you. As you pulled away you seen her beaming smile, "Good to see you Y/n." You nod and smiled to her, "You too Okoye. I've missed you." She turns back to T'Challa as he gestures for you to sit with him. "Good morning Brother, is everything okay?" You sit opposite him as he watches you. "Yes all is fine. I just wanted chance to talk with you properly about your recent options of work." You sigh as you get comfortable to hear him out. "Okay, what do you think I should do T'Challa?"

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