I Can't Loose You..

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I couldn't do anything as her body went completely limp against the wall. One hand against her chest as the other wall holding her head up from her shoulder as Wanda held her body up from falling forward. She must've have been moved from that cell and her body was reacting badly to getting her out of the building but at this point we had no choice but to move her. Then her eyes closed.. "Sh*t! Wanda we're losing her! " I needed to get her up and out of here. I jumped forwards, resting her body against mine as I heard Wanda shouting through the earpiece. "Tony we're losing her she can hardly breathe!" She then quickly got behind Y/n's body to help me get her up off the floor. I noticed her eyes flashing red as she took some of the weight with her Powers so we didn't hurt her anymore. She caught my gaze as we got her arms over both of our shoulders as I turned my head to see her lifeless body beside me.. "I can't loose you Y/n..."

Avengers POV
The HYDRA guards were mostly taken care of as the team prepared to retreat back towards the jet. Thor and Tony were taking care of the last few as Sam made his way towards Clint to bring him back to ground level. Then the next message to come through the earpiece caught everyone's attention. "Tony, we're losing her she can hardly breathe! " The team all shared glances across the field. Sam landed beside Steve as they waited for Tony's instructions from where he was in the air above the main doors to the building. "Okay team you heard them, Steve and Sam head towards the side doors to assist the with Y/n, Clint get that jet ready for take off while we keep the last few guards busy!" Tony's words were quick and assertive and the team quickly followed them. Sam took flight with Clint to get him to the jet before re-joining Steve's side as he was running to get to where Nat and Wanda were coming from. Tony and Thor took care of the last guards to keep their attention away from the rest of the team as they continued moving Y/n away from the base and onto the jet. "Nat where are you?" Steve's voice was worried as he still didn't have a visual on her or Wanda.

We were moving again through the deserted halls trying to not let our growing worries about Y/n get the better of us. I kept my hand against her chest to make sure she was still breathing as Wanda kept her red wisps surrounding her body to hold her up off the floor without injuring her any further. Her breathing was so shallow I felt myself trying to breathe for her. I could barely feel her heart beating against the palm of my hand. I couldn't help but feel like I was going to loose her for good. I couldn't loose anyone else, especially her. "Stop thinking like that Nat, no one is losing anyone today." Wanda's words breaking me from my trance. "I'm scared Wanda.." Her eyes fixing on me for a few seconds before I see a tear escape down her cheek. She knew me, everyone did. And they knew nothing scared me but right now, I am scared to lose her. I followed Wanda's judgement as she neared us back to our entrance point. We finally seen the side doors just as Steve's voice broke through my earpiece. "Nat where are you?" I felt some relief knowing he was heading our way so I quickly replied. "Heading down the last hallway, a minute out from the side doors." I looked over seeing the slight relief on Wanda's face before we both turned towards the doors. Knowing we were almost there.

Avengers POV
Just before Steve and Sam had chance to enter the base they were blocked by Nat and Wanda carrying someone they could barely recognise. Her body was lifeless in their arms. Steve searched Nat's face as they took a second to breathe. "Clint's getting the jet ready. Let's keep moving." Steve's voice was soft as he seen Nat and Wanda's expression. Wanda was exhausted using her powers for so long so Steve quickly took over carrying Y/n. He scooped her into his arms as he left Sam and Nat to help Wanda get to the jet. "Tony what's happening with the guards?" Sam spoke clearly into his earpiece as he had his arm around Wanda keeping her stable enough to walk between him and Nat as they followed Steve's rushed strides infront of them. Tony was still hovering above the main doors as Thor was at ground level. "Your all clear to head straight to the jet Cap we're pretty much done here." Tony's reply was music to everyone's ears as the mission started to look like a success.

I had Wanda's arm over my shoulder as I helped Sam keep her on her feet. She had exhausted herself from using her Powers with Y/n so I needed to be there for her as Steve took over. I couldn't help but worry about her in Steve's arms but I trusted him and I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt her anymore than she already is. "She'll be okay Nat. We'll get her back to Bruce and everything will be okay." Wanda's tried voice brought me from my thoughts as she looked over at me. "I hope so.." My words crept out through my worried expression before finally seeing the Jet across towards the treeline up ahead. The weight shifting from my chest slightly as I knew we were one step closer to getting her the help she really needs right now. Steve's pace picked up seeing the path too the jet was completely clear but not seeing the others seemed to worry all of us as we started to look around to find them.

Avengers POV
Clint was back at the jet, starting the jets ready to leave as soon as everyone gets back. He was also setting up the medical equipment and bed ready for Y/n's arrival. Steve, Sam, Nat and Wanda were all making it back across the field as Thor and Tony were taking out the last two guards. And with one blast from Tony's suit they were sent flying back against the base behind them. He landed beside Thor as they caught their breathe before scanning around to see the job was done. "Okay me and point break are all done here how's everyone else doing?" Tony spoke in his ear piece as his helmet was lowered. "Jet is ready to leave." Clint was still rushing around grabbing medical equipment as he replied to Tony. "We are a minute out from the jet." Nat's voice stern yet still full of worry as she answered to Tony before he gave his last lot of instructions. "Good we'll meet you there now, let's get her home." His voice was softer now as he could hear Nat's concern in her voice.

Tony and Thor arrived at the ramp of the jet in no time, closely followed by Steve with Y/n in his arms. He didn't stop his feet until she was lying down on the medical bed which was secured in the middle of the jet surrounded by boxes and wires. Tony quickly discarded his suit before joining Clint at her side as Steve stepped away to let them treat her as best they can. "Okay Clint we need her hooked up to a STATS machine before anything else." Tony's voice was assertive as he began setting up the machine beside him. He knew she was in a bad way but he couldn't tell how badly from just looking down at her. Clint quickly connecting wires all over her body as Tony connected them to the machine. Thor and Steve stood helpless as they waited for the rest to arrive. Suddenly the machine started to beep slowly, indicating to Tony it was worse than he thought as his face changed immediately. "Sh*t Steve get on the radio to Bruce, tell him to get everything ready.. She's going to need everything plus a miracle.."

Tony's words were loud and clear as we got to the ramp at the back of the jet. I knew she was in a bad way but for Tony to say something like that meant a lot. I felt Wanda's body freeze as we both heard him. I pretty much dragged her to a seat as Sam went to the front of the jet to get us into the air as Clint was helping Tony. I got Wanda sitting down before turning away from her but I felt her grip on my forearm. Stopping me in my tracks I turned back to face her as she spoke. "Nat.. You need to rest. There's nothing you can do right now let them help her.." I knew she was right but I didn't want to be away from her anymore than I already have been. Her grip on my arm was tight as she pulled slightly towards the seat next to her. I resisted a little but my tiredness gave in more and more as my body let her pull me to sit down. I sat back, my eyes fixed on the bed as I listened to Steve on the radio to Bruce. "..She'll need everything Bruce be prepared." Suddenly my head dropped, the worry now taking over as I felt the jet slowly rising from the ground.

**Tony and Clint continued to work as the rest of the team sat to the side of the jet. Sam was Piloting back to the compound as Bruce and Peter started getting everything ready for your arrival.**

Avengers POV
The jet was filled with nothing but the slow beeping of Y/n's machine she was linked too as Tony and Clint finally sat down, nothing left for them to do other than wait to get back to the compound. They had started a IV line and left loose dressings on some open wounds before resting themselves. The team was silent, nobody knowing what to say to anyone else as their eyes were all fixed on the bed and the limp body lying on top of it. Steve sat on the other side of Nat as she never shifted her gaze from Y/n, scared if she looked away something bad would happen to her. Then a small siren from the front of the jet let everyone know that the compound was only a few minutes away. Nat jumped up and headed straight for Y/n's bedside as everyone else sat back in silence. Her soft words too hushed for most to hear but Wanda heard her thoughts which were heightened by her emotions, bringing tears to her own eyes. As Nat spoke, holding one of Y/n's hands in hers, the jet slowly started to land outside the compound. As the wheels hit the ground the ramp began to lower, the cranking of the hinges causing everyone to look at the back of the jet, they were dreading what was coming next.

My eyes never left her. I don't think I even blinked. Time was passing so slowly as the only sound in my ears was the beeping of her machine. That was the only thing telling me she was still alive. My body was frozen as the worst scenarios were creeping into my head. I felt Wanda's hand take mine into her grip, she must have heard my thoughts. The flight back seemed to take hours but I know realistically it hadn't been that long. I just wanted to hear her voice again, her laugh, anything.. Then suddenly the siren letting us know the compound is close goes off and my body seemed to act on it's own as before I could react I was stood beside the medical bed. Looking down at her she looked peaceful. As if none of this had happened. But the cuts and bruises on her face told me otherwise. The mix of black and purple surrounded both of her eyes in swollen circles. Deep cuts across her eyebrow and cheek bones. Dried blood all over her skin. My heart was literally shattering as the tears threatened to fall down my cheeks. I gently took her hand in mine as I knelt beside the bed, my face not too far from hers as I started to stroke her temple before finally finding some words to say to her.. "Hey babe. I know you might not be able to hear me right now but I need you to wake up for me.. I've missed you so much. We all need you to wake up now okay? Peter is lost without you. Wanda misses sharing popcorn on movie nights. Everyone misses you so just please let me know your going to be okay.. Please.. I.. I can't loose you too.."

Avengers POV
As the ramp lowered the team quickly jumped into action. Tony and Clint got to their feet first as they rushed to unhook the table from the floor of the jet. Nat still holding her hand as she got back to her feet. Once the ramp completely lowered they started wheeling you through the compound towards the medical bay, Clint holding your STATS machine in one hand as the other pushed the head of the bed as Tony guided it through the halls and doors. The rest of the team were close behind as Nat never left the side of the bed. They quickly got you to Bruce who was waiting for you at the doors of the med bay already wearing everything he needed to be in. He held the door open for the bed before standing infront of Nat, stopping her in her tracks. "Nat I need you to let me take care of her. Go and rest." His words were assertive as he knew she wouldn't want to leave but Clint was quick to stop her moving once Bruce moved from standing infront of her. Wanda followed Clint's actions and gently guided her away from the med bay. She was hesitant at first, but she knew she needed to give Bruce his space.

Wanda POV
I followed behind as Tony and Clint wheeled my best friend away. I didn't want to let her out of my sight but I knew once she was in the med bay she was in good hands, and I had Nat to look after. I can't imagine how she is feeling now never mind when she has to leave her. They got her their quickly before Bruce stopped Nat moving any further. I waited for her to move but she didn't. Bruce left her at the doors as he turned his attention straight to Y/n as Tony helped him get everything set up he needed. I looked for Clint as he left the med bay, seeing Nat instantly. He held her shoulders, turning her slowly away from the med bay. She seemed in a trance as he guided her towards where I was, so I joined her side. Taking her hand gently into mine as I helped Clint lead her towards the living room so she could at least sit down. We got there eventually, still not a word from Nat as we sat her down at the sofa. "Nat.. Do you want a drink or something to eat?" I asked her softly but she just shook her head. I looked over at Clint and he nodded, getting up to get her something to drink at least. I sat beside her, hearing her thoughts on the jet gave me some idea how she was feeling but I'd never seen her like this before, and I don't think anyone else had either. Her hand was still in mine, her grip tight as the silence was broken by a small, timid voice..

I knew I wouldn't be able to stay by her side whilst Bruce treat her but knowing she would be away from me again made it almost impossible for my body to move. I never moved my eyes from her as Bruce started to check her injuries. Tears forming in my eyes again as I knew I had to move eventually but my body was frozen. Then suddenly Clint appeared in my eyeline, gently holding my shoulders to move me away. I felt my body resist at first before finally giving in and following his lead. I took one last look before I turned completely away from her. Before I could try and turn back Wanda's hand in mine brought me a small amount of comfort as she lead me to the living room so we could be close by in case anything happened. Once I was sat down I heard Wanda ask if I wanted anything but I didn't. I couldn't form words at this point so I just shook my head. Not long after that Clint left the room. My chest felt tight as I tried to find words to talk to Wanda but before I could a gentle voice caught me off guard. "Where's Y/n..?" The cracking of his voice broke my heart even more. I turned my head slowly, seeing his eyes fixed on me. I didn't know what to tell him as he slowly walked towards me. "She's with Bruce.." Wanda's voice was hushed as she answered but it was enough to break him. Tears instantly streaming down his cheeks as he fell to his knees. I jumped up to catch him half way as his arms gripped around me. I felt his pain. I hugged him tight and let him cry, gently bringing him back onto the sofa in between me and Wanda as we all stayed close. I seen Wanda's tears fall and mine shortly followed.

**A little while after the team got back from the rescue mission.**

Avengers POV
Steve and Sam emptied to jet to keep themselves busy as Clint stayed in the living room. Nat, Wanda and Peter all stayed together on the sofa, Peter now asleep lying against Wanda's shoulder as Nat had brought his legs up onto her lap. Clint was sat on the chair across from Nat, the room in silence as they let Peter sleep. Tony and Bruce were in the medical bay, Bruce treating your injuries as Tony assisted him in anyway he could before Dr Cho arrived to take over. They had set up for you to get some x-rays and CT scans done but Bruce wanted your vitals to level out more before carrying out any tests. Whilst waiting for your vitals to improve Bruce started to treat some of your deeper cuts, cleaning and then stitching them where he could whilst pumping your body with pain medication to help your body to recover. After the majority of your external injuries were treat your vitals started to improve enough to get you in for further tests. "Tony go rest, I'll take it from here." Tony didn't argue with Bruce as he wheeled Y/n into the other part of the med bay. Tony went to his room to shower and change. Steve and Sam followed suit once the jet and equipment was dealt with before heading into the living room to join the others.

Once Peter was awake, Steve got him to eat whilst Wanda convinced Nat to go shower and change. After some hesitation she agreed, as Wanda did the same. When they came back down there was food on the table for them but they didn't eat much. Clint then left to change and rest a little before coming back to the living room where most of the team sat for the next few hours together, waiting on any news from Bruce. Tony re-joined Bruce in the med bay after the tests were done. They both looked over the results, not hugely surprised by them but now knowing how they can help you. They quickly got to work giving you the right dosage of medication as well as fluids to help give your body what it had been missing. Tony then left to let the rest of the team know your results, finding them all sat in the living room together as all attention was on him.

"Hey guys. I just wanted to come let you all know Y/'s test results. As we all seen she wasn't in the bet shape and her injuries show that. After scans and x-rays Bruce has found that she has 3 broken ribs, 2 fractured ribs, dislocated shoulder, broken collar bone and a fractured ankle as well as severe bruising and cuts all over her body and some types of burns on her back." Tony's words seemed to cause everyone discomfort as they finally hear the extent of her injuries. Peter's choked sobs behind Wanda makes it even harder for Tony to stay composed as he carries on addressing the team. "It's going to be a long road to recovery but myself and Bruce are confident she is going to be okay. We just need to let her rest and allow her body to heal at it's own pace. I'm going to go back and help Bruce and I'll be back once we are finished. Rest up everyone. Great work today. We got her home."

Tony's words made me feel sick. Finally hearing her injuries made all this a million times worse to deal with. Once Tony left the room I felt eyes turn to me as I hung my head, not wanting to show anyone exactly how much this is hurting me. I heard foot steps leave the room before I felt Peter's head lean into my arm. I lifted my own head and rested it on top of his as he tried to slow down his breathing between sobbing. Wanda was curled up beside Peter as her tiredness began to take over her body. Clint grabbed a blanket, laying it over Wanda and Peter before kneeling infront of me. "I need to head back and see Laura and the kids but I'll be back in the morning. If you need me I'll be here. Just call okay?" I nodded in reply before he said his goodbyes and left. After he did, it was only Peter and Wanda left with me. Wanda was drifting in and out of sleep as Peter stayed right beside me. "Why don't we watch a movie Peter?" I asked him gently which made him smile. He jumped up to get the remote as I turned towards Wanda to make sure she was comfortable. "Get some sleep. I'm not going anywhere." I told Wanda as she reached for my hand. I gripped hers tight as she feel asleep properly. Peter returned to my other side to give Wanda some more room to sleep. We got comfortable as he put on a random movie that we watched together, waiting on any more news from Tony. My thoughts were running away as the fear of losing her became almost unbearable. Tears escaping my eyeline as I pictured her face. I need her to be okay.

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