Nightmares and Flashbacks

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I was talking to Wanda about different things whilst we let Y/n sleep. She was struggling to get a good nights sleep with her pain and not being able to get comfortable with the wires and lines around her body. She was stuck with her leg in the air and her arm completely strapped up as well as having her torso wrapped in bandages. I can't imagine how uncomfortable she is. She's barely able to sleep 2 hours without waking up in pain. Bruce is trying to keep up with her pain relief but there is only so much he can give her without sedating her, which he doesn't want to do unless it starts to become unbearable. I couldn't help but worry about her not sleeping properly. She needed to let her body rest. I needed her to get better. So we just stayed with her and talked quietly whilst she fell asleep. Nothing in particular coming to mind after she told me to tell Y/n how I really feel, which I'm worried about doing whilst she's in this state.

After an hour of her sleeping peacefully I turned my full attention on her, noticing her becoming restless. "Is she okay?" Wanda questioned as I moved my full focus too her. She was starting to breathe heavier and her body was trembling and beginning to shake. Wanda seen the worry in my eyes as she stood up beside her bed. As minutes went by her body began moving more and more as her eyes flickered side to side under her closed eyelids. The heart monitor attached to her chest was starting to beep out of control as her chest was rising and falling at a dangerous rate. I hit the emergency button to alarm Bruce and Tony to what was going as both myself and Wanda tried to hold her body down to stop her from hurting herself any further. "Babe please calm down! Your going to rip your stitches.. Please wake up Y/n." I started to try and wake her up from what was happening but it was doing nothing. She was getting worse. I started to panic. "STARK GET IN HERE!" I started screaming not knowing what to do to help her.

Avengers POV
Tony and Bruce were sitting in the lab working on Y/n's blood results to try and figure out what exactly her Powers are when the emergency alarm started blaring into the lab from the Med bay. "F.R.I.D.A.Y What's going on?" Tony asked in a slight panic as he started getting up from his chair with Bruce doing the same. "Agent Romanoff is worried about Y/n's condition. Her heart rate and breathing is elevated beyond her normal levels." Bruce and Tony rushed out of the lab after listening to the message, running through the compound straight towards the medical bay. They burst through the main doors, instantly seeing Nat and Wanda holding Y/n's body down against the bed as she was trembling uncontrollably. Tony rushed beside Nat as he unhooked her right leg from it's support above the bed as Bruce rushed to your other side to start reading the machines she is connected too. "Tony her body is in a state of panic." Bruce comments across the room. Tony looks at Nat, knowing what is happening. "She's having a night-terror we need to calm her down or wake her up." Tony explains back towards Bruce, remembering his conversation with Nat not too long ago.

Wanda and Nat shared worried looks across the bed as they could feel her body shaking and fighting against their holds the longer they left you. "Hey kiddo, we need you to wake up. Come on help us out so we can help you!" Tony then starts encouraging you to wake up, leaning down closer to you head to talk, as Bruce starts printing readings from your machines. "Come on Y/n wake up!" Wanda began helping Tony as Nat was now almost paralyzed watching you helplessly as her hands were resting on either side of your face as Tony took over holding your body with Wanda. "Bruce we need to do something!" Tony yelled over to where Bruce was stood holding a print out from your heart monitor. As it printed he noticed it spiked suddenly for no given reason. He looked back at Tony, knowing if you didn't wake up there was nothing they could do. "Come on Kid! Wake up for us so we can help you!" Tony pleaded with you as your body was fighting against everyone to keep you as still as possible. He looked over at Nat, knowing she had the best chance to wake you up. He gave her a reassuring nod before she lowered herself down to talk right into your ear. "Please wake up Y/n.. For me. Please.. I know you can do it. Fight it. And wake up.." She spoke gently into your ear before looking around the room as everyone waited for something to happen. Not even 30 seconds later your upper body jolted upwards as you screamed in agony..

Your POV
Your eyes sprung open as your body jolts upwards. The pain ripping through your whole body as you gasp for air. Your lungs feeling like they are being restricted by chains as you try and catch any oxygen you can. Your vision is foggy as you try and search around to see where you are. You can feel your body being restrained somehow and you feel as though your back with HYDRA. You pull away your arms but nothing seems to help. You feel trapped. "PLEASE! LET ME GO!" You scream out as you start to see people around you. You can't make them out as their features are blurred and the voices you can hear are muffled. You try and fight against whatever is happening to you but your body is weak. Then a familiar voice starts to calm your nerves. "Y/n, it's me, please calm down!" It's Nat, but it's can't be. Not at HYDRA. You search for her face as your vision starts to clear slowly. You follow her voice as she guides you out of your panic. "That's it baby come back to me.. I'm right here with you." You turn your head, the agony in your chest and right shoulder almost unbearable but you grit your teeth to see her face.

"Nat.. Are you.. Real?" You ask through the pain your feeling as you finally see her face properly, her worried eyes focused on you and only you. "Yes it's me, I'm real. I'm right here. We all are.." You look around the room, seeing Tony and Wanda beside you. You reach out for Nat and she takes your hand instantly. Tony and Wanda still holding your body steady as you see Bruce stand beside Wanda beside your bed. You feel your heart calming and your can breathe almost normally now as you squeeze Nat's hand in your good one. They all wait for you to completely calm your breathing before Tony finally talks to you. "You okay now kid?" You shake your head as the pain from your ribs and shoulder are becoming insufferable as you grit your teeth and groan between your deep breathes. "It.. Hurts.. Everywhere.." You can't help but tense your body which is making it worse but you can't get a hold on the pain. Bruce quickly comes beside you. "I'm going to give you a large dosage of morphine to try and help you Y/n, you may feel a little queasy at first just let us know if your going to be sick okay?" You nod as the pain is burning your nerve endings.

You feel the morphine rushing into your arm as Bruce releases it into the line in your arm as Nat holds your hand tight. "Your doing great Y/n.. That should start working. Can you tell me where the pain hurts most?" You shake your head, squinting your face as you try and fight through the pain. "Come on Y/n, talk to us so we can help you." Wanda says gently. You take a few deep breathes before talking again. "My ribs.. And shoulder are the worst Bruce." You manage to get out as you hold your breathe. He quickly nods in understanding and heads towards the medication in your cabinet, finding 4 pills for you to take. He passes them to Nat whilst Wanda pours you some water. Nat gently places the pills in your hand and guides it to your mouth. "Your doing amazing babe, just take these. They will help." You nod and force a small smile as she takes the water Wanda passes her and helps you drink some. You sigh in relief after taking them, feeling the morphine slowly working. "That morphine kicking in kiddo?" You chuckle and cough at Tony's comment, earning him a punch from Nat. "My bad.. No jokes right now." You shake your head and smile as you feel your body getting tired but before you can relax your stomach begins to churn, you look over at Bruce who quickly realises what that look means as the colour from your cheeks drains suddenly.

You end up throwing up all the medication you just took, as well as whatever little food and water was on your stomach. Nat rubs your back as the others turn away leaving you to it. Once you literally have nothing to bring up, Nat moves the bowl as Wanda gets you some more water. You kindly take some sips through the straw she put in it for you before your body begins to feel exhausted but the pain which is creeping back is stopping you from falling asleep. "Bruce.. I need to sleep.. It hurts so much.." You plead with him as you hear Nat choke back her worried tears from seeing you in so much pain. Wanda comes around and stands with Nat to support her as Tony and Bruce walk over to the medicine station opposite the bottom of your bed to see what they can do for you. You turn to see both Nat and Wanda nearly in tears. "Hey.. you two.. Don't get.. Upset.." You try and force your words out through the pain which is getting worse again by the minute. "I'm sorry.. It's just hard seeing you like this and be so helpless.." You take Nat's hand slowly and grip it tight. "You do enough just.. by being here with me.. Both of you." They smile as Tony comes back to your other side.

"Okay so there's not much we can do for your pain right now if the morphine isn't helping but we can sedate you a little. If we give you a small dose it will help you sleep for a few hours. We can give you more morphine as you sleep so your body can deal with the pain whilst you rest. How does that sound?" You nod your head at Tony's question. Knowing your body needs to rest properly by sleeping for longer than a couple of hours. "Just try and relax.. Keep your heart rate low so your body will stay calm." You nod as you watch Bruce come over with the syringe. "You ready?" You turn to Nat, forcing a smile as you do. "Please go and get some rest when I'm asleep?" You ask her, knowing she hasn't left your side. "I will, I promise." You smile as she kisses your hand softly. You turn back to Bruce and nod before you lie back and wait for the sedation to help you fall asleep. You feel it enter your arm and within a few minutes, you feel your eyes close without hesitation.

Avengers POV
Nat, Wanda, Bruce and Tony all stand and watch you gently fall asleep within a few minutes of the sedation going in your arm. They all sigh in relief as you settle into a deep, peaceful sleep. Nat holds your hand as she sits beside you. Wanda stays with her as Bruce begins filling out your medication folder. "Nat, She's going to be okay. I promise you. We will do everything to help her." Tony explains from the other side of your bed. "Thank you Tony." He nods and smiles. "I'm going to go get in-touch with Fury about a Therapist who specialises in night-terrors and PTSD. When she's feeling better, we'll get her started. I'll be in the lab if anyone needs me." Tony leaves the med bay, shortly followed by Bruce after he done all his necessary checks. He tells Nat he will be back in an hour to make sure everything is okay. Wanda sits in the chair at your beside as Nat stays standing where she has been since you fell asleep, holding your hand. Not wanting to leave you alone even though she promised to rest. "She will be okay Nat. We'll all make sure of it." Wanda reassures Nat as she holds her other hand tight, noticing the tears brimming in her eyes as she watches you sleep.

A couple of hours have went by and you were still peacefully asleep. Nat and Wanda didn't leave your side as Tony and Bruce came in and out to check everything was okay. Tony brought in some food for them both to keep them going as they sat and talked next to you. Wanda started to doze just as someone quietly came through the doors behind them. "Sorry am I interrupting nap time?" Peter jokes gently as he walks over to your bed. "Of course not Peter, come in." Nat gestures as he sits beside Wanda on the spare chair seeing your cast is down on the bed where he normally sits. "How's she been?" Peter asks as Wanda sits back up in her chair. "Not too good.. She woke up from a nightmare, she was in quite a lot of pain." Wanda explains gently to him so he doesn't panic. "Is she okay now?" They both nod in reply. "Bruce gave her a small sedative to help her sleep for a few hours." He was a little taken back but Wanda rubs his back in comfort. "She's going to be okay Peter. She just needs a lot of support and rest." He smiles at both Wanda and Nat. "Well, I'm staying over the weekend so I can be here for her. I hated being at School not being here." Nat and Wanda both smile at his caring nature before they all get into conversation about Peter's day at School as you continue to sleep.

I was sitting with Wanda and Peter as Y/n was still sleeping peacefully. I'm so worried about her. She gave us all a scare when she had that panic attack from her nightmare earlier. She was lucky not to rip her stitches with all the moving around she did. It killed me seeing her that way but I can't leave her. I promised to go and rest but there is no way I can leave her so soon. Not only have I missed being around her but she needs all the support she can get if she is going to get better. I've never seen Bruce and Tony so panicked about someone on the team as they did when they came rushing into the room earlier, I knew her nightmares were bad but no one expected it to happen like that. Tony's idea for therapy is the best plan of action once she's recovered physically enough. Until then, I'm not leaving her side. No way. I've never felt this way about anyone and I'm not loosing her again. She's saved me without even knowing it. She's saved me from myself. From being so closed off to my own feelings and not allowing anyone to get close but with her, I can. I could see myself loving this girl without hesitation..

Your POV
You felt yourself slowly waking up. A lot more peaceful than last time. You could see the bright lights of the med bay ceiling through your closed eyelids, your body coming back to life slowly as you take your time to flicker your eyes open. As you did you tightened your grip on the hand which was in yours. Your take your time adjusting to the lights as your vision blurs out. You hear some faint voices beside you, more than what your used too. You look across and see a sleeping Nat in the chair beside you. You smile before turning to your other side as your met with Peter's beaming smile as he sits beside Wanda. You continue to smile as you shuffle up the bed a little to get comfortable. Peter quickly jumps up to help you, making you chuckle lightly. "I'm okay Pete. Just a little uncomfortable." He chuckles before Wanda gets up to get you some water. She holds it towards your mouth as you drink some through a straw as she holds the glass. You thank her before nodding towards Nat. "How long she been out?" Wanda giggles before answering. "Just over an hour. She's exhausted but she wouldn't go to bed." You smile knowing she really cares. "She needs to rest too. How are you both?" They nod and smile at your words. "We're good. We should be asking how you are." You laugh before groaning slightly at your ribs. "Could you pass me my medication please?" Peter quickly jumps up and give you some pain meds before heading out to get some dinner now that he's seen you awake and okay.

"How are you feeling?" Wanda asks, her eyes scanning your body as you sit up slightly. "Better than earlier.. How long did I sleep?" She helps by moving your bed up slightly by the remote as she answers you. "A few hours. You didn't even move. You really needed it. Bruce said your results were getting better the longer you slept." You nod in understanding before feeling slightly guilty. "Sorry if I scared you all earlier." You see her instantly shake her head. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You couldn't help it. We are all here for you remember." You smile as she gently hugs you before you tell her to go get some dinner with the team. She leaves eventually, making sure your okay before she does. The room is quiet as you let Nat sleep. You lie back against your now raised bed for a little while before Tony creeps through the door, hoping not to wake Nat. You chuckle at his antics before he stand beside your bed. "How you feeling?" You nod and smile. "A lot better thanks Tony. Still in pain but nothing like earlier." He nods as he looks over your charts and monitors behind the bed. "Your stats are looking good. How's the pain? 1-10?" You groan a little as you move your torso again to get more comfortable before looking across at Tony. "Around a 8 and a half.. Some places are worse but some are better.." He nods as he looks over your medication and gives you some more morphine before filling out your chart.

"I know the morphine makes you groggy but it's gets rid of the pain. Are you hungry?" You shake your head, the mix of medication making you feel sick. "Give yourself some time to wake up fully then we'll think about some food. Keep drinking plenty of fluids. I'll be back later. The scary Russian Spy is starting to wake up." You chuckle as he scurries out the door. You turn to look over at Nat as she stirs in the chair, her eyes opening enough to notice your now awake. She rubs her eyes as she stretches out in the chair before finally smiling gently at you. "Hey sleepyhead." You tease a little as she stands up next to you, stroking your forehead with her palm to move your hair back a little. "Hey you.. You feeling better?" You nod in reply as she perches on the side of your bed. You reach over and rub your thumb against her cheek as she leans into your touch. "I'm sorry for scaring you before.." She cuts you off by leaning down to gently kiss you. You kiss her back easily before the pain in your ribs catches your breathe making her jump. You grunt in pain as you move back against the bed to straighten your body so it's more comfortable.

"Okay no more of that until your better." Nat teases and you just shake your head. "No chance. I already missed out on too many being away for so long. If anything I need more to get better.." You wink playfully, making her laugh at you. "We'll see.. How do you feel about earlier?" You suddenly loose your smile at Nat's question. You know you need to talk about it and you don't trust anyone more than Nat so you might as well get it out in the open whilst it's just the two of you alone together...

You - "Okay bare with me on this.. But earlier when I woke up I felt like I was back at HYDRA. I felt my body being restrained and thought I was back there.."

Nat - "That was just us trying to stop your body shaking so you didn't rip any stitches.."

You - "I know that now.. But after the nightmare of being back there it felt so real so my mind was confused that's all.."

Nat - "I'm so sorry you have to go through that all over again. Are they like what you used to get before HYDRA?"

You - "Yeah just a lot more realistic. It's as if I can feel the pain all over again.."

Nat - "Would you be willing to talk to someone Professional about them in the near future?"

You - "I mean, yeah.. Can't make it any worse I suppose."

Nat - "Tony is going to find someone and bring them in when your feeling better."

You - "Okay.. Sounds good."

Nat - "I'm so proud of you."

You start to feel tears brimming your eyeline as you hear those words come from Nat. You hold her hand tight as you stare right back into her eyes. "Thank you.. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and the team. I mean you all rescued me.." You start to feel the tears roll down your face as you think what would have happened if they hadn't got you out of there. Nat quickly moves closer to you, gripping your good hand tight in between both of hers to grab your attention. "Hey, don't do that. Your here now. Your with me. With all of us where you belong." You smile past the tears as she wipes them from your cheeks. She cries with you before the sound of the doors opening catches you both off guard. "Sorry you two.. Just thought I would bring you some dinner.." Wanda's voice is soft as she carries a tray with two bowls of food on. You smile as Nat helps her with them, putting one on your wheeled-table as Nat eats with you and Wanda keeps you both company for a while. Bruce comes in to check on you as you watch Nat's laptop with her and Wanda. You get some more pain relief as you manage some more food here and there making the two girls smile at your small progress.

You sleep on and off that night, Nat, Wanda and Peter staying with you as they take turns sleeping I the chairs no matter how much you tell them to go to their rooms to sleep properly. You watch a lot of Game of Thrones in between conversations and eating little snacks. Peter and Wanda decided to draw some pictures on your ankle cast as Nat cuddled up beside you on the bed, her head resting on your good shoulder as she planted little feather-light kisses against your neck. No matter how much pain you were feeling, being back at the compound with people you generally cared about and loved made it all worth it. You knew this was going to be a long recovery but the support you had made you positive you were going to get better and hopefully get back to being yourself again..

If that is possible..?

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