Welcome To The Avengers !

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  You feel Nat press her forehead against yours as she squints to stop herself from crying. She kisses your forehead before pulling away. "Do you know what causes them?" You nod as she reaches continues to wipe away your tears. "Stress mainly.. They started at school." She shakes her head, "That's a long time Y/n.. Do they come and go?" You nod "Yeah they usually last anything from days to weeks. But I've tried everything to get rid of them but nothing works. I just have to ride them out." You see a tear fall down her cheek. "Is this why your so tired..?" You nod. "They started when I got back." She shakes her head, "That's why you texted me so early yesterday morning isn't it?" You nod. "I wish I hadn't let you leave.. Or followed you straight away. I could have been here for you.." You shake your head and smile, "Your amazing Natasha Romanoff.." She smiles as she kisses you again. "I'm far from it.." You shake your head at her, "Take the compliment Romanoff.. And get used to them!"

You see her smile as she gets up off the bed and heads to the bathroom. She comes back out with a damp towel and grabs a fresh top before sitting next to you on the bed. "Lie back so I can sort out your neck." You lie back as she wipes over the scratches gently. You wince a little as they sting. She places her other hand on your stomach to help keep you calm. Once she's done you sit back up and change your top. You shuffle back and drink some water as Nat puts the towel back in the bathroom. As you finish she pulls you back into bed properly. She lies on your chest as you cuddle her into you. "Get some more sleep Nat." She nods and looks back at you, "You try too. I'm not going anywhere so if it happens again I'll be here okay?" You nod and kiss her forehead before you both settle again. You feel her drift back off to sleep before you eventually do as well.

You both wake up a few hours later, the sun peeking through your window and lights up the room. You feel Nat stretch as you rub your eyes. "Morning Romanoff.." You feel her snuggle right back in as you wrap your arms around her and squeeze her tight. You keep her there for a minute or so before you let her sit up. "Good morning you.." You smile as you lie on your back looking up at her. "You sleep okay?" She nods as she stands up. "I did. Did you second time round?" You nod and smile. "What time do you want to head back?" You see her crawl back over to you as she hovers above you. "Let's go a bit later. You could show Peter and Wanda around some of the City before we leave?" She kisses you before you answer. "Sure yeah, sounds good to me." She jumps back off the bed and grabs her bag. "So I am going to shower.. You ring Wanda and Peter and tell them to get ready!" She winks as she shuts the bathroom door, you groan in frustration before you lean over and grab your phone.

**Phone call**
You - Hey Maximoff!
Wanda - Hi you okay?
You - Yeah all good. You good? Sleep okay..?
Wanda/Peter - I did thank you. HI Y/N!
You - Is that Peter?

Wanda - Yes it is. He ended up in Nat's bed after making me watch Harry Potter!
You - *Laughing at her* Well that makes my job easier, I rang to tell you to both get ready. I'm taking you both out around the City before we head back later. You both up for it?
Wanda - Yeah! Okay I'll send Peter to get ready now.
You - Okay I'll see you down at the entrance in an hour?
Wanda - Yeah okay see you soon.

You lie back on your bed after getting off the phone to Wanda. You can hear the shower still going, you battle with yourself, wanting to join her but it seems too soon. You hadn't seen her in that way yet and you wanted to be respectful but at the same time she was so attractive you couldn't help wanting to see all of her. You shake your head as you jump up and distract yourself by looking through your wardrobe for something to wear. As you threw some jeans and a shirt on your bed you heard the shower cut off. You started looking for some socks as you heard the bathroom door open. You couldn't stop yourself from glancing over as she walks out of the bathroom in just a towel. You literally can't peel your eyes away as she walks over to your wardrobe. "You know the towel won't drop no matter how much you stare.." You clear your throat with nerves as she smirks at you. "Erm.. I'm going to grab a quick shower.."

She giggles at you as you walk over to her, a sudden wave of confidence hits you as you pull her close to you to whisper in her ear. "If I wanted the towel to drop, it would already be on my bedroom floor.." You kiss her cheek as you walk into the bathroom, leaving her breathless and glance back at her before you shut the door. You see her shake her head as you smirk at her being flustered. You chuckle at yourself, slightly proud and smug as you have a shower. You have your music on and get carried away, forgetting Nat is in your room as you begin to sing to yourself. "Call me in the morning to apologize, Every little lie gives me butterflies, Something in the way you're, looking through my eyes, Don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive, Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet, Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth, Late night devil, put your hands on me, And never, never, never ever let go.." You get out the shower and wrap a towel around you before going into your bedroom where Nat is sitting doing her make-up. "Nice voice.. Good song too.." You shake your head and laugh to hide your shyness. "Thanks Romanoff.." You grab your clothes and head back into the bathroom to change.

You come back out and notice Nat had gone. You headed out towards your kitchen and see her drinking a coffee. "Hey you.." You notice her all dressed and ready to go. "Hello, you look gorgeous!" You see her cheeks flush as she shakes her head a little, "Don't look too bad yourself babe.." You both snap and look up at each other as the last word leaves her mouth. "Did you just.." She jumps forward and cuts you off by putting her hand over your mouth, "NO! Don't even.." You chuckle as you reach out and pull her close as she puts her coffee down on the table behind her. She moves her hand around to the back of your neck as you catch her gaze. "..As I was going to say before I was rudely interupted, I liked it.." You seen her smile as you dig your head into her neck and kissing her softly from her ear down to her collar bone. You hear her moaning a little as she scrunches up where you head is. "Okay stop we need to get going.." You feel her slowly pull away as you lift your head and kiss her lips quickly before she turns away. "Urgh Okay!" You grab her coffee and take a drink before turning away and putting your trainers on. You grab your phone and wallet before following Nat out the door. You get in the elevator, as the door closes she kisses you once more as it drops to the entrance, pulling away just as the doors open again. "Come on babe.." She turns and winks cheekily at you as she walks out the doors, you run behind her and grab her hand as you catch up.

You both walk over and see Wanda and Peter stood outside in the sun waiting for you both. As you head out you see Peter's excitement as he sees you both. He runs over and hugs you as Wanda and Nat hug and giggle as they chat. You lead the way with Peter as you take them on a tour of your favourite parts of the City. You walk around as Peter literally bounces around from place to place. You occasionally feel Nat holds your hand before Peter drags you off to the side for you to either look at something or buy something. You hear Nat and Wanda talk about you as you see Nat blushing a little at some of Wanda's questions. You spend hours showing them the City before heading back to the Citadel. You get back and see Nakia, Shuri, T'Challa, Okoye and your Mother standing on the stairs waiting for you all to get back. You walk over with Nat on your arm as they all beam with pride. "Well this is a nice welcome back, you all okay?" They all nod as Shuri runs down and hugs you, looking over at Nat who leaves your side. "Sorry Natasha but your stealing her away!" You all laugh as you hug Shuri tight. She doesn't want to let you go as T'Challa and Nakia come down to help you. "Come on Shuri, we all need to say our goodbyes." T'Challa is next as he hugs you and rubs your back. "I'm so proud of you Sister. Stay safe and keep in touch. If you need anything we are always here." You nod and feel your emotions building as he pulls away and smiles.

Before you can cry Nakia pulls you into a huge hug. You grip onto her jacket as you let a small cry out on her shoulder. "Shh it's okay. This isn't goodbye." You feel her pull away to face you as she wipes you tears away. "Be safe, always! And do what makes you happy." You nod and smile through your tears. You watch as Nakia joins T'Challa and Shuri who are both with Nat, Wanda and Peter. You walk up the stairs towards Okoye, who is barely holding it together as you hug her. She hugs you back and lets out a small sob on your shoulder before pulling away to face you. "We will always be here whenever you need us." She nods and smiles as you chuckle a little, "Thank you Okoye." You turn to what you dreaded, saying goodbye to your Mother. You walk over as you see her holding back her tears. You bow your head slight, she pulls you in and hugs you, resting her head on your head. You hug her tight before she holds your arms and pulls back as she faces you. "Listen to me okay, you be safe. We will always be your family no matter where you are or what you are doing. I am so proud of you. Now, take that leap and follow your heart. And don't forget to visit your Mother!" You both laugh at her last comment before she walks down to the jet to you as it lands.

You join the group as everyone is talking and crying. T'Challa stands beside Mother as he announces to everyone, "I have had everything packed up for you all and everything is on your jet. Now look after Y/n for us. She will be a huge miss here but we know this is her calling. And Sister, don't forget to visit your Mother or she will hurt me!" You all laugh as the ramp to the jet lowers. Wanda and Peter board as they wave to everyone as Nat waits at the bottom of the ramp for you. Shuri grabs your arm as you walk past her, "This is your chance to be happy, take it!" You nod and kiss her head. "I love you Shuri, I'll see you soon." She nods as you walk towards the jet. You take Nat's hand as she looks right at you, "Are you ready?" You nod and smile as she holds your arm with her other hand and leads you up the ramp. You both turn back at the top and wave before it closes. You feel your tears fall down your cheek as they go out of view. You and Nat walk over to the front of the jet as she sits to pilot you all back to the compound. You sit beside her as you take off, you look out over Wakanda once more before going through the barrier. Nat puts the jet on auto-pilot as she turns to you. "You okay babe?" You smirk as you see her grin, "I could get used to that.." You chuckle as she leans over closer to you. "Good. No going back now.." You kiss her quickly before hearing Peter shout your name from the back of the jet. "I'm changing my name!" You both laugh as you all fly back to the compound.

You are all sat talking as you hear F.R.I.D.A.Y echo through the jet. "Ah welcome back Agent Romanoff, Miss Maximoff, Mr Parker and Miss Beattie. You are about to land at the compound, Captain Rogers is awaiting you all." You all share glances before Nat speaks up. "Yeah.. we should probably tell you something before we land.." You look at Nat as she looks worried and amused. "What is it..?" You see her try not to laugh as you glance at Wanda and Peter. "We kind of, well, took the jet.. we left a note. We didn't actually tell anyone we were leaving until we had already left.." You see Wanda and Peter grin slowly as Nat sniggers at your shocked expression. "Seriously? Guys you could be in so much trouble!" You look at Nat as she tries to hide her laugh with her hand, "Don't worry.. We won't. Tony has not got an arguement. It was his fault you left anyways.." You try not to laugh as you hear Peter burst into a loud chuckle. "Come on, it's only Steve waiting! When he sees you he will be happy regardless!" You smile as you look back at Nat as you feel the jet land. "I can't believe you did all this for me.." She smiles as you shake your head at her. "Worth it to have you back.." Nat smiles and takes your hand in hers as you hear Wanda try to whisper about you both. "So cute! I can't with you two already!" You all laugh at her as the jet lands on the ground. You all stand and wait for the ramp to open fully, seeing Steve peeking through at the bottom. Peter runs down first, Wanda and Nat either side of you as you see Steve smirking at you all. "Well.. I would usually be mad but considering the circumstances I'm actually a little impressed!" You all chuckle as you get to where he is stood. You stand infront of him for a moment before he hugs you. "Good to see you back Y/n." He pats your back as you pull apart, "Good to be back Steve."

You follow Peter as you all head back into the compound together, Sam and Bruce both sat in the living room as Steve announces you are all back. You say hello before turning to Nat and Steve, "I think I should go speak to Tony before we get too comfortable.." You see Nat's eyes widen with worry as Steve puts his hand on your shoulder. "You sure your going to be okay?" You nod and smile slightly, "Yeah it needs to happen. I don't want to get too settled in case he goes back on his offer.." You feel Nat's body tense as you speak. "He wouldn't do that.. Don't worry, you will be fine." Steve tries to calm both your nerves before he heads off to join Sam. "Thanks Steve." He walks off as Nat takes your hand in hers and looks into your eyes. "You want me to come with you?" You see her flicker between your eyes and lips as she speaks, "I'll be okay, try not to worry. This needs to be done before we can move forward." She nods in agreement as she grips your hand tight. "Don't let him get too you and I will see you when your finished.." You give her a cheeky smirk and wink before you leave her and head to Tony's office. You knock on the door and wait for him to call you in.

"Come in!" You hear his voice and instantly feel your blood begin to boil. You take a deep breathe before opening his door and looking over at him. "It's Y/n, can we talk?" You see him freeze for a few seconds before nodding. "Yes of course, come sit down." You nod and shut the door before walking over to sit at the opposite side of his desk. He shuts down his laptop before leaning back in his chair to look across at you. An awkward silence fills the room before Tony begins to talk. "Okay so let's not drag this out. I know your not my biggest fan after what I did but we need to move forward." You nod and listen as you see him struggling to find what to say. "So I do want to apologise for what I did. I should never have gone behind your back like that, you were right I should have came to you." You see him squirming which you enjoy a little before you say anything. "I accept your apology Tony. I understand why you did it. I want to apologise for raising my voice the way I did, that is not me." He holds his hand out to cut you off, "You were completely justified for how you reacted so there's no need for that. Let's just move on, work at this and I will come to you if I need any information from now on. Sound good?" You nod and shake his hand in agreement. He walks around as you stay standing. He stands infront of you and smiles. "Well, I'm looking forward to working with you Miss Beattie. Welcome to the Avengers!"

You smile and shake his hand again as he now has a smug grin on his face, "I didn't even give you my answer.." You question him as he walks you to his door. He stops as he puts his hand on the handle, "You wouldn't be here if it was a no." You nod and chuckle at his confident smirk. "You got me there Stark.." You look at him as you shake your head a little, "Now your room is still how you left it and it's now officially yours. Do what you want too it. Miss Potts will be in touch about the paperwork and stuff but other than that your free to go." You nod as he opens the door for you. "Thanks Stark. I'll see you around.." He nods and chuckles as you walk back towards the living room. Whatever just happened is a blur as everyone in the living room turns to look at you as you walk in. "SO?" Peter's voice snaps you out of your daze as you look up and see him with Wanda, Steve, Sam and Bruce. You shake your head before smiling. "Looks like I'm an Avenger!" Everyone erupts into cheers as Peter and Wanda run to you. Peter jumps in your arms. He hugs you tight as Wanda joins him. You wrap your arms around them both before they pull back. "Congrats Kid! Welcome to the team.." You smile up at Steve as he walks past you and heads down to see Tony. You scan the room as Wanda and Peter stay with you. "Where's Nat?"

You look across to Wanda as she nods towards the stairs. "She took your bags upstairs for you. We took ours up just after you left to see Tony." You nod as you go to walk up to your room. "I'll go find her why don't we have a movie night on the big screen?" You see Peter's beaming smile at your suggestion. "YES! Okay we need to go get snacks, meet back in the living room in 2 hours? I will tell everyone!" You agree as he drags Wanda to the kitchen to see what they need to get at the shops as you walk towards the girl's bedrooms to find Nat. As you get to the top of the stairs you look down and don't see any doors open. You walk towards Nat's room but as you pass yours you can hear noises from yours. You stand at the door and hear draws opening and shutting before Nat let's out a huge sigh. You slowly open the door, peeking your head in as Nat turns to face you. "Hey you.." You hear her soft voice as she stops what she was about to do and walks over to meet you. You walk into your room, closing the door behind you before looking back at where Nat infront of your bed. "You okay Romanoff? I thought you'd be downstairs with everyone else?" You see her eyes study your face for an indication on how it went with Tony but your face is not giving anything away which bothers her a little.

"Yeah I'm okay, I just thought I would bring your bag up for you whilst you were with Stark. I thought you would be there longer.." You see her anxious for an answer about how it went but your enjoying seeing her struggle to read you. "Short and sweet really.." You smirk a little, which makes her a little more annoyed as you see her face change from worry too confusion. "Okay your actually killing me here, how did it go?" You chuckle a little as you see her step towards you. "That would be telling Natasha.." She rolls her eyes at you as you try and wind her up. "Really.. Do I need to interrogate you to get my answer?" You raise your eye brows as she crosses her arms over her chest. "Ooo.. I like the sound of that.." You give her a cheeky wink which makes her blush a little before she tries to keep a stern facial expression. "Thin ice Y/n.." You try not to laugh anymore as she pouts slightly in annoyance. "Okay, okay. Well your going to be disappointed.." You see her face quickly change as she tries not to get upset. "..Looks like your going to have to see me everyday from now on since he made me an Avenger!" You see her smile grow instantly as her arms drop beside her. "Seriously!?" You nod and step closer to her. "Well come here and celebrate with me!" You hold your arms out as you both move to the middle of your room as she literally jumps into your arms, wrapping hers around your neck as you lift her up by her waist. She quickly wraps her legs around your body as you move your hands down to support her.

You feel her hands on the back of your neck as she presses her forehead against yours, looking right into your eyes. You can feel her quick breathing against your lips as she smiles uncontrollably. You catch her flicker her eyes between your eyes and lips before she says anything, "I can't believe this is happening.. I never thought I could be this happy." You smile as you see a tear roll down her cheek. "Why are you crying..?" You feel her giggle at your question, "Happy tears babe!" You chuckle as you see her laughing through her happy tears. "Your such a softie Agent Romanoff.. I love it though!" She pulls away and looks right into your eyes. "I am not soft!" You see her smile sneak into the corner of her mouth as you nod your head. "Yes you are.. Your my softie!" You see her smile grow across her face as you feel her heart racing a little. "Hmm I can deal with that.." She rolls her eyes at our laughter as she begins to flicker between your eyes and lips again. "You still sure about us.. You still want to give this a chance?" You are a little shocked at her question as you pull our head back a little more from hers. "Of course I'm sure.. I've never been more sure about anything before in my life. Like you said, I'm following my heart." You feel her breathing become heavier as you follow her eyes flickering. "Good because I never want too loose you.."

You shake your head in response, "I'm not going anywhere unless it's with you by my side! I promise you Nat!" You see her tear up again but as she goes to say something you give into your urges, leaning in to her lips with yours. You kiss her hard as she jumps a little before kissing you back. Your lips quickly finding a rhythm as she guides your head at the back with her hands, gently running her hands through your hair. You feel her heart racing to match yours as you feel the intensity building between your bodies. You walk over to your bed with her still in your arms, as you feel your shin hit the side of it her legs tighten around your waist as you slowly lean forward, lying her on her back on top of your bed. You lift her body up the bed, allowing room for you to climb on with her without ever breaking your lips apart. Her legs still around your waist at this point as you hover over her, bringing your knees onto the bed as you lean on your forearm with your other hand gripping her waist. You begin to feel her hands tracing down your spine, following around under your ribs before finding your shirt buttons. She tugged down on your shirt, causing your back to arch slightly as you felt her smile break apart your lips.

You both try and fill you lungs with air, your breathing heavy as well as hers whilst your eyes searched for hers. As you catch her gaze, her smile grows as her fingers play with one of your shirt button just below your bra line. As you finally catch your breath you see her eyes flickers slowly searching for your lips as you feel her heart still racing and her legs still locked around your hips as you hover over her body only a few inches away. "We.. Should.. Go.. Down.. And.." You feel a slight tug on your shirt after every word you let out as her smile catches your gaze. "You really want to go anywhere right now..?" You see her eyes look right into yours, as if she is begging you to stay. You feel her finally start too unbutton your shirt slowly, not breaking eye contact as she feels her way down then back up to your top three button. As the last button on your collar is undone, you feel her hands on your neck then run down your body, opening your shirt out as she watches you catch your breath again. "So.. Do you?" You shake your head in response, unable to find your voice as hers is seductive and inviting. "You are going too be trouble Miss Romanoff.." You finally find your voice as you see her bite her bottom lip. "Are you complaining.. Babe..?" You feel your whole body almost melt as you don't even give her an answer but just crash your lips against hers instead.

The heat between you almost at boiling point as she rips your shirt back off your body, pulling it down your arms as you sit up on her legs. Once off she throws it above her head onto your bed, you take advantage of this and grab the bottom of her top and slide it up her body and over her head. You tug it off her arms and throw it behind you before dropping your hands back down onto her wrists, which are still above her head. You see her shock as you look down into her eyes, holding her wrists with one hand and using the other to rub your thumb against her bottom lip and lift her head up slightly to face you. You lean in to kiss her again but she takes you by surprise and flips you over so you end up on your back. She straddles you pins you down in one swift move. You see her smirk as you find her gaze, "Smooth Romanoff.." You both giggle before your lips find hers as you grab her waist and pull her body down to yours. Your hands run free up and down her body as hers are still around the back of your neck, digging her nails into your skin as the kiss becomes heated. You feel her tongue fighting for an entrance, you bite her lip before letting your tongue guide hers in. Her body begins to roll over yours as you both become carried away in the moment.

Your fingers start to trace along her waist band on her pants as neither of you want too stop this, but a voice outside your door breaks the moment. "Y/n? Nat? You in here?" A excited knock following the voice causes you to groan loudly as Nat giggles at your frustration. She begins kissing your neck softly as you shout at the visitor. "What is it Peter?" You grip the tops of Nat's thighs as she begins sucking on your neck between kisses. "Just wanted to let you know we are back and setting up in the living room ready for movie night!" You keep gripping Nat's legs as she tries to distract you from your conversation. "Yeahh.. Okay Peter.. I'll be down in a minute!" You hear him run off to wait for you as Nat sits up on your legs leaving you panting on the bed. "You are.. I don't even know right now!" You see her smirk as your frustration is obvious. "I suppose we best go down before we get interupted again.." You nod as you sit up, pulling her hips close to your as she gives you quick little kisses everywhere. "To be continued..?" She nods as she pulls away from you. "I'll hold you too it.."

Her smile giving you butterflies as you lift her and drop her gently on the bed. You walk over to your wardrobe, laughing at her giggling on your bed, as you grab a jumper and put it over your head. As you turn back you see Nat standing next to your bed, buttoning up the shirt she just ripped off your back. You jaw drops as she rolls the sleeves up her arms. "Wow how do you look better in my clothes than I do?" You see her blush as she walks over to you and puts her arms around the back of your neck. "I don't know babe, but we should really head downstairs before we get carried away again.." You chuckle as you kiss her gently before you follow her to your door, finding her hand quickly in yours as your fingers interlock with hers. You both head down to the living room to join the others for a team movie night.

You see Peter and Wanda walking back and forward with bowls of food and drinks for everyone as they have laid out the coffee table ready. You catch Wanda giggling at the sight of you both hand in hand before you help them out in the kitchen. The team slowly gather on the chairs and sofa as you bring in the last bowl of popcorn. You see Wanda, Peter and Steve jump on the sofa as Sam sits on the small chair. You sit in the bigger chair as Nat follows you and sits on your lap, putting her legs over the arm of the chair. You wrap your arm around her back as she snuggles into your neck. Tony is the last to join, he hesitates for a minute before Peter spots him and offers him his seat. Tony thanks him and accepts as he looks over and smiles at you and Nat. You nod and smile back, letting him know your okay with him being here as Peter rushes over and sits between where your chair is and Wanda is sitting on the end of the sofa. He leans back against the sofa where Wanda is curled onto as she leans over and whispers to Nat. "Nice shirt.." You laugh at her comment as Nat hides in your neck. You and Wanda share a smile as you all settle in for the movie starting. You scan the room and feel at home, you smile to yourself as Nat catches you. "What is it?" She looks right at you as you catch her gaze, "Just feels right." She snuggles back into your neck as you spend the rest of the night laughing and bonding with your new team, wondering if it could possibly get any better than this.

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now