Planning a Coronation..

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  You wake up to a pounding headache and bright light almost burning your eyes as you flicker them open slowly. You feel as though your head is going to explode as you sit up back against your headboard. You rub your eyes as you reach for your phone to check the time. You look and see it is 9.45am. You check your messages as you try and focus on the screen infront of you. You see many messages of condolences and support from friends and colleagues which you will get round to replying too but right now you need water. You get out of bed and realise you slept in your tracksuit joggers and hoodie, so you put on some socks and head to the kitchen. You see T'Challa still asleep on your sofa, wrapped in the blanket Shuri had been using whilst he was away. You see all the alcohol bottles lying round the table and floor and figure why your head hurts so much. You grab a bottle of water and jump up on your kitchen bench. You pretty much finish off the bottle before grabbing a new one for your brother, you head back to him and gentle shake him awake. He stirs as he covers his eyes from the light, "Oohh my head! How much did we drink?" You chuckle as he accepts your bottle of water and drinks almost half. "Probably better you don't know Brother!" He laughs as you start clearing the bottles into a bag.

You sit back on the sofa once the room is cleaned up and turn on the TV but turn the volume right down. You look over at your Brother as he nurses his hangover headache, "How are you today T, other than the hangover?" He laughs as he looks over at you, "I'm a lot better today thank you Sister. Last night helped. You always know how to cheer me up when I need it most." You smile as you hear your phone buzz in the kitchen. You head over and check the message, 'Y/N you are needed to start making plans for T'Challa's Coronation Ceremony. Conference room in 1 hour.' It's from Zuri. You head back in to your living room where you have a slightly confused look on your face, "What is it Y/N?" You sit next to your Brother, "Zuri wants my help organising your Coronation. Why me?" He puts his arm on your shoulder, "You are family, you are trusted. Plus you have been training me for this for years now, they need to know if I am ready for it. Father trusted you above most of his advisors, as did Zuri, he would have wanted you to be a part of it." You beam with pride knowing you are still needed even after T'Chaka had gone. "Well I would be honoured to help Zuri plan this day for you Brother." He hugs you and leaves you to get ready. You jump in the shower and change into your uniform, it was habit, especially when you had important meetings to attend. You head out to the elevator to join Zuri in the meeting room upstairs.

You enter the meeting room and only Zuri is present, with Okoye standing beside where he is sat. You smile at them both as you take a seat opposite Zuri. "Glad you could join me Y/N. It was written that we would arrange T'Challa's ceremony together with advice from the elders if we need it. If that is okay with you we can get started today?" You nod as he proceeds to explain what needs doing before the ceremony can take place. "So my plan would be to have the ceremony within the week, the sooner the better. What do you think?" You agree and discuss this, "Yes I think the people would feel at ease with it being sooner rather than later. How about Wednesday? Can we be ready by then?" Zuri nods and accepts that day. You discuss everything you can to begin with, before you get asked the question you knew was coming. "So is T'Challa fighting fit and ready to accept a challenge if one presents itself?" You nod confidently, "Yes I have been working closely with him and I believe he would beat any worthy competitor." He smiles, as does Okoye. "Good now go take the rest of the day and we will pick this up tomorrow. Oh and one more thing, we have some guests arriving on tomorrow. Friends of T'Challa who want to pay their respects." You raise your eyebrow in confusion as he walks out and leaves without telling you who it is.

You head down to the gym after your mission, you need to sweat out the rest of your hangover and you have not trained since the incident. You walk into the gym and see T'Challa at the punching bags. He hears you come in and heads over to the benches as you drop your gym bag down. "Ah nice to see you down here Sister." You flash him a cheeky smirk, knowing he is still suffering from his hangover, "You too Brother, expected you to still be asleep on my sofa!" He laughs as you wrap your hands and step into the ring. You gesture for him to join you and you both spar for a little while. You notice he is off his game so you push him until he falls to the fall, "Come on T! You need to be ready for this on Wednesday, what if you get a challenge huh!?" He gives you a furrowed look as you help him off the floor. "I know this Y/N. I do! I just need to focus." You continue to spar until you are both worn out. "Okay that's enough for today, we will pick it back up tomorrow after my lesson. I needed to ask you something..?" You head over and unwrap your hands, noticing they are bleeding, "Who are you guests arriving tomorrow T?" He looks over, amused at your curiosity, "Now that would spoil the surprise.. Okay it's not that much of a surprise but you will find out tomorrow!" You snigger at him as you both head back to your rooms, "Tomorrow at 6pm don't be late!" He nods and heads to his room, you catch the elevator and head to your room. You shower and clean your knuckles, you put on some joggers and a sweater before getting an early night. Wondering who will be sharing the Citadel with you all tomorrow.

Your up and getting ready for your meeting with Zuri. You have your music on full as you need to wake yourself up. You struggled to sleep due to having some night terrors. They come and go and have done since you were young. They started after your Birth Father was killed on duty for S.H.I.E.L.D. You were 7 when it happened and within a week you were moved here to Wakanda. Going through any type of trauma can set the terrors off, they usually last a few nights before disappearing again. You use your music to zone out, you finish your coffee and head out to the elevator with your notebook in hand. You head up to the meeting room where Zuri is waiting for you with Okoye. You greet them both and take a seat to get started. You sit for a few hours, planning times and location of the ceremony. Zuri plans most of the important things, he asks for your opinion but you trust him so you agree with all of his choices. You jot plans down that you need to remember, Okoye brings you both coffee and food as you get as much done as you can. You lose track of time as you hear commotion from down the hall. You try to ignore it before it gets progressively louder, as if they are walking towards the room. You instantly get nervous as you glance over to Okoye. She senses your worry and heads to the door. She stands on guard as you wait for the source of the noise appears. Zuri carries on the meeting, you zone in and out of what he is saying as you suddenly see a group of people, slowly walking past the glass walls of the meeting room.

You see the group is being lead by T'Challa and Nakia so you are at ease and nod for Okoye to stand down and relax. She moves back to her original spot as you watch T'Challa lead a number of people past the room. Zuri catches you and comments on your stare, "Those must be out visitors." You chuckle as you, Zuri and Okoye watch the group walk past. You notice 6 people. All very different. It has always been your job to study people who come from the outside into Wakanda, so you can't help but carefully watch them as much as you can see. You notice two women, 4 men. The man walking with T'Challa is huge, not the size of a normal man. He walks like a soldier. Behind them a man and women, look to be close, maybe even a couple. Then following those two was two men, one very timid and small in size, the other man was slim and tall with almost silver hair. At the end of the group was Nakia with a small, red-haired girl who looked shy and uncomfortable, she was fiddling with the multiple rings on her hands as she looked around. Nakia spotted you watching the group and smiled through to you. You chuckled as you turned your attention back to Zuri as you had one last thing to discuss. You finish the meeting and gather your belongings. Just before you get ready to leave you receive a message from Shuri, 'Hey still on for food tonight?' You send her a reply and head off to drop your books off in your room 'You bet. See you at 8!' You grab get changed and grab your gym bag, heading down to teach the recruits. You enter the gym and get started with sparring and punching bag work. You teach the recruits until 6 when T'Challa arrives, you dismiss the group and get T'Challa in the boxing ring.

"So you have some.. Interesting guests.." You smirk as you see T'Challa is flustered whilst you are sparring. "You noticed them? Yeah they are.. Interesting." You laugh as you see him try to keep his laugh in as you are getting angry that he won't tell you anything about them. You continue to spar until you have to leave for your sister-date with Shuri. You head over to the bench and pack your bag, "So how long are they staying for?" You see him struggling to catch his breath before answering you, "A week I believe. I have invited them to the ceremony on Wednesday. Zuri is aware don't worry Sis." You snigger as he still doesn't give any information away, "So I will meet them then?" He nods and laughs as you leave to get ready, "Tomorrow, same time." He nods but catches you before you leave, "Oh before I forget, I want you to meet my guests tomorrow morning before your meeting if that is okay with you?" You nod and smile sarcastically before heading up to shower and change ready to meet with Shuri.

You head down to your car at the main entrance to wait for Shuri to head off for your Monday night dinner but on your way out of the elevator someone bumps into you, "Oh watch yourself there." You notice it's one of T'Challa's guests from earlier, "Sorry I didn't see you, this place is so confusing." You chuckle as you step back and look right into the bright green eyes of the red-haired women in front of you. It wasn't the shy girl who was with Nakia earlier so you are studying her as she ruffles her hair back to the way it was before she bumped into you. "It's alright, I know I still get lost in this place, can I help you find somewhere?" You catch her tracing your face as you talk to her, she almost doesn't hear what you say, "I'm not quite sure. I was supposed to meet the rest of the team so we could find somewhere to eat but I can't find any of them." You smile as she looks around the main entrance, "Well those huge glass doors behind you lead you out to the city. The rooms are spread out quite a bit in the Citadel so there may take their time to find the entrance. Would you like me to call for a guard to help you track them down?" She shakes her head as you hear someone shout her name, "Natasha you ready to go?" You look over and see the huge soldier-type man waving her over to the doors. "Ah there they are. Well thank you for your help, I best get going." You give her a cheeky smile as she turns to leave, "Well thank you for keeping me on my toes." She giggles as she walks out the main doors, you watch her follow the man down the street and out of view. Just as she leaves your view you feel someone punch your arm.

"Stop staring! It's weird.." You laugh as you turn and see Shuri behind you, "I was not staring, I was just making sure she was not lost anymore.." She scoffs as she links your arm and you head out for dinner. You arrive at the restaurant and take your seats. You order drinks and food as you start to chat. "So you have met our guests then?" You shake your head and laugh at Shuri. "I have not. I bumped into her coming out of the elevator, she was lost so I helped her. T wants me to meet them tomorrow ready for the ceremony on Wednesday." She laughs as your drinks arrive, "You do know who it is right?" You shake your head no and give her a confused look, "They are some of the Avengers. The girl you were speaking to is Natasha Romanoff, the famous Black Widow." You look in shock as you did not recognise her from when you both seen her on the news a couple of days ago. "I did not even realise that was her.. She looks a lot different in person.." You see Shuri giggle as you talk, "What?" she laughs as your food arrives, "Nothing at all Sis!" You sit and eat your food before heading home and getting an early night ready to meet the guests tomorrow morning.

It's 7.30am and your up and ready for the day. It's the day before the coronation ceremony so your stressed knowing you only have today to finish all the plans with Zuri. A message comes through to your phone from your brother, 'We will be down at the gym at 8, meet you there.' You head into your room to put on your Navy Blue uniform, grab some breakfast then head out to meet T'Challa and his guests downstairs in the gym. You exit the elevator and walk towards the gym, taking a deep breath before entering the gym hall. You are a little taken back as you are faced with your brother, Nakia, and the 6 strangers infront of you. Nakia comes to greet you straight away with a hug, she leans in your ear and whispers "don't worry, they are all okay." You laugh as you break away from her and your Brother is waiting for you, "Ah Y/N. Glad you could make it, I know you have a busy day but I appreciate you taking the time to meet my guests." He gives you a quick hug before guiding you over to meet the group one by one as they are all stood in little groups.

You are lead towards the larger soldier-like man first, he extends his hand and you accept it. "Steve Rogers, nice to meet you." You shake his freakishly large hand as you have to look up at him, "Y/N, nice to meet you Steve." you are moved across to a group of 3 more reserved people so T'Challa introduces them, "This is Dr Bruce Banner and the twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff." You shake all of there hands one by one before introducing yourself, "Nice to meet you all, I'm Y/N." They all get back to talking as you are moved across to the last two guests, you see a shorter man who is dressed all in black as T'Challa gets his attention, "This is Clint Barton, Clint this is Y/N." He turns and shakes your hand, "Good to meet you Y/N, I'm Clint." You nod and as you turn you notice the red-haired, green eyed girl you bumped into last night before meeting Shuri, "Ah we meet again." She smiles as you reach out your hand, "Hello again, Natasha Romanoff, pleasure to meet you." She accepts and shakes your hand but for longer than you thought she would, "Pleasure is all mine Miss Romanoff, I'm Y/N." You let go of her hand and your brother talks to Clint, "Please, call me Natasha." You smile as you are left just the two of you whilst T'Challa and Clint head towards Steve. "Okay Natasha, so did you find your way last night?" She giggles as she studies your face again, "Yes we found a nice little restaurant just down the street, everyone is so welcoming here." You smile and nod in agreement, "Ah yes, everyone is very friendly here. So you are enjoying your stay so far?" She smiles, a little shyly as you flow in conversation, "Yes I am thank you Y/N. We are looking forward to the ceremony tomorrow, it's a rare occasion so we are extremely lucky to be here for T'Challa." You look into her deep, emerald green eyes as you almost lose yourself for a second, "I'm glad you can all be here for him, it will be a very special day."

Before anything else can be said T'Challa interrupts everyone and stands infront of the group with Nakia. "Sorry to interrupt but I believe Y/N has a meeting at 09.00am, but there is something I need to cover before she leaves." You excuse yourself away from Natasha as your Brother gestures for you to join him infront of the small group of Avengers, "So for the Coronation tomorrow, I will be leaving you all in the very capable hands of Y/N, she will escort you to the Falls and look after you during the ceremony and for the rest of the day." They all nod in agreement as you look down and check the time, "Sorry to have to leave so early but I have a crazy busy day ahead, it was a pleasure to meet you all and if I do not see you before, I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning." You make your way out of the gym, and head up towards the meeting room to meet with Zuri. You join him and Okoye for the last time before the ceremony tomorrow.

You have been finalising everything for the past few hours as you needed to cover everything. Okoye was preparing the guards so it was just you and Zuri. "So are we happy with everything?" You nod in agreement, hoping you had covered everything. "I just don't want to let him down Zuri, I know he is ready but are we?" You both let out a little laugh as you go through all your paperwork. "So once tomorrow is done, there will be a party type scenario on Friday to celebrate. That will not take long to organise at all so we can do that on Thursday. But as far as tomorrow is concerned, we are ready. I believe as far as our guests are concerned you are joining them at the ceremony?" You zone out for a minute as you are scanning over paperwork before you catch up with the conversation, "Sorry Zuri, yes, I will be meeting with T'Challa before we leave for the Falls, I will be escorting the Avengers to the Ceremony and taking care of them for the rest of the day, Nakia is staying with the family on my behalf." He nods and writes that down. "Okay so that is everything. I believe Shuri wanted to see you in her lab once we were done here." You nod and shake Zuri's hand, "This has been stressful but I'm honoured to be a part of it with you Zuri." He bows his head slightly as you leave the meeting room and head to Shuri's lab.

You enter the lab and see Shuri making some final touches to some project on her work bench. You head over but she stops you in your tracks, "WAIT!" You freeze on the spot for a few minutes before Shuri allows you to move again, "Okay done!" You head over and see your new uniform. "Wow that is amazing!" You lift it up and check out her work, "Shuri you have out done yourself!" She looks so happy as you can't stop smiling, "You need to wear it tomorrow!" You nod in excitement, "Of course I will, thank you Sister this honestly means so much." You hug her and leave her to her work. "I'll see you in the morning!" She agrees as she gets straight back to work, you head up to your room to change and get your gym bag before heading down to the gym. You join the recruits for a session of tackling and take downs as you work them really hard. You finished up as everyone left the gym. You oved onto the punching bag, waiting for T'Challa to get there.

T'Challa finally gets there and he joins you on the punching bags. He is quiet but that was to be expected. You train in silence as you see your brother concentrating and being completely focused. You get him in the boxing ring and go through some defensive techniques so you know he is ready for tomorrow. "You ready brother?" He stops and looks right at you, "Because of you, yes I feel ready." You nod and smile before getting right back too it. You train until past 09.00pm, making sure he is fully prepared for any type of challenge tomorrow. You see him start too tire out so you stop and call it a night, "Okay so you need to rest and I mean REST. I will be here for 07.00am tomorrow morning, if you want to do a warm through we can but if not, I will see you at 09.00am!" He nods as you both head out of the gym, "Thank you Y/N." You stop at the doors, "You don't have to thank me brother, this is what family does for each other." You hug and go your seperate ways. You get to your room and go straight to bed. You need your rest for the ceremony tomorrow, as well as your brother. You try to sleep straight away but a night terror wakes you up suddenly and panics you. You get up and get a bottle of water before returning to bed, you get lost in your thoughts about your Brother and how good of a King he will be. Then you begin to wonder what will happen to you now you don't really have a job. Your Brother already has a guard so you are unsure what you are going to do next, but before you can worry about it too much you drift back off to sleep.

Your in the gym, waiting to see if T'Challa comes in for a warm up. It's 08.10am and you had waited over an hour, so you decide to head back up to your room to shower and change into your new uniform that Shuri gave to you yesterday. You have your music on, you get a quick shower and change. You style your hair, do up your tie and do up your shoes. Your check once more in the mirror before heading down to the main entrance. You were requested by the Queen to meet with the family before they head to the falls. As you exit the elevator you see the Queen with Shuri, T'Challa, Zuri and Nakia. You walk over as Shuri hugs you. "Good morning family." As you break apart from Shuri you bow your head, the Queen gestures for you to come to her, she brings you into a comforting hug before kissing your forehead. "Good to see you Y/N. I am glad you came." You smile at her, "I would not miss this for the world, although I was surprised to train alone this morning!" You tease at T'Challa, as he tries not to smile at your comment. "Ah Sister, not one day off with you!" He approaches you and hugs you tight, "Thank you for coming too see us off." You squeeze him tight before letting him go and hugging Nakia. "I would not miss seeing you one last time as our Prince brother!" You break apart from Nakia who has a beaming smile on her face, "I have something for you today Y/N." You are shocked as T'Challa turns away from you. "Close your eyes!" Nakia laughs as she stands in front of you and covers your eyes. "This better not be a joke your pulling T'Challa!" They all laugh as you feel something drape over your back and up your arms. "Okay you can open your eyes now!"

You open your eyes, scared too look down. You hesitate for a second before holding your arms out in front of you and looking down. To your surprise, you are wearing the colours of your family in a traditional overcoat. "Wow, I don't know what to say.. But I thought this was kept for.." Before you could finish the Queen cuts you off. "For our family members, yes. And you are our family Y/N. You represent all of us today, especially T'Challa. We are proud to call you our own." You choke back your tears as you try to act professional. "I am honestly lost for words, thank you so much for this honour. I will wear it with pride today as you become our King brother!" You smile as the family comes together in a circle of reflection, "We stand as one family as T'Challa embarks on his biggest test today. Thank you for all being here." The Queen speaks as we all join hands for a moments silence. As we seperate, T'Challa leads the family to the jet. You walk with them to the ramp, before they all board T'Challa comes to you, pressing his forehead against yours. "Good luck today Brother. Go show them who you are and make Father proud!" You grip the back of his head, as he does yours, before he pulls away and flashes you a smile. "Thank you Sister, see you later today. And good luck with the Avengers!" You share a laugh as you part ways, you stand and watch the family board the jet. They wave as the jet takes off, you wave them off from the ground.

You watch the jet leave as you turn to walk towards the café, you had arranged for the Avengers too meet you there for 09.30am. You had time to grab a quick coffee before hand, as you walked in the café you order a coffee too take away. As you sit and wait, you hear someone approaching your position. "Good morning Y/N." You stand and turn your attention too see Natasha Romanoff. "Well, good morning too you too Miss Romanoff." You extend your hand, as she accepts you gesture for her to sit with you. "How are you today?" She sits down and joins you, "I am well Miss Romanoff, a little anxious if I am being honest but it's a big day." She smiles as you lean back slightly in your chair. "Please call me Natasha, and yes I can understand. A day like today does not happen very often." You nod and smile with a little embarrassment, "Sorry Natasha, formalities come easy with the job these days, I do apologise." She laughs a little at your slightly reddened cheeks, "It's okay I know how you feel." You smile as you catch her staring right into your eyes before your coffee arrives, "Thank you, sorry Natasha would you like a coffee?" She smiles up at you as she nods, "Yes that would be great, thank you Y/N." You turn to the server before she leaves the table, "Could I order another coffee to go please, just put it on my bill." The server nods and walks back to the counter, "No I can.." You cut Natasha off before she finishes her sentence, "No really, coffee is on me today." You flash a cheeky smirk as you catch her giggle to herself, but before either of you can say anything else you are joined by the rest of the Avengers. You stand and greet them all as they approach your table. "Good morning everyone. We have a few minutes before our jet arrives if anyone wants to grab a coffee or anything else." You sit back down as they all head to the counter, the noise level rises in the otherwise quiet café as they all order some drinks to go. You re-join Natasha at the table before you all leave for the jet.                           

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now