Any Excuse For a Stark Party!

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**You have been at the compound for a few days now, you have settled in as if you have known everyone for years. They have all made you feel very welcome, you are drawn too Steve and Wanda as they have made a lot of effort with you. Thor and Sam have done nothing but tease you with constant jokes and pranks to welcome you into the compound, which you have taken really well and even gave as good back on a few occasions. Vision, Pietro and Clint are out on a mission which you were a little happy about as you were finding it hard to read how Vision feels about you, also Pietro was so protective over Wanda you felt his presence every time you spend time with her. You had spent some time with Natasha, but not as much as you did when you were in Wakanda. You seen she took on a lot, being close with Tony he seemed to trust her above most of the others, and she was a very hard worker when it came to her job. But she seemed to be distant with you, especially around other members of the team, so you took the time to get to know everyone else a lot better. You even met Peter, who was so excited to meet you and you both instantly clicked. You helped him move some of his stuff into the compound as he was moving in for a couple of weeks to start a strict training program with Tony and Steve.**

You woke up to the sound of your alarm, it was Friday morning which only meant one thing, it was the day of your party. You rolled over and see it was 09.00am which was late for you but you had no reason to wake up early whist being on holiday but you also didn't want to sleep all day. You heard a gentle knock at your door before you had chance to roll back over in bed, "Come in.." You groaned as you sat up and seen Peter and Wanda at your door. You instantly smiled as you had became really close with both of them as you gave Nat her space to work. "Morning Y/n! We came to get you for breakfast, Wanda has made Pancakes and you really don't want too miss out!" You laugh a little as Peter jumps on the bottom of your bed, followed by Wanda sitting beside you as you leant back against your headboard. "We also have a hot cup of coffee waiting for you when your ready." Wanda's voice was soft as you stretched your arms up above your head.

You smile and rub your eyes before you lifted over the blanket off your legs, "Well what are we waiting for, let's go." You see Peter's eyes light up in excitement as he leaps off your bed and rushes out the door towards the kitchen, "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him.." Wanda giggles as she walks with you downstairs as you grab a hoodie and slide it over your head. "Honestly it's fine, it's actually really nice having you all be so attentive, I usually just wake up on my own and don't see anyone until I get to work." You see Wanda flash you a sad expression as you both walk to the kitchen, hearing Peter talking to someone as he was ahead. "Well that is something you will never have to worry about, you will never be alone in this place. Especially with Peter, he has really took you too you actually. He was shy around me at first but with you he has warmed to you straight away. As we all have really.." You smile as you see a little flush of red fill her cheeks as you enter the kitchen, seeing Peter sat on the bench talking to Tony.

"Good morning Tony." You greet him as he makes himself a coffee with Peter pressing the buttons for him. They give off a very Father-Son type vibe which is cute too see as Tony always seems very professional but with Peter he is soft and caring. "Good morning Y/n. Hope you ready for tonight!" You chuckle as he seems excited, turning as he grabs his coffee. "I certainly am. I was actually wondering if you had someone who could check my stitches before I ditch this sling, the doctor said a couple of days when I left Wakanda so I think it's about time it came off but I just want to be sure." You see him ruffle Peter's hair as he pulls him off the kitchen bench before replying to your question, "Yes of course. Dr Banner is in the lab, I will tell him too meet you in the medical bay after you have had chance to eat breakfast. I will tell F.R.I.D.A.Y to give you a message when he is ready for you!" He is always so helpful with everyone and he hasn't treat you any different since you got there, "Thank you very much Tony." He nods and smiles before leaving you with Wanda and Peter to have breakfast together.

You all eat breakfast together, laughing and joking around as Wanda made pancakes and coffee for you. You finish and wash up with Peter's help before you excused yourself to get changed and ready for the day. You are in your room just about finished getting changed when you hear F.R.I.D.A.Y echo into your room, "Miss Beattie, Dr Banner is ready for you in the med bay when you are." You were impressed with Tony's A.I. which he used quite often to communicate with the team from his office, "Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y I'm on my way down now." You reply as you pull grab your sweater off your bed before walking down to the med bay. You bumped into Peter in the living room as he was watching TV with Wanda and Thor. You greeted them all before Peter spoke up, "Do you want me to come with you to see Bruce, Y/n?" You laugh along with Wanda and Thor before answering him. "Your okay Peter, thank you for offering but I'll be quick. I'll meet you back here okay?" He nods as you see Wanda give you a smile before you head off to the med bay and meet with Bruce.

"Dr Banner?" You walk in and see a small man who is a little timid, he was startled at your entrance but quickly warmed to you. "Yes. Hello Miss Beattie. Very nice to meet you properly." You nod and smile as he gestures for you to sit on one of the beds he had ready for you. "You too Dr Banner." You see him chuckle to himself as he pulls over a table with medical equipment on. "Please, call me Bruce. Now, Tony tells me you had stitches you wanted checked over?" You nod as you explain what happened back in Wakanda, he listens intensely before asking you to lift your t-shirt up over your head. You can see he is shy when he asks but you just keep going with it , you took off your t-shirt and sat up straight as he inspected your stitches on your chest. "Right so as far as I can see, they are completely healed over. There is a scar but I'm guessing they explained that too you. I would suggest you take it easy but there is no need for you to wear that sling any more. And if you start training again take care okay?" You nod and smile as he steps back. "Thank you so much Bruce." He smiles softly as you put your t-shirt back on, "If you have any problems, don't hesitate to come see me."

You thank Bruce again before you left the med bay and walked back into the living room, you had your sling in your hand as you seen everyone smile as you entered. "All good?" You smile and nod as Peter sees you no longer have your sling on your arm. "Just in time for tonight's antics Miss Beattie!" You chuckle as Thor has a beaming smile on his face, "That is very true Thor. You sit in between Wanda and Peter on the sofa, putting on your sweater as you toss the sling on the coffee table. "You feeling okay?" You turn to Wanda as she sees you pressing your shoulder, "Yeah just feels weird after all this time in a sling." You see Wanda giggle as you smile in response. You lean back into the sofa as you all watch some Game Of Thrones together and talk about the party tonight.

Time gets away from you all as you end up watching 3 or 4 episodes as you all enjoyed your time together, you were sat with Wanda leaning towards you as you ended up tickling up and down her forearm as he arm rested on your leg. You had all got sucked into an episode and no one had spoken for nearly 45 minutes. Peter's feet were up on your other leg as he stretched across his side of the sofa. You were all focused on the program you didn't hear anyone walk into the living room, "You all okay in here?" You all jump in shock as Steve announces himself behind the sofa. "Steve! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Peter clutches his chest as you all turn to face Steve and Tony who were stood in gym gear. "Sorry Pete, it was just so quiet in here we thought you were all asleep!" Steve joked as he glanced at you all. "So sorry to take you away from the TV Kid but it's time for training before the party!" You see Peter smile as he jumps off the sofa, "Catch you guys later!" Peter waves as he walks off with Steve towards the gym. "Oh before I forget, Wanda could you go pick up some food for tonight? I put the order in a few days ago it just needs collected." She smiles and nods in response. "Sure thing Tony." He smiles and leaves as he shouts back at her, "You can take my car!"

You see Wanda giggle as she slowly pushes herself off the sofa when you decide to offer her some help and company, "Hey want some help? Or just some company for the drive?" She smiles and doesn't even think about it. "Yeah sure! If you don't mind?" You shake your head as you jump up off the sofa, "Not at all. Let's go." You smile as she leads you off to the garage, you say goodbye to Thor on the way out but just before you reach the garage you see Nat in the hallways. "Hey where you guys off too?" You hear her shout as you walk alongside Wanda. You turn and see her walk towards you both, "Oh hey Nat. we are just going to pick up the food Tony ordered for tonight." You smile as Wanda nods in agreement with a smile. "Oh okay. Well be careful you two." You nod and smile as Wanda begins to walk ahead, but Nat grabs your arm before you can follow. "I'm almost finished with my work for the week. Come find me when you get back okay?" You nod in agreement as a subtle smile creeps onto your face, "Of course I will. See you soon Miss Romanoff.." You see her blush a little before you head off to catch up with Wanda. You glance back as Nat watches you run off down the hall, you chuckle as she gets embarrassed, as you turn the corner you find Wanda waiting next to one of Tony's many cars. You both get in and head off to the store.

You and Wanda get back from the store, you carry the bulk of the boxes as she guides you through the compound as you can't see past them there are that many. You were laughing with Wanda, having talked and joked the whole journey there and back. You nearly dropped the boxes as you get to the kitchen as Wanda led you into a doorframe. Steve quickly steadies you as you put the boxes on the kitchen table. "Thanks for the save Steve!" You smile and he laughs at you. "Sorry Y/n! I didn't see that doorframe!" You laugh with Wanda as she turns bright red with laughing so much. "I'll let you off with that one Maximoff!" She laughs even more before you both can hardly breathe. "You two okay?" Steve is a little concerned at this point as you both start to get control over your laughter, "Yeah sorry Steve. Just been one thing after another on that journey!" Wanda giggles as Steve just shakes his head. "Well you got back in one piece that's the main thing, now you should both go and start getting ready! Party starts at 08.00pm! You look up and see it is only 05.30pm but you follow Wanda out anyways and head to your room. "I guess I will see you at 08.00 Wanda!" You see her smile as you drop her at her door, "Yes you will. Thank you for keeping me company today." You smile as you go your separate ways into your rooms.

You sit on your bed and drink some water before your phone buzzes in your pocket. You take it out and see a message from Nat. "Where are you? Are you back yet?" You chuckle as you put down your water bottle and reply to her. "Yes just got back, I'm in my room." You throw your phone on your bed and decide to go turn on your shower. You come back out your bathroom and hear someone at your door. "Come in." You sit back on your bed to take off your trainers as you notice Nat peek around your door "Hey you." You give her a smile as she seems almost shy as she comes in and shuts your door behind her. "Hello Miss Beattie." You smile as she stands in the middle of your room as you slide your trainers off. You sit up and tap your bed, gesturing for her to sit with you. "So you get all your paperwork done?" She nods as she sits next to you on your bed. "I did. There has been so much sent over from Fury this week I've hardly been able to keep up.." You see her smile fade as she looks at your bedroom floor. "Is something wrong Nat?" You look over as she finally looks up at you.

You see her thinking about something before she says anything, "It's nothing. I think I'm just a little tired." You know she is not telling you what is really going on but you don't want to pry at her, "Why don't you have a power-nap before the party?" She giggles a little at your comment, "No I will catch up over the weekend. The day after a Stark Party is always a lazy day." You chuckle as she finally smiles. "Well that is good to know." You see her become a little restless as you both sit together, "Well I will leave you to your shower and to get ready.. How about I come get you before the party starts?" You smile and nod in agreement, "I'd like that." You see her cheeks starting to blush red as she looks at you. "Good. Well I am going to go get ready, see you soon Y/n." You nod and smile as she gets up to leave, you walk her to your door and open it for her. "See you soon Miss Romanoff.." She rolls her eyes as you chuckle as her. She glances back at you as you watch her walk away. You then turn back, close your door and head into the shower.

You get out the shower and find your clothes for the party. You put on your light blue suit trousers and a white shirt. You don't button it up as you head back to the bathroom to spray some cologne and do your hair. You end up spending way too long trying to style your hair the way you like it, when you eventually get it the way you want it you have to search for your light pink bow tie that Shuri had bought you to go with this suit. You search everywhere, wondering where you had put it. You finally find it in your sock draw, you throw it on your bed as you put on some socks then put on your black leather Oxfords. Just as you finish tying your laces you hear a knock at your door. You shout for them to come in, as you head into the bathroom to tie your bowtie. You hear Nat's voice as she shuts the door behind her. "Y/n..?" You shout through from the bathroom as you wrap your bowtie around your collar. "I'll be out in a minute, just using the mirror!" You hear her giggle as you tie together your bowtie and lower your collar back down as you head out to your room to see Nat. you freeze in the doorway as you see her standing in your room, your jaw practically hitting the floor beneath you.

"Wow you look amazing!" You instantly realise that you said that out loud, you feel your cheeks burn up as she looks right at you giggling. "Was that supposed to be in your head?" You laugh as she notices your slight shyness as you finally walk over to her. "Well yes technically but I would have told you eventually anyways.." You see her smile behind her hand as she tries to hide her cheeks as they blush through her subtle hints of makeup. "Well thank you. You don't look too bad yourself, except for your tie isn't straight.. Come here.." She steps towards you and straightens your bow tie, you glance between her eyes as you see the emerald green shimmering as she focuses at your bowtie. You think to yourself how much you had missed those eyes as she steps back a little from you. "There that's better." You smile as you thank her, "Thank you." She sits on the edge of your bed as you pull your draw open, pulling out a watch and your bracelet. You put your watch on your right wrist then start to buckle your bracelet on your left wrist but you can't seem to fasten it. "You need a hand?" You nod and chuckle as you sit beside her on your bed and hold your wrist out infront of you as she helps you fasten it.

"That's an interesting bracelet. I have never noticed it before.." You look up at her as she pulls your sleeve back down your arm. "I only wear it on special occasions as it was left to me by my Birth Father." You feel a tear form as you look down at it on your wrist. Nat notices but doesn't comment on it. It's different. I like it. You should wear it more often.." You smile as you quickly wipe the tear from your eye. "I actually wore it on our day out in the City in Wakanda." You smile as you remember that dat like it was yesterday, "It feels like so long ago we were back there together don't you think?" You nod in agreement as you see her smile creep in again. "I do. It felt like months waiting for the Doctor to say I could come see you.." Her eyes brighten as you catch her gaze as she looks at you. "I was worried incase you had forgotten about me.." You chuckle a little as you take her hand in yours, "How could I forget about you Natasha Romanoff?" You see her eyes flicker between yours as you share a moment before a knock at the door snaps you both out of it as Nat pulls her hand away from yours. "Yeah come in?" You see Peter peep his head in with a beaming smile as usual, " Hey Y/n.. Oh and Nat, He Nat! I just came to warn you that Mr Stark wants everyone downstairs in 10 minutes!" You smile as he rushes off to tell everyone else. "You stand up and take your suit jacket from your wardrobe and slip it over your arms as you button it up at the front.

"So.. Too much?" You look over and laugh as you hold our arms out and spin around jokingly as Nat giggles at you as she stands up from your bed. "You look great. Don't be so nervous, you will be fine. Everyone loves you and people who don't know you yet will love you once they meet you!" You smile as Nat straightens your bowtie again. "Thanks Nat. Now, shall we?" You hold your arm out for her, she links you as you lead her out of your room and down towards the living room. As you reach the top of the stairs you see the room already filling with people you don't know and your nerves kick in. You take a deep breath before you hold out your hand to help Nat down the stairs in her heels. "Why thank you Miss Beattie!" You chuckle as you see Nat trying to calm your nerves, you both get to the bottom of the stairs as you lead her straight over to the bar. Nat orders some drinks as you scan the room, quickly seeing Wanda stood with Steve and Thor. You turn back and take your bottle as Nat spots someone across the room. "I will come find you in a little bit okay?" You nod and smile as she grips your arm before she leaves you alone. You decide to walk over and join Wanda, Steve and Thor.

You head over and they greet you with warm smiles as Wanda meets you with a hug. As you pull away your nerves start to fade slightly, "I think I needed that! Thanks Wanda.." You chuckle as she stands beside you. "Your looking smart Y/n! Good to see you without your sling finally." Steve gives you a quick hug. "Thank you Steve, it's taking some getting used too but it feels a lot better." He gives you a warm smile before Steve and Thor excuse themselves, leaving you and Wanda together. "You look gorgeous Miss Maximoff.. Do you want a drink?" You see her giggle behind her hand as she nods. "Thank you Y/n, you look really good.." You smile as you hold out your arm and lead her to the bar for a drink. Once you order her a drink, you spot Nat talking to Clint across the room. "I thought he was on a mission?" You nod over as Wanda sees who you are talking about. "Ah Clint? Yeah he was but Vision and Pietro let him come home as it looks like they could be there a while and he has a family so they agreed he could come home and go back if they need him." You nod as Wanda takes her drink. "Shall we go sit?" She nods as you lead her over to the chairs where Peter is sat with Sam, Steve and Thor. "Mind if we join?" You announce as they all gesture for you to and Wanda to join them as they all join you both in their conversation, as Wanda sits close beside you.

As you are all in conversation, you remember you had something to show Steve. "Steve, I knew I had something to show you!" You see everyone turn to you as you pull your wallet from your pocket. Everyone goes quiet as you give Wanda your drink to hold as you pull out some small card from the back of your wallet sleeve. You place them on the coffee table, showing them all your Captain America trading cards. "Are those what I think they are?" Steve picks one up from the table and examines it as the team watch, "Yeah my Birth-Father left them for me after he died. They are vintage! He had the whole collection but some were missing when I got them." You see Steve's face turn pale as he looks over the rest of the cards. "These are awesome Y/n!" You smile as Peter gets excited over them, taking your mind away from Steve's shocked and confused reaction. "They are a very vintage set Y/n. they are such good condition as well." You nod in agreement as he hands them back to you. You put them away as Wanda hands you your drink back. The group around you gets into another conversation as Steve excuses himself, you are slightly confused but Wanda snaps you out of it as she gets your attention back.

Avengers POV
As Steve left the group, he walked over to talk to Tony and Natasha about your trading cards. As he pulled them away from the party, he explained to them what had just happened. "So are you sure they are from the same collection he had?" Tony questioned Steve as he was in some sort of shock. "Yes Tony, I remember when he showed me them on that S.H.I.E.L.D ship. I could never forget them after what happened.." Steve became a little emotional as he remembered seeing them for the first time. "Okay so what does this mean? She is his daughter? But he never mentioned having a daughter to anyone?" Nat was confused as she looked between Tony and Steve, "Maybe just a coincidence or maybe that explains why she was in Wakanda.." Tony paced as he thought everything through that he knew about you so far. "Why don't we just leave t for tonight, do some research into it if we need too." Steve cuts the conversation short, which was a relief to Nat as she didn't want to go behind your back for any reason. "Okay let's get back to the party, I will do a background check next week." They all agreed and made their way back to the living room. Tony and Steve rejoined the guests as Nat scanned the room for you, but as she seen you and Wanda sitting close on the sofa, a wave of emotions took over. So she looked away and went to find Clint, he was the closest person to her and he knew her better than anyone. If she could trust anyone with this conversation, it would be Clint.

You are sitting close with Wanda as she is tickling your arm, the same way you were earlier when you were sat watching TV. She realised you were getting a little overwhelmed so she pulled your sleeve up a little to help keep your nerves away. You were joking with Peter as he was talking about a girl he likes as you noticed Nat, Steve and Tony re-enter the party together. You catch Nat's eyeline as she sees you with Wanda and instantly looks away from you. You watch her go to the bar then walk off with Clint across the room. You feel as though you have done something wrong but you get brought out of it by Peter asking your opinion on what he should do. "What do you think Y/n? Should I tell her?" You smirk as you see Thor chuckling after trying to tease Peter. "Honestly, if you like her you should tell her Peter. Trust me, no matter what the answer, you should tell her sooner rather than later!" You finish off your bottle before placing it on the coffee table. You lean back into the sofa as Wanda continues to stroke your forearm. She looks back at you to make sure your okay, "You good?" You nod and smile as you sit back up as Thor tries to show off to everyone.

I found Clint after I spoke with Tony and Steve, he knew there was something wrong with me so he lead us both upstairs and out onto the balcony through the glass doors. We walked over and stood at the edge, leaning on the rail as I looked over towards the City. It was so calm out as we stayed silent for a little while, taking a moment before Clint finally asked me what was wrong. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong Nat? and don't bulls**t me, I know when you lying!" He nudged my arm, trying to make me laugh as I still looked over at the City lights. "It's Y/n.." I seen Clint smirk as I said her name, he knew me better than I knew myself so of course he knew what I was going to say. "Okay so you have feelings for her, right?" I nodded slightly as Clint called me out completely. "At least I think I do.. She has had a hold on me since we first me her in that gym in Wakanda.. But.." I looked over as Clint turned to face me, wanting me to continue. "I have been keeping my distance since she got here. I don't want the team to see me weak or vulnerable. But in doing that we have hardly spend any time together, I know she hasn't been alone but.." Clint shook his head as he got my attention again. "Look at me Nat, I know your not the type to get close to people or get into serious relationships but between me and you right now, she makes you happy. Really happy. I seen it in Wakanda. I've never seen you so happy around someone, so I suggest you go for it before you regret it." I looked at Clint as he was firm but kind with me, I trusted him with my life. So I always took his advice no matter if I agreed or not. "Your right.. I think. But what happens when she goes back home?" I looked back over to the City as Clint put his arm over my shoulders, "Then you work it out between the two of you. But from what I have heard, Tony wants her on the team. So you never know, give her something to stick around for..?" He winked as I nudged him away from me as we both laughed. "Thanks Clint.." He smiled as we both just took a time out before we re-joined the party but before we could we were both startled by someone joining us..

You started to feel your chest tightening as the room filled even more, then your felt a panic attack creeping in as you got a flashback from your last party in Wakanda, you hear someone drop a glass and the loud noise reminds you of the gunshot. You jump in your seat before Wanda grabs your arm as you gave her a fright. "Are you okay?" You look over as she is studying your face to make sure your okay. "Yeah sorry, just a bit crowded, I'm going to get some fresh air. I'll be back soon okay?" She nodded and smiled softly as you took your bottle and walked up the stairs and over to the big glass door leading to the balcony. You stumbled through the doors as you felt your chest crushing your lungs. You feel the fresh air hit you as you take a deep breath in, instantly opening out your lungs as the mild air fills your body and calms you down. You close your eyes for a second before hearing someone near you. You slowly open them again as you see two figures standing at the edge of the balcony. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt I'll just.." You were startled to see Nat and Clint, you went to turn back to the doors behind you before Clint stopped you.

"No, no it's fine. I was just heading back." He walked over to you, as he got next to you he grabbed your arm and looked at you. "Go talk to her. Trust me you need too." He smiled and winked subtly as he re-joined the party, leaving you and Nat alone. My panic had left but a wave of nerves travelled through my body as Nat was just stood looking over at the City lights. You slowly made your way over to her, taking a drink before you got to the rail. You leant on both your arms as you were a few inches from where she was. You followed her eyeline, seeing the City alive still even at this time. You try and figure out what to say but she beats you too it. "Get a bit crowded in there for you?" You look over and see her smiling at her comment, "You could say that.. I don't know how you all do it sometimes." You chuckle as she finally looks over at you. "A lot of practice. And alcohol." You hear her giggle as you look back over at the City, letting out a sigh as you start to think about your family. "You okay..?" You hear a sense of worry in Nat's voice as she shuffles a little closer to you. "Yeah sorry, just all these lights remind me of home." Your voice breaks a little as you feel Nat start to rub your back for comfort. "It is amazing where you live.. I don't know why anyone would want to leave..?"

You feel her eyes watching you as you laugh lightly to yourself at her comment, "Well.. When you promise a beautiful Russian Assassin that you will visit her, you have to leave at some point.." You can't help but smirk as you feel her eyes roll at what you just said. You look over at her as she giggles at you, "Smooth Miss Beattie.. Very smooth.." You both laugh as her hand on your back moves up to the back of your neck. "Thanks.. So.. Should I be worried about what you want to talk to me about..?" She looks over at you in a little shock before you explain yourself, "Clint.." She rolls her eyes again as she realises he must have said something as he left. "Of course Barton.." You both laugh lightly before she takes in a deep breathe. "You can tell me anything you know Nat.. I promise you can trust me.." You turn to face her as she traces her hand down your arm from your neck, holding your hand as it reaches it. "I just feel guilty.. I mean I made you promise you would come see me again and I've been distant.." You grip her hand tight, interlocking your fingers in hers as it is now just the two of you. "Nat you don't have to apologise.." She shakes her head, finally letting her guard down with you again like she did in Wakanda.

"I do. It's just.. The team know me as this strong, independent, dedicated Avenger. The relentless assassin who doesn't let anything distract her, especially emotions. But then you came along and you have this effect on me I can't ignore.." You see her eyes gloss over, shimmering from the lights coming from the City as she flickers between your eyes. "I get it, I know how you feel. You don't want anyone to see you vulnerable. You honestly don't owe me any apology. If you don't want this then.." You see her stare right into your eyes, shaking her head slightly as she cuts you off. "Don't say that.. As much as my head is telling me to walk away from you my heart is telling me to do the complete opposite.." You watch her eyes flicker in a triangle on your face, between both your eyes then down to your lips. You follow her eyes as you see her bright red lipstick as bright as the City lights. "You know T'Chaka, My Father, always told me you should follow your heart because your head thinks too much.." You let out a small laugh as she giggles at you. "What do you think I should do..?" Her voice now has a seductive tone as you both edge closer to each other, closing the gap between you as she leaves her glass on the rail and reaches up to your jawline, you follow her by placing your bottle on the rail. You can't escape her gaze as your eyes lock onto each others as her fingers tighten around yours as you other hand finds her waist. "I think.. You.. Should.." You stutter through your words as you both lean in slowly until your lips are millimeters apart.

You feel the air leaving her lungs on your lips as she doesn't break the eye contact between you. "I should what..?" Her voice soft and seductive as she almost teases you for an answer. "You should.." You give in, tilting your head slightly as you press your lips gently against hers. You feel her instantly kiss you back, following your lead as you pull her body into yours by her waist. You feel her hold her breath as you catch her a little off guard before you pull away, allowing her to take in a deep breath. Her eyes slowly open to meet yours as you notice her heart beginning to race. Her hand leaves yours as she wraps both arms around the back of your neck, running her hands up the back of your head and into your hair, gently gripping a handful as her other hand strokes your neck sending a shiver down your spine. Your hands both find her waist, tightly gripping her perfect curves as you feel her breathing become quicker as you stare into her widened eyes. "You trust me?" You say softly as your lips graze hers as you both speak. "Yes, I trust you.." You smirk a little as you hear her whisper back to you. "Let's give this a chance.." You feel her body flicker as she takes in a sharp breath, nodding and smiling in agreement.

Before you can stop yourself you lean back in, your hands flat against her body as you guide her back into a more passionate kiss. Your lips crash together as she digs her nails into the back of your neck. You feel yourself take control as the kiss becomes intense, her back arching slightly as she pulls you into her. Your heart begins to beat out of your chest as your tongue glides across her bottom lip, looking for an entrance. You feel her smile as she feels what you are trying to do, she tries to pull away slightly but you gently bite her bottom lip, pulling her back into it. She gives in immediately as you feel the heat building between your bodies as they rock a little back and forth. You both stop for air as she leans her forehead against yours, struggling to get her breathing back to normal as she can't help but smile. You laugh a little at her as you open your eyes and see her smiling at you, "You okay?" You say between breathes as she finally opens her eyes, looking right back into your hazel eyes. "I will be once I can breathe properly again." You both laugh as you pull away from her more, letting her take in some deep breathes as she takes her hand in yours again. You wipe a little smudge of lipstick with your thumb from below her bottom lip, smiling as you see her breathing slowly calm down.

"So that was.. Something.." You smirk as you see her in slight shock. "It really was.." You both laugh before you feel her fingers intertwine with yours as she grabs her drink with her other hand. She takes a sip before saying anything else, "So we are actually doing this?" You grin smugly as you nod your head, grabbing your bottle from the rail. "Looks like it.. I mean only if you are ready?" You see her take another drink before giving you a half smile over her glass. "Your worth the risk.." She winks slyly at you as you catch her over your bottle as you take a long drink. "So.. Do you want to keep this between us or..?" You see her smile fade a little as you ask her this. "I don't want to hide this from anyone I'm just worried about their reactions.." You tighten your grip around her hand as you meet her gaze again. "This is all on your terms okay? I'll follow your lead.. So how about for tonight we just enjoy ourselves and go from there?" She smiles right at you as you help her to ease her nerves. "Sounds good to me.. Now let's get back in their before Tony comes looking for us both, after all it is your party.. Technically!" You share a laugh as you go to let go of her hand but she keeps her grip tight. You look down and smile as she leads you back to the glass doors, stopping you before you open them and turning her towards her. "Good luck.." She plants a quick kiss against your lips before leading you through the doors and back into the party. 

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now