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**It had been 48 hours since the team got back from the rescue mission. You had been through a load of testing with Bruce and Dr Cho as well as having your shoulder and ankle re-set then some burn treatment on your back. You weren't allowed visitors yet due to you having treatment on your burns meant the risk of infection was higher than usual so the rest of the team were all training and resting around the compound waiting for updates on your condition. Tony had been absent in his office since coming back from the mission. Nat, Wanda and Peter spent time together for comfort and support until they got to see you.**

Avengers POV
Bruce was carrying out his last lot of blood tests as Dr Cho finished wrapping your burns on your back. Your ankle was in a cast and your shoulder and collar bone were supported by your left arm being in a restricted sling. You were in a deep sleep due to the amount of pain medication you had as well as the fluids Bruce had you on for your body to help heal. You hadn't been awake since leaving the HYDRA Base which wasn't a worry right now as your body was going through a lot of healing internally and externally. It also meant Bruce and Dr Cho could treat you without having to sedate you. Bruce had been keeping the team updated as much as he could with your condition as well as talking to Tony so he could update T'Challa and your family after he informed them of your return to the compound. Nat had also spoken to Nakia and Shuri over the phone the day after you returned.

The team were all sitting having dinner when Bruce joined them as well as being able to update them on your current condition. He sat at the end of the table, Wanda making him a plate up as everyone turned their attention towards him. "How she doing Bruce?" Tony spoke up from the other side of the table, his voice surprising everyone as he had been quiet the last couple of days. Bruce cleared his throat before thanking Wanda for the food and beginning to tell them about Y/n. "So your all aware of her injuries and the treatment she needed. Well it was all a success so far. Myself and Dr Cho have treat her burns and damaged bones. She hasn't woken up yet but her vitals are all doing good and her bones are re-set almost perfectly. We just need to monitor her for now and wait for her to wake up to see how her body is feeling." The team all shared relieved glances as they finished their meals before heading off to relax for the rest of the night.

We all sat and listened to Bruce whilst he told us what Y/n had been through. I couldn't help but feel my chest tighten as my heart ached, thinking about what her body is going through. I could see Peter's pained expression as Wanda was beside him for support. A tear escaping down her cheek as she listened to Bruce. I was hoping I could go see her after today, Bruce didn't want her to get any type of infection whilst her burns were being treat so no one was allowed to go into the med bay for the last 48 hours. I know I'm not the only one who wants to see her so hopefully Bruce will let us soon. One everyone was finished dinner I offered to clean up, most of the team went off to relax as Tony headed back to his office. Wanda and Peter were heading off to watch a movie in the theatre room to distract him, I was planning on joining them but I was caught off guard by Bruce grabbing my attention once everyone left the kitchen.

"Hey Nat, how are you doing?" Bruce's voice was soft as he joined me at the dishwasher. "Just worried about her Bruce." I answered plainly. "I know Nat. I actually wanted to come tell you that it's safe for her to have visitors now and I thought you'd want to be first to see her." I couldn't help the small smile growing across my face, finally being able to see her again. I was finished cleaning up as I turned to face Bruce. "Thank you Bruce. Can I go through now?" He nodded and smiled. "Of course. Make sure to try and talk to her. It might help her body to wake up." He informed me before I rushed out towards the med bay. I got there without anyone seeing me so I could spend some time with her alone. I took a deep, shaky breathe before walking in, my eyes instantly finding her across the room.

My hands started to tremble slightly as I made my way to her. I stood beside the bed she was lying on, her body wrapped in bandages as her face was still covered in bruises and cuts. I gently took her right hand in mine, being careful not to disrupt the medical lines sticking out of it. I pulled a chair up next to her bed as I felt the tears creeping into my eyeline. I just wanted to hear her voice again. To see her eyes looking back in mine again. I took another shaky breathe before starting to talk to her like Bruce said too. "Hey babe. I know you might not be able to hear me right now but I hope you can because I want you to know how much I miss you. Everyone misses you so much. I just want to hear your voice again. I.. I just. I want to be able to kiss you again. To feel your arms around me keeping me safe again.. Please you need to be okay Y/n. I can't loose you. Ever.." The tears streaming down my face now with no sign of them stopping.

**It had been just over 2 weeks since you returned to the compound. Bruce and Dr Cho had treat all your injuries and your body was healing at it's own pace. Nat has never left your side since she first came to see you. Wanda and Peter joined her most days as they read to you as well as keeping Nat company. The rest of the team had been to visit between Wanda and Peter sitting beside You and Nat. Bruce had been in and out to do regular check ups as you still hadn't woke up, even though your vitals were improving more and more every couple of days. Bruce and Tony had also been running tests on your blood samples to make sure nothing more was wrong with your body after being with HYDRA for a long period of time..**

Wanda POV
I was sitting with Y/n whilst Nat rushed out to have a quick shower. It was hard seeing Nat like this, she was so worried but wouldn't leave the med bay now she was allowed to sit in here. I tried to be here as often as I could, as well as Peter and the rest of the team visiting when they could but sometimes we just left Nat on her own to let her emotions out between just her and Y/n. Bruce encouraged us to talk with her to try and help her body wake up so we often read to her as well as telling her about our days on missions or around the compound. Peter was always sitting on the end of her bed talking her ear off about anything and everything as I sat with Nat to make sure she was doing okay.

I had her hand in between both of mine as I sat with her alone. She had become my best friend since moving here from Wakanda, becoming someone I can trust fully and talk too about anything. She was so special too me. I hated seeing her so vulnerable as she was always so strong and confident around the compound but seeing her like this was almost too much. We all needed her to be okay. Even Bruce and Tony were getting worried about her not waking yet. I had thought about looking into her head but I wasn't in full control of my powers so I didn't want to risk anything. So for now all we could do was wait and keep talking to her.. "Hey Y/n.. I know you are healing and your body is still tired but.. We all need you to just wake up for a little. We need to know your okay. Everyone is worried about you. You've gave us all a scare and we need to hear your voice again.. I miss you. We all do." I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks as I spoke to her. I dropped my head down onto her arm as I let myself be upset. I had tried to stay strong for Peter and Nat but being alone with her was emotional.

I was stood in the doorway of the med bay, I hadn't been away for long but when I got back I heard Wanda's hushed voice so I stayed back at the doors to give her some space. I could hear the pain in her voice so I didn't want to leave her completely alone. She has been there for me since Y/n had been taken and even more now she is back so I need to be there for her too. They had become so close, inseperable sometimes but in the best way. Apart from Peter, Wanda was Y/n's best friend here at the compound. She managed to understand Wanda in ways some of us can't. It was nice for the team to see Wanda so close to her as the only other person she was that close to was her Brother, but he was away with S.H.I.E.L.D more than he was at the compound.

I could hear her tears as she spoke, this was really hitting her hard. I seen her head drop onto her arm as she lost her voice through her tears. I walked in gently, making sure not to startle her before sitting in the chair beside her. I wrapped my arm around her back and pulled her close. She quickly hugged me back tightly, keeping Y/n's hand in one of hers as the other wrapped around my body to hug me back. We both let tears roll down our cheeks as the only noise the in room was the heart monitor beeping behind us. I could feel her emotions and my own were right there with them. "We can't loose her Nat.. What if she doesn't wake up.." I shook my head, quickly hugging Wanda tighter. "She'll come back to all of us when she's ready Wanda. We just have to let her in her own time.. I know it hurts. She'll be back to annoying us both before we know it." A small chuckle left both our mouths as we parted and wiped the stray tears away.

We had both composed ourselves before Peter came in to join us. He sat in his usual space at the foot of her bed as we all shared some plans about what we are going to do when Y/n wakes up. Peter wants to go to the beach as Wanda and I both want to go back to Wakanda to visit her family. We all sit and laugh a little as we speak around her to try and encourage her to wake up. It's around 5:00pm and Tony was ordering in some food for everyone soon as the team wanted to have a movie night. I was sat with Wanda beside me, my hand now holding Y/n's as Wanda was leaning her tired head against my shoulder. Peter was sat crossed legged at the bottom of her bed as we fell into a small silence. Then suddenly the heart monitor started beeping faster than usual, catching all of our attention's. "What's happening?" Peter's voice is shaky as he quickly jumped off the bed. I followed Wanda as we both rushed to our feet by the side of her bed, studying her body for any sign of what was happening. When I seen her eyes shifting from side to side under her eyelids I knew something wasn't right. Panic set in quickly as I told Peter to go get Bruce and Tony.

Avengers POV
Peter rushed off around the compound to find Bruce and Tony as Nat and Wanda stood at Y/n's bedside, waiting for anything else to happen. Nat had your hand still in hers as Wanda had one hand resting on Nat's shoulder whilst the other rested on your stomach. Peter was shouting for Tony when he suddenly found him in the lab. He burst through the doors to get his attention. "Mr Stark! It's Y/n!" He alerted him quickly and in a panic, so Tony and Bruce jumped up and followed him through to the med bay. Steve and Sam caught sight of them all rushing through the compound so they followed. Nat and Wanda were watching your body for any other signs of what could be happening as the heart monitor and other machines started beeping almost out of control. The panic getting worse in both their eyes as they stood helplessly by your bedside waiting for Bruce to get there.

I didn't know what was happening, I hadn't seen anything like this. It was almost like I was frozen on the spot as Wanda seemed to feel the same stood by my side. My eyes were flickering between her and the machines behind her as we waited what seemed hours for Bruce or Tony to arrive. "Nat what's going on?" Wanda asked me in a worried voice, I didn't know what to say in reply but before I could say anything, I grip on my hand caught my attention. "Y/n?" I muttered in confusion as I looked down at my hand which was intertwined with hers. Wanda followed my gaze as I felt her hand gripping tightly around my own. I quickly looked back at her body, seeing her chest rising and falling fast and heavily as her eyes continued to flicker side to side still shut tight. My own heart was racing as I gripped her hand back tightly. "I'm right here Y/n. Your okay. Your going to be okay. We've got you." I told her in a slightly raised voice as I felt Wanda hold onto me tightly as her other hand was resting against Y/n's stomach.

Avengers POV
Tony and Bruce finally got to the med bay doors behind Peter as he rushed through them first, holding them open so Tony and Bruce could get to Y/n quickly. They stood on the opposite side to where Nat and Wanda were as they scanned Y/n's body as they started asking questions. "What's happened?" Tony was quick to ask as Bruce moved to look over the machine readings. "We were just sitting talking when the heart monitor started beeping faster than usual. Then I noticed her eyes flickering before she gripped onto my hand." Nat explained quickly to Tony as he manually checked Y/n's vitals. "Okay Nat, Wanda, Step back please.. Bruce how's the machines looking?" Wanda took a hold of Nat's shoulders guiding her to step back a little from the bed as Peter joined them against the wall behind them as Bruce and Tony rushed around the medical bed. "Tony she's waking up!" Bruce then shouted across to Tony with a worried tone to his voice. Tony froze as he watched over Y/n's body. Bruce was flicking switches on the machines before he suddenly stopped and followed Tony's gaze. Steve and Sam made their way into the med bay, quickly stopped by the scene unfolding infront of them. Nat, Wanda and Peter all stood in shock as they couldn't make any sense of what was going on..

Your POV
You had lost all sense of time as you started hearing voices close to you. The pain of healing had started to fade slightly after feeling every little thing Bruce and another Doctor was doing to you when you got back to the compound. You tried opening your eyes to tell them to stop but nothing worked. Bruce kept talking to you as he treat you but you couldn't say anything back past the pain you were experiencing. You were thankful to be away from HYDRA and back at the compound but the agony you were now in was beyond anything you had felt before. No amount of pain medication was helping as you screamed internally at every movement you were forced to make. You felt your bones being re set as well as the open cuts were stitched back together all over your body. The burns on your back were treat 5, 6 maybe more than that as they cleaned them before covering them in a thick cream and then they eventually covered them in bandage type gauzes. You felt your arm get restricted in a sling before finally being left to rest as your body seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

Familiar voices slowly brought you out of your deep sleep as they became clearer and clearer. One voice standing out as they spoke softly close to your ear. 'Natasha..' The sound of her voice making all the pain worth it as she spoke to you through her tears. All you wanted to do was get up and hug her close but your body was no where near healed enough to even open your eyes. The darkness threatening to creep in but you managed to keep it at bay as you listened to her words, the lights of the med bay giving you a little light behind your eyelids. You felt her touch against your skin but your senses being confused you couldn't tell where on your body her touch was but it was enough to make you feel happiness past the immense pain your body was in still. Your body then fell back into it's deep sleep not long after she stopped speaking, your dreams filled with memories of the team and Nat. Movie nights and training with the team as well as dates with Nat. Picturing her face was enough to urge you to keep fighting.

Other voices brought you in and out of your deep sleeping as your body was beginning to feel slightly better every time. Wanda and Peter were the main voices you heard apart from Nat's as they kept their voices clear for you to listen too. Whether it was general conversation or them reading to you, you were grateful for anything from them. It kept you fighting against the pain. Then other voices caught your attention, Tony was there as well as Steve, Sam and even Clint. Bruce came in to check on you, talking to you as he did his checks and paperwork. You were happy to hear them all, it let you know they were all okay, but it also made you envious that you couldn't be there properly with them. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't bring yourself to wake up yet. Frustration and anger starting to course through your veins before your body shut down over and over again to try and slow your heart rate down.

You heard Wanda's voice on her own this time, bringing you from your sleep. You listened closely before hearing her become upset. You tried with every nerve in your body to try and reach for her but nothing worked. Your started becoming aggitated with yourself before suddenly hearing Nat and Peter's voices come into the room. They were all conversing about plans for when you wake up, pain and worry behind their words as everyone was now worried you weren't waking up. Your body not complying with what your brain wanted to do. You wanted nothing more then to just open your eyes and tell them you were okay and there with them all still. The anger building more than ever, causing your body to feel almost weightless as you felt some sort of energy start to generate in your nerve endings. You started seeing yellow flashes behind your eyelids, the same flashes you had seen that day in the cell surrounding your hands as you were chained to the ceiling. Suddenly, flashbacks started filling your vision from being at the HYDRA Base. Beatings and experiments flashing in your head as you felt your body heating as if your blood was on fire. Your heart starting to race as your body started to become out of your own control as your eyes remained shut tight.

Avengers POV
The team all stood in silence as they watched your body slowly being surrounded with a bright yellow energy field, similar to what they witness when Wanda uses her Powers. Nobody knew what to do or what they could do at this point. Your heart was racing as your breathing became fast and heavy. Your hands gripping onto the bed underneath you as your eyes were still flickering under your eyelids. The air in the room became thick and heavy as the team all stood still close to you but not too close. "Tony do something!" Steve shouted at him. Nobody's eyes leaving your body. Only did not reply, nobody knew what was happening. "F.R.I.D.A.Y initiate all compound safety measures.." Tony's words laced with concern as the compound began closing down around the team in the med bay. Steel shutters covering the glass windows as the lights became brighter in every room. The yellow energy around you pulsating brighter than weaker as your body started to jump up and down on the bed. Nat and Peter turned away as Tony looked too Bruce. They both looked back to you just as your eyes opened frantically, making the energy field shoot in every direction before fading away completely. It didn't harm anyone in the room but it caused all the glass in the room to shatter around them.. Making everyone jump in shock.

Your POV
Finally you managed to open your eyes. Your body feeling as though it was on fire as you forced yourself to sit up right. "AARRGGHHH!" You let out a loud groan in pain as your body has not healed properly as you force yourself to sit up. You search the eyes that quickly surround you. You quickly find Nat's eyes as she is fixed on you. You try to speak but no words come from your mouth. Everyone's voices are muffled as they search your body as you continue to groan in pain. You shake your head and close your eyes again as it all becomes too much. The team seem to notice as you hear Tony speak over everyone. "Okay everyone let's give her some space!" You continue to shake your head as your eyes stay closed tight shut before the feeling of someone's hands rest against your cheeks gently. "Hey.. Babe.. It's just me and you now.. Can you look at me?" You shake your head in reply as her hands stay on your face. You feel out of control almost so your scared of hurting her. She doesn't move. You feel her sitting on the bed beside you and it starts to bring you comfort but at the same time you were still in so much pain as well as your body feel not your own. You were scared.. 

  Tony quickly ushered the rest of the team out the medical bay as he knew if anyone could get through to you it would be me. I turned to him as the team left the room. "I'll stay close by. if you need me just call me through F.R.I.D.A.Y okay?" I nodded in reply at Tony's words before turning to Wanda and Peter. "I'll come get you both soon okay? I promise.." Peter had tears in his eyes before running into Tony's arms who was waiting for him at the med bay doors. Wanda hugged me tight as her tears soaked my t-shirt, which was actually Y/n's. "I'll be nearby if you need me okay?" I nodded as we both pulled away from each other before she left with Tony and Peter. I turned back to the bed where the girl that means so much to me was sitting shaking still. Hey eyes closed as her body trembled. I wasn't sure what to do right now but I knew I needed to just be here with her. I had no idea what happened before but all that mattered to me now was her and making sure she was okay. I could tell she was scared and I was scared for her..

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now