Rescue Mission

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Avengers POV
"Okay team. We are 5 minutes out from our target. Make sure your all ready." Tony spoke loud enough for everyone on the jet to hear. The team all quickly grab their gear and suit up. Tony stood to the side of the jet as his suit formed around him, leaving only his helmet to lower when he leaves the jet. Auto Pilot took over as Sam fitted his wings to his back and put his goggles on. Steve grabbed his shield as Thor picked up his hammer. Towards the back of the jet Clint was checking his arrows as Nat and Wanda sat quietly, with Nat checking her ammo supplies. "Are you two ready for this?" Clint's voice was soft but stern as he stood infront of Nat and Wanda, who both looked up as he spoke. "Of course Barton. We've got this." Nat's confidence overshadowing her nerves as she knew this was their one and only shot at this. Wanda stayed silent as Clint finished gathering his hear together. As the jet landed, the team stood together infront of Tony who was looking slightly nervous himself. "Okay we all know the plan. Ground team, make as much noise as possible to give Nat and Wanda the best chance inside. You two wait for my signal before entering the building got it?" The team all nodded in agreement at Tony's words. "We all go home. And we save Y/n. No room for mistakes here." As Tony said his last words the jet's engines shut off as the tires hit the ground. The ramps lowered as the team slowly followed Steve's lead. As they exited the jet, it was quiet. Steve signalled for Sam, Thor and Clint to follow him as they made their way towards the main gates. Tony stayed with Nat and Wanda to give them time to cause a distraction.

You could hear distant voices from your cell as you started to flicker your eyes open. Your could feel the burn from the friction cuts on your wrist as you dangled from the ceiling cuffs. You still felt exhausted, even just having woken up but being dehydrated and without food is starting to have an worse effect on your body. Your breathing was shallow as you gained your vision slowly. You couldn't see anyone as you managed to lift your head from your chest. You scanned around and seen nothing but an empty room. You tried to move yourself into a more comfortable position but your body was too weak to lift your own weight. You grunted as it was no use, you were just waiting for your body to give up at this point.

You started thinking about what you could be doing back at the compound, whether it be playing pranks on people with Peter, working with Tony and Bruce in the lab or even taking Nat out on a date, you couldn't help but get lost in your own thoughts. You could hear their voices in your head as you closed your eyes to picture their faces. You smile to yourself as you picture Nat infront of you, remembering your time together back in Wakanda. You start to remember all the times she's teased you before going in the shower or getting changed, wishing you had taken the chance with her when you had it. "If I do get out of here, there's no way I'm taking anything for granted with anyone or anything.. Especially with Natasha Romanoff.." You thought to yourself as you started picturing Wanda and Peter sitting with you watching movies and eating pizza. You remember joking around with Thor and Sam when Steve was in a grumpy mood. You started to feel a smile form on your face as well as a tear falling down your cheek.

As you opened your eyes again, you feel the tears fall down towards the smile which is still on your face. You start to feel happy again, but quickly it is shaken out of you by the voices getting louder as they seem to be getting closer to your cell. The smile on your face quickly fades as you hear three sets of footsteps running towards you. Then you are quickly reminded that no one is coming to save you as you see they are guards coming towards you. You shut your eyes, hoping they won't bother you if they think you are asleep. You hang your body as you hear them talking as they arrive at your cell door. You brace yourself for their heavy hands but they never come as you don't hear them even attempt to open your cell door, which worried you as you didn't know what was going to happen. You then heard a fourth voice talking through a radio as you heard the static coming from it.

"We are in position outside of the cell Sir." The guard arrives as he finishes his sentence. You are quickly on high alert as you know something must be happening for them to send you some sort of 'protection'. You think about if the team have found you, but you quickly discard that thought as you didn't want to get your hopes up. You try and zone in to hear the chatter over the radio but all you can hear is static. Then suddenly you feel a rumble through the ceiling your attached too followed by loud explosions and gunfire. You flicker your eyes open slightly as you see the guards ready their weapons out infront of them, as if they are waiting for something or someone. You open your eyes fully, knowing their attention is no longer on you as you watch them take their positions around the room outside your cell. "What is going on..?"

Avengers POV
Steve lead the ground team across a small field as they headed straight for the main gates of the base. Thor quickly grabbed Clint, shooting him upwards onto a higher platform before re-joining Steve and Sam. They waited just further down from the gates as Clint waited for Steve's mark to start firing some explosive arrows. "Okay Stark we are in position." Steve quietly speaks into his earpiece as he kneels beside the wall of the base. "Okay Cap. Hold tight. Barton you ready?" Tony quickly replies. "Ready when you are guys". Clint's voice giving the team there mark as they all get ready to move out. Tony turns back to Wanda and Nat before lowering his helmet and taking to the skies. He flies over the base undetected as he scans for heat signatures. "Okay team so they are pretty spread out. Not many guards but enough to put up a good fight. When your ready Clint, get us started." And with that Clint fires an array of explosive arrows around the entrance of the base, causing the building to shake a little as they go off one by one. "That should wake them up from their afternoon naps!" Clint jokingly says down his earpiece, causing the team to all chuckle a little before hearing a rush of heavy footsteps heading towards the main doors, quickly catching Tony's attention on his radar. "Okay Steve get ready, they are heading your way." Tony alerts the ground team as he notices a massive group of heat signatures heading towards the front gates. Steve quickly nods towards Thor and Sam as they hear Tony's words. "You both ready?" Steve's words are stern and powerful as they all get ready to move out.

I was stood with Wanda as we had reached the side doors of the base. There was no sign of any guards around here but we still had to be very cautious. "Tony what's happening?" I wanted to go ahead to start searching but it wasn't coming quick enough, even though we had both heard the explosions. "Still too much movement Romanoff. Stay where you are." Tony's words hurt, but I know he has the best visual so I had to trust him, and I did trust him. "Keep us updated Tony." Wanda replied for me. She noticed my expression had changed, she knew me better than I thought. "Thank you Wanda." She gave me a soft smile before we both heard Tony's voice again. "Okay so the plan is working, most of the guards are heading towards the main gates. I have managed to locate a small group of heat signatures which are not moving. I count four or five. This could be where she is but we can't be sure as there are still odd signatures in various areas of the building. We need eyes on before we can be sure." Tony sounded stressed, which was never good. We needed him to let us go in but he wanted us to be as safe as possible. I was getting impatient and so was Wanda as I noticed her hands starting to glow red. "It's okay Wanda. We will find her. Try and stay calm for me okay?" She turned to me and smiled as her hands lowered. "I know Nat I'm sorry, I just have a weird feeling about this building.." I noticed her eyes are slightly red too, which meant she was angry or upset. I couldn't work it out but before I could say anything, we got the go ahead we were waiting for. "Okay Nat, Wanda, get ready to move out.." Tony's words meant we turned and shared a look before we moved either side of the doors. Then within a minute or so we got signal. "Nat go!" We both jumped at Tony's words as Wanda opened the doors with her powers, allowing me to enter first. We made a good team as we rarely had to discuss a plan, we just knew what we were both good at and worked to our strengths. We quickly entered together, closing the doors behind us as we slowly made our way into the building.

Avengers POV
As the ground team started their distractions, they all heard Tony's signal for Nat and Wanda to enter the building. This was the crucial part of the plan, the ground team needed to keep all the guards on them so they didn't ambush Nat and Wanda inside. Steve, Thor and Sam all began fighting their way through the groups of guards as they came out in waves. Arrows were flying through the air, sending guards hurtling through the air as Clint kept his distance and supported the assault with his bow. Tony fired missiles from the skies as he flew over and checked on the ground team. "Doing great guys. Nat? Wanda? What's going on in there?" Tony's voice caught everyone's attention before they waited for Nat's response. Nat and Wanda were slowly walking down the long hall as they had to be cautious. Nat quickly responded to Tony in a hushed voice so no one could hear her in the building. "No sign of anyone yet. Taking it slow for now." Nat looked over at Wanda who was looking worried as she scanned the hall infront of her. As they seen the hall starting to come to an end, Tony scanned over the base again. He noticed one of the heat signatures he found earlier was flashing weaker than the rest. "Nat I think I've found her. Head left when you can and keep heading in that direction understood?" Tony's word shock the whole team as they now know the person they are here for is actually here. "Understood Tony." Nat replies quickly as her and Wanda pick up the pace down the hall.

Wanda POV
I was following just behind Nat as we got to the end of the hallway. I noticed her whole body change as we got a good confirmation that Y/n is here. As we got to the end of the hallway the rooms started to open out. We knew we had to go left, but Nat stopped me as she checked down all the different routes for any sign of guards. She was so good at this type of mission I trusted her with my life. I followed her lead, no matter what. She quickly turned back to me and nodded, "All clear. You ready?" Nat's voice was stern yet protective. I nodded before she turned back and we headed left. It didn't take long before we found a huge room which looked like a lab. Then it hit me. "I know this place.." My words escaped my mouth as I froze in the lab. I scanned the room as Nat quickly turned to look at me. "Wanda.. What is it?" She seemed worried as she rushed back infront of me. "Wanda?" She snapped me out of it as I met her gaze. "I've been here before Nat.. I know where she will be!" I quickly remembered the building in my head as some of the memories came rushing back. Tears formed in my eyes as Nat put her hands on my shoulders. "Okay Wanda, focus on me. I know this will be hard but you need to stay with me. If you know where she will be this will be easier than we thought. Can you lead the way?" I nodded quickly as I wiped my eyes. "Good I'm right here with you Wanda. I promise." Nat gave me a soft smile before we moved towards a huge steel door which I remember coming in and out of from my cell. I quickly ran down the short hall before turning left again. The walls were cold as we ran down them. I kept noticing Nat watching me but I was addiment I knew where I was going. We turned left again as I seen an old office. I was on the right track. I seen the double doors leading to the cells. I quickly stopped Nat before we got to them. "Those doors lead to the cells.." Before I could finish my sentence, we heard Tony's voice again.

Avengers POV
"Nat, Wanda, your getting very close to that group! Proceed with caution!" Tony's voice was loud as everyone heard his concern. "How many Tony?" Nat quickly replies before they move any further. "I count 4 possibly 5. Do you need back up?" Nat smirks as she looks over at Wanda, who smiles at her expression. "Thanks for the offer but we got this." Tony chuckles as he realises who he was talking too. "Be careful you two!" Clint's voice reaches Nat and Wanda before they make there way towards the double doors. As they do the ground team is getting the better of the guards, the numbers are starting to get less and less as the waves still continue. Steve and Thor using the shield and Hammer to send guards flying backwards as they run at the small team of Avengers. Clint's arrows hitting every target as Sam uses his carbon fibre wings for protection as he shoots down guard after guard. The HYDRA guards try their best but there is no way they are stopping the team. Tony lands on top of the building as he watches Nat and Wanda closely as they enter through the double doors and approach the group of guards.

I follow Wanda as we head through the double doors. I notice a small hall leading to another set of doors. "Wanda is that where we need to be?" I point towards them and she nods in response. "If she is in a cell, she will be down there." I nod as we slowly walk in that direction. As we reach the doors I hear chatter over a radio. I stop in my tracks, holding my arm out to stop Wanda as well. "Hear that?" I ask Wanda as she nods. "Okay so you go right, I'll go left. Take them down fast." Wanda nods again as her eyes switch from green to red. I stand with my hand on the door handle and watch as Wanda brings up red orbs in the palms of her hands. "On three. One.. Two.. THREE!" I swing the door open as I rush in beside Wanda. She peels off right as I turn left. I'm immediately faced with a guard infront of me. I jump up, wrapping my legs around his neck and taking him down easily. I hit the floor, his head taking the brunt of the fall as I jump back to my feet. I turn and see another guard not too far away. I fire one of my widow bites at him, which stuns him as I run at him. I kick his chest with both my feet, sending him flying backwards against the brick wall. Knocking him out instantly. I look to my right and see Wanda taking down two guards at once. She holds them in the air with her powers before sending them flying into each other, knocking them out as they hit the floor. She turns to me before we both scan the room around us. "Tony said possible 5? Where's the fifth?" Wanda questions me before her eyes are focussed on something behind me. "Nat.." Her voice is trembling. I hesitate for a second before turning my head to follow her gaze. I instantly see what she is looking at and I feel my heart sink. I press my earpiece before searching for my voice, which seems to be stuck in my throat. "Tony.. We've found her.."

You could hear lots of chatter over the radio attached to one of the guards standing infront of your cell door. You tried to listen in to it but there was too much static. Then suddenly you hear something more clearly. "Sir it's the Avengers, a small number of them! They are attacking the front gate!" you hear that one word clearer than any, 'Avengers'. Have they come for you? Was it actually them? Was Nat here? Or Wanda or Peter? Our head went into a spiral thinking about what could be going on outside. The guards outside your cell looked very on edge as you listened out for anything else. You could see one guard standing right beside where the door towards the lab was as they were listening for any footsteps approaching. You started to feel weak again as you were using all your energy to stay awake, you didn't want to miss anything over the radio. You felt your eyes getting heavy but you had to fight it. You had to stay awake.

Your felt your eyes shut but before you could loose your conciousness again you notice the double doors swing open forcefully. Your eyes spring open as you see two blurred figures enter to room. You loose sight of one but the other is in all black. You notice them quickly take down two of the guards with ease. Your vision is blurry but you notice red clouds fill the other side of them room as you see bodies fly towards each other before hitting the ground hard. You can barely keep you eyes open at this point but you fight it as much as you can. You don't know who it is in the room but from the black suit and the red mist you have a pretty good idea. Then it's confirmed as you hear Nat's voice as she notices you in the cell. "Tony.. We found her.." That's all you hear but it's enough to allow your body to relax completely. The pain in your wrists becoming worse as your body goes limp. Your eyes are heavy but you need to see her up close so you continue to fight it.

You watch as the one of the figures searched the floor and guards for something as the person all in black entered your cell slowly. They got closer but were moving so slowly. Your eyes heavy and barely open but once they got close to you, you know who it was. Then her voice confirmed it completely. "Hey babe.." Her voice was so shaky but it was such a relief to hear it so close to you. You tried lifting your head up higher but it was no use, your body was so weak you couldn't move at all. You started coughing as you were struggling to catch your breath. "Hey it's okay just focus on staying awake with me okay. We are going to get you out of here I promise!" Her voice now full of worry as she quickly held your face in her hands. You felt the warmth of her hands as she jumped a little at the coldness of your skin. "Your freezing babe.. Don't worry not long now just stay with me." You nodded slightly to show her you were listening but your eyes were flickering shut.

"Nat get her out of there! We'll meet you at the jet. We will clear the way and make sure no guards follow any of you. Steve get everyone out of there I'm on my way!" Tony's voice was assertive in my ear. We knew we could get out of there but we all had to move quickly. "Okay Wanda let's get her out of there. Look for a key!" I shouted over as Wanda began searching the guards pockets for any keys. The door wasn't locked as she was chained to the ceiling. As I opened the cell door I seen her eyes barely open. I slowly made my way closer as I spoke gently to her. "Hey babe.." I noticed she was extremely weak so I head her face in my hands. Her skin was cold to touch and her face felt skinnier than what I remember. I noticed her eyes shutting. I needed her to stay awake but I could see how weak her body was. "Any luck Wanda?" I shouted over just as she ran to the cell. "Got them!" She ran over and froze for a second, seeing the condition Y/n was in. "Wanda!" I snapped her out of it as she shook her head. "Sorry.. Okay hold her up whilst I undo the cuffs.." I nodded at Wanda's statement. I held her close as I knew she wouldn't be able to hold her own body weight. After a few seconds I heard Wanda shout. "Okay Nat ready?" "Yeah go for it." Wanda unlocked the cuffs and I felt her full body go limp. I managed to keep her upright before Wanda quickly ran behind her to help me hold her. "Okay Y/n we are getting you out of here. Just stay awake." I spoke as I grabbed one arm and Wanda grabbed the other. We held her up under her arms as her feet trailed along behind her. Her head was hanging down as we quickly made our way out of the cell and down the halls. I followed Wanda's lead to get us out of there as we both heard Tony's voice again. "How you both doing in there?" I quickly replied to him as Wanda held Y/n tightly so I could press the earpiece. "On our way out Tony. Get the medical kit ready she's not in a good way!" I needed to warn him as we headed back the way we came in. I could feel her breathing become more shallow but she needed to stay awake. "Babe stay with us please.." My heart was aching but I needed to be strong for her right now.

You could feel Nat and Wanda carrying you through the building. Your couldn't even hold onto them or lift your feet off the floor from how weak you were. You kept hearing them both talking to you, trying to keep you awake. You concentrated on keeping your eyes open as you felt the air rushing past you as the two girls carried you out. You heard Nat talk to Tony over the comms which let you know there was more of the team waiting for you outside. Then she spoke to you again, hearing her voice was amazing but you could hear the worry behind it. You finally found some words to say back to her. "You.. Took.. Your.. Time.. Romanoff.." You words barely making it out as you notice her turn to face you slightly. "Too soon?" You force a smile as you see her shake her head at you. "Stay with us until we get you back! Then you can make all the jokes you want!" You chuckle a little before coughing aggressively, barely able to catch a breath. They stop as you struggle to breath.

You feel your body hit the cold floor as they drop you down gently and sit you against the wall. "Hey just calm down and breath for me! We can't move you when your like this." Nat's voice making it through your coughing fit as your chest starts to tighten. You feel Nat kneel down infront of you as you open your eyes a little to see her. "You need to get out.." Before you can continue Nat cuts you off. "Stop that! I'm not leaving you! Neither of us are." You suddenly hear Wanda's voice beside you. "Nat's right. We are not leaving you!" Your coughing slows a little but your vision starts to go blurry. "Nat.. I.. I'm.." You can't find your words even though you know what you want to say. "Stop talking so we can get you out of here." You nod before feeling your body go limp again as you start to close your eyes. "Sh*t! Wanda we're losing her!" Nat tries to lift you as Wanda informs Tony. "Tony we're losing her she can hardly breathe!" You hear Wanda scream down her earpiece. Then you hear Nat again, "I can't loose you Y/n..."  before everything goes black.   

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