Party Time!

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  You get in the shower after sitting and wondering about your phone call with Tony Stark. You stand and let the water run down your back as you listen to your music which fills your bathroom. You get lost in a trance as you think about your meal with Natasha and the obvious connection you had with her. You found it so easy to talk to her, you hadn't felt like that since your ex-girlfriend. You start singing along with your music as you get lost in your thoughts. You get out of the shower and wrap your towel around you. As you walk past the mirror you catch yourself in the reflection. You stop and look over your scars on your body, remembering how you got them all. You shake yourself from your thoughts as you enter your bedroom and start looking for something to wear. You decide to dig out your light-grey suit with a white shirt to go with it, you search high and low and eventually find your light-blue tie to go with it. You lie out your clothes on your bed as you head back into the bathroom too style your hair, brush your teeth and spray your favourite cologne on before putting your clothes on.

Just as you start to do up your tie you hear a knock at your door, you walk over and answer it and are greeted by Shuri. "Woah Shuri, you scrub up well! Come in." You hold the door open for her as she enters your room, "Why thank you Sister, you don't look too bad yourself! Nice too see you in something else than your uniform!" You both laugh as you stand infront of your mirror to do up your tie. "Drink before we go down?" You hear Shuri helping herself to your bottles in the fridge, "Sure why not!" She brings one in for you as you tighten your tie around your neck and tuck it under your collar. You clink your bottles together as you pretty much down the whole bottle, "Someone is either nervous or ready for trouble.. I suspect nervous..!" Shuri teases you as you sit down to put your shoes on. "And what do I have to be nervous about Sister?" You let out a little nervous laugh as you do up your laces. "Well if I am not mistaken, won't a certain.. Red-haired, Russian Avenger be at the party tonight?" You glance up as you see her dying to laugh at your slight feeling of nervousness. "Ahh I see where this is going, we went for ONE meal, I hardly know her really.. And.. I don't know Shuri I mean yeah she is easy to talk too and yeah I enjoy spending time with her.. but that doesn't mean anything.." She sniggers at you struggling with your words.

"Right I can't sit here whilst you struggle to convince yourself there is not any kind of attraction between the two of you, plus it is 06.20pm which already makes us late, let's go!" You chuckle as you finish off your bottle and place it down on the table next to you, you have one last check in the mirror before you grab your phone and open the door for Shuri. "After you Sister.." You extend your arm as she links it, you pull your door shut behind you as you walk her to the elevator and down to the party room. You rush towards the huge main doors as you already hear music and conversations from the assembly hall. You both stand and take a deep breath before entering the party, "You ready?" You glance over as Shuri giggles at you, "As I will ever be.." You smile as you adjust your suit jacket and tie before opening the door and guiding Shuri in by your arm she is linking onto.

You both enter the huge assembly hall and feel everyone's eyes on you both. You walk over to the balcony that looks over the entire hall and see it filled with people. You notice a lot of people staring up at you both as you feel your cheeks start to go red, "Can we PLEASE go to the bar! I feel like everyone is staring.." You chuckle at seeing Shuri nervous for once, "Of course, let's go." You hold out your hand and assist Shuri down the steps as you both walk down into the hall and join the party. You head straight for the bar as you greet everyone who you know on the way. "2 beers please!" You finally make it to the bar and order your drinks. "There is A LOT of people here.." You get a little overwhelmed as your drinks arrive, "Cheers Sis!" You clink bottles and drink together with Shuri as you scan the room. "No need to look around, I am right here!" You chuckle as you see T'Challa approaching your both. "Woah Brother, looking sharp!" He hugs you both as he orders himself a drink, "You both look amazing! Mother is not happy you were both late but she is too occupied to come find you both, yet!" You all laugh as you cheers to your Brother. "Now if you don't mind Y/N, I need to borrow Shuri for a little while.." Shuri flashes you a sympathetic look before joining her Brother and walking across the room.

You stand at the bar for a few minutes before hearing a familiar voice behind you, "There she is!" You swivel around and see Nakia rushing towards you, she pretty much jumps into your arms and sends your back into the bar. You lift her off her feet for few seconds before dropping her back down. "You look amazing Nakia! How are you?" She smiles as she straightens out your suit jacket, "I am very well, you doing okay?" You give an unsure expression as she can read you like a book so there is no need to lie to her, "Okay.. What's going on? Is it about that Avenger chick?" You frown as you can tell your Brother has been talking about you to everyone! "No it's not that, maybe I don't know. I am going to kill T for telling everyone about that! But also I got a phone call earlier, it was strange and completely out of the blue." She gives you're a furrow browed look as she orders you both another drink, "Well about the whole Russian Spy thing.. If your into it, go for it! Life is too short and you deserve to have someone in your life, especially after.. You know.. and come on like she will say no too you! And secondly what phone call?" You chuckle at her as she punches you playfully, teasing you about Natasha. "It was from Tony Stark, who pretty much runs the Avengers. Apparently he spoke to Steve and he has invited me to visit their compound and meet the rest of the team.." She looks at you with confusion, "Why would he do that?" You share he confusion, "I have no idea, apparently Steve was ranting to him about my 'mad skills' and wanted too meet me for himself."

You stand and talk with Nakia for a while at the bar, "Well maybe after the past week you have had, a little time away from here might do you the world of good. We all know how much you miss him and being here just reminds you of him. Nobody worked closer with him than you and to lose that suddenly, maybe you need a few days away.. Plus you get more time with.. What's her name.. Black Widow..!" She winks at you and you can't help but join in her laughter. "You may be right Nakia, I feel so lost without him and my job you know, I'll see how I feel before Saturday." Nakia starts to look upset, "I'll miss you if you go so you can't go for too long mind!" You chuckle as she hugs you, "I won't don't worry." You stand and scan the room, talking about the people who you don't know before your attention is moved to the balcony at the top of the stairs, where everyone is staring. "Is that her..?" You hear Nakia but you don't take your attention away from the beautiful assassin as she makes her way down the stairs with her team around her, "Yeah.. That's her." You suddenly see Nakia wave your eyes back to her, "I'm this way! I can see why your interested.." You push her playfully as you laugh nervously, "We went for something to eat, that was it.. I can't see the big deal!" Nakia looks at you with a serious expression, "Because the only people you take out are your family, myself and Okoye! You are so reserved after.. Well you know.. You just work, train and teach your recruits! No matter how many girls are interested in you, you never give yourself a chance. Until now with her.."

You hang your head slightly before Nakia lifts it back up, "Get your head up, drink your drink and get ready because they are heading this way!" She rushes the last part of her sentence as you finish off the rest of your bottle, "Ah Y/N nice to see you again!" You are greeted by Steve and Clint first as they walk straight over too you. "Hello again, nice too see you all made it." You shake both their hands as the others are in conversation behind them. "And hello again Nakia, very nice too see you again also." Steve and Clint address Nakia as you say hello too Sam and Pietro. "Good to see you both." You greet them before Steve turns back too you, "I heard you spoke with Tony earlier." You lean your arm on the bar as you chat with Steve, leaving Nakia to talk with others in the team, "Yes I did, short and sweet but he asked for me to travel back with you all too visit your compound and possibly stay for a few days." He orders a drink and looks back at you with a huge grin on his face, "You should take him up on that offer, I think the rest of the team would like you. Plus, you could teach them a trick or two whilst your there!" You both chuckle as you grab your drinks. "Well I might just have to come give you all some more lessons, I could use a little vacation." You clink your bottles as you notice Nakia coming over to you and Steve leaves you too it, "I am going to head back over to T'Challa.. And you should go talk to her!" You laugh nervously as Nakia hugs you and walks across the room.

You look over and notice Natasha is stood at the bar just further down from you so you take a deep breathe and walk over to her. "We have to stop meeting like this Miss Romanoff.." You smirk as you notice her instantly smile, "We certainly do Miss Beattie, but it is nice to see you again." You can't help but feel a little nervous as she studies you as you talk, "May I say your looking very beautiful tonight." You notice her cheeks begin to flush as she picks up her glass from the bar, "Thank you very much Y/N, your looking very smart yourself." You smile as you take a drink from your bottle, "A little birdie told me you had the pleasure of talking to Tony Stark today.." You smirk at her sarcasm, "Yes I did, a little egotistical but all in all he was alright." She giggles at your comment, "Oh that is him on a good day. But you should consider his offer, the team loves you and since you don't have much going on here right now it might be a good escape for a few days." You smile at her as she looks right into your eyes, "I will defiantly think about it, your not the only person to say that to me to be honest." She notices your smile fade a little but before she can say anything you are joined by another member of the Avengers you have hardly had chance to talk too.

"Ah Wanda, pleasure to see you again." You smile across at her as Natasha keeps her eyes on you, seemingly worried about your last comment. "Sorry I hope I am not interrupting anything.." You shake your head slightly as you hear Clint shouting of Natasha, "I will be back soon, I can't leave them for 2 minutes!" You all laugh as you watch her walk over to the rest of the team before turning your attention back to Wanda, "So Miss Maximoff, enjoying your stay so far?" You notice her nervousness straight away as she doesn't look right at you, "It is really nice here, your so lucky you get to live here." You smile as you try and work her out, "Sorry where are my manners, would you like a drink?" She nods at your question, "Yes just a lemonade please." You order her drink as she moves closer to the bar and you, "It is nice here, you never get tired of the sunsets, they are like no other." She smiles as you see her relaxing a little. "That slight accent of yours has had me puzzled since I met you, where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?" She looks up in a little shock, not expecting you to ask about her. "Me and my brother were born in Sokovia. We only came to New York recently with the Avengers, after they rescued us."

You vaguely remember hearing about the Maximoff twins and what happened with them at HYDRA but you know it will be a sensitive subject for her. "I have never been there. But the accent, it's very different, I like it." You notice her smile as she picks up her drink from the bar. "Thank you Y/N. I have to admit I can't make yours out completely, I can tell it's American but there is a hint of something else.." You chuckle at her shyness, "Scottish. I was born in Glasgow, Scotland. I moved too Queens when I was 4 then moved here when I was 7." She raises her eyes brows at you in obvious confusion. "That's quite a story.." You nod in agreement, "It really is. I will have to tell you the full story one day Miss Maximoff." She laughs nervously before catching herself staring at you, "I look forward too it. So what is it you do here? Job-wise?" You lean back on the bar as you see her nerves fading away the more you talk. "Well I am a personal bodyguard, I worked for King T'Chaka for 8 years before his passing last week. I also teach the recruits most days and help within the family." She looks up at you in awe as you both talk a while longer before being interupted.

"Wanda, can you come over here?" You both hear Wanda's Brother, Pietro, call for her from across the room, "Well this was nice Miss Maximoff, we must do it again soon." She smiles as you shake her hand before she leaves to join her Brother. You stand and check your phone as you order another drink at the bar, and see a message from Shuri, "Play it cool Sis, she is here!" You chuckle as you reply to her, "Stop stalking me!" You hear someone approaching you so you look up from your phone, as you put it away in your pocket as you are greeted by the Russian spy again, "Now.. What are you doing standing here laughing to yourself Miss Beattie?" You chuckle as you lean back on the bar, "Well Miss Romanoff, my Sister Shuri thinks she is the comedian of the family you see, so I have to humour her." You notice her giggle behind her hand as she orders another drink. "Now, what brings you over here?" You smirk cheekily as she raises her eye brow at you, "I thought you might like some company.. Plus I have enjoyed our conversations we have shared so far." You sense her nerves as she reaches over to grab her drink. "That is good to hear Natasha, the feeling is mutual, you are very easy to talk too."

You see a slight shade of red flush her cheeks as she glances away from your eyes, "So tell me about your life in New York Miss Romanoff..?" She is startled a little by your question but gets ready to answer it anyways, "Well, it's mainly paperwork if I'm honest with you, the occasional mission and a fair few of Tony Stark famous party functions." You both chuckle as you begin to feel like the only two people in the room. "He will find any excuse for a party, they aren't as huge as this one but they usually include someone being carried home!" She giggles as you just stare into her eyes and listen to her, "I mean it's not too bad of a job being an Avenger, we all live together at the compound which can be, entertaining shall I say! A couple of the team live between the compound and their family home but mainly we all live together. Tony believes it builds team moral and helps us gel together." You nod and smile as she takes a drink of her champagne, "So is there any.. Romantic connections in the team.. I mean with you all living together it must build strong relationships between you all..?" You decide to pry a little, seeing if she trusts you any. "Well, Clint has a fiancée and 2 kids and one on the way. Tony is with a women called Pepper Potts and they are very happy. Thor is in a very on/off relationship, but as for the rest of the team there is no relationships."

You smile as it sounds as though she is not with anyone, "What about you Natasha, anyone special in your life?" You notice her smirk slightly at your question as she leans on the bar infront of you but manages to lean slightly closer to you, "I don't no, being an Avenger doesn't leave you a lot of time to really meet anyone.." You grin as you have it confirmed. "What about you Miss Beattie?" You laugh nervously before speaking, "Unfortunately not Miss Romanoff, working everyday doesn't leave a lot of time to date. Plus most people don't really understand the whole 'risking your life everyday' type of job." She nods as she understands what you mean, "I completely understand that, it is not a usual, everyday job choice." You smile and nod with her, "But if it suits you then that's the job you do. And from what I have heard, you are very suited to your job Natasha, I have only heard good things about you and the Avengers." she smiles up at you as you see her expression change slightly, "So I hear you are all planning on leaving on Saturday, the time has flew over this week." She finds your gaze again as she looks up from the bar, "Yes Tony wants us back by Saturday evening, if I remember rightly Steve, Sam, Wanda and Pietro have a small mission on Sunday to attend too." You suddenly feel a wave of confidence come over you as you let the next sentence flow right our of your mouth, "Well how would you feel about me showing you around the City tomorrow, before you head back too boring New York? Unless you have any prior engagements?"

There is a slight pause before Natasha gives you an answer, "Yes.. I would like that Y/N." Your smile spreads from ear to ear as you see her excitement grow in her face, "Good. If you want I can arrange for a guard to come and collect you in the morning from your room or?" You stop talking as you notice she holds out her hand infront of you, stepping a little closer again to you in the process, "Or why don't I just give you my number, then you can text me with a time to meet you? Hand me you phone.." You don't break eye contact as you pull your phone out of your pocket and place it in her hand. You finally look down as you watch her smirk a little, typing her phone number into your phone. It doesn't take long before she hands it back to you and you put it back in your pants pocket. "Thank you Miss Romanoff." You both stop and just stare for a little while, stuck in a gaze with each other before there is an announcement through the speakers around the room. "Would everyone like to find their seats please." You both look around before catching each other's gaze again, "Well that is our que Miss Romanoff, I will come find you later if I can escape my royal duties." You chuckle as she giggles at you, "I will look forward to you finding me again." You feel a shiver run through your body as you feel Natasha's hand graze over yours which is resting on the bar top, before she picks up her drink. She notices your reaction and smirks at you as she turns to find her seat. You watch her as she walks away, glancing one more over her shoulder at you before you grab another drink and head over to the family table.

You walk over and see the Queen stood waiting for you, you bow your head slightly before she holds out for your hands. She bring you close to her before kissing your forehead, "You look so smart Y/N, it is so lovely to see you enjoying yourself." You smile as you see her eyes brimming with tears, "Thank you Mother, you look very beautiful tonight." She smiles as you leave her to take her seat. You find your seat in between Shuri and Okoye. "Good evening Okoye." You lean over and hug her before you sit down. "Lovely to see you Y/N, you look great!" You smile as you unbutton your suit jacket for comfort. "Thank you very much, you look lovely as always." She pushes your arm playfully as she laughs at you, "Thank you." You are both interupted by Shuri trying to wind up T'Challa across the table, "You better not freeze up their Brother!" They taunt each other across the table as you notice how nervous he is. The whole table laughs as the Queen tells them both off. "Sorry Mother!" They both hang their heads, trying not to laugh as the rest of the table sniggers at them. Then everyone turns to the stage as Zuri addresses the room.

"Good evening everyone. Thank you for all of your attendance tonight to celebrate a very special occasion. First of all I would like to take this time to remember the events of the last week and a especially special mention for our fallen King T'Chaka, who we all love and miss very much. We will hold him close to our hearts forever." You hear the room go silent as you feel that wave of guilt in your stomach, Okoye and Shuri notice as you feel their hands rub your back in comfort. "Now back to tonight, I would like to welcome our now King T'Challa to the stage." The whole room erupts into applause as T'Challa stands and walks up to join Zuri on stage. "Thank you Zuri, now I will keep this short and sweet so we can get back to the real party but I have a couple of announcements to cover. First I would like to personally thank everyone who was present yesterday for the Ceremony and then tonight. It means so much to me to have support at this time. Secondly I would like to thank everyone who has worked very hard in the planning and execution of the past few days. I know there has been a lot of work behind closed doors, even under these unforeseen circumstances so thank you all for that." The room fills with applause and cheers as T'Challa gestures his applause towards Zuri and to the front tables. Then you notice Zuri at the side of the stage holding a box and flowers in his hand and confusion fills your body. Then you see Nakia looking over at you with a huge grin on her face and you start to get nervous at what is about to happen.

"Now finally I have a very special announcement to make." You notice a few more people glancing in your direction and your nerves start shooting through the roof as you feel something is going on. "As we all know, My Father was a very private person. He was very reserved and professional in all aspects of his life and work. He was an amazing Father and King, although he may have made mistakes along the way, he made one very good choice one day over 8 years ago which changed a lot of lives here in Wakanda." You see T'Challa stare over at you and notice that he has tears creeping into his eyes. "My Father was looking for a Personal Guard after he was nearly killed in an assassination attempt 9 years ago, so he visited the academy one day with myself and my Mother and there we met someone who exceeded all our expectations. She was top of her class and was the most skilled person for the job. My Father made his choice there and then, before even meeting her. The next day she was requested at the Citadel and offered the job right away. That day changed all of our lives, we gained a Daughter and Sister that day. Over the last 8 years she has became one of the family, not only through her work but just being herself around us all. She is one of the kindest, most caring and selfless people I have personally ever met. She has put her life in danger to protect my Father on multiple occasions. She has taken 4 bullets, two knife attacks and even pushed my Father out of the way of a speeding van. She saved his life so many times and it never scared her off putting her life in danger for him. And this is why I am going to ask her to join me on stage."

You panic instantly as you can hear the whole room applauding and cheering for you. You look and see the whole table in tears around you as they encourage you to go and join your Brother. You take in a huge breathe before standing and buttoning up your suit jacket before walking up onto the stage. You make your way up the stairs and onto the huge stage which has a lot of bright lights pointed right at you both. You walk across as your Brother hugs you tight before stepping back, holding the mic in his hand. You look out and see the huge amount of people sitting staring right up at you as they carry on to applaud for you. You choke back the tears of joy as your Brother begins to talk again, "Y/N you have done so much for our family that we could never repay you, but I would like to honour you with this so everyone will know just what you have and will continue to do for your Family." You see Zuri walk towards you both as he holds out a box with a silver medal with a purple strap and clip attached too it. "This is the King's Outstanding Service medal, for your bravery and commitment to your work with King T'Chaka." You stand up straight with pride as T'Challa turns and clips the medal onto the front pocket of your suit jacket. The whole room stands and applauds as your Brother secures it in place. You then turn to Zuri as he comes over and hands you some traditional Wakandan flowers. He hugs you as he walks back to the side of the stage. You feel your Brothers arm over your shoulders as you look out across the room and see everyone clapping and cheering.

You smile uncontrollably before noticing Okoye and Nakia looking startled by something at the table. You follow their eyeline and notice some commotion on the balcony. You shield your eyes from the bright lights before fixing your attention to a man dressed in all black holding some kind of weapon in his hand. You glance back at Nakia as she starts to run to the back of the room but as you look back to the balcony you notice a thin red laser pointing towards your Brother next to you, so without hesitation you drop the flowers and jump infront of him. Just as you move your body infront of his the echo of a gunshot fills the room above the cheering and that is when you feel it. You instantly cringe your body tight as you feel the sharp pain of a bullet penetrating your skin. The laser disappears as you feel your legs buckle from underneath you. You feel your Brothers arms stop your body from dropping to the floor as you try and see where the shooter is, but your vision goes blurry. You feel your back lower against the floor as T'Challa gently guides you to the floor of the stage. You hear voices as you feel the stage shake under you as people join you and your Brother. You are loosing your vision quickly as you feel someone's hands applying pressure to where your were shot.

Then you hear her voice, "Y/N can you hear me? Concentrate on my voice and stay awake for me okay. Your going to be fine! I just need you to stay awake for me." You force your eyes wide to see who is talking to you. "Natasha.." You struggle to speak as your breathing becomes more shallow with every breath you take in, "Yeah it's me, I need you to stay with me okay? Can you do that for me?" You nod slightly as you feel the pain get worse in your chest as your body begins to go into shock. "How.. Bad is it..?" You smile slightly as you start to cough and gasp for air. "Stop talking and just breath for me Y/N." You hear the worry in her voice as she keeps looking right at you. "You know.. Miss Romanoff.. I really like.. your eyes.." You see her laugh as she shakes her head, "Really? You choose now to attempt to flirt with me Miss Beattie?" You try to laugh but it sends you into a coughing fit. "Okay seriously, you need to relax and breathe for me. Don't close your eyes.." You feel your eyes drifting as you start to feel faint from the blood loss. Before you loose consciousness you hear Shuri's voice, "We need to get her to my lab, now!" Before you can react to her you pass out completely.

Natasha POV
I froze suddenly as I watch Y/N jump infront of T'Challa on the stage as the room echoes with the sound of the gunshot which would have hit it's target if it wasn't for Y/N. I looked over at Steve and the rest of the team as we knew we had to help, it was our job. Before I can say anything, Steve starts giving orders, "Okay team, Clint, Pietro, Wanda and Sam go with the King's guards and locate the shooter and anyone who is helping them. Nat, we will go help T'Challa and Y/N. Let's go!" I didn't hesitate in running towards the stage too Y/N. I ran through the crowd with Steve as we launched ourselves up onto the stage. I got to her just as T'Challa was laying her on the floor, I could see the blood seeping out of her chest. "STEVE! I need something to stop the bleeding!" I shouted as I knelt down next to her, undoing her suit jacket and using it to hold her head up off the floor. The bullet had hit her chest on her right side, below her collar bone. Steve came back with cloth napkins from the nearby tables, I held them over her chest to try and stop the bleeding. I was talking to her, as I seen her eyes start to flicker, even when she was in pain she was still making me laugh. I don't know what this girl was doing to me but when I was with her I felt, different. She made me 'giddy' and happy instantly, I had only met her a couple of days ago but as soon as I met her in that gym she has charmed her way into my affections. For some reason my usual wall I have up to protect myself has started to fall when I'm around her, she is so charming and cheeky, funny and caring all at the same time and I am a sucker for it. I see her eyes close as her Sister Shuri runs towards us all. "We need to get her to my lab, Now!" I look up at Steve who is already kneeling down to scoop her off the floor. "Show us the way Shuri, T'Challa are you okay?" He nods as he doesn't look away from Y/N as Steve lifts her off the floor. "I will escort my Mother to her room and help with the search, Shuri update me as soon as you have news okay?" I watch Shuri hug her brother as he runs to be by his Mother's side, I run beside Steve, holding onto Y/N, as we follow Shuri to her through a side door. 

Wakanda's Outsider - King T'Chaka's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now