Therapy Session

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**It's been 3 Months since being rescued from HYDRA. After waking up from the medically induced coma it was the start of a painful recovery as well as battling nightmares and flashbacks on a daily basis. You spent 6 weeks in the Medical bay at the compound before finally being able to go back to your own room to continue recovering. Tony had made some adjustments to your bedroom and bathroom so you could be more independent which you appreciated after being stuck in the med bay for so long needing constant help. You had become even closer too Nat and Wanda as they were with you everyday to help you or just keep you company. Peter was with you as much as he could be which made you smile even though he was scared to break you whenever he helped you move. The rest of the team took over the work load, leaving Nat and Wanda to help you out with Bruce and Tony who were keeping you as comfortable and out of pain as possible. Tony had arranged a therapist to come in and help you three times a week which you began a couple of weeks ago. Your cast was off your ankle which just left you in a bandage and your are was still strapped up when you weren't training until your collar bone was completely healed.***

Your POV

You were lying on your bed after a short session in the gym with Peter. Tony wanted someone there with you at all times when you were training in case you pushed yourself too much or hurt yourself accidently. You didn't mind having someone with you, you knew they were just wanting to take care of you. You were waiting for Shuri to call to catch up before having another therapy session down in Tony's office. You hadn't seen Nat all morning which was strange but just before you could text her your phone started ringing in your hand with Shuri's name popping up on the screen. A smile appearing instantly on your face as you answered straight away..

You - "Hey Sis!"

Shuri - "Hey how's the wounded Soldier?"

You - "I'm doing better.. My physical therapy is helping a lot. It feels good to be back in the Training room. My other therapy is going.. Okay.."

Shuri - "That's not a good okay.. What's going on?"

You - "I mean.. It's just hard. Talking about what happened.."

Shuri - "I get that but it's going to help you once you get it all out there.. Trust me on this. You can begin to work through it step by step.."

You - "It's just a struggle to pick between what actually happened and what my nightmares have manifested over time.. It all feels so real Shuri. The nights after Therapy are almost unbearable.."

Shuri - "That is understandable. You've been through a lot. And your mind is still recovering. It will take a long time Sis. But you'll do it. Your stronger than you realise."

You - "Thanks Sis. How is everyone?"

Shuri - "Everyone is doing okay here. How are you and Nat?"

You - "We are good. She's constantly looking after me still which is sweet. I feel bad when I snap at her on my bad days.. She's done so much for me you know. She doesn't deserve that."

Shuri - "She understands Y/n. We all do. You can't help your mood swings right now. Trust me, she knows you don't mean it."

You - "I hope your right."

Shuri - "I'm always right remember? Now go get some rest before seeing Dr Raynor yeah.. Talk soon okay?"

You - "Yeah sounds good. Love you Sis."

"Love you too Y/n." A small smile on your face as you hang up the phone and put it on your bedside table before drinking some water.

I was heading back up to check on Y/n after she had been in the gym for a small strength session when the sound of her voice stopped me in my tracks. I stopped a foot from her bedroom door, noticing she was on the phone. She had been in touch with her family more now she's out the medical bay so it will be one of them as they usually speak around this time of day with the time difference. I lingered a little as the tone in her voice was different, she was upset about something. I would usual give her space but I couldn't help but listen to make sure she is okay. She had an incredible bond with her Shuri so when she mentioned it was her on the phone I knew she would be opening up a little more than usual. I could hear her holding back her emotions as she spoke to Shuri.. It was breaking my heart. I know she has been struggling with her Therapy but she hides it from all of us. Not wanting to worry anyone. Then my heart shattered.. Knowing she feels guilty for her little mood changes around me. Damn. She has nothing to feel guilty about. She's been through hell and back.. I can take a snap or two on her bad days.. Hearing her comes off I took some deep breathes, wiping the stray tear from my eyes before knocking on her door. "Come in.."

Your POV
After your phone call you were feeling all kinds of emotions but a knock at the door brought you back to reality. "Come in.." You called them in, hoping it would be Nat. a small smile and bright green eyes made your heart skip as she crept into your room with a sandwich and apple for you in her hand. You watched her smile grow as she came to join you on your bed, leaving the plate beside you as you sat up against your headboard. "Hey you.." Her voice was soft as she sat beside you, her legs crossed as her body faced you. "Hey beautiful." You couldn't help but smile as she blushed a little at your compliment. "How you feeling?" She quickly tried to distract herself from what you said to her. "I'm okay, a little sore but I always am after some upper-body weight training." She shook her head, knowing you all too well. "Took your medication?" You nodded before taking a bite from your apple. After swallowing the mouthful you continued. "Where you been hiding all morning? Sick of me already..?" She playfully punched your leg in reply to your comment. "You know that will never happen! I've been in a meeting with Fury and Tony that's all." You ate half your sandwich as she explained about the boring meeting, tracing small pattern just above your knee at the hem of your shorts as she did.

"So all in all, a very boring waste of time?" You teased as she finished her explanation. "Pretty much babe." You both chuckle as you finished your sandwich before drinking some water and taking some other medication. "Are you seeing Dr Raynor later?" You nodded slowly as you swallowed the pills. "Unfortunately yeah.." You see her eyes shift to worried ones as played with the hem on your shorts. "You know you don't have to do anything you don't want too.. But it seems to be helping you?" You see her eyes study yours as you know that it is helping more and more. "Yeah it is. It's hard but it does help. I just don't like talking about what happened there.." You start to feel your chest tighten at the thought of what happened at HYDRA and Nat notices your change in demenour. "I know you don't have to explain anything.." She quickly grabbed your hand for comfort as you took some deep breathes to calm your emotions. "I will one day I promise.." She smiled as you found her gaze staring back at you with so much care it made you smile.

You sat up a little against the headboard before quickly pulling Nat's hand towards you. Her body following before you grabbed the back of her thigh to guide her leg over your lap. She gasped as you moved her in one swift movement, her legs either side of your lap as she sat on top of your legs. Her hands on your stomach for support before finally looking back into your eyes. You could see the smile growing on her face as you smirked at where she now was on you. You pulled her closer by her leg but she tried to resist. "I don't want to hurt you.." She whined a little but you pulled her closer regardless. She pressed into your stomach so she didn't hurt your shoulder as she moved further up your lap. "I want you close.. I've missed you." She smiles before planting short and sweet kisses on your lips one after another making your heart melt. "I've missed you too.." She almost whispered against your lips between kisses. The short kisses getting longer and longer before her lips never left yours in a more passionate kiss.

Your lips dancing against Nat's as her hands rested flat on your stomach as your one good arm wrapped around her waist to keep her body close. You took her bottom lip between your teeth, allowing your tongue to creep between her lips and find hers. Her nails now pressing into your stomach just under your new bandages around your ribs as the kiss deepened between you both. Getting lost against her lips you forgot all the pain you were in, mentally and physically. You pulled her even closer as you felt her moan lightly into your mouth. Her hands now lifting the front of your tank top up your body as she shifted her hips into yours. Both your chests rising and falling quicker as you began searching for oxygen but none of you wanting to pull away. Then without any warning, you grabbed the back of her thigh to pull her impossibly closer into your body but in her surprise she moved too close and ended up pressing into your left collar bone, making you pull away and groan loudly in pain. Shit. Got too carried away.

"Oh fuck I'm so sorry!" Nat quickly pushed away from your body against your now bare stomach as you pressed the back of your head into the headboard behind you. "Arrgghh.." You groans heavily as the pain was shooting up into your neck and along into your chest. You felt Nat's hands find the side of your face as her thumbs rubbed your cheeks. "I'm so, so sorry babe.." She kept apologising but you just shook your head slightly as you gritted your teeth through the pain. You closed your eyes for a minute or so before finally lowering your head to look back into Nat's eyes, seeing tears building along her eyelids. "It was my fault baby.. I got a little carried away please don't get upset." She quickly wiped her eyes before looking down at your collar bone. "You sure your okay?" You nod and smile now the pain is fading away. "Yeah I'm okay I promise.. It's just.. frustrating." You see her smirk and you realise what you just said. "Get your mind out the gutter Romanoff!" You tease her as you grab her waist making her squeal a little from her place still on your lap.

"Seriously though are you okay?" You nod and smile genuinely before Nat's body relaxes in your grasp. "Good.." You lean forward and kiss her gently before leaning back against the headboard. "I've missed those kisses though.." You chuckle at her as she finally pulls your tank top back down over your stomach. "I know me too.. We will be uninterrupted one day Natasha." You see her eyes widen as you grin playfully. "I can't wait." You both get lost in each other's gaze before a message from F.R.I.D.A.Y breaks the small moment between you. "Mr Stark would like to inform you that Dr Raynor has arriver and is waiting for you in his office Y/n." You sigh as your head goes back against the headboard again. "Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y." You reply before feeling Nat's hands gently bringing your head down to face her. You see her worried eyes as you find her mesmerizing gaze looking back at you. "You've got this.." You smile at her encouraging words as she climbs off your lap and helps you off the bed. You grab your phone and slide it into your pocket before turning to Nat who is taking one of your hoodies to wear, making you smirk to yourself.

"How about a Movie later after my Therapy session?" You ask Nat, knowing you will feel better with her with you tonight. "Sounds good to me." You smile as she comes over for a cuddle now she has your hoodie on. "You always look so good in my clothes Romanoff.." You feel her smile against your neck as you cuddle her tight before having to let her go. "I'll see you later okay?" You nod in reply before she leans in and kisses you deeply. Lingering against your lips as long as she can. Once she pulls away you watch her leave your room and head towards hers. You sigh and head out the door yourself, closing it behind you then walking down to Tony's office. You pass Steve and Sam on route, both of them giving you a quick hello as you walk through the living room. You knock on Tony's office door, hearing people talking inside. He quickly invites you inside. You take your usual seat in Tony's chair across from Dr Raynor as she finishes their conversation. Tony flashes you a comforting smile as they come to a close. "I'll leave you both too it." He comments before leaving the room. You turn to Dr Raynor as she smiles back in return.

Raynor - "Good afternoon Y/n. Nice to see you again."

You - "You too Doc. Your journey okay?"

Raynor - "Surprising yes. How are you feeling physically?"

You - "Not too bad. Shoulder and chest are a little tender today but other than that okay."

Raynor - "Good. Now where did we get too in our last session?"

**You start to squirm a little in Tony's chair as you watch her flick through her notebook on the desk. You start to fiddle with your bracelet, which you have started wearing everyday on your bad arm since it doesn't move around as much now being strapped up most of the time. It gives you something to occupy your hands with when you start to feel anxious or stressed rather than other ticks you can have. Plus, having it with you reminds you of your Birth-Father and it settles your mind sometimes..**

Raynor - "Ah, here we are. So last time we started talking about when you first remember being at HYDRA. We covered the kidnapping and the mission before that. So now, as best you can, explain what happened when you first opened your eyes after falling unconcious in the van..?"

You - "Okay so I remember waking up with my wrists shackled above my head. I was in a small, cold cell on my own. I looked around once my vision came back, my head was pounding as I searched the cell. I could barely touch the floor from where I was chained up too.."

Raynor - "That's good.. Now what could you see around you?"

You - "I remember a small dirty sink underneath a broken mirror on the wall.. There were chains above my head attached to my wrists.. And a barred cell door which I could see through. They were really rusted with water dripping down them."

Raynor - "Your doing really well Y/n. now I want you to tell me about the first person you came into contact with in the Cell."

You - "I remember after noticing the blood on my t-shirt 4 men came into the room outside the Cell. 3 were in all black and one was in a.. Brown jacket I think. He spoke to me first. He.. He knew my name. But I didn't know him.."

Raynor - "What did he say to you?"

You - "He told me his name.. Baron Strucker."

Raynor - "Was that all he said? Or was there more?"

You - "He. He.. Told me I had been hiding for years.. That I had something that belonged to him.. He told me he would let me go if I told him where it was but.. I.. I didn't know what he meant.. I still.. I still don't.. I.."

Raynor - "It's okay Y/n just breathe.. Remember your breathing exercises.. Take your time."

**Your looked down at your bracelet, taking in some deep breathes as you counted 3 seconds between each one. You took a couple of minutes before being able to speak again, finding it harder than you ever imagined to re-live everything as it played over in your mind as you tried to explain it to someone out loud for the first time..**

Raynor - "That's good. Now, what happened next?"

You - "He.. He tortured me with.. A car battery and.. Those.. Cables that start a car engine.. They shoved them into my sides under my ribs.. He kept asking over and over where something was.."

Raynor - "Good keep breathing.. Did you say anything?"

You - "I told him.. That I.. I didn't take anything.. I screamed at him to.. to stop.. The pain was.. Was.."

Raynor - "Okay, okay Y/n. Just take a second and breathe through it for me. Your doing amazing today."

You - "Thank.. You.."

Raynor - "Now after that what happened?"

You - "After some.. Painful strikes from a.. Pipe of some sort.. I passed out from the pain just as they left me alone.."

You went through some more of the torture you experienced, your body trembling as you kept having flashbacks of what happened to you. You struggled through your words but still managed to get it out in the best way you could. Once you were finished for that session you walked Dr Raynor out the compound and watched her leave before going straight up too your room. You didn't feel like talking to anyone downstairs so you turned on some music before getting in the shower. You stood and let the hot water run down your skin, trying to wash away the pain and flashbacks. You were resting your forehead against the wall of the shower before a gentle knock on your bathroom door brought you from your thoughts. "Y/n? you in there?" You couldn't work out the voice over the running water so you turned it off, stepping out and grabbing a towel to wrap around your body before opening to the door to enter your bedroom.

"Hey Maximoff.." You greeted her quietly as you looked through your wardrobe to find some clothes. "Hey how you feeling?" You sighed loudly, not realising how loud until you looked over to see Wanda's worried expression as she was sitting on your bed. "Just finished with Dr Raynor.. Tough session." You explained simply before heading into the bathroom to get dressed. You chucked on some shorts and a grey t-shirt before coming back into your room with Wanda. You sat beside her, grabbing your arm strap to secure your left arm back into a more comfortable position. "I know how hard it is to open up about past trauma but it does help long term." You smile, grateful for Wanda's words as you struggle to secure your arm. "Let me help you." You stand up with Wanda as she wraps the strap around your shoulder and arm before clipping it together for you. "Thanks Wanda. And I know it's just still very.. Real. In my head. "She nods in understanding as you both sit back down. "I know.. Just take your time. And remember we are all here for you." You smile before accepting a comforting hug from her, wrapping your good arm around her in return.


After talking with Wanda you both headed down to dinner together. You were quieter than usual but no one seemed to notice as everyone shared different conversations around the table. After dinner you headed up to your room without saying a word to anyone. Your emotions being all over the place after having to re-live some of the torture you had to endure by the hands of Baron Strucker. Even just saying his name made you feel physically sick to your stomach. Remembering the pain and your screams that followed ever hit. The smug looks on their faces as they ripped your skin and beat your body black and blue. You were so stuck in your growing thoughts that you didn't realise you were now sitting in the middle of your bedroom floor with your back against the bottom of your bed. Your knees up against your chest as you had one arm wrapped around your shins. Your eyes now closed as all you could hear was the rattle of the chains which would keep your arms fixed above your head for hours on end. The muffled foot steps on the stone floors the only other sound than your heavy breathing most nights. You could feel the cold of the cell walls as you got lost from your reality..

I was helping Steve clean up after dinner as he was asking how Y/n was doing. I told him she was okay, the nightmares coming and going as and when her therapy session happen. He was already working with her most days in the gym to help build her physical strength back up to what it was so he knew she was doing okay that way. I could tell he was genuinely worried about her which was nice, it meant I wasn't the only one thinking about her all the time. He could sense my worry and tried to convince me she would be okay but a part of me was worried this would all get too much for her. She had this amazing opportunity of being an Avenger but it could be over before it has began for her. I wanted her to be herself again, but that may be impossible with how her mind is reacting to what happened. I turned to find her, hoping she was in the living room with everyone else but she was no where to be seen. I looked at Wanda who gave me a concerned look as she got up from the sofa to come talk to me away from the team.

Nat - "Everything okay?"

Wanda - "I'm worried about Y/n. I stopped by earlier and she looked completely spaced out after her therapy session.."

Nat - "I noticed she looked that way during dinner too.. Did she say anything to you?"

Wanda - "Just that it was a tough session and she was finding it hard to explain what happened to her.."

Nat - "I hope this therapy isn't happening too soon, I can't bare seeing her struggle anymore."

Wanda - "I know but it will help her eventually.. It helped me once I got the right help."

Nat - "I'm just scared for her.. It must be still so raw. Nobody knows what really happened other than that message we got sent but that was early on.. Who knows what happened after that."

Wanda - "Go be with her Nat. She trusts you more than anyone. Gently ask her some questions. She might find it easier to open up to you as well as Dr Raynor.."

Nat - "Your right.. Thanks Wanda. You're a really good friend to her and me."

I gave Wanda a tight hug before heading up to find Y/n, hoping she was back in her room to rest. I can't imagine how she is feeling. I'm not the best at opening up about my past but all of this was still so raw and real for her she must be struggling to talk about it. Her nightmares won't be helping. All I know it I need to be by her side to show her she is not alone in this. I got to her room quickly, noticing her door was slightly open. I walked in quietly so I didn't startle her. I scanned the room, finding her curled up body on the floor at the foot of her bed. Her knees tucked into her chest as her eyes were shut tight. She was barely moving. I gently walked over to sit beside her, moving slowly so I didn't disturb her. I took a seat beside her, leaving a small space between us after shutting her door and locking it so no one would barge in unannounced. I didn't want her to freak out or anything whilst being in this state. I waited for her to notice my presence but she didn't. so I decided to speak into her ear gently to coax her out of whatever state she was in.

Nat - "Y/n.. It's me. It's Nat. I'm right here with you.."

You - **Nothing..**

Nat - "Please open your eyes for me.. Let me know your okay.."

You - **Nothing...**

Nat - "Baby.. Please.. Come back to me.."

You - **......**

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