This is Torture!

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 Your eyes flicker open to see a small, dingy cell. Your arms were tied above your head as your body hung from the shackles, your feet barely reaching the cold stone floor beneath you. You lifted your head slightly as you scanned around the room. You could see a drain off to your left, as well as a sink and a small mirror on the wall to your right. The bars on the cell looked rusted and old, with drips of water running down most of them. The ceiling was low, even outside the cell, as you seen a long table and screens on the other side of the door. As you start to come around you start to hear muffled voices from not too far away, you try and zone in on the conversation but the walls are stone and thick. You look down too see your suit still intact, with a few rips but nothing that couldn't be fixed. Your jacket was unzipped which made the blood on your white t-shirt noticeable as you looked down towards your feet.

Suddenly, 3 men all in black walked into the room across from your cell. You could hear them carrying stuff and dragging it across the floor. Another man followed them in, a tall bold man with a brown jacket on. His hands were behind his back as he looked straight at you. You followed him and the other men as they started setting up some equipment right outside your cell. You tried too work out what they were doing but the man with the brown jacket caught your attention as he spoke with a strong accent. "Okay let's get started." Your stomach practically turned upside down as he gestured the men towards your cell. They entered with weapons, bats and steel piping, as well as a car battery and buckets of water. You studied their faces as they got close before turning your attention to the man in charge. "Well, it's nice to finally meet you Y/n Coulson.." You snap your head up in shock after hearing that name.

"My name is Baron Strucker. And I have been searching for you for years. You have done well hiding all this time but now your going to give me what you took from us all those years ago." You watch as the evil grin appears on his face, looking you up and down as you struggle to keep your arms from aching. "You have something that belongs to me Miss Coulson and I need it back. So your going to tell us where it is then we will let you go free." You shake your head before finding your voice to answer him. "I don't know what you mean. I haven't took anything from anyone.?" Your voice is weak but still enough for them all to hear you. You hear a subtle beep of a machine before Strucker carries on. "Where is it Y/n. I won't ask again. Or do you need some persuasion?" You see him nod to two of the men who wire up the car battery to some plugs. They stand either side of you, one plug each as they suddenly shoot them into your sides. "ARRGHH I DIDN'T TAKE ANYTHINGG...!"

Your blood curdling screams echo through the cell as your feel a surge of electricity through your entire body, making it hard to breathe or even move away from them. Your nerves end up on fire as they pull away the plugs. You catch your breathe before they repeat this process a couple of times, each time the surges becoming stronger and stronger. Pushing your body to it's limits. "Now, I will ask you again. Where is it?" You shake your head, struggling to find your words to answer Strucker. "I.. Didn't.. Take anything.." Your voice now even weaker than before as you see him nod his head. Before you can take a breathe you feel the cold steel pipe striking your ribs over and over. Your scream and scream through the pain but they just hit you harder and harder. After a few good hits you close your eyes before hearing them all leave you to suffer. You hear the close the cell door before you loose conciousness again, hanging from your wrists as your body starts to shut down from the pain.

Avengers POV
The room falls quiet as the message begins to play through the room. Nobody was making any eye contact as the message was quiet to begin with, the sound of subtle chains rattling and muffled voices were all that could be heard before a voice makes it's presence known. Strucker's voice pierced through the room, catching everyone's attention as he spoke to you in the cell. As soon as your voice played as you answered, everyone looked around at each other, not wanting to believe it is you. Then Strucker's question to you makes everyone's hearts sink, "..or do you need some persuasion?" Everyone looked to Nat as she looked down at the table, knowing what was going to come. Before anyone could react, the sounds of your screams made everyone jump back in their seats. They continued to listen, hoping for an answer or clue as to where you were being kept. Nat's nails digging into her hands as her fists clenched under the table. The team's eyes flickered from Nat to Tony as they both couldn't look up from the table. Wanda's hand found Nat's as she unclenched one fist, holding Wanda's hand for comfort as Wanda watched her tears start to fall. Your screams echoing through the room made it harder for Peter to keep listening. When Nat realised he was struggling she quicker pulled him close, covering his ears with her hands as they both cried for you, knowing you were in pain but not being able to do anything about it. Wanda rubbed Nat's back as the screams finally stopped and the message cut out. No one spoke, silence filled the room as Nat held Peter close still. Tony looked over at Bruce as he shook his head from behind his computer screen. "Sorry Tony, couldn't track it to an exact location." Tony slammed his fist against the table before standing from his chair. "I'm sorry guys I didn't know what that was going to be.." Everyone nodded before filling out of the room to go back to their searching for you. Now more determined to find you.

I walked with Peter and Wanda as we had joined the others in the living room. Steve, Sam, Bucky and Thor were all there with us as we set up a few laptops and tablets to do our research and look through any CCTV we could to try and find her. We all went back to what we were doing before the meeting. The message just made us more determined to find her, we had narrowed it down to Europe but nothing more concrete yet. Tony and Bruce were in the lab, now searching into the voice message to try and get a better location. We needed a more narrow location before we could plan a rescue mission. My heart was breaking with every minute that passes without her here beside me. I hadn't known her long but she was different, she made me a better person just being around her. She was my person and I needed her back. I seen how much this was hurting Peter and Wanda as well as me, they had bonded with you so much when we weren't together, you were with one of them. Peter looked up too you so much and you and Wanda had become best friends. She had never been more comfortable with someone before she had got here. She just made everyone smile and laugh with her corny jokes and stupid pranks. We all missed her and we needed her back. She was the missing piece this team needed. A part of me wanted to hate her for breaking her promises to me before the mission, but no one expected that to happen. I got lost in my thoughts of her before Wanda broke me out of them. "Hey Nat.. You okay?" I look over at her, my eyes lined with tears as all I could think about was her. "Yeah sorry.. Just got lost in my thoughts.." I see Wanda look at me sympathetically before rubbing my back again. "We'll find her Nat.." I nod as Wanda smiles a little, I can see she is hurting too so I give her a half smile before focusing back on the laptop infront of me. I peek over to see Peter sat on the floor staring at a tablet, eating sweets and keeping himself busy. I lean over and ruffle his hair, just letting him know we are all still here with him. He flashes me a smile before focusing on the screen. My heart hurt for him. For all of us. We needed her back.

The time was lost in the cell, between beatings and screaming matches with various guards and strange men you were passed out from the pain. They let you down from the chains every now and then, not wanting you to be too badly injured. You paced around before passing out from the lack of food and the pain you were in. There was a bed, type blanket on the floor which, but every time you laid down you just thought of Nat and how she wasn't by your side. After some of your beatings you imagined her there next to you, helping you to stay awake. You also tried to picture Wanda and Peter from memory, then Shuri and T'Challa. Anyone who would keep you from passing out until you were left alone again. When you were alone you tried to allow your emotions out but you didn't have the strength to even shed a tear. Your heart was physically breaking as time went on. You felt them slowly breaking you down, which was exactly what they wanted to happen.

Avengers POV
Tony had called Nat and Steve into his office. He needed to discuss what to do next. He knew he needed to inform T'Challa and your family but he wanted to make sure the team agreed. As Nat and Steve joined him, the room was quiet before Tony spoke up from behind his desk. "So I know this is hard, for everyone. Especially you Natasha. We all seen your connection with her. Something that is hard to find and heart breaking to loose. Which is why I've asked you in here. I think it's time we tell T'Challa what has happened." Nat and Steve both nodded in agreement as Tony rubbed his face in the palm of his hands, knowing this wasn't going to be easy. "Let me Tony. I'll call them." Tony sat back in shock as Nat's request. "Are you sure because I.." Before Tony could finish Nat interupted again. "I'll do it Tony. It should be me." Tony and Steve both nodded in agreement. "We will give you some space but if you need us we wont be far okay?" Nat nodded as Tony and Steve started to leave his office. "Take you time. If you need anyone just let us know okay?" Steve hugged Nat before leaving with Tony. She took a seat at Tony's desk, taking some deep breathes before sitting up straight in the chair. She then took out her phone, looking through her contacts before finding Nakia's name in her list. She rang her, putting the phone to her ear as it rang through to her in Wakanda.

**Phone Call with Nakia.**
Nakia - "Hey Nat."
Nat - "Hi Nakia."
Nakia - "Okay that's not a good voice, what's happened?"
Nat - "Nakia, I need you to listen carefully okay?"
**Nakia becoming very worried instantly.**
Nakia - "Okay Nat. Go on?"
Nat - *taking one last deep breathe.* "It's Y/n. Someone's kidnapped her during a mission in the City."
Nakia - *her voice breaking as she spoke.* "Omg Nat.. What happened? Who was it?"
Nat - "We believe it was Hydra. We have no clue why. They sent through a voice message trying to get her to confess taking something from them. We are tracking her location as we speak."
Nakia - "Okay send over everything you have so far and we will help from here. It's too dangerous to travel anywhere until we know more. I will pass it all onto T'Challa and Shuri. No further until we have found her. Anything we can do, let us know."
Nat - "I will thank you Nakia. We will find her."
Nakia - "I know you will Nat. Please don't blame yourself for this okay. I know you will be but she chose to come to you. It was the right decision. Stay in touch."
Nat - "Thank you Nakia. Speak soon."

I hung up as Nakia went to tell her family what had happened. My tears stinging my eyes as I wiped them away finally. I could hear Wanda outside the door. I took a deep breathe of relief before calling her in. "Come in Wanda, I know your there." I heard her giggle slightly as she came in to check on me. Her eyes fixed on me as she came and hugged me tight. She held me for ages before sitting down opposite where I was. "How did they take it?" Wanda's eyes still fixed on me as she made sure I was okay. "I rang Nakia. Thought she would be able to handle this better over the phone. She's asked me to send everything okay so they can help from there." Wanda nodded as I choked back my tears, wiping my face roughly with the palms of my hands. "Nat, you need to rest. You need to be ready for when we do find her." I knew she was right but I didn't know how rest with her constantly on my mind. "I know Wanda.. It's just so hard. I'm so worried we won't get to her in time.." My eyes stinging again just talking about her to Wanda. "We will find her Nat." We sat in a comfortable silence before Wanda said anything more. "Your falling for her, aren't you?" Wanda's voice soft as she knew I hated talking about my feelings, but this time I knew she was right and I couldn't deny it. "Yeah.. She's my person Wanda. I was always taught Love was for children but she made me realise that I could learn to love. And I'm ready too fall for her." Wanda's eyes filling with tears as she knew the truth now. And it was a relief to finally accept it for myself. "I'm proud of you Nat. Now please go and rest. She'll need you when we find out where she is." I nodded and gave in as she walked me to my room. She sat with me until I started to drift off to sleep, finally letting my body rest for a little while.

**It had been 2 weeks since you were taken. The team had worked everyday and night to try and track you down. Nat was in constant contact with Wakanda as they helped in any way they could. Nakia had sent over all the information from the shooting that happened, her and Nat both think that these two events are linked somehow. T'Challa is trying his best but being a King takes up a lot of time so he has given Nakia and Shuri all the time they need to help in the search. Tony and Bruce have narrowed it down to 3 seperate locations, but they are so far apart they have to keep looking before making a move to rescue you. Nat had been keeping herself busy by looking after Peter when they weren't doing any search work. Tony made sure everyone took shifts, so that everyone was well rested and ready to move as soon as they got a location on you.**

You had completely lost track of how long you had been in the cell for. The beatings had calmed down for now but you were always on edge whenever you heard anything near your cell. You had seen some new equipment being brought in outside your cell but didn't take much notice. Probably just some more torture devices trying to get you to talk. You didn't know what they wanted from you. You had no idea. You had never taken anything from anyone, you always worked for everything you had. The only thing you had ever been given was your bracelet and cards from your Birth-Father after he was killed. Your thoughts got away from you as you started to question everything. You wondered what they could be looking for. "But why would they want the bracelet.. It's just something he used to wear.. Something to remember him by..?" You thought to yourself as you lay awake in your cell. You had to make sure Nat would keep it safe, just in case. 'But how?'

You get brought out of your thoughts by the sound of people entering the room outside your cell door. You don't even turn to look at them as you hear them talking between themselves. You jump a little as one of them kicks your cell to see if your awake, but you keep your eyes closed to see if they decide to talk a little louder, which they do. "Do you think the Avengers will take the bait?" You tilt your head slightly as you take in the conversation between the two guards. "They should. I mean she is supposedly one of them? So if they see her hurt they should try and find her." You take it all in as they give away their plan. "I always enjoy these types of video links.." You suddenly cringe up at the thought of them videoing you in the state your in. Especially knowing Nat might see it. You begin to 'pretend' to wake up as you hear more foot steps entering. "Right come on I have not got all day!" Strucker was back and sounded angry. The men all scuttled around, setting up equipment as he stood and waited.

Avengers POV
The team were all sitting together in the living room. They had just finished dinner together. Nobody had spoken much, everyone was becoming more and more defeated as the days went on. Before the silence became unbearable, Peter spoke up. "So guys, why don't we have a movie night? I know it's not perfect but it could give us all a break?" The team slowly agreed between themselves as Peter's smile grew as he looked to Nat and Wanda who gave him a soft smile at his happiness. "We will finish off in the lab and join you all back in an hour?" Tony's voice was soft as he stood up with Bruce but before they could leave, F.R.I.D.A.Y caught everyone's attention. "Sir a live feed is trying to broadcast itself into the compound, should I allow it?" Everyone was startled as they had a feeling what it would be. "Okay Bruce grab a laptop and get tracking this message, everyone else watch out for anything to help us. Let me do the talking.." Tony allowed a little time for Bruce to get back with a laptop before everyone turned to the TV screen. "Okay is everyone ready? Once it's played we all need to stay on screen. We need to try and keep the video playing as long as possible." Everyone nodded as their expressions were a mix of confusion and worry. "Okay F.R.I.D.A.Y." Tony stood behind the sofa as F.R.I.D.A.Y started to play the live feed through to the team.

You were back in your shackles in the cell. You were hanging there with a blindfold over your eyes as the men surrounded you. You heard the clattering of metal and wood in your cell as your door was yet to close behind them. You suddenly heard some static before Strucker announced himself. "Hello Avengers. So glad you could join us." Your heart sunk as you heard the words echo from wherever he was stood. You couldn't hear anything other than his voice. "Now as you know I am looking for something which was took from me. And I'm going to need it back. No matter what it takes." You could hear the venom in his voice as you felt someone walk closer to where you were hanging. Then suddenly you heard a familiar voice, "What is it that you want?" It was Tony Stark. A small smile grew on your face as you finally heard someone you knew.

Avengers POV
The team all sat in shock as we could see 4 men stood behind a fragile body, which was hanging from the ceiling above them. The man speaking to us hid his face as he walked around infront of the screen. He spoke with an accent and a harsh tone, just like the man called Strucker from the video message. Everyone just listened as he explained what he was doing. Then Tony decided to speak up as he stood beside the fragile body. Strucker did not answer, but instead revealed who was hanging beside him. Gasps of fright and pure shock filled the room as everyone seen what they feared, it was Y/n. Her body was beaten and weak. Her face drawn in from hunger, her lips dry from dehydration. Nat and Peter looked away as her face came into view. Strucker then went on to laugh as he pulled her head back so the team got a full view of just how bad her state was. "STOP!" Nat couldn't help but speak up, seeing Y/n like this was torture in itself. "Well, well. You must be Natasha. She screams for you to help her when we decide to beat her black and blue." Nat's face filled with rage as she clenched her fists. Tony's hand quickly gripped her shoulder from behind the sofa to try and calm her from reacting anymore. "Tell us what you want. We will help you if you let her go." Steve's voice now sharp but calm as Strucker let go of your head. "If I tell you what it is I will never get it back. All I know is that it is hidden by her!" He pointed at your body as you hung in agony from your wrists. "I.. Didn't.. Take.. Anything.." Everyone heard her voice was filled with pain and exhaustion. "Well if you still won't tell us then let the show begin.. Any last words?" The team all looked as the screen focused on your face, you lifted your head enough to face everyone in the room before speaking with your last bit of energy. "I miss you all.. Nat please always remember what I told you, with great power comes great responsibility.. I'll see you again Natasha. I promise. But whatever you do, don't try and rescue me. IT'S WHAT THEY WANT.." You shout at the screen before we all watch Strucker quickly gesture for his guards to start beating you with bats and pipes. You scream in agony as they swing at you again and again. Nat ran off as everyone turned away from the video before it shut off completely. The team all looked to Bruce who looked frustrated with himself. "Nothing concrete Tony. I needed more time." Tony sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay team. We need to get back to work. We can't waste anymore time."

I ran off from the living room. I couldn't stay any longer with that video playing. It hurt too much too see her in that state. She was in so much pain and I couldn't do anything to help or protect her. As I ran down the hall, something told me to head to her room and before I could stop myself I crashed on top of her bed. I cried into her pillow as finally my emotions came flooding to the surface. I could smell her on her bed, which made me feel some what closer to her. My tears soaked into her pillowcase as I struggled to breathe properly. I could hear some movement from the living room and some muffled voices as I started to sit up on her bed. I started to think about what she said, I had never heard her use those words before. '..with great power, comes great responsibility..' I thought about what she was trying to say but I couldn't think straight so I decided to look around her room for some sort of clue. I knew this was wrong but I needed anything to help find her or even work out what they wanted from her. As I searched I didn't find. I looked through her draws and wardrobe in the bathroom before coming back into her bedroom. Then I came across a small box in her sock draw where she had her ties folded. I took it out and sat back on her bed. Just before I went to open it I heard a knock at her door. I knew it would be Wanda. "Come in.." She peeked in slowly as I looked over at her. "I just came to see if you were okay.." I gestured for her to come in. As she did I opened the box and found her bracelet inside. "She had that on at the party.." Wanda sat beside me as I took out the bracelet. "Yeah she told me she got it from her Birth-Father when he died. She only wears it on special occasions, she's terrified of it breaking or losing it. There is a note with it that told her to keep it safe at all times." Wanda watched as I held it tight in my hands, then she looked at it closer. "Nat.. What does it say on the back?" I looked at Wanda in shock as she pointed at the back of the bracelet. I quickly turned it over to see something engraved on the back. 'with great power, comes great responsibility.' I looked back up at Wanda, who must have been thinking the same as me. "This is what she was trying to tell me! I best go show Tony and Bruce!" I jumped up and rushed to the lab where I knew Tony and Bruce would be. My emotions running through my body uncontrollably as I knew this could lead to finding her.

Avengers POV
Nat burst through the lab doors, quickly followed by Wanda as Tony and Bruce jump in fright and confusion. "What is it Romanoff!?" Nat caught her breathe quickly before showing Tony the bracelet. "Okay a bit of context would help here Nat?" Nat took in some deep breathes as Bruce joined Tony's side. "So on the video, Y/n said tat sentence to me. Well it confused me as I had never heard her say that before. So I went to her room to look for anything that could help us out and I found that. She told me about it the night of her party and it was passed down to her by her Birth-Father, or should I say Coulson." Both Tony and Bruce listened closely as they were still lost. "She told me he put a note in to tell her to keep it safe at all times. Which is why she only wears it on special occasions." Tony and Bruce both shared a glance before saying anything. "But what could it be?" Bruce questioned as Nat was still a little out of breathe. "That's why I brought it to you two. She must have wanted me to find it or she wouldn't have said anything about it. Is there some tests we could run on it or something? See if it gives us anything?" Tony nodded as he turned to his desk. "I mean yeah I suppose we have nothing else to lead with right now. Bruce let's get started." Tony and Bruce started carrying out some tests as Nat and Wanda sat out of the way, not wanting to miss anything that would come up. After an hour or so Ton and Bruce finally finished all the tests they gave it back to Nat. "We need to wait for F.R.I.D.A.Y to do her thing for now but as soon as we finish up I will let you both know if we find anything." Nat and Wanda nodded as they started to leave the lab. Nat decided to put the bracelet on to keep it safe for now as Wanda smiled at her and helped her clip it on.

After a lot of kicks, punches and whatever else they did to you after the video cut out, you were finally left alone. You couldn't fall asleep as your mind was going into slight confusion after hearing all their voices. You couldn't work out if it was real or not. You wanted it to be real but you didn't want to get your hopes up. But before you could think too much more men came into your cell. Without saying anything they quickly dragged you out the cell and down a long hall. Your feet dragged behind you as you were carried by your arms. You ended up in a very bright white room, surrounded by monitors and machines. You were quickly buckled onto a table, the straps going across your wrists, stomach and ankles. You couldn't move anywhere as bright lights were suddenly pointed down at you, making it hard to see anything. Before you could say anything two men in long, white coats stood either side of you. Then without warning, you felt sharp scratched on your hands. You tried to look down but one of the men in white strapped your head down to the table. Just as he finished, another sharp scratch hit your neck, this time longer as you felt something flow into your neck. Suddenly, you felt as if your body was slowly becoming on fire. "AARRGGHHH!!"

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