|| CHAPTER 10 ||

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salamat ^^


Shi Rin didn't notice that time passed by. Both of them had fallen in a deep slumber.

Since she sit beside Luhan, many possibilities are likely to happen.

Morning came, birds are chirping and the sun is shining brightly.

Luhan was first to wake up and rubbed his eyes, then his stomach grumbled. 

*Oh, I'm hungry..* He attempted to stand up but felt something pressing on him. 

He's eyes went down and saw Shi Rin, comfortably hugging him. She's on top of him, and they're in the couch lying. 

See? Many posibilities do happen.

He was so shocked, this is a new kind of Shi Rin's innocent skinship to him. 

Reflexes sent him pushing Shi Rin away from him. "Uhff!" he heard a groaned.

Shi Rin got up sleepily while rubbing her aching butt. 

She shot Luhan a sleepy glare, "I hate you... Why did you push me!" she whined. 

Luhan shook his head frantically, as if goiing insane and immediately ran towards the kitchen. 

There he took some deep breaths. "Stupid!" he hissed, its meant either to him or for Shi Rin.


"Crap! Now, I'm too hungry.." he mumbled then opene devry cabinet and the fridge. 

To his dismay, he found... nothing. Great. "Shi Rin... there's no more food." he called out. 

Shi Rin came running towards the kitchen. "No more bacons?!"

>few moments<

Luhan sighed, he never expected HER to tag along with him. 

*Aissh..* he hissed in his thoughts and look at her.

"Don't go too far." he warned.

She just nodded happily then walk.

*Shrimps.* he sang in his minds. He watered already by just thinking of them. 

How he love those! It felt like heaven. He grinned when he saw a shrimp stall. 

"Fresh and tasty young boy." the vendor commented and he just smiled. 

"Thanks.." he mumbled when the vendor held him a container.

Shi Rin continued on her way, she look behind and saw Luhan stopping by a stall. 

She ingored him and turn to her right, she saw some weird creature.

Well, yeah it's weird but it's just a crab. No, it's a lobster. Whatever.

She walk towards it, and since the vendor is busy attending to the other customers, he didn't notice her. 

Shi Rin curiously stared at them. *They're alive!* she thought and her eyes shining. 

She slowly held her fingers to poke them.

Luhan, after paying, turn to search for Shi Rin when he saw her at a stall, where lobsters and crabs are. 

He saw her poking her fingers at one of them, *It's dangerous!* he thought. 

But it was too late, she had been bite.

"Ack!" she squeaked. Luhan ran to her side and pulled her away.

Shi Rin stared at her bleeding fingers. *It bit me.* she thought sadly.



ano na??? kyoooot na baaaa??? xDDD 


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