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And so the fight begun. Luhan mastered all his fighting skills already once he had set foot in the water.

"It's so good to be ike this.." he said in between punching and such.

Shi Rin glanced at him quickly. "Really? You like fighting? Chaos?"

"No.. Not that. Pabo!" he hissed. That was it. The word he had used on calling her. She became distracted suddenly. "Watch out!" Luhan shouted as he throw himself on her side.

Before Shi Rin could react, Luhan was on the ground. Eyes closed from the pain. "Lulu, you okay?" Shi Rin worriedly ask.

Luhan just nodded. "Please fight. For us. For me." he said as he slid himself on the wall. "Okay. Rest there. Lucky for you that witch isn't around. I'll go search for her. Don't come out here yet. Call the others." she said and ran towards the center of the cave.

When Shi Rin finally reached the center, the witche's daughter welcomed her.

"Oh.. Finally, we've meet! I'm dying to see you." the little witch said as she smirked.

Shi Rin squinted her eyes, "Really? I hope I didn't show up, so you ended up DYING not seeing me." she said.

The little witch was in raged and attacked her carelessly. "Don't get carried away my dear." Shi Rin said. She did a counter-attack and the little witch was thrown away.

"Why, YOU!" she hissed and charged towards Shi Rin. She hit her very hard that she was thrown away.

After few minutes of battle, the little witch grew tired and so as Shi Rin.

"Please.. Ella. (a/n: the little witche's name.) Surrender now before it's too late. Remember, we are friends right?" Shi Rin said as she wobbly stood up.

"No way! That was before. Before you get Luhan from me." she said and stood up also, panting.

"You're wrong! I didn't! Luhan was ... to tell you actually, was meant to be mine from the start. When we were still in our mother's tummy." she explained.

Ella stared at her unbelievably. "No ... That's not it." she said as she started walking towards her.

"Please, believe me Ella." Shi Rin plead.

"Don't tell me my mother is lying!" she shouted and ran to her.

Shi Rin managed to dodge her attack and she pinned her down. "Wake up! Your mother had deceived you for a long time now!"

Ella who had just realized everything stopped wriggling. "No... No.." she said as she sobbed.

Shi Rin let her go and guide her to stand up. Facing her, she wiped her tears. "Sad to say but yes Ella. She had been deceiving you from the start."

Ella shook her head. And then her mother came out suddenly. Laughing.

"Now that you know Ella my dear. What will you do??" she challenged as she crossed her arms.

Ella shot her a deadly glare. "You! What kind of a mother are you? Huh?!" she pointed.

"Hmp! To start, you're not even my biological daughter!" she said as she raised her eyebrow. "My sister just give you to me when she was dying. And the reason for her death is no other that that mermaid." (a/n: uhm, witches in these story are like Ursula in Little Mermaid. Octopus.. or something like that.)

"NO! We are not the reason why you're sister died." Shi Rin shout back.

"And what did you know about the past, huh?" the lady witch asked her.

"She died protecting you from harm!" she said. The lady witche's eyes widened. Ella on the other hand, break down. She wasn't abe to handle all the confessions she heard. Shi Rin didn't believe herself also.

"How sure are you?" the witch continued.

"It's because of your own fault! Being selfish and greedy. She had protected you. You were in danger one time. Right? And you worsen the situation making her decide to use her forbidden power, causing her lifespan to be limited." Shi Rin said as the lady witch gasp.

"No way!" the lady witch mumbled as she stood up from sitting in the water tornado. (a/n: it's up to your imagination. :D)


it's been a while~ i MISSED you all ... ᅲ_ᅲ

anyways, HOW's THIS ONE??? please comment ...

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