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after millineum years lmfao! i'm baaaaeeeek~ hellooooo! ^^


After that awkward event back in the shop.

Luhan dashed out immediately.

Behind him, followed Shi Rin who is now wearing the headband she just bought, actually Luhan bought it for her.

"Lulu... Thanks~" she said while smiling.

He shot her a look.

*How can this girl act like nothing happened??* he ask himself.

He just nodded in response and walk again.

"Uh.." she broke the silence after a minute of walking.

"Why are we always walking?? Aren't we going to a certain destination, Lulu???" she asked.

Luhan skidded to a stop and then looked around.

*Oh yea right. I forgot about it. I was spacing out.* he thought.

They heard faint screams and shrieks.

He look up. Shi Rin did too, and her eyes widened in delight.

"What's that??" she exclaimed as she jumped up and down earning stares from the passersby.

He hold her down and drag her away.

"Hey.." she hissed.

"Stop talking. I'll take you there so wait for a while." he said firmly.

She pouted. *He's mad again for a reason that I don't know.*

They arrived at an ausement park.

Ferris wheel, roller coaster, viking, horror booth and such are there.

Shi Rin scanned her eyes excitedly.

"Lulu~ I wanna ride! Can we?" she asked as she butted her eyeslashes.

He just nodded and then walk to the entrance to pay their pass.

"What do you want to ride first?" he ask.

She eyed the roller coaster curiously and pointed to it. "That!" she said.

They walk towards the ticket booth and he paused.

Something came to his mind.

I wanna ride! Can we??


Can WE?

He inhaled deeply and turn to Shi Rin who is smiling widely.

"You!" he pointed to himself.

"You want me to r-ride with you?" he asked, dumbfounded.

She nodded her head and grasp his hand.

"Please?" she cooed.

Luhan gulped.

*This isn't happening!*

He didn't notice her buying the tickets instead.

He only snapped back to reality when she held the tickets in front of him.

*TWO!* his eyes widened.

"Uh, Shi Rin... I really..." he couldn't afford to talk.

Thinking about the ride simply makes him dizzy.

Suddenly, he was now drag by the excited Shi Rin. He was helpless.

"Shi--" he was cut off when she pushed him and forced to sit.

"Ready??" she asked really happily.

He can think by now that she's giving her revenge secretely.

*I regretted taunting her being weak.*

And the 'deadly' ride for Luhan started and he also begin to shout.

Not for joy but for fear!

Shi Rin beside him shouts too, and it's for joy.


sht tingini ang gwapo ni Luhan >>>>>>
potabelllsssss (excuse my cussing -.-)


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