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2nd update! weeee~ i'm hypeeeer!


They've roamed around again for quiet some time now.

And Shi Rin didn't mind at all. Luhan just silently walked around also.

They're not awkward with each other.

Except for Luhan which keep hearing what the lady had said back there.

'You both make a cute couple!'

It echoed in his mind and ears.

He glanced at Shi Rin who is busy looking around and he inhaled a little too hard.

Why he never thought about it? Him paired with her. It's cute after all.

He shook his head. *Am I hearing myself right? Did I just fantasize.... h-her???* he asked himself too shocked.

He stop in his tracks and Shi Rin bumped on behind him.

"Ow!" she hissed and rubbed her little forehead.

"Why did you stop? Yah!" she shook his shoulders.

"Huh.. Eh?" he asked her back.

"Aissh.. What's happening to you Lulu??" she asked worriedly.

She even touched his forehead to check if he's sick.

Luhan observed her every move.

He kept staring at her, in all she do.

"Beautiful..." he mumbled.

Shi Rin stopped.

"Huh?" it was now her turn to be confused.

Luhan, who had just snapped out of his daze, blinks at her and stared at her back questioningly.

Then what he had said earlier sunk in his mind.

"Oh! I mean those..." he pointed to an accessory shop.

Shi Rin's eyes filled with interest immediately.

She look back at him and smiled widely.

"Can we?" she asked or more on, begged.

Luhan just sighed and then nodded.

Immediately, Shi Rin drag him and they ran inside the shop.


a/n: oh. shoooooort.. meeeeeeh. xP

creys/// omg. omfg. exo fansites are releasing pbs (photobooks) and sm announces their comeback... (wallet crying)

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