Chapter 7

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Jax's POV:

"Um, Emma, it's the end of the song.", I told her. She was to busy getting lost in my eyes to notice.

"Oh, right.", she said. Just then, Travis walked in.

"What did I miss?", he asked.

"A lot, a lot my friend.", Alexa answered. Me and Jax parted, and went our separate ways. I went to the girls, he went to the boys, so we could each talk about the moment in private. I still was wondering what was going on between Cat and Travis, so I pulled her aside to ask.

"Cat, I really need to talk to you about Travis.", I stated.

"Fine, but let's go back in the hangout room, no one will find us there.", she replied. We walked to the room, and sat down on the old, shabby furniture.

"So what's going on between you two?", I asked.

"I think I want to ask him out.", she answered.


"Tomorrow, after our morning workout."

"So, I have something I need to tell you about him, and you may not like it."

"What is it?"

"Travis hit on me."

"What? Look, don't worry, he does this every time. He flirts with every new girl in here."

"Did he flirt with you?"

"Yes, a matter of fact. Its just, no one has actually said yes to go out with him, at the time, I said no. I didn't know what I was missing out on."

"So, what is it that you see in him?"

"He has the greatest smile, and he always cheers me up when I'm down. For example, the other day I was sad that we had to run past my ex on the beach again, and he held my hand the whole time to comfort me. He's really sensitive when you get to know him."

"Wow, so you really like him?"

"Yes, I do. He's not like the others boys you know. Have you ever had that one boy that stood out from all the rest?"

"I know exactly how that feels like. Sorry Cat, I got to go. You've inspired me."

"Where are you going?"

"To make things right."

Jax's POV:

"So, Jax. Will you finally admit you like Emma? It obvious.", Lawson said.

"So, I don't even know if she likes me. How do I know she's not just using me to make Daniel jealous?", I testified.

"I know how!", Travis cheered.

"How?", I asked.

"You do a simple mind reading spell.", Travis suggested.

"Here I'll show you.", Travis said and waved his finger in the air.

"Although very trustworthy and very kind, let Jax Novoa see through Emma's mind.", Travis chanted. The spell worked. I could feel her coming towards me.

"Jax, can we talk, alone?", Emma asked.

"Sure", I replied. We walked to the barracks and sat on the bottom bed.

"What did you want to talk about?", I wondered.

"You know Daniel.", I continued.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"Well, we broke up, as you know, and I was wondering, how did you get through seeing your ex with another girl all day every day?"

"Wait, who's Daniel dating."

"Well, it's not dating, more like flirting, but there's something about her I don't trust. Anyway, what should I do?"

"Easy, imagine the best memory that pops in your he'd, and block out what's in front of you."

"Look, I'm sorry things ended the way they did."

"Emma, just so you know, I've changed. You know how hard it is not to dis Daniel right now, I mean, he broke your heart."

"I know, thank for always being here for me.", Emma thanked me. I put my jacket around her and rapped my arms around her tight. It felt nice. I hadn't felt this way in a long time. The hug was welcoming, and comforting.

"Always, its my job as your boyfri- I mean friend.", I corrected myself. Smooth Jax.

"Thanks Jax."

"Welcome. We should probably get to bed, the dance just ended. Are you sure you want the top bunk?"

"Yes! Every sense I was little I wanted the top bunk!"

"Alright, I'm going to bed. Godnight Em.", I said and magically put my pjs on.

"Goodnight.", she replied. I tried falling asleep, but i kept wondering if I should reverse the spell. It was we wrong. Before I could find out anything to personal, I reversed it and went to sleep. Wow, Emma was rubbing off on me.

Jax and Emma at Rebels Boot CampWhere stories live. Discover now