Chapter 17

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I've decided to make a Bella and the Bulldogs FanFic! I was debating on this, H2O, and Dance Moms. I decided sense Dance Moms was like a competition more then a show, and H2O is a little old it was good to do Bella and the Bulldog. Also, did you just see the storm episode, we found out that Sawyer and Pepper may actually have feelings for each other! Also, I think it's cool they're starting to get along! Lastly, thanks for being patient!

Jax's POV:

"Emma, I'm so sorry", Andi said.

"Don't feel sorry, he's not worth it", I continued.

"Jax, that's sweet but what are you going-", Emma told me but was automatically cut off.

"Lawson, you, Travis, and cat locate and set off the sprinklers, we'll see if he really can't fight the rain. Then, Andi me and you are going to open a can off but whopping on Daniel! All righty team, spread out!", I ordered and everyone scattered, except Emma as she clung onto my arm.

"Jax, it's okay! Don't hurt him!", she pleaded, as I finally unattached myself from her catching up to Andi. Then, all of a sudden sprinklers went off. Time for the real show to begin.

Travis's POV:

We were just about ready to set of the sprinklers when some young, rotten kids rained on our parade, literally.

"Stand back you three! This prank needs to be handled by the professionals, but it's nice to meet someone who respects the arts!", one of them said. All of a sudden, one of the kids turned a gear and water went everywhere, and I mean everywhere.

"If you think that's impressive, you should see me over dinner at a restaurant doll face! What's your name?", the one, who has way more swag than the other one, flirted.

"Cat and don't even think about it, she's taken.", I stated defensively.

"That can change after she meets me. The name's Hector, and let me just say you are the most beautiful godess I've ever seen!", Hector complimented.

"I'm not a godess", Cat told him.

"Exactly!", he said. Cat blushed, and I shoved her along to see how Jax and Emma were doing.

Emma's POV:

"Jax, Andi wait!", I called after them, but it was to late. Jax picked Daniel up by the collar of his shirt and Andi got into a fighting position. It all happened so quick. In the moment, the weirdest thing happened.

"Stop!", Mia yelled, and right then and there, the whole world stopped to a hualt, as Mia pounded her fists together. Diego and Maddie then stepped out of the crowd and onto the stage.

"You'''re a witch!", Maddie managed to stutter.

"I can ex-, wait, I'm not a witch!", Mia shouted defensively, as if insulted.

"Then...then.....what are you?", I asked.

"A kanay!", Diego answered for her. Diego had a large grin spread across his face, unlike the rest of us, who were dumbfounded.

Jax and Emma at Rebels Boot CampWhere stories live. Discover now