Chapter 12

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Emma's POV

"I feel so bad!", I continued. We left Cat and Travis in the blue, we kind of used them.

"Don't be. They're tuff, and Travis went to comfort Cat.", Jax said calmly.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, what is it Em?"

"Don't tell anyone, but Cat has a crush on Travis", i confessed, weirdly, he laughed.

"Why are you laughing?", I asked.

"Because, I could already tell she liked him, so I confronted her and that's why she agreed to come tonight."

"Wow, I wonder how they're doing"

Cat's POV:

"So, what are we going to tell the others?", Travis asked kindly.

"I don't know", I replied.

"Do you think we should hide our feelings and keep it a secret?"

"I don't know!"

"Well, wait, I feel like we're being watched"

Jax's POV:

"Shhh! Or they'll hear us!", I whispered not so quietly.

"Remind me why I agreed to spy on them with you!", she hissed.

"I need to know if they're together so we know how to treat them."

"Fine, lay low!", Emma called out quietly. Then, once again, we ducked behind the bushes, and the conversation got starting again.

"Anyway, I don't want our love to be forbidden", Cat continued.

"So, if its forbidden we don't have to be made fun of for being together."

"Travis, I don't think Emma and Jax will make fun if us, seeing that they kind of have feelings for each other."

"Well, why risk it?"

"Please Travis! Don't be so stubborn!"

"Ok, well lets see. What if Agememnom does something to split us appart? Hmm"

"Well, let it be heard. There is nothing here to be ashamed of! We have feelings for each other! We can't help it! In fact, I might kiss you in front of everyone to show you tomorrow, what do you think about that?!"

"I say................k, we'll be a public couple, but there is no need to announce it!", Travis compromised.

"This is the weirdest night of my life", Cat said.

"Me to, me to. So, we better head back to the barracks and get some sleep. I can't help but wonder what those two were up to.", Travis continued. With that, I transported us to the barracks before they noticed we were gone. I slept on the bottom bed and Emma slept on the top. Right after we got comfortable Cat and Travis came in.

"What did we miss?", Cat asked.

"Nothing!", me and Jax shouted at the same time.

Jax and Emma at Rebels Boot CampWhere stories live. Discover now