Chapter 19

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Hey guys! Looks like you lobe this book still! Well, looks like I decided to update one last time tonight! Also, one more special announcement........


If you would like to enter, now's your chance! Check the next chapter if you would like to enter and for the contest details!
-Alyssa OUT!

Travis's POV

"Ok, fine. I....... secretly don't have feelings for Cat.", I blurted out quickly.

"What?!", Emma yelled.

"We had a spark, at first. Then, I guess our opposites grew us apart. Don't get ne wrong, I still want to be friends, but just friends."

"Wow. I never knew a maze could do this to us."

"Me either. Just please don't tell Cat. I don't think she's going to notice sense she to busy trying to reveal you and Jax.", as soon as I said that I covered my mouth.

"What about me and Jax?", she hollered. She magically put me in a straight jacket and pushed me up against a wall.

"Emma i-"

"Tell me know!"

"Fine! Me, Cat, and Lawson were trying to price that you were a couple!"

"You know! But how?"

"With the security tape, ok! There, now you know everything." Then, Emma let go of her grip and got rid of the straight jacket.

"Wow, I guess everything's going to change.", Emma said, stunned.

Jax's POV

"Emma! Emma!", I yelled after her. I couldn't find her. Just then, I was transported back to boot camp, and there was Agememnom standing right in front of me.

"Well, glad to see you Mr. Novoa!", Agememnom joked.

"What do you want? And where are my friends?", I questioned him.

"Don't worry! I just put them where you just were so they could test their limits. Especially Emma and Travis!"

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"Never mind that Mr. Novoa. The reason your here and not there is so you can show this new delinquent around. Now off you go."

Travis's POV

"Look Emma, I'm sorry! We just want what's bet for you two!"

"I understand. Its just, I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell anybody yet."

"You should tell them. You need to be true to yourself and show them who you really are."

"How about we make a deal?"

"What kind of deal?"

"I will publicly announce Jax and I being a couple, as long as you tell Cat how you feel and break up with her."

"May I ask why you want me yo break your best friend's heart exactly?"

"I want Cat to have a true, genuine relationship. Not a force relationship. So, we have a deal?", she asked. I looked around, thought about it for minute, and nodded my head. I took her hand, and shook it. Neither of us were going to break this deal.

Jax and Emma at Rebels Boot CampWhere stories live. Discover now