Chapter 14

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Jax's POV:

"So, when are we going to tell them we're- ", I asked but was immediately interrupted by Emma.

"At the end of Rebels Boot Camp, and don't say the words!", Emma hissed.

"What? Emma that's crazy. Wait, are you still into Daniel?"

"What, no! I'm into you know who, not him!"

"Then why can't we tell anyone? What happens if a guy hits on you, or a girl hits on me?"

"Your really stressed out about this"

"You are to. You have that vain popping out your forehead."


"Sorry, I take it back, but please, can we at least tell our friends, or everyone here would be good to."

"Fine, how about..........tonight at dinner. We'll stand up on the table,and explain all that happened."

"I told you I always win in the end! W I N win!"

"Your lucky your cute. Lets go do our exercises."

Lawson's POV:

I ran full speed to the barracks and starting searching for cameras. Mid-search Cat and Travis came in.

"What are you doing?", Cat yelled, she hated it when someone searched and made a mess by her bed.

"Um, nothing!", I insisted.

"Lawson, tell us the truth.", Travis said.

"Fine,I think something happened between Emma and Jax last night that they didn't tell us, so I'm searching for security cameras to see what really happened.", I admitted.

"That is.......................awesome! Can we help?", Travis pleaded.

"It would be my honor!", I replied

"Travis! We shouldn't be going through their personal lives!", Cat scolded. Right after that, I found the camera angled towards they're beds.

"So you don't want to see what's on this tap?", Travis tempted her.

"Yes! Move over I want to see!", she caved and couldn't resist the temptation. We made a computer appear, using magic obcourse, then pluged in the camera into te computer.

"Ready to find out what's really going on between those two?", Travis asked.

"Ready!", me and Cat cheered.

Emma's POV:

"So, you delinquents are going to have a nice vacation day! Except, Emma and Mr.Novoa here!", Agememnom shouted. Everyone cheered and ran out of the room as me and Jax stood there wondering what he had in store for us next.

"So, this is how it's going to go! You will run fifteen laps around the beach, with a little twist that will come in later! And if your wondering why your the only ones running it's because you've both done something to set of my nerves. Like make clones, end the realm, sent me to limbo, etc.", he shouted. With that we were then sent to the beach, the beachside seven!

"Oh no! Now I have to face Daniel!", I complained.

"I'll be here with you, and I'll hold your hand the whole time, I am your boyfriend, it's my job.", Jax calmed me down. We started running our laps, and then the twist Agememnom was talking about happened, and it made matters worst.

Jax and Emma at Rebels Boot CampWhere stories live. Discover now