Chapter 13

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I am so sorry I haven't been writing often, I've been so busy! Enjoy this chapter, and there's more to come on the way! Thanks for waiting patiently!

Emma's POV

"Wake up!", Cat shouted shaking my shoulders to get up.

"What?", I asked aggravated and half a sleep.

"I need to talk to you. To the wreck room! We can grab breakfast early and go down ti our hangout, you know the one we showed you first thing?"


"Well lets go!", she cheered. I groaned and got up. We had an hour until everyone else woke up. We made breakfast and went down to the hangout place.

"Why did you call me here?", I questioned, still grumpy and tired.

"So we can talk! So did you and Jax get, you know, closer then ever?", she asked.

"That depends, did you and Travis get closer?"

"Fine, we did, but what about you and Jax?"

"What, psh, no."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"So, you and Travis. Are you guys having a public or secret relationship?"

"Public, we decided."

"OMG really?!"

"Yes, lets go see the guys at the breakfast table."

"K, lets go!", I cheered. We ran to the dining room and found Lawson doing a magic trick.

"P magic!", he shouted after the trick.

"How'd you do that?", Jax asked.

"Magic!", Lawson answered.

"Morning Kitty Cat!", Travis greeted.

"Kitty Cat?", Lawson said.

"Yeah, we have something to tell you guys.", Cat stated.

"What?", Lawson questioned.

"We'", Travis answered.

"Your what? What about you and Emma?", Lawson continued.

"Long story.", Travis told him.

"Wow, well, I'm happy for you.", Jax said.

"So, what happened to you and Emma?", Travis questioned Jax.

"Um, I just calmed her down and you guys showed up right after.", Jax lied.

"Ok, well Cat and I are going outside to get some fresh air, bye.", Travis said.

"Ok, bye.", I replied.

"So, Emma can I talk to you?", Jax asked.

"Sure, see you guys", I answered and walked away with Jax.

Lawson's POV

"I wonder if Jax and Emma aren't telling us the whole story.", I said suspiciously after they left.

"Doubt it. Their relationship is really concentrated.", Alexa doubted.

"Yeah, why would they lie to us?", Maria wondered.

"There story just doesn't add up.", I continued.

"Look, if your that suspicious look at the security cameras.", Maria suggested.

"Maria your a genius! See you later, thanks for your help!", I thanked them and ran off. Its just, Emma is special. I can't have anyone hurting her. She's really sweet, nice hot, wait what? I meant gorgeous, wait, I mean, I'm not falling for Emma! She's just a good friend, that's all! That's right, a friend!

Jax and Emma at Rebels Boot CampWhere stories live. Discover now