Chapter 18

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Hey guys! I am so,so, sorry I haven't updated recently. I just got a new puppy who lets just say isn't potty trained or getting along with my other dog. I promise I am going to make it up to you guys....... starting now!
- Alyssa


.Everyone found out Mia's a kanay.
. Emma and Jax are still secretly together.
.Travis and Cat are still together.
.Travis, Cat, and Lawson are trying to reveal the fact that Emma and Jax may be a couple with a security tape.

Diego's POV

"You do know you just froze all of Miami, right?", Emma said frightened by the memory of The Great Miami Time Stoppage, as Andi likes to call it. Just then, Agememnom appeared, like on cue.

"Time to go back to- Emma, did you stop time, again!", Agememnom yelled.

"Agememnom I sware! Mia's a kanay and she froze all of Miami! You have to do something!", Emma pleaded. Agememnom then walked over to Mia.

"So you're trying to blame a human for all this! She's frozen, like every other human here is!" Agememnom pointed to her. She was acting as if she was frozen!

"Agememnom! I aware I didn't do this!"

"Oh, so Jax did it!"

"No Mia did!"

"That's it, all five of you, come with me! Cat, Travis, Lawson, Jax, and Emma, back to Rebel's Boot Camp!", Agememnom hollered.

"But we didn't-" Jax started, but was cut off and transported to Boot Camp along with the rest of them.

Jax's POV

Me and Emma collapsed on the workout mats while Travis and them fell on the floor. Then, a footage tape fell out of Travis's pocket. I picked it up.

"Travis, what's this?", I questioned him.

"Um...Nothing!", Travis assured us.

"No give it back!", Cat yelled.

"You see it's not that simple. Its just that I don't trust you and- Emma head's up!", I yelled. I threw the tape over to her quickly. "Run!"

Emma started to run when all if a sudden we were transported in some maze. Then, none of us knew where each other were. We were trapped in a maze, with who knows what, and we didn't know where each other were in the maze, and if they were safe.

Emma's POV

"Jax! Travis! Cat! Lawson!", I yelled. I could hear my voice echo throughout the dark maze. Then, all of a sudden a figure bumped into me.

"Ahhhhh!!! Oh wait, its just you.", I screamed.

"Well wasn't that a nice reaction.", Travis replied affended.

"Its not that, it's just I thought you were a monster."

"So, where are the others anyway?"

"Like I know. Lets keep walking.", I said as we walked through the maze. After about five minutes, conversation started again.

"Hey, Emma, can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, why? What do you have to tell me?"

"I want to tell you a secret, but you can't tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE! Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I did anything guilty.

"Ok, here it goes. I............"

Jax and Emma at Rebels Boot CampWhere stories live. Discover now