Chapter 25

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Hey guys! So some of you have left some comments, and I would like to talk about them. Emma and Jax in this story are going to be together!!! So plz don't be mad if she kind of likes another guy! The point is is in the end, Emma and Jax's love will sky rocket, and love will prevail! Don't worry, major events and love are coming up!!! -ALYSSA OUT!!!

Landon's POV:

Well, it looks like plan A has failed, but time for plan B. I'll just have to ruin Jax's life another way, by taking his beloved Emma away. He better watch out.

Jax's POV:

"Can you believe what happened?", Emma asked as we walked down the halls.

"Yeah, I don't know how I could love anyone other than you, even if I was under a spell.", I replied. Emma blushed, than continued with the conversation.

"So, are you siked for our graduation ceremony tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just going to miss everyone."

"Don't worry, we'll all stay in touch."

"I know, it's just-", Emma said. Then all of a sudden, she collapsed on the floor.

"Agememnom! Someone get help quick!", I yelled as loud as I could, holding Emma's hand.

Ally's POV:

"What's wrong?", I asked Jax as I ran down the hallway with the rest of the gang.

"Emma and I were talking, and she just fainted!", Jax hollered.

"What's going on?", Agememnom asked after appearing.

"Emma won't wake up.", Cat answered.

"Move", Agememnom snapped as we stepped aside.

"Oh dear.", he said.

"What?", Jax asked nervous and tense.

"She has the broken heart symbol on her hand.", Agememnom told us.

"What does that mean?", Travis questioned him.

"She only can be awoken by a true loves kiss.", Justin answered, as we all just stared at Emma, lying on the ground unconscious.

Jax's POV:

"Well ago ahead Mr. Novoa, kiss her!", Agememnom commanded me.

"But what if she doesn't wake up? What if I'm not her true love?", I asked nervously.

"Look, if you don't, you'll have to live your life wondering if it is true love. Her life depends on it, you got this bro.", Andrew urged me.

"All right, h-here it goes.", I stuttered. As I started to lean in, I could smell her strawberry lip gloss. When our lips barely touched, I remembered all the things we have been through. Then, are lips touched. I felt a spark fly, and I thought to myself, clearly she could feel it to, right. I sat up, and I heard Emma take one heavy breath of air. She sat up, and looked at me.

"Jax!", she cheered, as she hung her arms around my neck.

Emma's POV:

I've learned something here today, and that is my true feelings for one guy and one guy only, Jax. I don't even know why I had doubts in the first place. Travis, will always be a close friend of mind, and I know he will find the right girl for him. That girl just isn't me.

Jax, is me true, deep love. He has showed me all the parts that make up me, and changed for me as well, I've never been so grateful. Jax Novoa, is the other half to my heart. He was the puzzle piece I was missing, and now it's found.

Jax and Emma at Rebels Boot CampWhere stories live. Discover now