(1)A not so peaceful night

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It's quiet, after a whole month of dangerous missions and violence, the Stark tower is finally peacefully quiet. I'm on my bed with a book and a glass of wine enjoying my long-awaited alone time. A pair of red velvet shorts and a matching tank top are the only things covering my body at this moment. However, I have just gotten out of the shower and my body is still comfortably warm from the soothing water. As I lay on top of the covers, I stretch my legs slightly and rub them together, enjoying the smooth feeling of my moisturized skin. I put the wine glass down on the nightstand beside the bed so I can wholeheartedly focus on the book I've been intending on reading for months.

Just as the plot is getting interesting the door to my bedroom bursts open. Standing in the doorway is the person I want to see the least, Tony Stark. I stare at him, waiting for him to tell me that something horrible has just happened and that I am needed for a mission. Tony seems calm so I quickly reconsider my first thought. Just as I'm about to ask what is going on he finally speaks.

"You are needed in the common room, be there in 15 minutes."

Before I can even utter any sort of disagreement or questioning, he quickly walks away leaving me with my mouth opened and a confused facial expression.

I don't bother putting anything on to cover my, not so modest, pajamas and it doesn't occur to me until I reach the common room just how little I'm wearing. I look around the room trying to figure out what is going on but is only met by equally confused and tired faces.

Clint, Natasha, and Wanda are sitting on a couch curled up in blankets, talking to each other in a quiet tone while continuously yawning. Thor is on the floor and leaning against the couch asleep. He is surrounded by crumbles and has a half-eaten Poptart in his lap. I giggle slightly at the sight. When I continue to scan the room, I see Loki and Bucky standing in their respective corners, both with a grumpy look on their face. Sam and Steve are sitting at the bar pouring themselves drinks while laughing at something Sam just said. Finally, my gaze sets at Tony who is speaking to Bruce with a wicked smirk on his face, though Bruce looks rather annoyed. A calming feeling spreads through my body, it can't be that serious if no one else is stressing out.


Suddenly Tony speaks to the group with a raised voice, waking Thor from his slumber.

"You are all probably wondering what you are doing here at this hour!"

The clumsy god had accidentally tipped over a glass from the table next to him and I once again let out a giggle. His cheeks turn slightly red before he starts picking up the pieces.

"Anyways, I have decided that we are going to spend this night celebrating a successful month with drinks and games."

"You just decided that for all of us?" I said while rolling my eyes.

Tony looks me up and down before answering.

"Yes, you are all going to enjoy some cocktails and participate in a game of "7 minutes in heaven"."

His statement earns him several groans and grumpy expressions. Thor is the only one looking excited. The avengers are very much aware of Tony's persuasiveness and therefore do not make any useless attempts at refusing. Yet I'm not fully on board with the concept but it only takes one look from Natasha and Wanda to convince me. They want another girl to play.

As I'm about to go over to the bar and prepare myself for the eventful evening Tony directs his tone to me once more.

"Since you were so excited about this, maybe you should start!"

Tony knows me too well and quickly shoves the hat in my face before I can complain, refuse or throw some snarky response at him. Instead, I simply sigh and place my hand in the black top hat to pick who is to join me in the cramped closet for 7 whole minutes.

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