Lustful games in Asgard - Loki x reader

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Warnings: sex, knife kink

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Warnings: sex, knife kink

This is a long one so I hope you'll enjoy it:)


The god of mischief is, as you could perhaps fathom, an unpredictable bastard. Lying and scheming is in his nature and to trust him used to be a fool's game. The skilled trickster took pleasure in betrayal and forceful domination. His purpose darkened when he arrived in Midgard, to him, humans are merely playthings at his disposal.

He is known all over as the rogue god with mischief in his eyes. His title seemed to define him to most people who didn't care enough to create a new definition. The avengers doubted him severely and to no surprise, they must be cautious. His own brother has always doubted his intentions and it didn't seem like Thor trusted him completely still. The reasons for the trust issues are easy to comprehend but why they lingered was a whole other thing. Loki is a new person and for that, I would like to take a little bit of credit at least. The issues are still there, in his subconscious, but his lust for murder and despair is no longer that apparent. Perhaps it is right underneath the surface, skillfully hidden, or he truly is immensely transformed.

I must admit that my opinion of Loki, in the beginning, was higher than it perhaps should have been. The stories had reached me, just like everyone else, but I couldn't help but want to see deeper into his mind and understand him for who he was. Growing up with a disapproving father and being isolated from the people that meant the most to him would obviously leave deep scars. Evidently, it didn't excuse the extreme behavior, but it certainly did explain it and it did leave me intrigued.

He didn't like when people tried to read him and would conceal everything with easy emotions such as anger and lust. That is why he would constantly flirt with me every time I tried getting under the surface. He knew exactly how uncomfortable it made me and adored seeing me all flustered. The way he would intentionally touch me in all the right places when passing by me or when he reached across me. Just the right words seemed to come easy to him. Smooth and intentional words that would leave my cheeks rosy. Most of the time he did it to shut me up but other times it was completely unexpected. At that point, he just liked toying with me, and he knew how to catch me off guard even though I consistently tried to approach him with confidence and authority. At times I would play along, touch his hair or his arm, and he would be surprised but also amused at the same time.

After a while, I got quite good at reading him through his deceptions and I could interpret his emotions for what they were and not for what he displayed them to be. I felt myself coming closer to his core and the more I got to know him, the more I liked him. Surprisingly enough he seemed to appreciate my efforts after some time. I was the first person to ever care for him in such ways, other than Frigga. I was even more devoted to him than Thor. I refused to give up on him despite better judgment and other's very much valid opinions.

Ultimately, I became the only person he would pay attention to, talk to and listen to. He didn't waste his time with people he didn't trust. It had come as a revelation to him as well, despite his self-proclaimed ability to be a step ahead in all situations. He let his guard down more than he would like to admit or acknowledge at all. This is what truly changed him in my eyes and why he became someone people appreciated more. Though he was still incredibly careful when opening up about anything because he knew, better than anyone else, how that could be used against him in the future. It didn't matter how many times I tried assuring him that my intentions were nothing but pure, he still invaded my mind to make sure of it. So, imagine how he felt about the other avengers.

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