Dangerous desire - Bucky x reader

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Summary: A quiet Bucky has you confused about the nature of your relationship and the fact that you shared a kiss once doesn't make it any better

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Summary: A quiet Bucky has you confused about the nature of your relationship and the fact that you shared a kiss once doesn't make it any better. Since the kiss, he has been distant but there's finally a moment of truth.

Warning: smut

Bucky seems to be a favorite and I'm not complaining because he's one of mine as well. Maybe I should just make a separate book for him alongside this one lol


"He's hard to read you know, even I can't tell what's on his mind most of the time."  

"Exactly, that's what makes this so irritating. He never tells me how he feels."  

Natasha looks at me from the cushy armchair she's sitting in and tilts her head.  

"I've told you this a thousand times; just talk to him. Then maybe I won't have to listen to your whining all the time." She gives me a smirk before she looks back down at her phone.  

"You can't fool me, Nat. I know you like to keep yourself updated on other people's business. Whether or not you would like to call that gossiping, doesn't matter." I smile at her even though she's not looking at me. Actually, I did it because she wasn't looking at me. Natasha doesn't like to admit that she enjoys indulging in such things, probably because she likes to be perceived as a very professional and respectable person. However, that just makes it even more entertaining to tease her about her childlike tendencies. She can deny it all she wants but I know she likes to hear about drama and things going on in her friends' lives.  

She doesn't reply to the comment, she just shrugs and keeps doing whatever she's doing on her phone.  

My body leans back into the couch again and I sigh loudly. Even after consulting with Natasha I'm not any closer to figuring out where I stand with Bucky. I like him a lot but I have no idea how he feels. When thinking back to the time we have spent together I always get a warm feeling in my belly. All the times we paired up together on missions. All the time we train together. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence that we often are partners on Avenger's business or if there's something, or someone behind that. Bucky works really well with Steve but still, he ends up with me. 

Bucky is a laidback guy and there's not a lot of people he likes to spend time with besides Steve. I know that he likes Sam despite saying the opposite but they still don't hang out that much. I suppose he likes to be alone; I mean so do I, still, he seems to seek me out quite often.  

He's a man of few words, instead his affection is presented in his actions and his body language even though the details are small and for some, hard to catch. When he needs someone to talk to, he usually comes to me. He comes to my room some nights to talk about the heavy stuff we don't like to look at in the light. However, he's also there for me when I need him. Even when we are not paired up on a mission he likes to tend to my wounds after. He takes his time to do it all for me, claiming that I shouldn't have to do it myself when I'm all exhausted. Sometimes he'll even cook for me, he's not the best chef but the few things he knows how to make, always taste amazing. He has a thing for Italian cuisine and there are at least 5 pasta dishes he can whip up in less than 20 minutes. Then there's the physical affection where he touches me without even thinking about it. He'll touch my arm on the rare occasion that he laughs. He'll make any excuse to wipe something of my face or place a hair strand behind my ear. When we sit next to each other, he'll lay his arm around me.

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