Under the big oak tree - Wanda x reader

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Warnings: none

This is very cute and fluffy, hope you'll like it:)


The past three months have been the three most delightful months of my life, all because of Wanda. Even though we had been thoroughly occupied for these past weeks, Wanda and I became even closer during that time. The rest of the avengers must be awfully tired of us at this point. The endless giggling, holding hands, and the lovey language would eventually be too much for anyone. In the beginning, they were adored by our relationship but not so much anymore and I don't blame them. Bucky and Sam constantly give us disgusted looks. I can't help it, I can't keep myself away from her and I don't want to.

We had our moments, but we never had a real date. We have tried planning one for a long time but have never triumphantly carried out any date plans. Something would always come in the way. Missions, planning, or training. For once I would just like to spend a day with my girlfriend without everything around us. To be alone with her and just appreciate her. I admit that having a private life and a partner wasn't easy for avengers, but I want this to work. More than anything. This past week had been especially exhausting and my body is as much in pain as my mental health. I'm pretty sure Wanda feels the same way. We have just had a meeting and as Wanda and I are about to leave Tony calls out for the both of us. He sounds serious.

"Wanda. Y/n. Stay for just a moment."

We look at each other before sitting back down at the oval table. We sigh and let our gaze focus back on Tony, once again.

Wanda is considered to be a tremendous source to the team, and she is usually utilized as such. I know she is powerful, but the way Tony is constantly taking advantage of that power is concerning to me. She needs to rest sometimes too. Whatever he is going to make her do this time, I won't let it happen.

"What is it this time, Tony? Do you need Wanda for a special task or something?" I say whilst rolling my eyes.

"Woah, y/n, why so bitter? I was just going to tell you that I made sure that you guys have the weekend off."

"Really?" Wanda exclaimed from her chair before grasping my hand.

"Yes, you are welcome. Now leave, I have some more things to discuss with Fury."

Leave was exactly what we did, hand in hand and happier than ever. Finally, some free time and the opportunity for an actual date.

When that Saturday came, Wanda and I had planned for a picnic in the nearby park. It was just 10 minutes away, so we were able to walk there without a problem. The sun was shining on us as we arrived in the park with a basket filled with food prepared the day before. We brought cupcakes, sandwiches, strawberries, grapes and a few other things. The list is ambitious, but I had insisted on making it all because I wanted everything to be perfect for her. The basket contained all her favorite foods. I'm usually not the greatest cook, but for her, I could make anything happen. The whole way there we talked about things that only mattered to us. Things that perhaps might not be important, but it was things I will remember forever. I have no idea how she makes every moment feel so special.

As we reach the park, we both look for the perfect spot. Eventually, Wanda points to a big oak tree to the right and we decide to lay out the blanket right underneath. The branches gifts us a spot in the shade that gives our eyes a rest from the sun. When the blanket is laying smooth on the green grass, we sit down next to each other with our backs facing the tree. I reach for the basket and start taking out the food I put my heart and soul into.

"I have been waiting for this for so long," I confess to her whilst handing her a strawberry.

"Me too," she replies before the berry grazes her lips. 

My gaze follows the strawberry and I forget that she even said something. Her gaze meets mine and she decides to lean in and give me a quick peck on the lips, then on the forehead. She smiles at me with that beautiful smile I will never grow tired of seeing. It is a blessing, especially on the tougher days. She has no idea how her simple actions constantly make me feel better.

She takes a cupcake and dips her finger in the pink frosting. That same finger brush against my lower lip before I open my mouth and taste the frosting.

"Delicious," I say whilst grinning bigger than ever.

She takes a bite of the cupcake and nods in agreement. Her smooth hair is playing in the wind and the slight sunshine peeking through the leaves is brightening her sparkling eyes. "You look gorgeous right now."

She blushes at the compliment and averts her gaze towards some toddlers playing 20 meters in front of us. I place my hand under her chin and lift her head so that I can see into those eyes once more. This time I kiss her, and I can taste the pink frosting on her lips and eventually on her tongue. When we part, she tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You look gorgeous as well."

Now I'm the one blushing and I don't stop doing so until she pulls out a book from the basket and tells me to lay down in her lap. I do as I'm told and lay my head in her lap as she is prompt up against the tree. Her delicate fingers glide over the cover before opening the romantic book she had chosen for the occasion. When she starts reading her hand that isn't holding the book starts playing with my hair. Her fingers are running through my hair, making me shiver and making my heart feel warm. She's reading in a quiet and soothing tone that is almost putting me to sleep.

I am so happy at this moment; this is all I ever wanted. Wanda, good food and sunny weather. Everything feels so peaceful. The slight wind tickling my cheek, Wanda's melodic voice reading to me, and the sounds of children laughing in the distance.

"If I read any more to you, you are going to fall asleep," she says while giggling.

"You might be right about that."

She leans down and kisses my lips with hers. It's so soft and loving.

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