Heated jealousy - Wanda x reader

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Summary: You and Wanda are letting off some steam in the club but when she sits back for a while and spots you dancing with someone else, it seems like steam is coming out of her ears instead

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Summary: You and Wanda are letting off some steam in the club but when she sits back for a while and spots you dancing with someone else, it seems like steam is coming out of her ears instead.

Warning: Slight smut

Would it be better if I included a summary in the beginning as I did here? I feel like people might like that, pls lmk. 


The music is loud, the bass almost making my head pound in its rhythm. The air is filled with sweat and so many different perfumes and colognes. It is cramped – the dancefloor packed with people. However, somehow the familiarity and busy environment are enticing and the perfect scene for a release.

I haven't been to the club in a while and to be honest, I had no idea how much I missed it until I got here tonight. The humane experience of losing yourself in a place where time seems to stay still is a sensation that I cherish. Until tonight I have been thoroughly busy with work and so has Wanda. She had agreed to take me somewhere to help me relax for a night and even though this was not what she expected, she granted my wish without further questions.

We got ready together and she let me do her makeup since anything that isn't a natural look isn't her forte. I even picked her dress, a tight red one that I love her in and that she has only worn once before. It was before we got together and even though she doesn't want to admit it, I'm pretty sure she wore it to impress me. Of course, that wasn't needed, ever since I saw her for the first time, I have been intrigued by her – no matter what she wore.

When it came to my clothing it was a bit more difficult since I don't own a lot of fancy clothes anymore. I can't really say that my life is very glamorous and my closet reflects just that. Yet I managed to find a black little piece that may or may not be one or two sizes too small for me. I got it on so it doesn't matter.

Wanda is not a big fan of the party scene; she prefers staying in and so do I most of the time. Although sometimes when the stress is too consuming, a little dancing is a good distraction.

As soon as we got to the club, we immediately ordered two drinks – a martini for Wanda and an old fashioned for me. Hopefully, a couple of drinks could help with Wanda's nerves, help her let loose. I drag her to the dancefloor as soon as I get the chance and she merely giggles at my eagerness.

"Aren't you excited?" she shouts over the music with an angelic grin decorating her face – more a statement than a question really. She seems amused by my enthusiasm, that's why we're here because she wants to make me happy.

As I pull her close to me, I take the opportunity to whisper an answer back to her. "You have no idea."

At first, we dance separately and freely to the music, getting familiar with the beat. Though after a while I grab her wrist and pull her into my embrace. With her back pressed against me, we move to the music in sync. My arms are wrapped around her waist and her hands are resting on top of them as if to make sure that I'll stay behind her. Even though the music is loud and there are many people around us, I can only focus on her. The way her wavy hair is tickling my face, the way her scent is still driving me crazy after encountering it every day, and the way her body curves in my grip. I didn't mean to make it overly sexual but how could it not turn me on to have her in my arms like this, her backside rubbing against me.

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