The first dance - Pietro x reader

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Summary: You have convinced Pietro to join you at Tony's charity event

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Summary: You have convinced Pietro to join you at Tony's charity event. He's as flirty as always and manages to steal a dance from you that lead to other things.

This is my first time writing a piece about Pietro and Idk why it took so long, he's an entertaining character.
(Forgot to add the summary when I posted this, sorry about that)

Anyways, this part is a pretty cute and fluffy one:)


Elegant affairs have never truly been Pietro's thing. To dress up, make polite conversation, and drink a socially acceptable amount of fancy champagne. Some aren't used to the extravagant lifestyle and the long-drawn events that come with fame and money. Being an avenger may not bring in money but it does, however, generate fame. Pietro has been encouraged by most people around him to make appearances and win the hearts of the public. So has most of the avengers, but especially Wanda and Pietro since they are fairly new to the team and have an unfortunate history with HYDRA. Although "unfortunate" might be a bit of an understatement.

Wanda has had a more positive attitude to creating a public image than Pietro. He especially does not appreciate how the public appearances he has to make are often hosted by Tony Stark, a man he spent a lot of time despising. The people at SHIELD working with PR tend to be a bit pushy about creating a good image since that allows the avengers to act more freely when having trust. Tony's parties create a controllable environment that makes it easy to put your best foot forward. If there's one thing Pietro appreciates about the parties, it's the fact that the "genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist", Tony Stark, always manages to make the parties get out of hand. Pietro likes the chaos; the world seems to move at his pace for a moment.

This time Tony has decided to host a gala for some charity Pepper has been pointing out lately. Of course, he went above and beyond to please her. I had to beg Pietro to come to this thing since he had refused. Galas tend to move a bit slower and aren't quite a party according to Pietro. Yet, I had convinced him to show. If I'm honest, I barely wanted to go myself but I haven't had an excuse to dress up in a while so I took the opportunity. I'm not the most outgoing person but Pietro brings it out of me so he's usually very helpful during these things.

I show up later than most avengers, yet Pietro, the literal speedster, isn't here yet. He promised to come through. I'm not too worried because even if he may be an arrogant bastard, he's not a liar. That's one thing I truly admire about him, he's reliable.

It's not too crowded in here and the music that's playing is doing so at a lower volume. Classy indeed. It's almost like there are no hints of Tony in it all. That's what I thought until I spotted the giant ice sculpture placed on a table next to the bar. I giggle at the sight; there it is. It's quite extravagant and to my perception it seems to be two swans facing each other, creating a heart with their necks. The mere size of it is impressive.

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