Freezing nights - Bucky x reader

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Summary: When a mission is stalled you end up stuck in a cabin in Russia together with Bucky for several days

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Summary: When a mission is stalled you end up stuck in a cabin in Russia together with Bucky for several days. Every day is freezing cold but one night, things seem to heat up between the two of you.

Warning: smut

The concept is pretty cliche but I love it lol:)


Out of all places where a mission could get delayed, it had to be Russia? In the winter? As if this particular mission hadn't been challenging enough already. Our source has been compromised and our flow of information cut off. We knew it was a great risk, which is why we jumped on the mission quickly and didn't wait for the agent to retrieve all info before we started. We needed to be quick and follow along as it progressed. Now that we don't have any idea of where we are going or who we should target, things have been put on ice. Literally. I don't think I've had feeling in my toes for like a week.

The first few days in Russia went fine and we had been able to hit a few spots with the help of our source. Things went smoothly and we were able to retrieve the technological weapons we were looking for but when there was only one place left, conveniently enough the most critical one, we lost contact with our undercover agent. We haven't received any information about her yet but I'm willing to put my money on that she was found out by the organization we are after. She had gotten pretty deep into the circle so I'm not too positive about the chance of her being alive.

Our communication with SHIELD has been a bit rocky lately. Then again, it's not decided yet what we are supposed to do so there is nothing more to do than wait. Of course, the waiting has to be in Russia because they don't want us to leave in case something happens in the case where we have to intervene.

Even if everything seems to have gone to shit, I'm glad that Bucky is with me. It's way better than being alone or with someone that constantly complains, like Clint. Bucky is very levelheaded and not necessarily positive but he would never whine over a mission. At least not to my experience.

SHIELD has displayed great generosity and provided us with a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. It's small but for some reason still not easy to heat up. I'm constantly freezing my ass off whilst Bucky is waltzing around like a walking heater. Lucky.

During the first week, we got to stay in several places when moving around and they were all not that bad. At least they had warmth. We have stayed in this cabin for only two days and I already feel like I want to blow off the mission and go home. Don't get me wrong, I'm a committed person that does not give up very easily. I'm on top of that very competitive and I just know that if I give up on this, Tony and Clint would never let me forget about it. However, I have my limits and cold just happens to be one of my few weaknesses.

I have managed to retrieve all the blankets we have here and stashed them in my room for the freezing nights. Bucky didn't mind, claimed he didn't need any. I'm not sure if he's telling the truth or just trying to be nice since he knows how much I hate it here. Nevertheless, I appreciate it.
We have just eaten dinner and I'm sitting on the couch, whirled up in a fuzzy blanket, reading through the case file for the hundredth time. For some reason, I have convinced myself that if I'm thorough enough I'll be able to solve everything on my own. It's stupid, of course. The criminal circle is tight and anyone from the outside has little to no chance of even getting a peek inside. It was a miracle that we were able to get an agent in there in the first place. SHIELD has some pretty advanced tech but this organization is on another level and that fact has angered Tony many times.
When my vision gets too blurry from my tiredness to even read the text, I put the file down on the coffee table in front of me. I sigh despite myself. I know we have to wait for directions from SHIELD but I can't help but think that there's a way for us to figure this out. There's got to be a clue we missed that will lead us to the main location.

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