(9)Sam Wilson

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I sneak a peek into the hat and when I see something pink, I pull it out immediately. To my surprise, it is a flamingo that I am holding between my thumb and index finger, a pink and glittery flamingo on a key chain. I study the pretty thing for a while before the confusion strikes, who the hell is this? My body spins around to face Tony who is completely unfaced.

"Oh, come on, you can't even guess who that is supposed to represent?"

"Um, no."

"Bird boy, Wilson, of course,"

I grin at the realization and look over to Sam who is sitting at the bar.

"Hell yeah, let's go, babe," he exclaims while running over to me.

When he reaches me, he picks me up with ease and throws me over his shoulder. He for some reason loves picking me up like this. He does not waste any time and runs towards the hallway immediately. When we arrive, he puts me down so that I do not hit my head on the way in. Then we must wait for Clint to get here so he can lock the door for us since Sam decided to be impatient and run away from him.

"You had to run?"

"I'm excited," Sam answers with the same grin that has not left his face since I picked him from the hat.

I am excited too; Sam and I have been dating for approximately a month by now and things are going great. He is the one person who always brings my mood up and probably one of the few people that can handle my baggage. Our relationship feels so natural, we started as good friends and soon enough both of us felt the spark and ran with it. He is the best thing that has happened to me in a while. Everything is easier with him and his perspective is so refreshing. Before missions, he will make sure to talk to me and make sure that I am okay. He is optimistic but also realistic, he will tell me like it is and I always appreciate his honesty.

Once the door is locked Sam grabs my waist and pulls me closer and I simply rest my arms around his neck. I look up at him with a matching smile. We have shared many moments like this one, holding each other with smiles plastered on our faces, and I will never grow tired of feeling his soft skin on mine.

"You are so beautiful right now."

I only giggle in response and feel my cheeks growing hotter. Then it gets quiet and the atmosphere changes slightly, becomes lighter. I am almost feeling dizzy, getting consumed by the moment. After a moment Sam slowly starts leaning closer to me until I can feel his breath against my face. He then starts leaving sweet kisses all over me, on both cheeks, on my forehead, on my nose, and finally on my lips. The kiss is short and pure, making me feel giddy.

"I'm gonna show you a good time, baby," he says while we are parted.

I giggle once more before leaning in to kiss him again, this time with more passion. His grip around me gets tighter and my hands find his cheeks in a sweet embrace. I can feel that his cheeks are as warm as mine. It feels reassuring to know that I make him feel the way he makes me feel. My eagerness leads me to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. He catches me with instinct and lays his hands on my butt before giving it a playful smack. I want to give him the same treatment he gave me, so I start kissing down his neck. As I trail downwards it is just sweet kisses that I leave after my lips but on the way back up I start sucking and nibbling on his soft skin.

"You are too good to me, baby," he says between breaths.

When I reach his jaw, he lets out a deep sigh that turns me on even more. I can tell that this caused something to change in him, he is suddenly rougher. I love how I can make him go from making jokes and being silly to being assertive and rough, by just touching him the right way. His grip gets tighter which pushes my core closer to him, euphoria. A moan leaves my mouth accompanied by a curse word and Sam grins at me.

"I swear I will never get tired of hearing those sounds coming out of your beautiful mouth."

He walks me over to the wall behind me and slams me against it, while his lips slam against my own. The dominance he is asserting at this moment is something that I relish, and it is shocking how submissive I become when it happens. However, I am not complaining, I like this dynamic. I come across as dominant in daily life but behind closed doors, with Sam, it is different.

Sam releases one of his hands from my behind and lays it on my waist, slightly tugging at the hem of my top. It must cross his mind that taking it off would not be the best idea, so he simply slips his hand underneath it instead in search of my left breast. His touch against me sends shivers throughout my body and forces me to let out a deep breath I have been holding for a moment. His hand kneads my breast a bit before his fingers find my nipple and pinch and twist it. During this, his lips never leave mine, his tongue keeps battling with mine to retain dominance. To increase the pleasure, I start to grind against him as much as I can in this position, earning me some lustful grunts from him.

"You know that is going to make it impossible for me to discontinue this when the door opens right?"

I know exactly what I am doing, and I do not care.

"I know."

He sends me a devilish smile before leaning in again. His lips meat my neck and start dancing across the skin until he reaches the sweet spot right underneath my jaw. He knows my body well and always seems to find that spot whenever he wants to get me more excited. My hips are still moving against him because I need the friction, I need to feel it where I need it the most.

Suddenly he pulls away to gaze into my eyes and the sight of him like this is truly mesmerizing. His eyes are dilated, his breathing is strained, and his lips are stretched into a diabolic grin.

"I like seeing you like this," I admit.

"Of course, you do, you are the one making me this way," he replies as his eyes light up a bit from the lustful darkness.

"I don't want this to end."

Just as I finish the sentence it knocks on the door and Clint opens it right after. I jump down from Sam in disappointment and start walking out the door with red cheeks and without a word. Sam follows me with audible sighs coming from his mouth that is no longer formed in a smile. He walks up next to me and grabs my wrist to stop me.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to escape this awfully boring party and I'm taking you with me."

Without another word he lifts me up bridal style and starts walking in the opposite direction, leading towards the elevator. The rest of the group sees us leaving as we had almost made it back before deciding to escape.

"Where are you two going? The party has just started!" Tony shouts after us in a whiny yet demanding tone.

I can hear Nat and Wanda telling him to let us be which allows me to focus entirely on Sam again. He had made his way to the elevator and now we are waiting for it to come down so we can retreat to his room.

"You really couldn't wait, huh?"

"Oh, don't act like you weren't waiting for me to sweep you away, I saw your slow steps on the way back."

"I'm not denying that" I reply as the corners of my mouth tug my lips into an innocent smile.

As he places a kiss on my lips the doors to the elevator open and he steps in without pulling apart for a second.

When we arrive in his room breathless, we crawl underneath the covers and stay there until I no longer can deny myself the title of a sinner.

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