Ancient love - Thor x reader

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Summary: The arranged marriage to Thor takes an unexpected turn during the engagement celebrations

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Summary: The arranged marriage to Thor takes an unexpected turn during the engagement celebrations.

Warning: Smut

Just a little fluff and smut with Thor, hope you guys like it:)


I have known for years that he would eventually be my husband – that we would get married before the great people of Asgard and rule over them for the years to come. Most people knew that. The perfect match they say and, in my heart, I agree. I have always considered Thor to be my soulmate and the only one I could ever see myself marrying. Though I'm afraid that Thor does not feel the same, he has always been very clear with his feelings for me. His sometimes exaggerated friendliness is just one way. He was always very careful not to act suggestively. His hugs were never too long, he would only compliment me like he would his brother and he usually would avoid eye contact.

Perhaps it was the gentlemanly aspect that attracted me to him in the first place but it did however get bothersome after a while. He never even gave me a chance to begin any sort of courtship. Yet, we were always expected to get married and he knew that.

The people of Asgard have been waiting for years for our union and when the time was right, Odin saw to it that planning was begun immediately. Before we knew it, a feast was arranged in our honor. This was his way of announcing the engagement in the most elaborate way possible which didn't come as a surprise since a royal wedding is a significant affair with a rare occurrence.

Frigga was the one to break the news about the celebration to us. She sought us out whilst we were sparring in the courtyard. I suspect that Odin saw Frigga's kind and serene nature to be effective when delivering a message of that sort, which is why he didn't do it himself. She came walking down the gravel path that led to the open plane and when we saw her, we both stilled. She greeted us with a smile and simply stated that it was finally happening. At that moment my heart swelled a bit but as soon as I witnessed Thor's reaction, that changed promptly. His frown was very much visible and I could see him glancing at me a couple of times as if to read my expression. He wasn't pleased and that broke my heart more than I thought it would.

I personally believe that the whole event surrounding the engagement is a bit excessive but if it pleases the king then that's is how it shall be. When the feast finally takes place, I'm even more discouraged than I was in the beginning.

I tend to avoid scenes like this one and the fact that I simply cannot escape this feast, as it is in my honor, is truly a drag. I've been sitting at the table this whole night merely drinking a bit too much ale all by myself and just staring at the people dancing. Most people don't seem to care, all this is in my honor but it isn't truly about me, more about the future of Asgard. Ironically enough Thor, my fiancé, has only spoken a couple of words to me the whole evening.

It's a shame really since the preparations have taken a whole month and every inch of the great hall has been decorated, myself included. I'm dressed in the most exquisite gown I've ever witnessed and the jewelry embellishing my neck, hands, ears, and wrists are worth more than the very throne Odin rests upon at this moment. There was so much put into this evening, yet, I'm not enjoying one bit of it.

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