(2)Natasha Romanoff

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As I let my hand roam around in the hat, I finally settle on a small piece of plastic and pull it out. It's an hourglass, that, I can clearly see but who it's supposed to represent I have no idea. Tony spots my confusion and sports his famous smirk.

"That would be Romanoff. You are a lucky one, aren't you?"

I don't reply to his comment I just simply turn my gaze to the beautiful redhead who sends a smile back at me.

"Let's go, babe," Natasha says flashing her white teeth.

I take her hand that's waiting in front of me and walk alongside her to the closet. Natasha's smile never leaves her face, but I can't help feeling stressed and anxious. She's one of my best friends and having a thing for your best friend is not very convenient. It especially didn't help when she constantly would playfully flirt with me and call me nicknames like babe, like she just did. I don't even think she is into girls, so her comments do not feel very suggestive, just friendly.

When we reach the closet Clint, who had followed us there, started to close the door but before he did someone shouted something from the room.

"Please feel free to do something widely inappropriate." said, you guessed it, Tony, before Clint closed the door completely.

When stepping into the closet, the first thing I notice is how quiet it got, almost like the closet is soundproof. Tony probably got the closet for this very purpose. I mean it's fairly spacious, a bit separated from the common area, and like I stated before; soundproof. Even though it is spacious Natasha is standing unexpectedly close to me.

Natasha notices my anxiety, probably by my blank stare or fidgeting hands, and grabs my shoulder with an apologetic smile on her face.

"Don't be nervous, it's not like we must fulfill Tony's devilish fantasies."

"I know, Nat..."

She steps a little closer to me and lets her hand fall back to her side. Her smile has faded and now her face is impossible to read, which was her standard expression as a highly trained spy. It should scare me like it did most people, but I find her so beautiful like this. More relaxed and her features are clearer, her eyes fully on display.

"I know you probably did not want to be in here with me, especially since I always make you so uncomfortable with my jokes and nicknames. I'm sorry about that, it's just that I don't know how to act around you. It was easy at first when I hadn't developed feelings for you yet."

"What kind of feelings?"

"The romantic kind, I guess."

I'm shocked, shocked that this gorgeous, confidant, and intelligent woman before me is expressing her affection for me. I can't reply, my vocal cords won't let me. I simply stare at her with my mouth slightly open. Her face is growing into a disappointed expression because of the lack of response. It didn't seem like she expected much of one, but she had hoped.

"I know you probably don't even like girls and..."

I quickly cut her off.

"Those jokes only make me nervous because I like you Nat and the idea of you liking me back is nerve-wracking. Your playful flirting has driven me crazy because I thought you were the one that didn't like girls."

Nat was now the shocked one. She had let go of her stoneface unknowingly and replaced it with a baffled expression.

However, the moment doesn't last for long as the beautiful redhead closes the already small gap between us and places her lips against mine. I wouldn't describe the kiss as sweet, it is extremely passionate and almost aggressive like she has waited for this for a long time. I know I have, seeing this marvelous woman almost every day has driven me crazy. I let go of her lips to breathe and just look into her eyes for a moment until she decides to kiss me again, this time letting her tongue find its way into my mouth. I used to be obsessed with her scent but the way she tastes is something completely different. She tastes like heaven itself, more specifically; like candy canes. Natasha grabs my hips with a firm grip as I slip my arms around her neck and play with her crimson red hair. She seems very eager as she does not let her hands stay in the same place for too long. She strokes her hands against my stomach underneath my shirt until they reach my breasts. She squeezes lightly and then grabs my hips once more to push me against the wall behind me. Her eagerness excites me too and I wrap my legs around her to get even closer to her body.

She bites my lower lip before she continues the kisses down my neck and chest, leaving marks serving as memories of this very moment. Her breath is hot against my skin and it is sending shivers down my spine. I can feel her smiling against my neck when she hears a quiet moan coming from my lips. My pleasure excites her further and she bites my shoulder hungrily before raising her face to my own.

"You need to stop moaning like that before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you to my room instead."

"I wish you would."

Just as Natasha is about to kiss me again there's a light knock on the door distracting her.

"Are you guys decent?" Clint asks on the other side of the door.

Both me and Natasha answer "yes" in unison. He then opens the door to let us out and smiles at us shyly when the light reaches us. As we leave the closet Natasha grabs my hand and gives me a smirk, not a smile, a lustful smirk. When we enter the common area once more, she pulls me closer to her and leads me to her spot on the couch. Everyone is quiet at first, shocked at the turnout but once we both sit down the comments start rolling in.

"I take it you guys took my suggestion?" Tony says grinning at us both.

"Oh, stop it Stark let them be!" Wanda exclaims from the couch.

"But you guys are together now, right?" Thor asks.

"We will see what happens," Natasha replies as she puts her hand on my thigh.

Soon enough everyone continues the game and Natasha can return her focus to me completely. Her hand reaches higher on my thigh and I gasp quickly at her touch. Immediately I look around the room to see if anyone is watching and when I've made sure that no one is, I return my gaze to a smiling Natasha. She lightly hums and cups my cheek with the other hand while leaning in. When her lips are brushing against mine, she turns her head and whispers in my ear.

"I can't wait to see where this goes."

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