(10)Loki Laufeyson

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An oval item that fits nicely in my palm is the thing that I eventually pull out. It is an emerald stone that makes my eyes widen in admiration. Green tones dance on the furniture in the room from the reflections. Caught in my wonder I completely forget about the game I am playing. However, Tony quickly interrupts my gaze when he speaks with an intent tone.   

"This is going to be interesting."  

Several confused faces turn towards Tony, who is still standing in front of everyone, including my own. Before I can ask him about the mystery person he sighs and opens his mouth.  

"That is supposed to represent Loki by the way."  

"Oh... " Is the only sound that leaves my lips.   

My gaze slowly turns towards the tall figure in the corner of the room. His slender form is positioned against the wall in a relaxed and unbothered pose. Just like everyone else in the room I wait for him to move or just say anything, but nothing happens. Not a single change in his facial expression and not a single movement of his body. His face stays in a neutral expression that would terrify anyone.   

"Brother, it seems that it is your turn to participate," says Thor from the floor. 

Loki lets out a deep sigh of annoyance and finally looks up.  

"I do not participate in silly games." 

I didn't want to play either and it feels nonsensical for a god to engage in a game like this. He never gets involved in our get-togethers and I'm surprised that he is even here at this moment. Normally he would have left at this point, probably spent his time reading in his room until someone needed him. He likes being on his own, probably because he does not see any value in mortals like me and the others. Even though he would flirt with me from time to time I know that he does not see me as an equal. He likes toying with people and I know that, everyone does.  

"Come on brother, can't you play along for once?" 

"I suppose seven minutes is not that bad if I can leave right after. " 

With that being said he strides towards me at an assertive pace. When he reaches me, he grabs the stone and hands it to Stark without a word. He then wraps his arm around my waist with a firm grip and starts leading me away from the group, towards the hallway. He looks at me from the corner of his eye for a second once we get closer to the closet. There is a hint of mischief in his eyes, but I suppose that is always there. Although that fact does not stop me from letting my mind wander to unexplored places. I cannot help but wonder if Loki is fond of me in some way, if he had finally found empathy for a mortal. No, God forbid. He is actually the god that would forbid it.  

After a silent walk that led to the closet, we get into it together in continued silence. I have never been intimidated by Loki, I can see right through him, but at this moment I am scared to even open my mouth. When Clint locks the door, the darkness clouds my vision, and I am left vulnerable in the presence of the frost giant himself. My hands reach out in disconcertment and find the green leather of his armor. The disconcertment turn into embarrassment and my hands quickly fall back to my sides. 

"Please do not restrain yourself, dear. I quite enjoy your touch." 

I try to find his eyes in the darkness and even though it is a struggle I manage to locate them. Just when I let my gaze drown in his, he takes a step closer. I know what he is doing, he loves playing these games with me. I also know that I do not want him to play with me like this, I am not a toy. Either I tell him to stop, or I play along, play into his twisted mind games. The latter seems more efficient at the moment, or perhaps that is the excuse I tell myself. Right now, it doesn't matter. 

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