a little update lol

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hi it has been more than a year since i've ended this story and I thought why not share with y'all an update about my life HAHHAA and it's 5am now so it's time for deep thoughts!!

let's just hope no one i know would stumble across this and cringe till they turn bald.

anyways, we've graduated from high school and i did pretty okay i guess hahaha and the yoonbin in this story did too!

before the results day, my friends actually got really high hopes with their crushes at that time. As in, their crushes like them too kinda thing y'know ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و i just thought this looks so adorable so just putting it here to show my reaction when i heard their cute ass stories.

anyways, so a little context here. I'm the most timid person you can find on earth hahaha or at least to my friends and so they said, " I will only confess if you confess to him. " and i went (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')

if y'all read the previous chapter you'd know that i've never spoke to him before hahaha so how can i even confess to him?

but boom, in the end i did.

i just wanna state this here cause i think it's the star of the entire confession thing that i've written. i told him in a foreign so yes i hope my teacher is extremely proud of me.

if i were to translate to english, i basically said when i realised you blocked me, i was like you mofo why did you blocked me? but it's fine since it has been long since then HHAHHA

yeah basically that HHAHAHA it's not that star quality vibes if i were to translate it but in that language it's hella cool so HAHAHHA

and then i told him not to reply me and there's a few reasons why. Firstly, I confessed to him not because i want to date or get a reply. Secondly, I told him my feelings just for my friends's love lives. Lastly, I'm not ready to date and I know that for myself so even if he feels the same way I wouldn't date.

okay and it's also because i don't want to be rejected by him HAHAHA

moving on! i confessed thinking why not since we're graduating but holy moly.

i found out we got into the same college and he's classmates with one of my good friends (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') at that moment i felt like i'm on the verge of death.

so anyways, one day in college i decided to tag along my other friends for lunch and so i did. we went to one of the cafeteria for lunch and when i was walking to get food, a figure came into my sight and he blocked my way.


yes it's who you're thinking.

basically it's him.

i went (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') i'm not even kidding when i said i looked exactly like that but thank god for the mask i'm able to cover my shook expression.

i walked passed him and i think he saw me but i wasn't exactly sure to be frank. anyways, at that moment i have to admit that my heart went crazy for a second before it calmed down and that's how i realised i might not actually like him anymore.

right after that, he left with his friends.

oh and his best friend, the hyunsuk in this story got into the same major as me and was studying in the class next to mine and now he's classmate with mt friend.

but honestly i got to thank him for making me change from stepping out of my comfort zone and actually learning basketball for him. my results even got better because of him AHHAHAA

even though i've moved on from him but i got to admit that he will always have a spot in my mind and i'm glad we've met in high school to be frank :)

okay that is all HHAHAHAHA okay bye i'm too embarrassed now let's just hope no one who knows us will read this.

even if you do please don't say a word out thank you!

29th march 2021

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