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hello there!!

it's 520 today and in Chinese, 520 means I love you. Well, yeah it's for couple and confessing and all so i'm gonna confess to all of y'all HAHHAHA the reason why i'm posting here is because it's where i feel most like myself since I post my daily things there lmao so yes

i love all of you, the one reading this a lot. You guys gave me strength and warmth, and is always there to encourage me when people i know in real life wasn't there and i really appreciate it a lot.

I'm always someone who love sending long messages on events like Christmas, New year, Valentines' day because I don't know, I just feel like appreciating people on these days is nice hahaha but bleh some of my friends probably are annoyed by it :P

Anyways, I just want to say thank you to you guys because you guys really help me a lot especially at the start of the year when I was hella sad.

I will try to write better stories in the future and will try to update more :P so yeah!

Take the chance, show appreciation to your loved ones or confess lmao cause it's 520 and in countries like China, Taiwan, etc. it's when people confess to the person they like ;)

ANYWAYS!! Happy 520!! <3


20 May 2019

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